Fair and equitable Cutlery fencing Oct 12 2022.pdf Richard Hudson and Joyce Vann 393 Riverside Drive Florence, MA 01062 October 12, 2022 Sarah LaValley Northampton Conservation Commission 210 Main Street, Room 11 Northampton, MA 01060 Subject: Response to Notice of Intent Project:\6303\Noho Cutlery\Northampton concerning a fair and equitable approach to fencing Dear Sarah LaValley, My wife and I are abutters to the Cutlery raceway which contains hazardous wastes and the value of our property and our enjoyment has been adversely affected by the chain link fence constructed between ourselves and our view of the Mill River. We wish to appeal to the Northampton Planning and Sustainability department to include an upgrade on the temporary chain link fence along Riverside Drive. To support this request I will use the Cutlery Building Associates own words. “On the issue of the chain link fence, Cutlery Building Associates would greatly prefer to install a four-foot-high fence along the edge of the parking lot immediately behind the buildings, including behind the old firehouse, with “No Trespassing/ Restricted Area” signs. This would be in place of the five-foot fence outlined in the IRA Plan. They believe a higher fence will be unattractive and very adversely impact their property value , and is unnecessary as a means of restricting access by the public. They believe a four-foot fence behind the buildings will be effective to deter people from climbing over the fence due to the proximity and active use of the buildings. A five-foot high chain link fence will still be installed along Riverside Drive as originally planned as this area is more accessible to the public. Primarily this is an issue of aesthetic impact of a five-foot fence, and the ability to rent space within the Cutlery Building. The fence will be very close to the buildings and the five-foot height will have a much more negative impact on the buildings than a four-foot height without any real additional protection of the public . They want to make this minor change to the IRA plans, along the parking lot only, but need assurance from the Department that such a fence will be accepted when this RTN/RAO-P is audited in the future. We would appreciate the Department’s written response to this request. “ [emphasis mine] The Department agreed and permitted the Cutlery to place upgraded fencing around its property. This brings myself, the Cutlery Building Associates, and the Department into agreement that the industrial style chain link fencing is “ unattractive and very adversely impacts property value ” I would hope that given the above sentiment of the Cutlery Building Associates and affirmed by the Department that the NOI would be changed to specify a uniform fencing solution that respects not only the Cutlery Building Associates property values but property value of the abbutters as well. If the fencing can not be removed I ask that the Department issue a condition that the fencing be replaced by the black vinyl coated fencing similar if not identical to the fence found behind the Cutlery Building. This would include black top bars as one finds near the Cutlery Building. I prefer the fence be removed for environmental and wildlife concerns. This letter is a simple appeal that the Department considers the fence found appropriate for the Cutlery Building property is also appropriate for the fence across from my property. It seems the only fair and equitable position for the Department to take. Sincerely, Richard Hudson and Joyce Vann 393 Riverside Drive Florence MA. 01062 CC: Wayne Feiden, FAICP Director Planning & Sustainability Alex Jarrett, Ward 5 City Councilor Alan Verson, Cutlery Building Associates Joshua Surette, Senior Scientist Epsilon Associates Gary Hartwell, Abutter Gaby Immerman, Mill River Greenway Initiative John Sinton, Mill River Greenway Initiative