OakStreet_FlyerHow should WE USE the City of Northampton OAK STREET PROPERTY? Walking tour and discussion of the site 5:00 PM Tuesday 5/12/2015Driveway south of 32 Oak Street Community Workshop 6:00 PM Tuesday 5/12/2015JFK Middle School, Community Room Ce wk with us to think abt the site! Sample plan created in 1992 during previous discussions Note: Plan serves solely as an example and is not a proposal In the past the following have been discussed: 1. Elementary School (no longer a viable option) 2. An affordable housing duplex (e.g., Habitat for Humanity) 3. Walking trails 4. Bike path viewshed buffer 5. BMX trails 6.A combination of #2-6 above Questions: Wayne Feiden WFeiden@NorthamptonMA.gov