Jan. 14, 2016 Executive Session released.docMinutes Northampton Conservation Commission Hearing Room 18, City Hall, Northampton, Mass. January 14, 2016 – Executive Session   Members Present Time  Kevin Lake, Chair X   Mason Maronn    Tim Parshall    Tricia McGovern X   Jack Finn X   t.b.a.    t.b.a.        Staff Present Time  Sarah LaValley X   Aleta DeLisle X    Executive Session under MGL C 30A §21(6) to 'Consider the Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value of Real Property' for interests in conservation lands. By roll call vote, the Commission entered into Executive Session at 6:50 p.m. Wayne reviewed an 18 acre parcel of land that wraps around the Robert’s Hill Conservation Area on Reservoir Road, along with possibly another 1 acre parcel across the street that abuts the Roberts Meadow Reservoir, for $150,000. Both parcels are owned by Talon Trust. Wayne stated that funding would be coming from possible grants and/or from the Conservation Fund. Upon motion by Tricia and seconded by Jack the Commission voted all in favor to authorize spending $150,000. plus soft costs. Wayne reviewed property off Burts Pit Rd. owned by Kohl’s Estate. Wayne noted that there are three vernal pools, endangered species and he would retain a bike path option. Kohl’s Estate will keep some of the property and would like authorization to negotiate and purchase the rest of it. The Commission and Wayne discussed the development potential of the land. Wayne excused himself to attend another meeting. Kevin asked if there was a way to protect the land due to existing wetlands. Sarah stated that they are scattered so there is potential for development. Jack stated that he liked the bike path option and noted it’s a stepping stone to the corridor and limits suburban sprawl. Kevin noted that it would prevent three prime building lots. Tricia noted her support of the acquisition. Upon motion by Jack and second by Tricia the Commission voted all in favor to authorize Wayne to negotiate and purchase the approximately $400,000. property. By roll call vote, the Commission adjourned Executive Session at 7:15 p.m. and returned to Regular Session.