February 10 2016 Community Preservation Committee Minutes.pdfNorthampton Community Preservation Committee Minutes 1 February 10, 2016 Northampton Community Preservation Committee Minutes February 10, 2016 Time: 7:00 pm Place: City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street Members Present: Brian Adams, Julia Chevan, David Drake, David Whitehill, Chris Hellman, Linda Morley, Debin Bruce Staff Present: Sarah LaValley Brian called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM. General Public Comment None Approval of Minutes January 20, 2016 Chris moved to approve. Seconded by Linda, the motion carried unanimously, with minor corrections by Debin. Chair’s Report Brian stated that Toni unfortunately stepped down from the CPC. All of the Committee’s funding recommendations from the fall round were approved by City Council; all were unanimous except the Mineral Hills Habitat project. Distribute Application for CPA Funding, Round 1 2016 Sarah distributed the applications and members took a few minutes to read through the two Small Grant applications. Discuss Small Grant Applications and Make Funding Recommendations Sunnyside Gardens David D. suggested that it is an excellent project with admirable goals, but is also essentially a grounds improvement project for a small nonprofit, so it seems difficult to justify the expenditure of CPA funds. Linda stated that public benefit is limited, since there is little or no opportunity for use by the general public. Chris stated that he is not opposed at providing CPA funds to private entities, but that these awards have to be considered carefully. Julia stated that the community served is very small, and it is different from a similar project at a public school, which would benefit an entire neighborhood. Debin moved to recommend no CPA funds for the project. Seconded by Chris, the motion carried unanimously. Leeds Historic Signage Project David D. stated that the Historical Commission supported the project, which seemed like an excellent way to preserve the history of Leeds. Linda stated that projects like these are perfect for the small grants round. The Committee reviewed a full-size example of a sign and agreed that they will create a meaningful walking tour of the Leeds Village. David D. moved to recommend $2,860 for the project as requested. Seconded by Debin, the motion carried unanimously. Sarah will draft a Council Order. Approve Contracts and MOU for Round 2 2015 Projects Linda asked if the template is still appropriate given the charter change. Sarah replied that there have been no changes to the general template contract for the City so the CPA template should be valid. Pulaski Park - No comments. Northampton Community Preservation Committee Minutes 2 February 10, 2016 Fitzgerald Lake Boardwalk – Sarah noted that a statement was added that Broad Brook Coalition may assign funds to the City. This is because the City assumed procurement responsibility for the project. Zewski Acquisition. Sarah stated that MassAudubon will hold the Conservation Restriction at no cost. Connecticut River Greenway Gate – Brian recapped the clause requiring a written agreement regarding use of the gate; since there were several parties involved the CPC wanted to ensure that there would be a discussion. Linda moved to approve the contracts and MOU. Seconded by Debin, the motion carried unanimously. Other Business Not Foreseen When Agenda Was Published none Adjourn On a motion and second, with unanimous vote, the meeting was adjourned at 8:08 PM