Everett - O'Connell request for CPA money for St. John Cantius.pdf7/1/22, 1:59 PM City of Northampton Mail - O'Connell request for CPA money for St. John Cantius https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=fec0f72d97&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1737001128607376303%7Cmsg-f%3A17370011286073…1/1 Sarah LaValley <slavalley@northamptonma.gov> O'Connell request for CPA money for St. John Cantius 1 message Mac Everett <macgeverett@gmail.com>Wed, Jun 29, 2022 at 4:09 PM To: Sarah LaValley <slavalley@northamptonma.gov> Hi Sarah, As a neighbor I have followed the sale of the church and the efforts to preserve it. While I would really like to see it preserved for historical reasons. I do not support subsidizing a private developer with CPA funds to create market rate housing there. I would support the idea if it were to add to affordable housing stock in Northampton. Without that caveat, I think a dangerous precedent would be set. I know that the Michelman's gallery renovation is benefitting from CPA funds; however, that space is accessible to the public and enriches the community as a venue for displaying fine art. Thanks for accepting and relaying comment, Mac Everett 40 Valley St.