baye - SUPPORT OF ST. JOHN CANTIUS CHURCH.pdf8/4/22, 11:31 AM City of Northampton Mail - SUPPORT OF ST. JOHN CANTIUS CHURCH https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=fec0f72d97&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1738023741707992068%7Cmsg-f%3A17380237417079…1/1 Sarah LaValley <slavalley@northamptonma.gov> SUPPORT OF ST. JOHN CANTIUS CHURCH 1 message Debra Baye <dbaye@admin.umass.edu>Sun, Jul 10, 2022 at 11:03 PM To: "slavalley@northamptonma.gov" <slavalley@northamptonma.gov> Cc: "mhl@marthalyon.com" <mhl@marthalyon.com>, "debhenson.law@gmail.com" <debhenson.law@gmail.com> Dear CBC staff: My name is Debbie Baye and I live on Hawley Street. I support O'Connell Development Group's request for $500,000 in CPA funding to save St. John Canus Church from demolion, restore the exterior of the church to historic preservaon standards and provide the city with a permanent historic preservaon easement. I have lived on Hawley Street for over 55 years. My grandparents and parents also lived on Hawley Street for most of their lives. Our family has a lot of polish heritage concerning St. John Canus Church - both sets of my parents were 100% polish.  - My grandparents were married there  - My parents were married there  - I was married there  - I went to CCD there  - My son was bapzed there as well as aended CCD  - Many funerals were held there I aended mass there every week and the inside architecture was breathtaking from the stained glass windows to the murals on the ceiling. I would very much like to have this building sll standing - it is certainly a proud symbol of the polish heritage in our community. Thank you for your me! Debbie Baye