CPC Eligibility Determination Form.pdfForms City of Northampton Community Preservation Plan | Rev. Jan 2022 50 Community Preservation Eligibility Determination Form The purpose of this form is to make sure that all project applications applying for Community Preservation Act funding are eligible for funding. Please refer to Appendix- E in the Community Preservation Plan when filling out this form. This form must be approved in order for an application to be accepted. Project Title: Project Sponsor/Organization: Contact Name: Property Owner and Address, if applicable: Mailing Address: Daytime phone #: Fax #: E-mail address & Website: CPA Program Area (check those that apply):  Open Space  Historic Preservation  Community Housing  Recreation Project Purpose (check those that apply):  Acquisition  Creation  Preservation  Support  Rehabilitation/Restoration Project Summary: Please provide a brief description of the project. For CPC Use Eligible: _____ Not Eligible: _____ Date: _________ Reviewer: _______________________________________________ Small Multi-Family Affordable Housing Preservation Using a Community Investment Fund Danielle McKahn Danielle McKahn 32 Perkins Ave, Northampton, MA 01060 413-320-7208 danimckahn@gmail.com X X X X This grant will seed a Community Investment Fund that will purchase and then sell a two-family home to an income-qualified tenant (80% AMI). Down payment assistance funds will accrue from a portion of rent payments, and other raised funds. Critical repairs and upgrades (e.g. lead remediation) will be completed, and property management training will be provided. Upon sale, the initial funds will be returned to the Community Investment Fund to continue to support new property purchases and transfers to low-income residents seeking home ownership.