TakahashiCarolyn Misch <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> 88 Crescent Street Barbara <bps1889@gmail.com>Thu, May 12, 2022 at 12:37 PM To: cmisch@northamptonma.gov Dear Ms Misch, My family has lived on Round Hill for 65 years, and have seen many changes during that time. Most have been well thought out and have added to the beauty and functionality of the neighborhood. Lately the in-fill housing approach has reached this area and is having a negative impact on the hill; trees are lost, soil runs off the sites because there’s insufficient green space around the home, traffic and noise have increased tremendously. I realize people want more housing in Northampton, but the reality is that no town, no community, can house everyone in the exact spot they might wish. There are plenty of much larger lots within the city limits that would be for more appropriate spaces to build homes, lots that do not impact historical sites and overcrowd existing housing. If the city decides to allow a second home on what has always been a single lot, the least it can do is require a generous setback from the sidewalk and limit the size of the structure significantly, for example to 1200 sq.ft. The sad irony is that developers want to build homes right here because it’s considered a desirable neighborhood, but their buildings are decreasing the desirability of Round Hill. Their aim to to make money, while our aim is to preserve our little community. I respectfully request the city take my and my neighbors’ opinions into consideration and disallow, or significantly limit, the house planned for 88Crescent Street. Thank you for your attention to this matter, Barbara Snook Takahashi