EST_Channel Marker Replacement 2022 end of season.pdfESTIMATE# DATE TO PO#101-20 Planning and Sustainability Dept. 210 Main St Northampton, MA 01060 QUAN UNIT PRICE LINE TOTAL 1.00 585.00$ 585.00$ 1.00 585.00$ 585.00$ 1.00 585.00$ 585.00$ 1.00 585.00$ 585.00$ 1.00 625.00$ 625.00$ 1.00 625.00$ 625.00$ 1.00 625.00$ 625.00$ 1.00 625.00$ 625.00$ TOTAL 4,840.00$ No Wake "Q" Estimate to replace ATONs damaged or missing during 2022 season as indicated on 2022 end of season condition report. Description *Pricing for 2020-2022 contract rate DESCRIPTION No Wake "V" No Wake "L" No Wake "I" Red "Nun 10" (add red light for 2023) Red "Nun 6" (add red light for 2023) Red "Nun 02" Red "Nun 8" (add red light for 2023) City of Northampton Attn: Carolyn Misch bill@pvmarine.net 11102022 November 10, 2022 PO Box 4691 CUSTOMER ID(413) 519-1091 Chicopee MA 01014 ESTIMATEPioneerValley Marine Services, LLC Please make checks payable to "Pioneer Valley Marine Services, LLC" Thank you for your business!