GRANT AWARD-Local Rapid Recovery letter-City of Northampton 100 Cambridge Street, Suite 300 www.mass.gov/dhcd Boston, Massachusetts 02114 617.573.1100 February 1, 2021 Honorable David Narkewicz Mayor City of Northampton 210 Main St. Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Mayor Narkewicz: On behalf of Governor Charles D. Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn E. Polito, I am pleased to inform you that the City of Northampton will receive technical assistance from the Massachusetts Downtown Initiative’s (MDI) Local Rapid Recovery Planning program. We recognize that the impacts of the COVID-19 health emergency have dramatically affected local businesses. Your efforts to explore solutions and projects to help revitalize businesses in your community are an effective way to plan for economic recovery. Congratulations and thank you for this effort. The timing for the Rapid Recovery planning under the MDI program has shifted to allow the planning to extend beyond June 30, 2021. We expect the process will take place over an approximate 5-month period starting in late February. You will be matched with a consultant or regional planning agency that will facilitate the plan. You may also get one-on-one support from specific subject matter experts depending on the needs of your community. In addition to the one-on-one technical assistance you will receive, there will be a series of webinars to introduce you to the Rapid Recovery Planning process. If you have any questions concerning this designation, please contact Emmy Hahn, MDI Coordinator at Elizabeth.hahn@mass.gov. Once again, I congratulate you on Northampton’s successful application for the Local Rapid Recovery Planning program to address the impacts of COVID-19 on your business community. Sincerely, Jennifer D. Maddox Undersecretary, DHCD Commonwealth of Massachusetts DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Charles D. Baker, Governor  Karyn E. Polito, Lieutenant Governor  Jennifer D. Maddox, Undersecretary