Northapton_RRP Rubric for Proposed Project_Parking ManagementRRP Rubric for Proposed Project* Last Updated 6/8/2021 WHEN USING FOR SME APPLICATIONS, PLEASE FILL OUT TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY Project Title Re-examine parking management strategies to increase vacancy rates for on-street parking Origin City of Northampton Business community (via survey; n=82) Location/Census Tract Downtown Northampton (see map attached) Budget & Sources of Funding Low (Less than $50k) Timeframe Short (Less than 5 years) Risks High Political will Tension among business community(especially retail vs eating and drinking) Key Performance Indicators # of businesses and organizations participating in discussion Progress on implementation of recommendations suggested in 2015 parking study Increase Main St parking vacancy rate Partners & Resources City of Northampton Downtown Northampton Association Greater Northampton Chamber of Commerce “Picture Main Street” consultants Diagnostic/ COVID-19 Impacts A 2015 Parking Study (p.45) outlines a series of recommendations to help improve the downtown, the majority of which have not yet been implemented. There are currently 2,096 publicly available parking spaces in the downtown area of focus – 828 are on-street and 1,268 are off-street. A 2017 Walk Bike Northampton Master Plan outlines opportunities to encourage more trips by walking and biking within a 15 minute threshold, reducing the reliance of parking for local residents when shopping downtown. The downtown also benefits greatly from walkable access to an Amtrak Station and the Mass Central and New Haven and Northampton Rail Trails A survey of 82 local businesses in the spring of 2021 revealed that 60% of businesses identified changes in parking availability, management or policy as important or very important. The same survey revealed that parking regulations are the biggest obstacle to business operations (33% of respondents) Improved wayfinding to municipally-owned lots, most within a block of downtown, and, on weekends and evenings, to Smith College parking garage located near downtown, can help to reduce the demand for on-street parking Change in parking fees can increase revenue to help support initiatives (e.g. planters, lights, and art) in Downtown Northampton to attract more visitors Action Item Ensure a diversity of perspectives when conducting engagement among businesses and community stakeholders Produce a report of determined recommendations to implement Process Planning/Design/Engagement Identify recommendations in 2015 parking study which are still applicable, organizing them into categories of risk, timeline and budget Determine impact of wayfinding from parking lots to downtown Review best practices for parking management Development/Fundraising Identify consulting team to assist with re-examination of parking management strategies. Ideal consultant will have experience in conflict resolution and negotiation. Identify budget and duration of process Implementation/Programming Consultant to lead a determined set of guided discussions parking management recommendations, including a focus on rates, opportunities for turnover and opportunities for Improving wayfinding from lots to downtown Monitoring/Evaluation Track duration of time and obstacles overcome to implement each identified recommendation