2021 Housing Partnership Minutes Housing Partnership 5:30 PM, Monday January 4th, 2021 Zoom Meeting Members Rev. Todd Weir, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒ Hannah Schaffer ☒ Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Carmen Junno ☒ Vacant Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☒ Vacant Julio Alves ☒ Jim Reis ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒ 1. Introductions & public comment: No public comments were received. 2. December 7, 2020 Minutes: The Partnership approved unanimously upon motion by Carmen Junno and second by Jim Reis. Passed unanimously by a roll call vote. 3. Ace Tayloe and Hannah Schaffer were recognized as being official members of the Housing Partnership. 4. Todd Weir introduced the Partnership to Grace McCabe from the Central Valley Tenants Union and opened the floor for discussion. Grace McCabe said that the union is a collective was formed in April 2020 during COVID-19 pandemic was picking up. Members are generally Hampshire and some Franklin County residents. Tenants supporting tenants, important for time that we are in. They are not affiliated with other non-profits and are working on eviction defense. People are still receiving notices to quit, even though there is the eviction moratorium. Some people do not have ready access to legal support and knowledge of their rights. 5. Julio Alves asked about the formation of the union, did it come out of pandemic related issues? Grace McCabe was not present at those meetings at the Pioneer Valley Workers Center, but she got involved when her building was purchased. Carmen Junno asked if the union is primarily a clearing house for information? Yes information but also helping people organize tenants. Gordon Shaw asked how they do their outreach or education? Can Community Legal Aid help out in any way. Grace McCabe said they do use social media, flyers (but tricky due to COVID), canvassing (effective despite conditions). They are trying to make it easy to be in contact with the union. They post on social media to people who are posting about their housing situations. They have had a few pro-bono lawyers. 6. Gordon Shaw recommended “Springfield No One Leaves” as an organization to check out. Jim Reis recommended that the union’s website put out more information on RAFT/ERMA or have Keith Benoit send out information with his email updates. Ace Tayloe said that they saw the union post on Facebook and commended the union for that, affective for their generation. Hannah Schaffer asked how people get involved? Grace McCabe said they have very open meetings and some specific groups. Sara Howard asked if they are pursuing specific ordinances. They are not, but that they have had conversations with a City councilor about certain ordinances to investigate. They are for the Northampton area, so they are not too focused on the City itself. Todd Weir commended the Central Valley Tenants Union for their work and encouraged them to stay in touch with the Housing Partnership. 7. Todd Weir opened the conversation about the Housing Navigator as recommended by the “Unlocking Opportunity: An Assessment of Barriers to Fair Housing in Northampton”. Jim Reis said that the focus groups of the social service agencies said that all the information is fragmented, and information is scattered. With the Resiliency Hub, it would need a full-time staff (case manager) to know and handle all the disparate information, assistance, or connections. The case manager cannot be someone who is overworked or has another job. The position needs to be funded and knowledgeable about this. Todd Weir asked about the proposal and the writing of the grant. Keith Benoit gave an update on the process for the Resiliency Hub and will keep the partnership updated. Gordon Shaw said that it not just about getting housing, but income maximization, CORI records, or spotty tenancies. 8. Todd Weir said that the Housing Navigator need a job description and asked if anyone in the partnership wanted to draft that up. Ace Tayloe said that maybe the position is someone who coordinates volunteers. It is too much work for one person. Gordon Shaw said that there is a lot of information out there, the private marketplace seems to regulate itself. It is tough work and can deal with the legal challenges when housing is challenged. Jim Reis agreed that there needs to follow through. If there is a high case load, then you are only doing one-on-one case management. At Way Finders, they were able to have one person dedicated to housing information, so that case managers can focus on case management. Carmen Junno asked if it is the partnership’s job to create a job description? Julio Alves asked if anyone knows where all the affordable housing is. A list somewhere? Gordon Shaw said the Chapter 40B list would have the list and that the City just needs to be made public. Keith Benoit has that list and can send it out. 9. Sara Howard said that when she did case management that it was difficult to keep track of all the information. She sees the value in having on person like a housing navigator that knows everything. Todd Weir asked who is going to drive this (creating job description) and what our next steps. There are several people who are interested. Jim Reis will lead the subcommittee. Jim Reis gave some clarification on site plan review. 10. Gordon Shaw mentioned that we are still waiting on response back from Mayor and the Housing Authority. 11. Next meeting: Ace Tayloe asked about the removing broker fees for next meeting. Todd Weir asked if sending a follow up email (from Todd Weir) made sense to mayor and commended their work from the Mayor’s Office in getting shelter open. Jim Reis said that March maybe a better month, so the partnership can get thoughts together. Ace Tayloe said that this proposal has already been pushed back before and that they want to definitely see it on the March calendar. Julio Alves said that the Mayor may not agree, so getting all the preparation involved in the meeting would be best. Todd Weir said that we may only get the mayor at a meeting only once every 12-18 months. 12. Hannah Schaffer asked what it looks like to write a letter to the newspaper. Sara Howard said that the City council is the one that will pass the ordinance and that all the research has been done for this. Richard Abuza said that he would like to be as prepared as possible. 13. The Housing Partnership adjourned unanimously at 7:00 from a motion by Ace Tayloe and seconded by Carmen Junno. Housing Partnership Housing Education Navigator Subcommittee Report 4:30 PM, Tuesday, January 12, 2021 Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this was Zoom virtual meeting: https://zoom.us/j/91853851254?pwd=UkZKVXpnL3g0T2ViUGQxZmxjNmpJZz09 Meeting ID: 918 5385 1254;Passcode: 434361;One tap mobile: +13017158592,,91853851254# US (Washington D.C) In Attendance: Gordon Shaw, Jim Reis, Sara Howard, Julio Alves, Edgar Cancel 1. Called to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. First meeting, no minutes. 3. Public comment – no one joined the meeting 4. Discussed how the Northampton Housing Partnership could potentially support and advocate for the creation of a Housing Education Navigator staff position at Northampton’s Resilience Hub when it is established. The following information was reviewed and discussed: 5. Adjourned at 5:20 p.m. Housing Education Navigator Background In completing the “Unlocking Opportunity – An Assessment of Barriers to Fair Housing in Northampton” report, the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) conducted a number of focus groups, many stakeholder interviews, conducted a fair housing survey, and held a public forum. This included meeting with a number of frontline case managers and their supervisors from social service and other community organization whose job it was to help their clients find affordable housing. Based on the feedback they got from this group, as well as from the community survey PVPC identified a major barrier – “Difficulty of Navigating the Affordable Housing System” – pages 33-34 of the report. A quote from the report – “The process of finding and applying for affordable housing is incredibly complicated”. There are many, many different federal, state, city, and non-profit subsidies, vouchers, subsidized apartments, emergency funds, and other housing related services each with different eligibility and documentation requirements, and application forms. On top of that there are many changes in these subsidies and services each year, and there isn’t any one directory or place that people can access to learn about these housing subsidies, or easily find vacancies. Additionally many of the people needing affordable housing have other barriers including poor (evictions) or no rental history, bad credit, low income, criminal history, mental illness, drug use, and/or poor financial skills. The many social service and mental health case managers who work in Northampton to rehouse people who are homeless and/or suffer from mental illness and/or drug addiction and/or low income have high caseloads and are not able to create a comprehensive and updated data base of housing subsidies or supports, legal resources, or educational materials to overcome housing barriers (i.e. eviction history, poor credit, criminal and/or drug and/or mental illness history, low income, etc.). Additionally as a community Northampton has a substantial homeless and low income population with a very limited number of lower rent apartments or affordable houses to buy such that it is difficult for many people who live or work here to move to or stay in the city. At this time in Massachusetts there isn’t a central place or state of local agency responsible to compile this comprehensive listing of needed re-housing information, and educate and train local staff or recruited volunteers. To address this critical need we propose the following position be employed and based in the “Community Resilience Hub” which Northampton is currently trying to establish as a recommendation from the Panhandling Report – see below. It would be funded by CPA or other grants or foundation funds identified by the city and/or its lead agency – Community Action Pioneer Valley. Housing Education Navigator Position Summary The Housing Education Navigator would be based in Northampton’s Community Resilience Hub when it is established to provide housing related duties and functions. These include: (1) creating a comprehensive written and on-line listing of federal, state, city, and non-profit housing subsidies, vouchers, subsidized apartments, emergency funds, and other housing related services; (2) creating a comprehensive listing of available legal assistance resources; (3) compiling educational materials relating to overcoming other housing barriers such as an eviction history, poor credit, criminal and/or drug and/or mental illness history, etc.; (4) provide outreach, consultation, and training to area social service and mental health agencies, Hub staff, and volunteers, and others needing housing on the above listed information; (5) establish relationships with area sympathetic landlords; and (6) carry a very small caseload of people needing housing. This Navigator will be a higher paid specialist than your typical case manager, and have only a limited direct service responsibility to clients in order to have sufficient time to carry out the above listed duties. Community Resilience Hub From the city’s website: “Northampton is working to create a Community Resilience Hub to support Northampton residents who face chronic and acute stress due to natural and human-caused disasters, climate change, and social and economic challenges. We seek to serve: • Frontline and Climate Vulnerable Populations: (e.g., homeless, Single Room Occupancy residents, those living in poverty, and those facing other chronic stress). • All residents.” We believe that in addition to this being a “place” where the homeless or other displaced people could stay, shower, store items, access services, etc. – its primary focus should be to re-house these people. To do that though it will require more than hiring re-housing case managers who quickly get overwhelmed by the numbers on their caseloads. It will require a higher paid specialist who has the time to be responsible to carry out all the duties listed above – a Housing Education Navigator. The subcommittee also discussed the possibility of exploring a partnership with other Hampshire towns (i.e. Amherst, Easthampton, etc.) to create and fund this position. Subcommittee Recommendations: • Discuss the information above with the full Housing Partnership at the February meeting. • If the Partnership agrees to the idea of establishing a Housing Educator Navigator, recommend and discuss with the Mayor when he attends our meeting. • If requested by the city or Community Action Pioneer Valley, provide needed CPA and/or grant writing assistance and advocacy for funding this position. Housing Partnership 5:30 PM, Monday, Feb. 1, 2021 Zoom Meeting Members Rev. Todd Weir, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☐ Ace Tayloe ☒ Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Carmen Junno ☒ Sara Howard ☒ Richard Abuza ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒ Julio Alves ☒ Jim Reis ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒ 1. Introductions and public comment. No public comments. Ace Tayloe mentioned that there was a fire at a homeless encampment the other day, where some people lost the house they were living in. Ace Tayloe wanted the NHP to think about them when we make decisions today. 2. The Partnership approved unanimously upon motion by Richard Abuza and second by Jim Reis the Jan. 4th 2021 Minutes. 3. Keith Benoit gave an update on the PV Habitat homes on Burts Pit Rd. Richard Abuza liked that they were smaller units. Jim Reis wanted representative from PV Habitat to the meetings in the future, as is normally custom. There are some questions that he has some questions. 4. Writing a letter of support to the CPC for PV Habitat Broughton’s Meadow project moved by Jim Reis, seconded by Richard Abuza - passed unanimously by a roll call vote. 5. Jim Reis gave an update on the Landlord seminar communication with the Mayor. Keith Benoit agreed to follow up with the Mayor, to discuss Landlord Seminar. 6. Jim Reis started discussion on the Housing Navigator job description and subcommittee report. Do you agree with what we reported on? Todd Weir welcomed the new guests and caught them up on what we are discussing e.g., details on the housing report and recommendations from it. Ace Tayloe asked what consideration was given regarding the workload of this job description. Carmen Julio reminded us that the affordable housing in Northampton is very fragmented, and that it takes a navigator, someone who knows housing and can help people find housing. Gordon Shaw said that there is a no central place for housing and getting people for the move vulnerable. Having it at the resiliency hub would target homeless, but that it could be more targeted to other groups too. Todd Weir said that the person would have to have knowledge in other areas as well, but that whoever ends up running the resiliency hub would end up changing the job description somewhat. Sara Howard was also concerned that the caseload that housing navigator took on, could be voluntary/as needed. A member of the public asked for an update on the resiliency hub. Keith Benoit gave an update on a possible when and where it could close and Todd Weir gave more details on the programming - fundraising opportunities/partners for the hub. Jim Reis said he would like to see our recommendations to the City/Community Action as soon as possible. Martin Wohl asked for an update on what the planning process was for the resiliency hub. 7. Ace Tayloe asked to remove #6: Carry case load. Open to rephrase to make it not mandatory or make it a very small caseload. Carmen Junno asked for clarification that we are only making a recommendation for the housing navigator. Gordon Shaw just acknowledged that we are only making recommendation but staffing/ money would need to come from somewhere. Money is tight right now. 8. Richard Abuza motion to recognize the barriers to housing is complex and that it needs a dedicated Housing Navigator as amended and sent to the persons planning the resiliency hub, seconded by Jim Reis. It was passed unanimously by a roll call vote. 9. Meeting with the Mayor discussion for next month. Todd Weir said that the City solicitor had looked at it and it would not fit into their City charter or have legal standing. This limits what the NHP was proposing. Carmen Junno gave an update to public attendees on the cost of getting into rental housing is very high. Ace Tayloe said that NYC and Boston do not have brokers fees charged to tenants, but they are very hot housing markets. Gordon Shaw would like to know what argument that the City solicitor used to say banning rental fees was not for Northampton. Hannah Shaffer also said she would like to hear the solicitor’s argument. She also wondered if the consumer protection is the route to go, what does rental agencies do to vet the landlords? Todd Weir reminded us that we recommended the fair housing report and we are following up with the report. He said we should prepare ahead of the meeting, do we want the solicitor to join us? Ace Tayloe had said that they asked landlords about the service and RentNOHO does a lot of hard lifting for the landlord. Makes it easy. Sarah Howard asked if it makes sense to reach out to someone at the state level for resources, Richard Abuza wanted reasoning in advance of meeting from City solicitor. Jim Reis said the Mayor should get all the information ahead of time so we can have good discussion. 10. Reiterated that we are just following up on recommendations from the Fair Housing report. Ace Tayloe summarized the recommendations that the subcommittee had made. Todd Weir had said that creating the matchmaking service should be kept in the NHP back pocket so that if the other recommendations fails we still have that. 11. Keith Benoit gave updates on zoning and affordability ordinances advancing, the Housing Choice grant, and the City taking ownership of the two parcels at the State Hospital. Jim Reis asked if we could get updated regarding Way Finders support services. The Youth Commission asked if there is anything that they could do to help the City make affordable housing more a thing. Carmen Junno thought it was great that high schoolers are getting involved. Jim Reis said that contacting PV Habitat directly would be beneficial. Todd Weir said that sitting on a board or fundraising are two ways to get involved. 12. The Housing Partnership adjourned unanimously at 7:01 from a motion by Richard Abuza and seconded by Jim Reis. Northampton Housing Partnership 5:30 PM, Monday March 1st, 2021 Zoom Meeting Members Rev. Todd Weir, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☐ Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Carmen Junno ☐ Vacant Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☒ Vacant Julio Alves ☐ Jim Reis ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒ 1. Introductions & public comment. No public comment. 2. The Partnership approved Feb. 1 2021 minutes unanimously upon motion by Jim Reis and second Gordon Shaw. 3. The Partnership approved Housing Navigator Subcommittee Jan 2021 minutes. 4. Conversation with Mayor David J. Narkewicz: Jim Reis gave an update on the housing navigator position. A major problem that came out of that was the complexity of searching for housing. The hope is that a funding would be made available. Mayor Narkewicz said he agrees with the assessment, but that the conversation with Community Action over the resiliency hub is ongoing. It is an important idea and having wrap around services would benefit. The number of funding available grants is out there. 5. Martin Wohl asked if there was a selection criteria or budget for an actual site. Still in conversation, a $2 million acquisition is not unreasonable. Community Action has not voted on this yet, still in conversation, looking at working with other agencies. Todd Weir said that the Partnership wanted to be a positive role in this and follow through the fair housing assessment. 6. The Small Area FMR was discussed, it is a barrier to people from other communities, low-income people to move to Northampton. The Partnership read from the letter from Northampton Housing Authority where they discussed using a different formula for Northampton only. Mayor Narkewicz asked whether the local preference and Small Area FMR are tied together. Gordon Shaw said that it seems like they are open to discussing it further. Ace Tayloe said regarding local preference, that because Northampton is primarily white, giving a local preference to those who already live in Northampton could be discriminatory based on race. Martin Wohl asked if anyone knew about the difference between Section 8 and the market rate housing. Ace Tayloe said that the $800 is the low end of what they saw for rental units available. Martin Wohl asked if private money could be added to Section 8 money. Gordon Shaw said that you cannot and that some landlords make a deal where they charge on top of what 7. Rental barriers, how can the Housing Partnership help? Mayor Narkewicz said that in his conversation with Alan Seewald was helpful for addressing rental agencies. The MA. Constitution would require a state law or Northampton home rule petition, which the former being outside the City’s jurisdiction. Home rule goes to the legislature at any time. If the Partnership wanted to pursue this, then they would need to send it to City Council. Ace Tayloe said that the general rule is that the amount charged is often higher for the amount of people in an area. Mayor Narkewicz said that sending this to Jo Comeford might start the ball rolling to get this passed statewide – there may be other communities who need this. 8. Gordon Shaw updated on the landlord workshop. First step is to get panelist and then work on the mailings. There are plenty of new laws that were passed, so there is plenty of information. Mayor Narkewicz is supportive of the idea and would sign a letter. Jim Reis said that the legal, RAFT, and the higher Section 8 vouchers should be of interest. Richard Abuza thanked the Mayor for his appreciation of local landlords in the letter, and reminding everyone that the Partnership’s support for banning broker’s fees paid by prospective tenants is controversial with landlords and we should be mindful of that. 9. Jim Reis said that he will have a discussion with Jay Levy at Elliot Mental Health Services 10. Updates: Keith Benoit mentioned the Massachusetts Housing Partnership's (MHP) spring listening tour - Western MA session on Tuesday March 16, 12-1:15pm • City took possession of 278 Burts Pit Road and Laurel Street to sell to affordable housing developer (both less than three acres) 11. Discussed CPA round of funding support letter for soft costs for Burts Pit Rd., Laurel St., and Woodland Dr. • 1829: The Partnership pass unanimously support letter for the CPA soft costs for Burts Pit Rd., Laurel St., and Woodland Dr. by a roll call vote, motioned by and seconded by 12. Todd Weir asked if anyone was going to City Council meeting, Ace Tayloe said that they would go and speak on behalf of the Housing Partnership. Todd Weir said that Gina-Louise Sciarra had reached out to discuss housing issues. Ace Tayloe said we could meet them next week. 13. Donna Cabana from Valley CDC would like to have a discussion with Housing Partnership for CPA funding. Richard Abuza said that the Partnership could work with state senators and reps to work on home rule petitions. 14. Jim Reis asked if we can an update on the NHA letter. Richard Abuza asked if there was a reason that Florence was excluded from NHA. 15. Meeting ended a motion by Richard Abuza and seconded by Gordon Shaw at 6:55 PM. Housing Partnership 5:30 PM, Monday April 5th, 2021 Zoom Meeting Members Rev. Todd Weir, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒ Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Carmen Junno ☒ Vacant Richard Abuza ☐ Ace Tayloe ☐ Vacant Julio Alves ☒ Jim Reis ☐ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒ 1. Noted that meeting is being recorded. 2. Introductions & public comment. No public comment. 3. Conversation with Senator Jo Comeford. The senator was supportive of the Partnership’s proposal on banning broker’s fees paid by tenants. She said that these types of petitions are generally favorably, but not always, approved. They have to be first approved by the mayor and city council, and then are submitted to the House, and later the Senate. This petitions can be submitted at any time although it now is late in the legislative process season so not clear when it could be considered. This petition could be presented as either a home-rule petition or as a state law covering the whole state. She suggested proposing it as both. City Councilor Gina-Louise Sciarra and Alex Jarrett said they both would be supportive of this effort. Joe Misterka who was attending as a public observer offered the following opinion: that the service goes to the landlord but also to real-estate agencies. Landlords would increase their rent if this passed, making it less affordable for people who are on the low income spectrum. 4. Conversation with City Councilors Gina-Louis Sciarra and Alex Jarrett regarding affordable housing: Councilor Sciarra updated attendees about the City Council’s recent approval of several zoning changes to create more affordable housing which the Partnership has supported. A question was asked about whether there is an unintended consequence as some people in the community have charged that these changes are allowing developers to build even more expensive houses. Councilor Jarrett expressed his opinion that it is not these changes but rather market forces given the desirability of living in Northampton. Jane Loechler, VCDC Director brought up the issue of the need for the small area FMR to allow more people with lower incomes to rent in Northampton. Todd agreed and said that the Partnership has been and will continue to work on this issue. Councilor Jarrett mentioned the potential need for a Housing Trust, and for more housing projects to be funded by the Northampton’s CPA given that only 18% of these funds have been used for this purpose vs a maximum amount allowed of 70%. 5. Staff Member Keith Benoit gave updates on CDBG related housing activities: Affordable Housing Acquisition and Infrastructure, South St. Apartments Rehab, Housing Rehab, and Valley CDC – First Time Homebuyers grants/counseling. 6. Jim Reis want to know about lead remediation and how many people are under contract. Was it previously focused on lead remediation? Todd Weir thought that the goal was to keep people in their homes. Would like to discuss further at the next meeting. 7. For Next Meeting: • Lead remediation - Jim Reis asked Keith Benoit to follow up with PVPC to find out how many lead remediation projects they completed with CDBG funds last year, and what specific outreach efforts they will be taking to increase these projects with new CDBG funds as the pandemic subsides • Home-rule petition to ban tenant paid broker fees – Carmen Junno will chair a committee with Ace Tayloe, Hannah Schaffer, and Jim Reis to draft a petition to submit to the Mayor and City Council. • NHA follow up – Keith Benoit will contact the NHA to inquire about their consideration to use the small FMR for a portion of Northampton • VCDC – Donna Cabana will attend next month’s meeting to discuss a proposed housing related project • Julio Alves and Jim Reis’s term expire in June 2021 • Approval of the revised March 2021 minutes that were tabled this meeting 8. Meeting ended by motion by Carmen Junno and seconded by Richard Abuza at 7:02 PM. Housing Partnership 5:30 PM, Monday May 3rd, 2021 Zoom Meeting Members Rev. Todd Weir, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒ Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Carmen Junno ☒ Sara Howard ☒ Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☒ Vacant Julio Alves ☒ Jim Reis ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒ 1. Todd Weir gave notice that the meeting was being recorded. 2. Introductions & public comment. 3. March 12 and April 5 minutes were approved unanimously upon motion by Jim Reis and seconded by Gordon Shaw. Carmen Junno and Julio Alves abstained from March minutes and Ace Tayloe abstained from April vote. 4. Conversation with Donna Cabana from Valley CDC regarding CDBG funding, housing rehab and first-time homebuyers program. She is coming to the Partnership for a recommendation to the CPA for funding. After a discussion about this program, it was decided to postpone a decision until next month after she revises the proposal and sends it to us at least a week before our June meeting. 5. Discussion regarding the home-rule petition. Carmen Junno discussed the proposal that was written and next steps. The City solicitor Alan Seewald said he couldn’t proceed to draft a petition until the City Council and mayor approved. Todd said he would contact the head of the Council Gina-Louise Sciarra about this. 6. Updated from City Staff on Community Resiliency Hub and Housing Rehab. City is moving forward with the programmatic planning for the Community Resiliency Hub after identifying a property. For housing rehab, PVPC has funding for three more homes for this upcoming program year and will not have a need for marketing because of it. No lead remediation works was done this last year, only lead testing. Chair Todd Weir suggested that we meet with someone from PVPC in the future to get updated on their lead remediation work. 7. Discussed membership: renewing members and possible new members. Jim Reis and Julio Alves indicated that they would like to continue, and Jennifer Dieringer who works and Community Legal Aid and was on the Partnership several years ago attended this meeting and said she would like to join the Partnership again. 8. Discussed next steps to follow up regarding Small Area FMR. See Working Group below. 9. Discussed Landlord Workshop. Gordon, Richard, and Jim reported that it went well. The presenters – Attorney Peter Lane, and representatives from Way Finders and Community Action did a real good job, and while we don’t know the exact number attendance from landlords looked good. 10. For the Next Meeting: • Ordinance Review Committee follow up regarding Home Rule Petition: Keith Benoit will follow up • Follow up with Northampton Housing Authority: Keith will follow up to see if they have enacted the small area FMR for the 01060 area as they mentioned as a possibility in a January 4, 2021 letter to the Partnership. • Working group: Sara Howard, Gordon Shaw, Jim Reis, and Edgardo Cancel will meet to discuss Small Area FMR 11. Meeting ended a motion by Jim Reis and seconded by Richard Abuza at 6:55 PM. Housing Partnership 5:30 PM, Monday June 7th, 2021 Zoom Meeting Members Rev. Todd Weir, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒ Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Carmen Junno ☒ Sara Howard ☒ Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☐ Vacant Julio Alves ☐ Jim Reis ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒ 1. Notice that the meeting is being recorded. 2. Introductions & public comment. Megan Paik from the Human Rights Commission gave public comment regarding writing a letter commemorating Juneteenth as a state holiday for the first year and recognizing the 100 year anniversary of the Tulsa massacre. Megan Paik also asked if there were any discussions regarding reparations happening and would the Housing Partnership be willing to discuss. Kristen Elde also recognized the excitement of starting the conversation regarding the racial injustice in the City. Some Partnership members expressed interest in their work and ask that they send any specific recommendations to us to consider supporting. Megan Paik will bring recommendations to the Housing Partnership that are relevant. 3. The Partnership approved the May 3, 2021 minutes unanimously upon motion by Jim Reis and seconded by Carmen Junno. 4. Keith Benoit gave an update from the two most recent zoning amendments have passed, such as 20.181 Ordinance Relative to Affordable Housing and 21.189 Ordinance to Create Incentive for Smaller Houses. One ordinance was reported that will be discussed at this evenings City Council meeting, 21.218 Ordinance to Amend Zero Lot Line. Some discussion ensued regarding the recent developments and conversation in the op-eds concerning the building of expensive housing and not affordable housing utilizing these zoning changes. 5. Conversation with the Youth Partnership. Noah Kassis gave an intro about the Youth Partnership and their focus on housing. Lucas Laing gave presentation on Universal Multi-Family housing to create more justice within the City. Bix gave demographic and legal characteristics of Northampton. Elijah Bacal gave updates on environmental justice and how housing can play a role. Several Partnership members expressed their admiration for the work these young people have done, encouraged them to send us their slide show, and continue to share their recommendations with us. 6. Jim Reis gave an update from the Small Market FMR Subcommittee meeting and gave a brief overview of the subcommittee’s report. All towns in Hampshire County are lumped in with Hampden County in regards to the Fair Market Rate allowed for Section 8. Because Northampton rents are higher than most of those in Hampden County many Section 8 participants can’t lease up here because landlords don’t have to accept this lower rate. For example only 148 out of 557 participants given Section 8 by the Northampton Housing Authority successfully leased in Northampton. If allowed to use HUD’s small market FMR the allowable rents would be $300 - $450 higher per month. The subcommittee recommended a political course of action to work with the Representative McGovern and Senators Warren and Markey to allow the use of the small market FMR in our city. The Partnership approved continued planning for this effort. 7. Todd Weir gave an update on the home rule petition and the City Council’s process on all of their other ordinances. The City Solicitor said that the City Council must vote on all ordinances all at once, so there is some work to be done before they move forward. 8. For Next Meeting: • Keith Benoit will follow up with Donna Cabana on CPC’s application for fall meeting • Keith Benoit will follow up with person planning the Resiliency Hub to invite her to a Partnership meeting to talk about the housing navigator position we are recommending. • Keith Benoit will get updates on Airbnb total revenue collected and the total expended and for what to date. • Keith Benoit will ask Carolyn Misch or Wayne Feiden to respond to some criticism regarding recent zoning amendments • Depending on who is available above to come to the July meeting consideration will also be given to inviting someone from the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission to report on their lead remediation work with CDBG funds. • Todd Weir said that we should consider at some future meeting the possibility of submitting a housing related reparations CPC application. • Next meeting will meet July 12 9. Meeting ended with a motion by Carmen Junno and seconded by Gordon Shaw at 7:03 PM. Housing Partnership 5:30 PM, Monday August 2, 2021 Zoom Meeting Members Rev. Todd Weir, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒ Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Carmen Junno ☒ Sara Howard ☐ Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☒ Jennifer Dieringer ☐ Julio Alves ☐ Jim Reis ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒ 1. Introductions & call for public comment. No public comment. 2. The Partnership moved table the July 12, 2021 minutes unanimously upon motion by Richard Abuza and seconded by Jim Reis in order for corrections to be made on point #8 and information included from last month’s presentation from Wayne Feiden. 3. The Housing Partnership discussed the Valley CDC’s application for CPA funding proposal. Peter Jessup presented the proposal and budget to the Housing Partnership. Ace Tayloe asked for clarification regarding loans vs. grants for the program. Peter Jessup said that generally a forgivable loan over 30 years is the preferred method for most cities. Peter Jessup clarified that the proposal does not include financial counseling as CPA funding does not allow for staff time. Valley CDC has expended all its funding for the other towns that it operates in except for one $15,000 grant in Pelham. 4. Richard Abuza moved to acknowledge the hardships of buying housing and that the Housing Partnership support this mechanism, seconded by Carmen Junno; passed unanimously. 5. The Housing Partnership had a conversation with Councilor Rachel Maiore and Councilor Alex Jarrett on the Real Estate Transfer Fee home-rule petition that is moving through the Beacon Hill. Several cities have already passed such petitions. Councilor Rachel Maiore said she wanted Northampton to be ready if this passes at the state, it could be a stream of revenue. A fee is placed on the sale of housing and placed into a trust fund that can be used to fund affordable housing. It can be tailored to the individual City, there needs to be more research done before a full proposal is drafted. Councilor Alex Jarrett said that it is not intended to affect the sales of low- to moderate-income housing, but that it would be for houses with large value transactions. The Councilors are thinking that CPA is one option to put the funding into, as it already has a funding and application process. Ace Tayloe asked if primary residency is a consideration for the proposal. Gordon Shaw asked what percentage and who is going to pay, buyer or seller. Carmen Junno asked what dollar amount that this will start with, Rachel Maiore said that in eastern Mass. it is typical to see one million dollars. Richard Abuza said that he is concerned that moving the money to CPA funding may zero out the housing allocation that is already in the CPA and would be a zero- sum game. Jim Reis proposed that the Housing Partnership create a sub-committee to make recommendations to the City Council. Ace Tayloe said that primary residence is the better option compared to a value amount. Alex Jarrett said that data from a look back on similar sales, would be helpful for analysis. Todd Weir asked how the Housing Partnership could be most helpful to move forward with this. Councilors were supportive of attending the sub- committee to work out details. Richard Abuza said that the sales data is quite easy to get to and calculating the look back would be quite easy. Alex Jarrett said that writing the City’s home-rule petition and sending to the legislature can help pass and shape the laws that are introduced on Beacon Hill or get the City’s home-rule petition passed. 6. Richard Abuza, Carmen Junno, Ace Tayloe, and Jim Reis will be subcommittee to investigate. Invite other partnership members. 7. Discussion with Small Area FMR Sub-Committee, Jim Reis said that the same things that happens in Northampton is happening in Amherst that only 35% of voucher holders can lease up. Northampton Housing Authority (NHA) agreed to get data on why people could not lease up. He said that the subcommittee would like to continue to work with Amherst and other homeless advocates on this issue, and advocate for increased HUD funding and regulatory changes to enable the housing authorities to use the Small arear FMR without cutting the total number of vouchers they can support. Gordon Shaw said that the subcommittee also proposes education and outreach by the Housing Partnership to support the implementation of the Emergency Housing Voucher programs by the local housing authorities. 8. Todd Weir announced he is stepping down as chair and the Housing Partnership will need to elect new officers. 9. For Next Meeting: • Share slides from Wayne Feiden’s presentation from last visit, correct #8 from the July 12, 2021 Minutes. • Present support letter for Valley CDC’s CPA application drafted by Todd Weir and Keith Benoit. • Invite others to home-rule petition sub-committee • Staff person from PVPC on lead remediation work, report back on how much money is left and outreach efforts. • Elect Officers 10. Meeting ended a motion by Jim Reis and seconded by Richard Abuza at 7:03 PM. Housing Partnership 5:30 PM, Monday Sep.13, 2021 Zoom Meeting Members Rev. Todd Weir, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒ Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Carmen Junno ☒ Sara Howard ☒ Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☒ Jennifer Dieringer ☒ Julio Alves ☒ Jim Reis ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒ 1. Introductions from board members. One member of UMass master’s program came for class work on public participation. Call for public comment. No public comments. 2. The Housing Partnership approved the Aug. 2nd meeting minutes unanimously by a roll call vote, motioned by Jim Reis, seconded by Richard Abuza. Julio Alves and Sara Howard both abstained from the vote. 3. The Housing Partnership discussed the Housing Rehab program with Keith Robitaille from PVPC. Keith Robitaille gave an update on the program. The program is for low-income people looking to fix issues with handicap accessibility, lead inspection and abatement (if before 1978). If there is lead paint, it has to be intact, but if there are children under 6 years old then it has to be mitigated. Keith Robitaille said he had one house today where the door had lead paint, but rather than take the lead paint out, they would rather change the doors for something that is energy efficient. Other issues for rehab could be water damage, but lead must be the first thing that is taken over. Jim Reis asked how much money was left over in the CDGB gran, which will be provided at the next meeting. Hannah Shaffer asked how a renter would request lead remediation. Keith Robitaille said that Way Finders is in charge of the state’s Get the Lead Out program. Keith Benoit mentioned that the City’s CDBG program only allows owner-occupants to apply for the program. 4. Ace Tayloe gave updates from the Transfer Fee Sub-committee. Ace Tayloe noted that the sub-committee discussed and recommended that the transfer fee should be used in Northampton to restock the affordable housing funds. Ace Tayloe summarized some of their other discussions the program requirements. The sub-committee will have another meeting going forward. Julio Alves asked what the fee would be, Ace Tayloe said it would be off the sale of housing. Where would the money go? It would go to the housing trust fund or CPA fund. The existing Northampton Housing Trust Fund. is currently not active and has no money. Sara Howard mentioned that on Sep. 14th there is a transfer-fee coalition meeting. Richard Abuza clarified that our local officials are putting through the local option but that there is also the enabling language. 5. Todd Weir moved the affordable housing trust conversation up in the agenda. Jim Reis mentioned that if the Trust Fund was re-activated it requires a Board of five people one of which is the mayor. Jim Reis talked with John Hornick from the Amherst Housing Trust Fund which uses CPA funds to pay for staff. When Julio and Jim previously explored the re-establishment of the Trust Fund, the volunteer and paid staffing to operate it would be challenging. To explore this issue further Jim, Julio, and Madison Kinney (non-Partnership member) agreed to talk further with John Hornik. 6. Jim Reis gave updates on the Small Area FMR. The subcommittee worked with the local housing authorities to get a front-page story in the Gazette on the recently awarded federal subsidies, and the need for landlords to agree to utilize them. The subcommittee has requested a meeting with Representative McGovern to continue to advocate for the use of SAFMR. Gordon Shaw said that this is a national problem, not just here in Northampton. Jim Reis thanked Edgardo for his help in his work with the Northampton Housing Authority. 7. Todd Weir’s last evening as the chair was tonight. Carmen Junno recommended herself as a new chair. She was the only nominations and was voted unanimously by a roll call vote. 8. Richard Abuza and Jim Reis gave Todd Weir plaudits on his term as the chair. 9. For Next Meeting: • Transfer Fee-Subcommittee Report • Jim Reis asked for more updates from PVPC on lead remediation regarding funding left over for the year and number of units rehabbed this previous year, etc. • Discuss allowable CPA funded staffing 10. Meeting ended a motion by Ace Tayloe and seconded by Jim Reis at 6:30 PM. Housing Partnership 5:30 PM, Monday October 4th, 2021 Zoom Meeting Members Carmen Junno, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒ Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Sarah Howard ☒ Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☒ Jennifer Dieringer ☒ Julio Alves ☒ Jim Reis ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒ 1. Notice that the meeting is being recorded. 2. Introductions and public comment. No public comment. 3. Partnership approved the minutes unanimously by a roll call vote from Sep. 13th 2021 meeting with a motion by Jim Reis and seconded by Richard Abuza. 4. Carmen Junno opened up had a discussion regarding the Housing Partnership and the meeting process. Carmen Junno asked “Is the housing partnership what you expected”? “Do you have any ideas on how to make it better”? Ace Tayloe said that they anticipated that the Housing Partnership would move faster on moving agenda items. Hannah Shaffer echoed what Ace Tayloe said and added that recognizing the difficulty of entering this work during the pandemic and that the pressure of the govt. to build more housing needs to continue. Edgardo Cancel said he has learned a lot over the few years and wish he could do more on sub-committees etc. Jim Reis said that the Housing Partnership has been effective but that the Housing Partnership could be more effective if issues were fleshed more before bringing them to the City. Jennifer Dieringer said that this iteration of the housing partnership is much more active than the last time she was on. The group could get involved in the resiliency hub. Julio Alves said that that the group is not taking on systemic issues, but taking agenda items more as they come. He also noted that the group has no power. Richard Abuza said that over his time that there has been an evolution in how the partnership operates. Gordon Shaw said we are the advisor to the City Council and Mayor on all matters housing. 5. Noted that there was a member of the public. Annie Connor said she was a resident of Northampton and an attorney with the MA. Fair Housing Center and wanted to just keep any ear on ground for what is happening in housing. 6. The Housing Partnership discussed their goals for the next year. Ace Tayloe said that finishing the brokers fees removal for renters, the transfer fees, and going back to the report for more goals. Jim Reis agreed with Ace Tayloe that some things need to be revisited and that some leaders of housing should come to speak. Get back to writing op-eds in the paper. Sara Howard echoed that housing-first is something she is interested in pursuing and how to increasing the funding for housing from CPA, smart infill, density bonuses, and getting people to use more transit. Jim Reis noted that there are many good ideas but that these need to be compiled and ranked somehow. 7. Updates from Transfer Fee-Subcommittee Report: Ace Tayloe said that the subcommittee fleshed out some ideas with Councilors Alex Jarrett and Rachel Maoire but would like to get more information on the CPA/Affordable Housing Trust Fund. One concern is if the money just goes into general fund. 8. Updates from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Subcommittee discuss some of the issues surrounding administrative fees. Richard Abuza said that the argument from Wayne Feiden, Director of Planning & Sustainability is a red herring. Julio Alves said that the housing partnership should define what a housing trust fund should do first. He shared his presentation regarding defining the housing trust fund. 9. For next meeting: • Wayne Feiden to discuss Affordable Housing Trust Fund and Transfer Fee Subcommittee, discuss the original document for the affordable housing trust fund • Establish goals for the next year 10. Meeting ended a motion by Ace Tayloe and seconded by Gordon Shaw at 7:03 PM. Housing Partnership 6:30 PM, Monday November 1st, 2021 Zoom Meeting Members Carmen Junno, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒ Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Jennifer Dieringer ☒ Sara Howard ☒ Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☒ Julio Alves ☒ Jim Reis ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒ 1. Carmen Junno, Chair gave notice that the meeting was being recorded. 2. Introductions & public comment. No public comment. 3. The Partnership approved the Oct. 4th 2021 minutes unanimously by a roll call vote upon a motion by Jim Reis and seconded Gordon Shaw. 4. The Housing Partnership discussed with Dr. Jessica Bossie (homeless medicine physician) the housing for the homeless project at 5 Franklin Street. She covers four counties of homeless individuals but concentrates in Northampton through some strong support of organizations like MANNA Community Kitchen and Hampshire County Friends for the Homeless. Full independent living is not an option for many of the individuals, but helping people through support services. The CPA noted in their application that they are doing something quite differently than other housing coming through the committee. The need to move quickly was noted because of the severity of sleeping outside, which is why it is a private sale. 5. Gordon Shaw asked if residents will be considered tenants. They are asking for 16 vouchers from the Three Country CoC. Dr. Bossie will be the medical director. Jim Reis had questions regarding support services and financing. There will a housing support specialist from 8pm to 11pm each night. There will be a CPC meeting on Wednesday to discuss the application and it was asked that the Housing Partnership support them at the meting. 6. Julio Alves voiced his support for a project like this. Sara Howard asked for clarification about the deed restriction. Ace Tayloe is in support of the project and emphasized that this is a place that people could actually live at. Jim Reis is supportive but has questions regarding the financing and does not want to go forward with full letter of support. Jennifer Dieringer is supportive and does not want to give the CPA a reason to pause on a great project. Jim Reis wants to qualify any recommendation with the fact that this organization is brand new. 7. Updates from the Small Area FMR Subcommittee, the max. support is $460 lower in Florence (01062) than in Northampton (01060). Jim Reis said that Jim McGovern is in favor investigating further and discussing with HUD. 8. Wayne Feiden, Director of Planning & Sustainability gave an overview of the pending affordable housing projects. He is not in favor of restarting the affordable housing trust fund for the fact that CPA can just as easily fund all affordable housing projects. 9. Housing Partnership discussed their goals for the next year. Not enough people have finished the survey, so it was tabled until next month. 10. Hannah Shaffer said she is writing a piece for an editorial and wanted to share that information with the Housing Partnership for transparency. 11. For Next Meeting: • Invite Shelly Goering from MHP to discuss affordable housing trust fund • Goal Setting at least one hour • Home Rule Petition for Broker Fees 12. Meeting ended a motion by Gordon Shaw and seconded by Jim Reis at 8:00 PM. Housing Partnership 5:30 PM, Monday December 6st, 2021 Zoom Meeting Members Carmen Junno, Chair ☒ Edgardo Cancel ☒ Hannah Shaffer ☒ Gordon Shaw, Vice Chair ☒ Jennifer Dieringer ☒ Richard Abuza ☒ Ace Tayloe ☒ Julio Alves ☒ Sara Howard ☒ Staff: Keith Benoit ☒ 1. Chair gave notice that the meeting is being recorded. 2. Introductions & public comment. No public comment. 3. The Partnership approved the Nov. 1st 2021 minutes unanimously upon motion by Gordon Shaw and seconded by Julio Alves. 4. Carmen Junno opened with discussion on the gap from member leaving. Ace Tayloe wanted to discuss what prompted the leaving of the member leaving. Ace Tayloe voiced concern on the process. Julio Alves would not have supported the proposal if there was a vote, because of unanswered questions. Gordon Shaw gave an overview of how the Partnership dealt with non-consensus votes previously. Richard Abuza said that the Partnership will vet projects to the best of its abilities and that choosing Ace Tayloe said that tabling a vote or not voting is affectively voting note for the project. 5. Gordon Shaw gave an update on Small Area FMR, the sub-committee meeting with Jim McGovern and Jim McGovern will be bringing this up to HUD. Julio Alves was concerned that Jim Reis who is not a member can represent the Housing Partnership. Keith Benoit gave an update the Rental Fee 6. Julio Alves would like to put the Affordable Housing Trust Fund . Ace Tayloe said that the projects that the Partnership is working on are the projects that they are interested in. Hannah Shaffer would be interested in knowing which projects do not have people working on them. Ace Tayloe would like a more formal update on Renter Fees. Julio Alves said that Shelly Goerhing will join the Partnership for the February meeting. Julio would also like an update from Edgardo Cancel regarding the Northampton Housing Authority. Sara Howard is interested in getting more CPA funding for affordable housing. She emphasized housing first solution for the homelessness in Northampton. Gordon Shaw mentioned housing search and the connection with the Community Resiliency Hub could be fruitful. Keith Benoit gave an update on the Airbnb funds, where it is such a small portion of the money dedicated to affordable housing. 7. Ace Tayloe gave an update on the Transfer Fee subcommittee, where they are still in the process of gathering information. 8. Carmen Junno mentioned that there are two vacancies on the Partnership. Richard Abuza expressed his gratitude for Jim Reis who was on the Partnership for almost 10 years. Richard Abuza motioned to recognize the contributions of Jim Reis, seconded by Edgardo Cancel. Roll call vote, three abstentions, all other were yeahs. 9. For Next Meeting: • Subcommittee Leadership from Keith Benoit • Update on Housing Authority from Edgardo Cancel 10. Meeting ended a motion by Richard Abuza and seconded by Ace Tayloe at 6:48 PM.