heckman - Please Save St John Cantius.pdf7/6/22, 9:47 AM City of Northampton Mail - Please Save St John Cantius https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=fec0f72d97&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1737607017796311673%7Cmsg-f%3A17376070177963…1/1 Sarah LaValley <slavalley@northamptonma.gov> Please Save St John Cantius 1 message PAULA HECKMAN <pjheckman@comcast.net>Wed, Jul 6, 2022 at 8:39 AM To: "slavalley@northamptonma.gov" <slavalley@northamptonma.gov> Cc: "mhl@marthalyon.com" <mhl@marthalyon.com> To the CPC staff: I support O'Connell Development Group's request for CPA funding to save St. John Cantius from demolition, restore the exterior of the church to historic preservation standards, and provide the city with a permanent historic preservation easement. It is such a beautiful structure and means so much to current and former residents. All should be done to preserve this iconic historical church. Thank you for your consideration, Paula J. Heckman Former resident and frequent visitor