MEP systems report NorthamptonBaptistChurch Prepared for: Jones-Whitsett Architects 308 Main Street Greenfield, MA 01301 HesnorEngineering Associates,PLLC 2ARiverStreet Adams,MA March21,2023 REV#1 H ESNOR E NGINEERING A SSOCIATES,PLLC I NTRODUCTION Hesnor Engineering Associates (HEA)was retained by Jones Whitsett Architects (JWA)to conduct visual observations and prepare an existing conditions reportfor the mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection(MEP/FP) systems atthe Northampton Baptist Church located Northampton,MA. The purpose of this study is to provide JWA with an assessment of the existing MEP/FPsystems and building utilities. HEA visited the site for the purpose of conducting field reconnaissance. Reconnaissance work was visual and did not resort to disassembly, testing, start-ups or performance type measurements in order to formulate theconclusions offered in this Study. Refer to Appendix A for photographs of the existing MEP/FPsystems. The building underwent significant renovations over the past 10+/-years. All of the observed MEP/FP systems and equipment that has been roughed-in appeared to be in very good condition. No obvious code related deficiencies were observed relative to the materials and equipment installed. It appears that the MEP/FP work has progressed as far as possible without wall and floor finishes being completed. F IRE P ROTECTION E XISTING C ONDITIONS westcorner of the building. Fire protection service entrance equipment (backflow, etc.) is located in the basement mechanical room. Sprinkler piping is roughed-in throughout the building, however, there are no sprinkler heads installed. P LUMBING E XISTING C ONDITIONS The existing plumbing systems include domestic hot and cold water, sanitary waste, soil and vent, and natural gas. water/fire suppression service enters the basement in the northwestcorner of the building. A3domestic water servicebranches offto supply the building. Interior domestic water pipingconsists of copper piping and isinsulatedin the basement. Interiordrainage, waste and vent (D.W.V) piping is generally cast-iron. Piping is roughed-in at fixture locations, however, no plumbing Northampton Baptist ChurchPage 1 of 3 MEP/FPNarrativeMarch 21, 2023 REV#1 H ESNOR E NGINEERING A SSOCIATES,PLLC fixtures are currently installed.A grease trap has been installed recessed in the floor adjacent to the kitchen. The elevator pit does not appear to have a code required sump pit and sump pump. Domestic hot water is provided by a 119-gallon, indirect water heaterconnected to a 500 MBH gas-fired boiler located in the second floor mechanical room.There are two separate hot water feeds; a 120°F line is provided for standard fixtures,such as sinks and lavatories, and a 140°F line is provided for kitchen fixtures. HVAC E XISTING C ONDITIONS Three (3) packaged rooftop units, equipped with direct expansion (DX) cooling coils, are installed on the roof. RTU-1 (5,000 CFM, 12-tons, 250 MBH) serves the Entry and Lounge areas on the first and second floors, RTU-2 (5,000 CFM, 12-tons, 250 MBH) serves the basement Dining Area, and RTU-3 (6,000 CFM, 20-tons, 400 MBH) servesthe Sanctuary.Ductwork from each unit is installed to the respective areas, however no supply or return grilles are currently installed. Ductwork has beeninsulated. The air distribution system includes variable air volume (VAV) boxes for each individual zone served. Exhaust is provided by a mix of roof-mounted and indoor, in-line fans. The boiler plant includes a500 MBH, gas-fired hot water boiler, in-line pumps, air separator and expansion tanklocated on the second floor. Piping mains are copper and connect to several hot water manifolds. The piping downstream of the manifolds consists of PEX tubing that is intended to supply fin tube radiation and cabinet/unit heaters (not currently installed)on the various floors. The make-up air unit, exhaust fan and hood have not been installed in the kitchen. It is not known if the current building owner has this equipment stored off-site. E LECTRICAL E XISTING C ONDITIONS The building receivespower from an underground electric service lateral, originating at a pad-mount transformer located at the northeast corner of the building. A single utility meter is located at the transformer. An800-amp, 120/208V, 3-phase 120/208V, 3-in the basement electrical room. A 225-amp, Northampton Baptist ChurchPage 2 of 3 MEP/FPNarrativeMarch 21, 2023 REV#1 H ESNOR E NGINEERING A SSOCIATES,PLLC 120/208V, 3-Several other panels are located throughout the building. The building is currently powered by the presumed original electric service as the new 800-amp service has not been energized. Back boxes for power outlets with wiring (MC cable) back to panelboards are installed throughout the building. The building is not equipped with permanent lighting fixtures or controls (illumination is currently provided by temporary lighting); however, back boxes and wiring for lightingand controlsare roughed-in throughout the building. The building is not equipped with illuminated exit signage or emergency lighting, but again, the associated infrastructure appears to be roughed-in. The existing fire alarm control panel (FACP) isa Notifier NFW-50 addressable type panel located in the basementelectrical room.Back boxes and wiring for fire alarm devices are roughed-in throughout the building, but no devices are currently installed. C ONCLUSION It appears that the MEP installation is roughly 75% complete. The MEP infrastructure installation appears to be of good quality and workmanship. It was revealed to HEA in March 2023 that Eversource has indicated to theCity that they will not provide natural gas to the building. Thisis a major concern as the HVAC equipment (both rooftop units and boiler plant) relies on natural gas for heating. Domestic hot water is also provided from the boiler plant. Converting the building toa different type of HVAC system, such as air-source heat pumps, would minimize the amount of existing HVAC infrastructure that could be reused. *** Northampton Baptist ChurchPage 3 of 3 MEP/FPNarrativeMarch 21, 2023 REV#1 Appendix A NBJO!EJTUSJCVUJPO 336B!QBOFMCPBSE QBOFM!)NEQ* CBTFNFOU GJSF!BMBSN DPOUSPM!QBOFM E/X/W/!A LJUDIFO CBTFNFOU QBOFMCPBSE LJUDIFO CBTFNFOU!E/X/W/ HSFBTF!USBQ SPVHI.JO CBTFNFOU!E/X/W/ CBTFNFOU!E/X/W/ SPVHI.JO SPVHI.JO CBTFNFOU!TVNQ QJU TQSJOLMFS SPVHI.JO CBTFNFOU FMFWBUPS QBOFMCPBSET CBTFNFOU EVDUXPSL CBTFNFOU MJHIUJOH DPOUSPMT LJUDIFO!QMVNCJOH CBTFNFOU SPVHI.JO CBTFNFOU EVDUXPSL!SPVHI.JO QFY!UVCJOH TFDPOE!GMPPS FYIBVTU!GBOT PSJHJOBM!311B FMFDUSJD!TFSWJDF TFDPOE!GMPPS TFDPOE!GMPPS FMFDUSJDBM QBOFMCPBSE SPVHI.JO TFDPOE!GMPPS TFDPOE!GMPPS WBW EVDUXPSL TFDPOE!GMPPS WBW TFDPOE!GMPPS NFDIBOJDBM!SPPN IZESPOJD!NBOJGPME TFDPOE!GMPPS!!NFDIBOJDBM TFDPOE!GMPPS!NFDIBOJDBM SPPN!EPNFTUJD!IPU!XBUFS SPPN!IFBUJOH!QMBOU TZTUFN TFDPOE!GMPPS!!NFDIBOJDBM SPPN!EPNFTUJD!IPU!XBUFS SFDJSDVMBUJPO!!TZTUFN TFDPOE!GMPPS!!NFDIBOJDBM SPPN!JOEJSFDU!XBUFS!IFBUFS BUUJD!EVDUXPSL TFDPOE!GMPPS NFDIBOJDBM!SPPN IZESPOJD!NBOJGPME EBUB!DBCMJOH BUUJD!EVDUXPSL USBOTGPSNFS OBUVSBM!HBT TFSWJDF FMFDUSJD!TFSWJDF FOUSBODF!FRVJQNFOU USBOTGPSNFS