2018-2019 Y35 AAPAnnual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Executive Summary
AP-05 Executive Summary - 24 CFR 91.200(c), 91.220(b)
1. Introduction
The City of Northampton is pleased to submit to the U.S.Department of Housing and Urban
Development Year 4 of the City's Five Year Consolidated Plan for FY2015 - FY2020. For the program year
July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019, the City will receive $677,089 dollars for the Community Development
Block Grant Program. This document outlines how the City will allocate and expend those funds. The
City of Northampton is committed to providing high quality services through it's community partners to
assist those most in need.
2.Summarize the objectives and outcomes identified in the Plan
The City will allocate the funds as follows:
Housing Activities
•Homeownership Center - Valley Community Development Corporation $20,000
•Down Payment Assistance Grants - Valley CDC $12,000 and $8,000*
•Sergeant House SRO Renovation and Expansion $100,000*
•Village Hill North - The Community Builders/Valley CDC $150,000
•Habitat For Humanity -Glendale Road Homeownership Project $135,000
•Housing Rehabilitation Program - $180,000* and $ 113,109
•Burts Pit Road Farmhouse demolition - if funding allows
Public Facilities and Access - Vernon Street School handicap accessibility project $100,000*
Economic Development - Micro Business Assistance Program - Valley CDC $10,000
Public Services - 13 Social Service Programs - $102,775
Planning and Administration - $135,417
*denotes carryover funding from the prior year
Total Program Year Budget
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
FY19 Award = $677,089
Estimated Carryover Funds = $389,212
Reallocated Funds = $37,100 ( Burts Pit Road farmhouse demolition to Housing Rehab Program
The City diversifies the spending allocations across categories of eligible activities to implement a
comprehensive program, addressing social as well as physical environment quality of life
3. Evaluation of past performance
This is an evaluation of past performance that helped lead the grantee to choose its goals or
Accomplishments of last year's program were as follows:
- Continued operation of the housing rehab program that saw homes of single family income eligible
households improved; without additional advertising, the word has spread and now there is a waiting
list of program participants
- Valley CDC and The Community Builders were successful in their bid to MassDevelopment to create 65
units of affordable rental housing at Village Hill. This project was not expected and only happened
because the developer originally selected to develop the parcels for estate homes was not able to move
- Live 155 opened, on schedule and is welcoming 70 new households to downtown Northampton. Those
that chose to and were able to that had lived in the former 58 unit SRO, Northampton Lodging were
invited back to a stellar new community.
- The LumberYard Apartments got underway as the MassWorks grant assisted the City with the
relocation of a storm drain channel that traversed the property underground. Now the building is going
up and making daily strides.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
- The social service agencies continued to provide front line assistance in a variety of venues to help
residents navigate life challenges. The City holds a "party" for those folks to celebrate with each other
and share the successes, to remind them why they continue to do this work.
- Because final year quarterly reports have not yet been analyzed, exact numbers served will be
reported in the CAPER.
4. Summary of Citizen Participation Process and consultation process
Summary from citizen participation section of plan.
Citizen input is on-going throughout the year. Monthly meetings of the Northampton Housing
Partnership, the Next Step Collaborative ( local housing and homeless service providers ) and the
Community Preservation Committee are settings for sharing and exchanging information at the City
On the regional level, the Individual Services Committee, the Family Services Committee, the Veterans
Services Committee and the Committee on Unaccompanied Homeless Youth overseen by the Western
Mass Network to End Homelessness, as well as COSA ( Council of Social Service Agencies ) and the Three
County Continuum of Care, alos provide venues for sharing and exchanging information and resources.
The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission's Housing Plan Implementation Committee brings together
housing advocates in the region quarterly to address issues and PVPC's Inclusionary Communities
Advisory Group focuses on fair housing issues in the region.
Preparation for the Action Plan and discussion about community needs became an agenda item on all
local meetings occurring between January 1st and March 30th, 2018. Two public hearings, advertised in
the local newspaper, on the City website and through email listservs were held to reach the broader
public. The funds for public service agencies were determined based on three days of competitive
interviews conducted by an ad hoc Review Committee composed of interested citizens, the Human
Rights Commission and the City Council.
5. Summary of public comments
This could be a brief narrative summary or reference an attached document from the Citizen
Participation section of the Con Plan.
See the minutes from the public hearings as attached.
6. Summary of comments or views not accepted and the reasons for not accepting them
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
There was no public input received by the CDBG Administrator through the City sponsored consultation
process that was not considered in the Annual Action plan formulation.
7. Summary
The City encourages public participation and comment in the development of the Annual Action Plan
and looks forward to learning more through the various focus groups that will be held to update the
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing. This project will drill down into the needs of the population
CDBG funds are designed to serve. Funding and service priority decisions will be informed by this
research moving forward.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
PR-05 Lead & Responsible Agencies – 91.200(b)
1. Agency/entity responsible for preparing/administering the Consolidated Plan
Describe the agency/entity responsible for preparing the Consolidated Plan and those responsible for administration of each grant
program and funding source.
Agency Role Name Department/Agency
CDBG Administrator Office of the Mayor
HOPWA Administrator
HOME Administrator
HOPWA-C Administrator
Table 1 – Responsible Agencies
Narrative (optional)
Consolidated Plan Public Contact Information
Margaret Keller, CDBG Administrator for the City of Northampton MA 413-587-1288 pkeller@northamptonma.gov
Cam Leon, Assistant CDBG Administrator for the City of Northampton MA 413-587-1286 cleon@northamptonma.gov
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP-10 Consultation – 91.100, 91.200(b), 91.215(l)
1. Introduction
Northampton's community development strategy benefits immensely from the extensive local and
regional collaborations in which the City participates. Through formal and informal engagement, the City
listens to and learns from people doing the work that moves our community forward. A sampling of
those collaborations are:
The Western Massachusetts Network to End Homelessness: Regional network comprised of all four
western Massachusetts counties formed to implement, through an open and inclusive process that
values the diversity of our communities, a regional system that strives to end family and individual
homelessness through the provision of adequate housing and support services; through prevention,
diversion and rapid re-housing strategies and through stabilization of at-risk households. Holds monthly
meetings for Individual Services, Family Services, Veteran's Services and Unaccompanied Youth and
Victims of Domestic Violence, overseen by a Steering Committee.
COSA/ Council of Social Service Agencies of Hampshire County: A membership organization of non-profit
providers that has worked together for more than 30 years to support the coordination and
effectiveness of human services in the county. Monthly meetings are held that focus on resources,
funding opportunities, job openings, community education, outreach and advocacy.
Three County Continuum of Care: quarterly Board meetings focused on uniform assessment,
coordinated entry, Homeless Management Information System data collection and analysis, McKinney
funded homelessness programming and planning.
Pioneer Valley Planning Commission: quarterly meetings of the Regional Housing Plan Implementation
Committee ( Hampshire and Hampden counties ).
Hampshire County Jail Diversion Program: quarterly meetings co-sponsored by the Department of
Mental Health, the Hampshire County House of Corrections and the Northampton Police Department
share resources and case management issues to facilitate service referrals rather than incarceration.
Cot Management Program: monthly meetings during the winter sheltering season with Friends of
Hampshire County Homeless Board members and community volunteers that oversees shelter
operations in conjunction with ServiceNet, Inc.
Valley CDC / Wayfinders: quarterly meetings with property managers and local service providers to
insure stable housing for the residents of their affordable housing developments to prevent evictions.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Next Step Collaborative: monthly meetings facilitated by the CDBG Administrator for housing and
homeless service providers to monitor shelter capacity issues, numbers of unsheltered homeless,
identification of resource gaps, general advocacy.
Northampton Housing Partnership: monthly meetings with Mayoral appointed advisory board to
articulate the short and long term housing needs of the community, following the implementation plan
articulated in the 2011 Housing Needs Assessment and Strategic Housing Plan. Composed of landlords,
Community Legal Aid attorney, Housing Authority tenant, Smith College faculty, housing advocates,
bankers, investment advisor, clergy.
REACH meetings: Regional Engagement and Assessment for Chronically Homeless sessions that provide
coordinated case management for those in need of housing and services
Mayor's Office: monthly meetings with Mayor, Mayor's Chief of Staff, Economic Development
Coordinator, Director of the Office of Planning and Sustainability, the CDBG Administrator/Housing
Planner, to insure a coordinated City community development program
Provide a concise summary of the jurisdiction’s activities to enhance coordination between
public and assisted housing providers and private and governmental health, mental health
and service agencies (91.215(l))
The following activities occured this past year to enhance coordination between the housing provider
community and the support service community:
The Housing Partnership hosted the Valley Community Development Corporation, Friends of Hampshire
County Homeless Individuals, The Community Builders and Habitat for Humanity, where agency updates
were provided. These meetings identify what housing units are in the development pipeline and what
resources might be needed to provide on site support services.
The CDBG Administrator met with the Senior Manager of Public Housing and Section 8 Programs and the
Resident Services Coordinator at the Northampton Housing Authority (5/22/18) to provide information
about local resources and enhance collaborative efforts. City staff attended the Valley CDC provider
meetings to identify how the City can be of service to their housing stabilization efforts. Those meetings
are attended by mental health professionals and clinicians.
Next Step Collaborative monthly meetings include representation from Eliot Homeless Services, the
mental health agency that has the Department of Mental Health vendor contract for homeless street
outreach and clinical work, ServiceNet shelter providers, the Veterans Agent, Safe Passage (DV), A
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Positive Place ( HIV/AIDS), Cooley Dickinson Social Workers, Peer Mentors from the Recover Center,
formerly homeless, currently homeless, ServiceNet's Resource Center which includes Health Care for the
Homeless nurses, The SRO Outreach Worker, the Community Housing Support Services Coordinator, and
others. These meetings have been held monthly since 1994 and consistently provide a venue for
enhanced coordination with homeless, housing and social service providers.
Describe coordination with the Continuum of Care and efforts to address the needs of
homeless persons (particularly chronically homeless individuals and families, families with
children, veterans, and unaccompanied youth) and persons at risk of homelessness.
The Three County Continuum of Care has made great strides on the uniform intake assessment and
coordinated entry system. It rolled out a hotline to assist those homeless or at risk of being homeless.
The HMIS system continues to evolve, with data collection and analysis becoming more comprehensive.
The website for the Western Mass Network to End Homelessness contains 2 CoC's within each
geography. Each CoC ( Three County and Springfield/Hampden) have sections on the site that contain all
the Point in Time counts and resultant analysis. Breakouts for the City of Northampton and Pittsfield are
now available to assist with Consolidated and Annual Action Plan assemblages.
To date, the CoC has utilized the committee structure of the Network to End Homelessness for the work
on sub-populations. It formed its own committees for the work on Coordinated Entry,
Describe consultation with the Continuum(s) of Care that serves the jurisdiction's area in
determining how to allocate ESG funds, develop performance standards for and evaluate
outcomes of projects and activities assisted by ESG funds, and develop funding, policies and
procedures for the operation and administration of HMIS
There are no municipalities in the Three County Continuum of Care that are ESG (Emergency Solutions
Grants Program) entitlement communities. ESG funding for the CoC is allocated by the State's
Department of Housing and Community Development through a competitive process. As part of the CoC
governance structure, the CoC engages in an annual discussion about what the funding priorities should
be and supports applications for funds from appropriate agencies for actitivites that address the
identified priorities. Funds in the past few years have been allocated for prevention activities.
2. Describe Agencies, groups, organizations and others who participated in the process
and describe the jurisdiction’s consultations with housing, social service agencies and other
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Table 2 – Agencies, groups, organizations who participated
1 Agency/Group/Organization CASA LATINA, INC.
Agency/Group/Organization Type Services - Housing
Services-Elderly Persons
Services-Persons with Disabilities
Services-Victims of Domestic Violence
Service-Fair Housing
Neighborhood Organization
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Public Housing Needs
Non-Homeless Special Needs
Anti-poverty Strategy
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
Agency is in transition. CD staff met with members of the Board of Directors to
monitor CDBG public services grant performance. Board is undergoing strategic
planning to determine the future of the organization. Casa has an interim
Director and one case manager that did respond to the service needs of Puerto
Rican Hurricane Maria refugees that were relocated to a Northampton hotel.
They drew CDBG funds for the second half of the program year in line with the
CDBG contract work scope. Casa is an important Latino advocacy organization in
our community and the United Way and Cooley Dickinson Hospital remain
supportive funders, in addition to the City. Casa representatives attended the
CDBG public hearings and will be critical stakeholders that will be engaged in the
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Plan update process beginning August 1,
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Agency/Group/Organization Type Services - Housing
Services-Elderly Persons
Services-Persons with Disabilities
Services-Persons with HIV/AIDS
Regional organization
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Housing Need Assessment
Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless
Homeless Needs - Families with children
Homelessness Needs - Veterans
Homelessness Strategy
Non-Homeless Special Needs
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
CHD provides the administrative oversight for the SRO Outreach Program. This
program was created in the late 1980's during the deinstitutionalization of the
Northampton State hospital process. This is a small, one person program that
provides case management services to residents of the City's SRO's. As the
number of privately owned SRO's diminishes, the regional housing agencies that
are now owning and managing the SRO inventory are contributing financially to
the program to continue the service. This is an integral component of our local
care continuum and the Coordinator participates regularly at Next Step meetings.
It is a CDBG funded public service grantee of the City.
3 Agency/Group/Organization Center for New Americans
Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Education
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Economic Development
Anti-poverty Strategy
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
The Center for New Americans was monitored this year by the CDBG
Administrative staff. As a long time CDBG recipient, communication is on-going.
The agency played a major role this past year providing on site outreach to the
Puerto Rican families in the hotel ( post hurricane Maria). As the issues with
immigration intensify with the current administration, the agency has been
integral to our local care delivery system addressing the fear and misinformation
that has been created by changing policies and regulations.
4 Agency/Group/Organization Office of Planning and Sustainability
Agency/Group/Organization Type Other government - Local
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Housing Need Assessment
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
The Housing Partnership has a Zoning Sub-Committee as a recommendation of
the Strategic Housing Plan of 2011. The charge is to work together with the
Planning Office to identify and remove any regulatory obstacles that hinder the
production of affordable housing. A meeting was held June 6, 2017 to discuss
zoning revisions that would be pursued and coordination has resulted in
Partnership members attending public hearings to speak favorably about
proposed revisions.
5 Agency/Group/Organization Northampton Department of Public Works
Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Persons with Disabilities
Other government - Local
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless
Homelessness Strategy
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
This year the Director of the Department of Public Works participated in two
collaborative sessions to address the presence of encampments of people
challenged by homelessness. The Mayor's Office brought City departments
together to develop a humane, safe coordinated response protocol to address
this issue.
Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Children
Publicly Funded Institution/System of Care
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Anti-poverty Strategy
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
Community Action is a CDBG funded public services recipient for the City. Their
Youth Employment Readiness Program is monitored, so communication is on-
going. The agency is very involved with the Three County Continuum of Care
leadership. Their HeadStart Program is housed in the building on Vernon Street
currently receiving CDBG funded handicap accessibility improvements. The Needs
Assessment compiled by the agency (now known as Community Action of Pioneer
Valley) provides a wealth of information about the needs of people with low
incomes. The Executive Director was Mayor of Northampton for 12 years and
supported the City's being the lead agent for the Continuum of Care for 16 years.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
7 Agency/Group/Organization Community Legal Aid, Inc.
Agency/Group/Organization Type Services - Housing
Services-Persons with Disabilities
Services-Persons with HIV/AIDS
Services-Victims of Domestic Violence
Service-Fair Housing
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Public Housing Needs
Homelessness Strategy
Non-Homeless Special Needs
Anti-poverty Strategy
Lead-based Paint Strategy
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
CLA is a CDBG grant recipient for the City, so communication is on-going. The
work scope involves working with households facing eviction in housing court.
Staff Attorneys work closely with the Northampton Housing Authority and local
property managers to preserve tenancies and stabilize housing for residents with
low incomes, preventing homelessness. Their staff attend the CDBG public
hearings and will be engaged in the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing plan
update process.
Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing
Services - Housing
Regional organization
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Housing Need Assessment
Anti-poverty Strategy
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
This past year Habitat undertook the development of the remaining lot in the
Verona Garfield development. This will complete the project and contain 6
homes, all Habitat homes. They also bid successfully on a City initiated RFP to
develop 4 homes in a defunct subdivision project purchased by the Office of
Planning for open space protection and affordable housing creation. They also
sponsored a series of regional meetings on "Big Enough" ideas to generate new
design concepts on small energy efficient home ownership development. The
homeownership opportunities Habitat develops reach a lower income level than
more traditional non-profit developers, and can undertake and complete small
projects that others cannot.
9 Agency/Group/Organization Northampton Veterans Services
Agency/Group/Organization Type Services - Housing
Other government - Local
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Homelessness Needs - Veterans
Non-Homeless Special Needs
Anti-poverty Strategy
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
Northampton's Veterans Agent is very engaged locally, regionally and at the State
level increasing resources for and awareness of the needs of Veterans. He is a
regular participant at Next Step meetings, the regional Network to End
Homelessness and is Chair of the Statewide Veterans Coalition. He works closely
with the VA and Soldier On to bring medical resources and health care,
emergency shelter, transitional and permanent supported housing opportunities
to men and women Veterans and their children to the VA campus in
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
10 Agency/Group/Organization HAP
Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing
Regional organization
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Housing Need Assessment
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
Now known as Wayfinders, this organization completed the demolition of an
existing 58 unit SRO, relocated people off site and completed the construction of
a new 70 unit, mixed income, mixed use building this spring. Consultation was
often with regard to creating the support services plan for returning and new
residents, monitoring the relocation efforts (funded by CDBG). The new building
is an incredible contribution to the City's entrance corridor and affordable and
market rate housing inventory.
Agency/Group/Organization Type Service-Fair Housing
Regional organization
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Housing Need Assessment
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
The City works with the Fair Housing Center to provide community outreach and
education activities, as well as to process complaints. The City and the MFHC
participate in the Pioneer Valley Regional Planning Commission's Regional
Housing Plan Implementation Committee and the Inclusive Communities
Advisory Group, to facilitate mobility throughout the region. The CDBG
Administrator/Housing Planner regularly attends their Annual Fair Housing
Conference in Springfield which offers a wide array of informative workshops and
inspirational speakers.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
12 Agency/Group/Organization Northampton Housing Authority
Agency/Group/Organization Type PHA
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Public Housing Needs
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
The CDBG Administrator met with the Senior Housing Manager to discuss
resident services and capital improvement needs. Relationships continue to be
built as staffing changes are made and new NHA personnel get acclimated to
Northampton. The Public Housing Director participated in City facilitated efforts
to find permanent housing for the Puerto Rican hurricane refugees. The NHA was
instrumental in housing many displaced residents from the Northampton Lodging
redevelopment project. Many of those residents have opted to stay with the NHA
rather than move back to the new property, as their rents will be lower.
13 Agency/Group/Organization Valley Community Development Corporation (CDC)
Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing
Services - Housing
Regional organization
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Housing Need Assessment
Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless
Homeless Needs - Families with children
Homelessness Strategy
Non-Homeless Special Needs
Economic Development
Anti-poverty Strategy
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
Valley CDC is a regional affordable housing developer. Services also include
homeownership counseling, down payment assistance and small business
technical assistance. Over the past year, Valley undertook the development of
the Lumberyard Apartments which will bring 55 units of affordable housing on
line in May of 2019, the expansion and renovation of the Sergeant House SRO,
and partnered with The Community Builders to bring 65 new affordable rental
units to Village Hill ( former State hospital ). Collaboration is regular and on-going.
14 Agency/Group/Organization SAFE PASSAGE
Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Victims of Domestic Violence
Regional organization
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Homeless Needs - Families with children
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
Safe Passage, the domestic violence service provider in Hampshire County is
based in Northampton. They have purchased a new building that will consolidate
their administrative functions. The emergency shelter facility continues to
operate at full capacity. Staff attend the Next Step Collaborative and a newly
formed DV work group through the Regional Network to End Homelessness
15 Agency/Group/Organization ServiceNet, Inc.
Agency/Group/Organization Type Services - Housing
Services-Persons with Disabilities
Regional organization
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Homelessness Strategy
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
ServiceNet, Inc. is a large multi-faceted mental health agency. They are a CDBG
public services grantee, so communication is on-going. They administer the year
round Grove Street Inn homeless shelter for individuals and the Hampshire
County Interfaith Winter shelter, as well as HUD funded permanent supported
housing units. Their staff attend the Next Step Collaborative, REACH and
Individual Services Committee meetings of the Network, regularly.
16 Agency/Group/Organization Cooley Dickinson Hospital
Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Persons with HIV/AIDS
Health Agency
Major Employer
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless
Homeless Needs - Families with children
Homelessness Strategy
Non-Homeless Special Needs
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
City staff interact with Cooley Dickinson Hospital's Healthy Communities division
around support for Casa Latina and the medical interpretation program and
through the Positive Place program which serves families and individuals affected
by HIV/AIds. Social workers from the Emergency Department and psych unit
attend Next Step Collaborative meetings to interface with shelter providers.
People work closely to avoid discharging patients into homelessness. The Positive
Place staff also attend Next Step regularly to network with other service
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
17 Agency/Group/Organization Highland Valley Elder Services
Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Elderly Persons
Publicly Funded Institution/System of Care
Regional organization
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Homelessness Strategy
Non-Homeless Special Needs
Anti-poverty Strategy
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
Highland Valley Elder Services is a CDBG public services grant recipient so
communication is on-going. Collaboration occurs around identifying elders at risk
in the SRO and shelter systems and case management referrals are made. CDBG
funding goes specifically to the home delivered meals Nutrition Program,
encouraging housing stability for elders aging in place.
18 Agency/Group/Organization Friends of Hampshire County Homeless Individuals
Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-homeless
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
The Friends of Hampshire County Homeless Individuals,a very small non-profit
operating primarily out of Northampton, partnered this year with Dial Self, to add
another much needed housing option in our local inventory. FOH first created
Yvonne's House, which serves 6 chronically homeless individuals partnering with
ServiceNet. Their second project involved the purchase of a duplex providing
housing to 6 formerly homeless individuals in recovery. This year they purchased
a property that will house and provide support services to 8 unaccompanied
homeless youth. The Chair of the Northampton Housing Partnership is on the
FOH Board, and the Chair of the FOH Board attends the Next Step Collaborative
meetings regularly.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
19 Agency/Group/Organization Center for Human Development
Agency/Group/Organization Type Services - Housing
Regional organization
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Homelessness Strategy
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
The City partners with the Center for Human Development, not only on the SRO
Outreach Program and Big Brothers/Big Sisters (both CDBG funded) but through
the Community Housing Support Services Project. This project was initiated 3
years ago with funding from the City's Community Preservation Committee. A
renewal award of one year was recently secured from the CPC. This staff person,
working in conjunction with Community Legal Aid, the court system, the Housing
Authority and area landlords and the SRO Outreach Program, performs case
management with households facing eviction due to non-payment issues.
Intensive case management of this type was identified as a gap in our service
delivery system. In the first 2.5 years, with a caseload of 54 households, 52
tenancies were stabilized. Being able to provide a single point of advocacy, build
trust and stay with families through and after crises is a critical component in our
service delivery system.
20 Agency/Group/Organization Northampton Survival Center
Agency/Group/Organization Type Emergency Food Provision
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Anti-poverty Strategy
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
The Northampton Survival Center is a CDBG public services grantee, so
communication is on-going. City staff and NSC staff meet to discuss enhancing
outreach to under served populations. The NSC is very proactive about
community education and outreach and is very responsive to creating
programming to meet identified needs. The increasing number of non-English
speaking participants has resulted in new collaborations and programming that
reflects cultural awareness and sensitivity.
21 Agency/Group/Organization MANNA SOUP KITCHEN
Agency/Group/Organization Type Soup Kitchen
What section of the Plan was addressed by
Anti-poverty Strategy
Briefly describe how the
Agency/Group/Organization was consulted. What
are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or
areas for improved coordination?
The MANNA program is a CDBG funded public service, so communication is on-
going. This program, operating now for 30+ years, reduces food insecurity and
promotes housing stability for those having to choose between paying housing
costs and buying food. With linen table cloths, flowers on the table and healthy
varied meal options, guests can attend with dignity and find community.
Identify any Agency Types not consulted and provide rationale for not consulting
Broader consultation outreach occurs to more sub-population advocacy groups, (such as Stavros Center for Independent Living about the needs
of people with disabilities) when the 5 Year Consolidated Plan is formulated. This additional input gets reflected in the Annual Action Plan
implementation strategies. The agencies listed above are the ones that City staff worked most closely with this past year. Outreach to the
adjacent municipalities of Amherst, Easthampton and Holyoke also occurs annually.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Other local/regional/state/federal planning efforts considered when preparing the Plan
Name of Plan Lead Organization How do the goals of your Strategic Plan overlap with the goals of each plan?
Continuum of Care Hilltown Community
Development Corp.
Homelessness prevention, creation and sustainability of permanent supported housing
units, promoting and funding housing stabilization support services, interface with
addiction and mental health resources are overlapping goals.Both gather information and
feedback from the committees that meet through the Western Mass Network to End
Homelessness organizational structure.
Western Mass Opening
Western Mass
Network to End
Plan created in June 2015 offers a framework for implementation and accountability to
make episodes of homelessness rare, brief and non-recurring by retooling the crisis
response system to one of housing focused, data driven and outcome oriented. Municipal
work is driven by the collective impact framework presented in the report.
Federal Opening Doors
U.S. Department of
Western Mass aligned its regional work with goals outlined in the Federal Plan, to insure
progress and accountability in one overall framework. The 10 objectives articulated in the
Federal plan are pursued at the regional and local level.
Housing Needs
Assessment/ Strategic
Housing Plan
Housing Partnership
Mayor's Office, CDBG Administrator/Housing Planner work through the Housing
Partnership to implement goals and objectives identified in this comprehensive local plan.
Updates on progress are regular agenda items at every monthly Partnership meeting. The
plan needs to be updated to reflect more current census data.
All Roads Lead Home
Three County CoC 10
Year Plan to End
Written by Housing Directors in Northampton and Springfield to build community support
and set goals. Coordination and funding for prevention, rapid rehousing, creation of
permanent supportive housing units outside of Holyoke and Springfield, enhancing
employment opportunities and life skills were all goals that guided the work over the last
Special Report on
Unaccompanied Youth
Executive Office of
the Governor
Special Commission on Unaccompanied Homeless Youth was formed in 2015. Funding
finally followed it for programming. Roughly two million dollars annually support the work
to implement the report recommendations. Some of those funds have made it to our
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Name of Plan Lead Organization How do the goals of your Strategic Plan overlap with the goals of each plan?
City of Northampton
Analysis of
Mayor's Office
The City has just released a Request for Qualifications to select a Consultant to update the
existing Analysis. The work will update all relevant demographic data and inform the next
several years of fair housing activity in the City and evaluate the City's role in the region.
Table 3 – Other local / regional / federal planning efforts
Narrative (optional)
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP-12 Participation – 91.105, 91.200(c)
1. Summary of citizen participation process/Efforts made to broaden citizen participation
Summarize citizen participation process and how it impacted goal-setting
The goals and objectives identified in the Action Plan were formulated by input gathered at Western Mass Network to End Homelessness sub-
population committee meetings, the CDBG Public Services Review process, Housing Partnership meetings, Next Step Collaborative meetings,
landlord workshops, quarterly housing provider meetings and two public hearings advertised through legal ads in the newspaper, postings on
the City's website and direct outreach efforts.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Citizen Participation Outreach
Sort Ord
Mode of Outrea
Target of Outrea
Summary of
Summary of
comments received
Summary of comme
nts not accepted
and reasons
1 Public Hearing
Speaking -
Specify other
Primarily Spanish
Persons with
Residents of
Public and
Assisted Housing
Public Hearings
held on February
21, 2018 (in the
evening: attended)
and June 21, 2018
(during the day; 7
See minutes from sessions in
All comments were
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Sort Ord
Mode of Outrea
Target of Outrea
Summary of
Summary of
comments received
Summary of comme
nts not accepted
and reasons
2 Invited
Housing and
Homeless Service
Next Step
meetings held the
second Thursday of
every month,
except July and
August. 10-15
regularly attend.
Regular networking venue
discusses shelter capacity,
number of unsheltered living
outside, program
coordination, identification
of gaps in the service delivery
system, housing production
updates, announcements of
new resources.Review of
Draft Action Plan and public
service grantee awards.
All comments
3 Public Meeting
Residents of
Public and
Assisted Housing
meetings held
monthly (first
Monday of the
month) since 1990.
9-11 attend
Monthly agendas include
Strategic Housing Plan
implementation updates, Fair
Housing activity, housing unit
production updates, vetting
for housing related projects
seeking CDBG/CPA funding,
All comments
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Sort Ord
Mode of Outrea
Target of Outrea
Summary of
Summary of
comments received
Summary of comme
nts not accepted
and reasons
4 Public Meeting Homelessness
Service Providers
Network to End
facilitates monthly
meetings for the
Individual Services
Committee, the
Family Services
Committee, the
Committee on
Homeless Youth,
the Veterans
Committee, the
Committee on
Domestic Violence
Services. Homeless
Resource Fair held
June 14, 2018 was
attended by 200+
and 9 workshops
were offered at
Minutes of all meetings can
be found on the Network's
All comments
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Sort Ord
Mode of Outrea
Target of Outrea
Summary of
Summary of
comments received
Summary of comme
nts not accepted
and reasons
5 Public Meeting Northampton
Workshop held
February 13, 2018.
35 landlords
attended. this is an
annual event.
Invitation by letter
sent from the
Mayor to all
landlords in the
City, thanking them
for their role in
providing housing
in the city and
inviting them to the
fair housing
Lawyer presented on fair
housing, lead paint law
changes, landlord/tenant
All comments
accepted. Identifies
areas where
education and
additional resources
are needed.
Table 4 – Citizen Participation Outreach
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Expected Resources
AP-15 Expected Resources – 91.220(c)(1,2)
The City of Northampton will use new program year funds along with carry over funds to implement projects as prioritized in the 2015-2020
Consolidated Plan.
Anticipated Resources
Program Source
Uses of Funds Expected Amount Available Year 1 Expected
of ConPlan
Narrative Description
Prior Year
CDBG public -
Admin and
Public Services 677,089 10,000 415,274 1,102,363 937,089
Funds will be used for housing
programs/projects; public facilities;
demolition; public services; planning
activities and the administration of the
grant. Expected remaining amount
based on level funding in the last year,
$10,000 program income and carry
over of $250,000
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Program Source
Uses of Funds Expected Amount Available Year 1 Expected
of ConPlan
Narrative Description
Prior Year
of Care
public -
334,210 0 0 334,210 668,420
Permanent Supportive Housing and
Shelter Plus Care Programs. The annual
amount is prorated on programs
operating in Northampton. Overall
award for Franklin, Berkshire and
Hampshire Counties is $1,602,351
Other public -
Public Services 800,000 0 0 800,000 1,600,000
Annual amount varies depending on
local tax revenue generation and
fluctuating amount of State match.
Other public -
344,196 0 0 344,196 688,392
Funding for A Positive Place. Expected
remaining amount assumes level
funding in the final year of the Con
Plan.The City of Springfield administers
the HOPWA program for the region.
Table 5 - Expected Resources – Priority Table
Explain how federal funds will leverage those additional resources (private, state and local funds), including a description of how
matching requirements will be satisfied
All City of Northampton CDBG funded projects require other funding sources to achieve full implementation. Public facilities projects often
utilize Capital Improvement Program funds and private fundraising dollars. Public infrastructure projects generally utilize State Chapter 90
funding and other grant sources. Public service grants use a variety of other funding sources, such as United Way, and private fundraising from
foundations and individuals. CDBG funds are used for affordable housing applications to State and Federal funding sources that require evidence
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
of a local cash match. Local affordable housing projects also apply to the Community Preservation Committee for Community Preservation Act
funding ( local home rule approval to tax, with a State match). Smith College also created an Affordable Housing Trust fund to assist with the
development of new affordable units to compensate for units they remove from the inventory when they expand their campus.
The Commonwealth's Department of Housing and Community Development is the primary funding source for affordable housing development,
through the One Stop application process. An indication of the leveraging scale is exhibited by the $150,000 of CDBG funds leveraging 19+
million State dollars, similar scenarios for both the Live 155 Pleasant Street development of 70 new units, and the Lumberyard Apartment
project of 55 new units. The public service grant allocations from the City's CDBG program are so small, the greatest value they have is to show
City support when agencies apply to other funding sources.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
If appropriate, describe publically owned land or property located within the jurisdiction that
may be used to address the needs identified in the plan
The City's Office of Planning and Sustainability is ever vigilant in the pursuit of land acquisition for open
space acquisiton and limited development projects. This past year, they sponsored another design
competition for small lots development in conjunction with natural resource conservation, asking
respondents to design small energy efficiency homes. A parcel on Burts Pit Road has been purchased by
the City, and the design competition was specific to that parcel. The $135,000 of CDBG funding in this
years Action Plan will finance soft costs and infrastructure work on a defunct sub-division that the City
purchased last year. The open space preservation in this, the Glendale Road parcel will carve off 4 home
sites, while permanently protecting a section of a wildlife corridor traversing the western edge of the
The City is still pursuing ownership of two lots deeded to the Housing Authority through the disposition
of the former State hospital property. It has now been 2 years that the State has taken to address the
revised legislation giving ownership to the City, getting the parcels appraised and transferring the deeds.
When the City does finally become the owner, an RFP will be issued for development of affordable
The City regularly reviews tax title takings and foreclosures, which are rare, for possible development
Because the State is not funding affordable homeownership development, we are grateful to have
Habitat for Humanity creating units in Northampton. We all continue to think creatively about how to
produce attractive, energy efficient new units, despite the lack of available land and high development
costs. The Northampton housing market continues to be strong, with very little inventory available at
the less expensive end. The City continues to examine tax abatement programs for developers, and
possible zoning revisions to increase opportunities for people to purchase and live more affordably.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Annual Goals and Objectives
AP-20 Annual Goals and Objectives
Goals Summary Information
Goal Name Start
Category Geographic
Needs Addressed Funding Goal Outcome Indicator
1 Homelessness
2015 2019 Homeless
Non-Homeless Special
of Care:
Prevention: 370 Persons
2 Support for Emergency
Shelter System
2015 2019 Homeless Support for
Emergency Shelter
Homeless Person
Overnight Shelter: 300
Persons Assisted
3 Rental Housing for
2015 2019 Affordable Housing Rental Housing for
of Care:
Rental units
constructed: 65
Household Housing Unit
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Goal Name Start
Category Geographic
Needs Addressed Funding Goal Outcome Indicator
4 Rental Housing for
2015 2019 Affordable Housing Rental Housing for
of Care:
Rental units
constructed: 20
Household Housing Unit
Rental units
rehabilitated: 19
Household Housing Unit
5 Preservation of Existing
Affordable Rental Stock
2015 2019 Affordable Housing Preservation of
Existing Affordable
Rental Stock
Rental units
rehabilitated: 15
Household Housing Unit
6 Housing Rehabilitation 2015 2019 Affordable Housing Housing
Homeowner Housing
Rehabilitated: 4
Household Housing Unit
7 Affordable
Homeownership for
2015 2019 Affordable Housing Affordable
for Families
Homeowner Housing
Added: 5 Household
Housing Unit
Direct Financial
Assistance to
Homebuyers: 5
Households Assisted
8 Housing for At-Risk and
Special Needs
2015 2019 Affordable Housing Housing for At -
Risk & Special
Needs Populations
CDBG: $0
Housing for Homeless
added: 8 Household
Housing Unit
HIV/AIDS Housing
Operations: 22
Household Housing Unit
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Goal Name Start
Category Geographic
Needs Addressed Funding Goal Outcome Indicator
9 Economic
2015 2019 Economic
Public service activities
other than
Low/Moderate Income
Housing Benefit: 700
Persons Assisted
Jobs created/retained:
10 Jobs
Businesses assisted: 15
Businesses Assisted
10 Housing Support
2015 2019 Affordable Housing Housing Support
Prevention: 45 Persons
11 Addressing Basic Needs 2015 2019 Non-Housing
Addressing Basic
Public service activities
other than
Low/Moderate Income
Housing Benefit: 3000
Persons Assisted
12 Elimination of Slums
and Blight
2015 2016 Elimination of Slums
and Blight
Elimination of
Slums and Blight
CDBG: $0 Buildings Demolished: 1
13 Improvement of Public
2015 2016 Non-Housing
Public Facilities CDBG:
Public Facility or
Infrastructure Activities
other than
Low/Moderate Income
Housing Benefit: 500
Persons Assisted
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Goal Name Start
Category Geographic
Needs Addressed Funding Goal Outcome Indicator
14 Improvement of Public
2015 2019 Non-Housing
CDBG: $0 Public Facility or
Infrastructure Activities
other than
Low/Moderate Income
Housing Benefit: 0
Persons Assisted
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
15 Planning and
2015 2019 Program
Support for
Emergency Shelter
Rental Housing for
Rental Housing for
Preservation of
Existing Affordable
Rental Stock
for Families
Housing for At -
Risk & Special
Needs Populations
Housing Support
Addressing Basic
Elimination of
Slums and Blight
Public Facilities
Other: 4200 Other
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Table 6 – Goals Summary
Goal Descriptions
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
1 Goal Name Homelessness Prevention
The City will allocated CDBG Funding to Community Legal Aid ($7,500) and the SRO Outreach Project ($10,000) to work
with residents at risk of homelessness to stabilize their housing. The HOPWA award of $131,335 to A Positive Place will
work to prevent homelessness for residents living with HIV/AISA and the ServiceNet Shelter Plus Care award of $184,355
will provide housing and support services for chronically homeless dually diagnosed individuals. The City is commited to
the goal of the Western Massachusetts Regional Network to End Homelessness which is - if homelessness occurs, that it
be rare, brief and non-recurring.
The Community Preservation Committee awarded an additional year of funding to the Community Housing Support
Services Project. This program, locally initiated and supported is entering its fourth year of operation. The Case Manager
works intensively with court involved families to prevent evictions and stabilize tenancies. The Manager works with
families on financial literacy and life skills education as well as income maximization. The task this year will be to identify
longer term funding to continue the program.
The McKinney Program for the Three County Continuum of Care not only funds the administration of the Shelter Plus
Care Program, but also permanent supported housing units. ServiceNet oversees that program and has units in Berkshire,
Franklin and Hampshire counties.
The public services funded by the City with CDBG all impact homelessness prevention, directly if not indirectly. Providing
food allows people to pay rent, without having to choose between eating and paying housing costs. Income
maximization, through employment training, educational attainment, language access and technical assistance, all
increase self sufficiency skills to avoid homelessness.
CDBG funds for assisting the construction of new units are not awarded by the City unless support services will be
provided. Evidence has shown that just providing affordable units does not guarantee successful tenancies. Without the
knowledge and skills required to sustain the tenancy, the resident may cycle back into homelessness.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
2 Goal Name Support for Emergency Shelter System
The City will provide CDBG funding to the Grove Street Inn homeless shelter for individuals ($10,000) and to the
Hampshire County Inter-Faith Winter Shelter ($10,000). The ownership of the Grove Street Inn transferred to ServiceNet
Inc. during the past year. ServiceNet is now free to utilize volunteer labor to make repairs to the old farmhouse and not
be encumbered by Chapter 30B procurement restrictions. They will continue to administer both programs.
Safe Passage will continue to operate their emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence and Soldier On will
continue to administer their emergency shelter beds at the Veterans Administration campus in Leeds.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
3 Goal Name Rental Housing for Families
Live 155 opened for business in May of 2018 (CDBG allocation fo $150,000 for relocation assistance). The 70 new units
are studios and one bedrooms, so it will house mostly individuals, but possibly some families. 48 of those units are
designated as affordable. Many of the residents relocated from Northampton Lodging, a 58 unit SRO demolished to make
way for the new structure, were relocated to Housing Authority units. The rents in those units are less than what they
would be at Live 155, so many opted not to return. Final numbers of those returning are being tallied now, as apartments
are being filled. Valley CDC's Lumberyard Apartments is now well underway, which will create 55 new affordable
apartments located downtown, close to public transportation and downtown commerce.
The Continuum of Care will provide funding for Paradise Pond Apartments, owned and managed by Wayfinders, as well
as subsidies for A Positive Place, also rental housing for families. Paradise Pond Apartments opened in and has many of
the original tenants.
Valley CDC and The Community Builders are in the process of securing funding sources for two new developments at
Village Hill, the former Northampton State Hospital. One will be a 12 unit, mixed income, mixed use building at the
entrance of the complex. A second building containing 53 units will be constructed at the northern end of the complex.
13 units will be available for those earning 30% of area median income or less, 26 will be for those earning 60% of area
median income or less, and 26 will be work force housing through a MassHousing Program, for those earning 120% of
area median income or less. There will be 10 studio units, 29 one bedroom units, 22 two bedroom units and 4 three
bedroom units, between the two buildings.
5 units will be utilized for clients of the Department of Mental Health, through the Facilities Consolidation Fund, 5 will be
fully handicap accessible and all units will be visitable by those in wheelchairs. The project was awarded $150,000 in
CDBG funding for acquisition and the developers are in the process of seeking CPA and State funding. Total project cost
will be 21 million dollars. The 12 unit building is seeking funding through a newly created State program for smaller scale
projects and as a result, may move more quickly than the larger project.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
4 Goal Name Rental Housing for Individuals
The new CPA award for Dial Self of 75,000 will assist with the new construction of 4 units for unaccompanied homeless
youth. This is the second phase of the project at 11 Hatfield Street. The first phase saw the completion of the renovation
of the existing building which will house 4 youth beginning June of 2018.The construction of the adjacent building which
will contain the 4 additional units, office space and common area will begin in the fall of 2018, for spring 2019
The renovation and expansion of 82 Bridge Street, aka the Sergeant House, will begin in the fall of 2018. The existing 15
units will be renovated into enhanced SRO units and 16 additional new units will be added.
The Village Hill North project, 53 new rental units in one building and 12 new rental units in another building, are in
funding application rounds now. ( June 2018). Depending on when State funding is awarded, they may or may not be
undertaken this program year, so these numbers are not reflected in the chart below, although the CDBG award of
$150,000 is included in the Action Plan, for acquisition costs.
The Lumberyard Apartments ( prior CDBG award for acquisition ) will have 14 of the 55 units available for individuals. The
entire inventory of new units at Live 155 are studios and one bedroom units, so it is possible all 70 units will be inhabited
by individuals.
The Continuum of Care has 21 permanent supported housing units earmarked for Hampshire County. A Positive Place has
22 existing housing placements in the regional through HOPWA and the CoC. All of those units noted could supply
housing for individuals.
To summarize, 86 newly constructed affordable units for individuals are coming on line. 14 at the Lumberyard
Apartments, 48 at Live 155, 8 through Dial-Self and 16 new units at the 82 Bridge Street SRO. The 22 market rate units at
Live 155 will be affordable to residents with moderate incomes, a boost to the market rate rental inventory in the
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
5 Goal Name Preservation of Existing Affordable Rental Stock
The 82 Bridge Street project will address 15 very outdated SRO units that currently share a common space and 4
bathrooms. As part of the Sergeant House project, these units will be completely renovated into enhanced SRO units.
Preservation of existing affordable units is a high priority in the City's community development strategy. Preserving units
is highly cost effective, as the cost per new unit is in excess of $300,000 ( $322,110 unit cost at Village Hill ).
CDBG Program administration staff have worked with the owner and management company of Leeds Village this past
year to try to retain affordability there. The original use restrictions expired in 2018. The City worked with the Holyoke
Housing Authority in an attempt to place some Project based Section 8 units at the property, to limited success. Tenants
will be able to continue living there with outside subsidies, but most of the property's internal subsidies will terminate.
The City's Housing Rehabilitation Program will continue to focus on owner occupied single family homes, but may move
to include invester owned rental property in the future.
6 Goal Name Housing Rehabilitation
The Pioneer Valley Regional Planning Commission continues to administer the City's Housing Rehabilitation Program.
Single family owner occupied income eligible households are still the target population segment. 10 units are now
underway and/or completed since the program was reinstated after many years, two years ago. There is now a waiting
list of eligible households. The projects have averaged $23,000 - 35,000 in cost, with roof repairs being the most common
work component. This year's program will be small, with CDBG funding only available for 2-4 units.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
7 Goal Name Affordable Homeownership for Families
Valley CDC continues to administer the program offering down payment assistance grants. The amount offered has
increased from $3,000 to $4,000. Unfortunately, there are very few homes for sale under $225,000 in the City, and they
are in huge demand when they do come on the market. Sellers have so many potential buyers to select from that a
household in need of additional subsidies to finance a purchase cannot compete with those who do not. The $20,000
counseling component awarded to Valley each year is to work with families to identify those that can utilize the direct
financial assistance in the form of down payment and closing cost grants.
Habitat's plan to construct 4 homes on the Glendale Road parcel, in addition to one at the Verona Garfield development,
will add affordable home ownership units to the inventory. This year CDBG is providing $135,000 for site infrastructure
costs for that project.
The City is still in the process ( 2+ years now ) of securing the deeds for two parcels from the State's Capital and Asset
Management division to transfer ownership from the Northampton Housing Authority to the City. Four parcels were
originally deeded to the Housing Authority during the State Hospital land disposition. Two were developed into the Mary
McColgan apartments which serves clients of the Department of Mental Health, and the Paradise Pond Apartments,
rental units for at-risk and formerly homeless families. The Housing Authority was not interested in developing the Laurel
Street and Burts Pit Road parcels and agreed to deed them to the City. CDBG funds have been used to pay for appraisals
on both parcels, but to date, the State has not transferred the deeds. Funds for the demolition of the existing farmhouse
on the Burt's Pit Road parcel have been in the Annual Action Plan for three years. This year those funds are being
reallocated to the housing rehab. program. If and when the City secures ownership of the parcels, plans for the
demolition will be revisited. A Request for Proposals for development will be issued when site control is accomplished.
Affordable homeownership opportunities will be the preferred development option.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
8 Goal Name Housing for At-Risk and Special Needs Populations
The Friends of the Homeless/Dial -Self project is just now coming on line. Last year's $65,000 CDBG Program allocation
assisted with the acquistion process. The renovated residential building will welcome its first residents in June (2018) and
the second phase of new construction to house 4 additional unaccompanied homeless youth will get underway this fall.
A Positive Place continues to administer their 22 McKinney subsidies for individuals and families affected by HIV/Aids
through the Three County Continuum of Care. Typically, 3-5 units are in Northampton with the remainder being in
Hampden, Franklin or other towns in Hampshire County.
The past years CDBG allocations to the LumberYard Apartments and Live 155 projects will provide units for homeless,
formerly homeless, physically disabled and hearing and visually impaired people. Five units at Live 155 will be set aside
for clients of the Department of Mental Health. Four apartments are fully accessible and two apartments will be
equipped for the visual and/or hearing impaired. The LumberYard Apartments will contain two 2 bedroom handicap
accessible Community Based Housing Units, units to house those living in an institution. 3 additional handicap accessible
units ( one 1 bedroom and 1 two bedroom unit) are planned and 6 units will have preferences for people experiencing
The Continuum of Care will continue to provide funding for people challenged by HIV/Aids and their families.
9 Goal Name Economic Development/Income Maximization
CDBG funds are being allocated to the Small Business Assistance Program at Valley Community Development
Corporation. The new Director brings experience, fresh ideas and an energy for networking. ($10,000)
Community Action's Youth Readiness Employment Program will continue to identify at risk youth challenged by low
incomes to offer job and life skills training and job placement in Northampton. ($7,500)
The EARN Program, based at the Northampton Senior Center, will continue to assist elders in need of income
maximization after retirement. ($3,500) The propose to serve 675 through their newsletters, information and referral
services and job fairs.
The Center for New Americans also focuses on job placement with their career pathways program for Certified Nursing
Assistants training which teaches language and the vocabulary relevant to the health care field. ($9,500)
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
10 Goal Name Housing Support Services
The provision of housing support services is an integral component of our local service delivery system. Creating new
units without insuring people can successfully sustain living in them, is short sighted. Most affordable housing
development funding sources do not pay for support services. We have utilized CDBG and CPA funding to the extent
possible for this purpose and depend on the collaborative nature of service providers to accomplish this critical work.
When 50% of the households facing eviction in Housing Court are living in subsidized units, it becomes clear the issue is
not simply availability of housing, but rather the skills needed to live in them successfully.
CDBG funds the Community Legal Aid Homelessness Prevention Project ($7,500), the SRO Outreach Project ($10,000) and
the CPA funds the Community Housing Support Services Project for one more year ($86,000) to provide housing support
services to those in need and often facing eviction.
11 Goal Name Addressing Basic Needs
The City will fund the MANNA Soup Kitchen ( $4,000); the Northampton Survival Center ($11,000); the SRO Outreach
Project which has a food pantry ($10,000); Highland Valley Elder Services ($4,000) and the two emergency shelters
($20,000) to address the basic needs of food and shelter provision.
12 Goal Name Elimination of Slums and Blight
Demolition of an existing farmhouse on Burt's Pit Road will move forward when the City acquires ownership from the
State. This has been an on-going delayed process and after allocating funding for this activity for three years, it was
decided to reallocate it this year to the Housing Rehabilitation Program. If and when the City attains title to the Laurel
Street and Burt's Pit road parcels, this activity will be revisited to see if funding is available to move it forward. The City
would have the option to RFP the parcel for affordable housing development and have the developer be responsible for
the demolition. Developers would prefer being delivered a clean site, but CDBG funding may not be available to
accomplish that, prior to releasing the RFP.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
13 Goal Name Improvement of Public Facilities
An allocation of $100,000 made in last year's CDBG program for handicap accessibility improvements at the Vernon
Street school has carried over into this year. The former school is the site of Community Action's HeadStart Program. The
existing ramp is being rebuilt and bathroom and doorways are being renovated to comply with Americans with
Disabilities Act requirements. The project is currently underway and will be completed in July of 2018. No additional
CDBG dollars are being commited in the new year for this category.
14 Goal Name Improvement of Public Infrastructure
There are no CDBG funded public infrastructure improvement projects planned for this program year. All the sidewalks
around City Hall are being redone this year to improve handicap access and make them ADA compliant. This has been
accomplished through a State grant from the Massachusetts Office for Disabilities for $250,000 and $50,000 in City
Capital Improvement dollars, as well as private donations.
15 Goal Name Planning and Administration
Funds will be used for affordable housing project planning, expiring use property monitoring, homeless services
coordination, community and economic development project formulation and implementation, for the conduct of fair
housing activities, in addition to the administration of the Community Development Block Grant Program.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP-35 Projects – 91.220(d)
For the program year July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019, the City of Northampton will receive $677,089 in
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development. Unexpended funds from prior program years will be reallocated and applied to projects
moving forward. Oldest funds will be committed first as contracts are executed and activities are
entered into IDIS.
The Annual Action Plan details how CDBG funds will be spent on new projects to address priorities as
identified in the City's 5-Year Consolidated Plan as reviewed and updated.
# Project Name
1 Valley CDC Down Payment Grant Assistance Program
2 Village Hill North
3 Glendale Road Housing - Infrastructure Cossts
4 Housing Rehabilitation Program
5 Burts Pit Road Farmhouse Demolition / Laurel St Project Delivery
6 Micro-Business Assistance Program
7 Puentes: Bridges for Latinos
8 Services for Immigrant Economic Independence
9 Big Brother Big Sisters Mentoring Program
10 SRO Outreach Program
11 Youth Employment Readiness
12 CLA Tenancy Preservation
13 Northampton Nutrition Program
14 Passport to Success
15 Manna Soup Kitchen
16 Senior Services EARN Program
17 Grove Street Shelter
18 Interfaith Winter Shelter
19 Emergency Food Pantry
20 Administration and Planning
Table 7 - Project Information
Describe the reasons for allocation priorities and any obstacles to addressing underserved
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Northampton has a critical need for an increased supply of deeply subsidized supported affordable
housing units. Contributing CDBG dollars to produce new units is the top priority. Facilitating access to
and supporting people in those households is an integral part of a successful housing strategy. Public
infrastructure assistance receives a lower priority due to the existence of other State and municipal
resources to accomplish those projects.
The Public Services Review Committee traditionally prioritizes programs providing basic food and shelter
programming. This year, there was an increased focus on services for youth. Impacting people's lives
earlier with positive life skills development will hopefully reduce the incidences of adult homelessness.
The primary obstacle to addressing underserved needs is insufficient resources. The State's Department
of Mental Health has very limited windows of eligibility for people challenged by mental health issues.
Insurance constraints do not allow people to receive adequate treatment time periods for true progress.
The opioid crisis has complicated all service provision and has stretched limited resources farther.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP-38 Project Summary
Project Summary Information
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
1 Project Name Valley CDC Down Payment Grant Assistance Program
Target Area
Goals Supported Affordable Homeownership for Families
Needs Addressed Affordable Homeownership for Families
Funding CDBG: $32,000
Description The Valley CDC will assist income eligible households who are looking
to buy their first home in Northampton with down payment assistance
grants. Households will receive referral to HOME funded opportunities
and state subsidized mortgage products. CDBG funds will be used to
provide $4,000 grants to three first time homebuyers for down
payment assistance.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
3 down payment/closing cost assistance grants
Location Description Valley CDC, 30 Market Street, Northampton
Planned Activities 3 first time homebuyer grants in the amount of $4,000 each to income
eligible households and referrals to HOME funded homeownership
opportunities. The program will address the increasing challenges that
many LMI households face including student loan debt and high rental
costs that affect their ability to attain homeownership. Support
services to identify those eligible for the down payment assistance
grants will focus on household financial literacy, financial planning and
advocacy as needed to achieve and sustain affordable homeownership.
2 Project Name Village Hill North
Target Area
Goals Supported Rental Housing for Families
Rental Housing for Individuals
Housing for At-Risk and Special Needs Populations
Needs Addressed Rental Housing for Individuals
Rental Housing for Families
Housing for At - Risk & Special Needs Populations
Funding CDBG: $150,000
CPA: $350,000
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Description Funds will be used to pay a portion of the 1.9M acquisition cost for 2
parcels at Village Hill: Lot 13A (North Commons) and Lot 20 (35 Village
Hill Road). 65 residential rental units will be constructed for residents
with low and moderate incomes: 10 studios; 22 two-bedrooms and 4
three bedrooms. 13 units will be available for households earning
below 30% AMI; 26 units will be available for households earning less
than 60% AMI; 26 units will be available for households earning less
than 120% AMI. Five units of the 65 units will be handicap accessible
and five units will be reserved for clients of the Dept of Mental Health.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
65 individuals and families with incomes levels at 80% of area median
income and below, as well as a work force housing component for
those earning 80-120% of area median income.
Location Description Lot 13A (North Commons) on the Village Hill property, Northampton
Lot 20 (35 Village Hill Road), Northampton
Both properties are currently undeveloped parcels at the former
Northampton State Hospital property being redeveloped by
MassDevelopment in conjuntion with the City.
Planned Activities Acquisition of property for construction of affordable rental housing.
3 Project Name Glendale Road Housing - Infrastructure Cossts
Target Area
Goals Supported Affordable Homeownership for Families
Needs Addressed Affordable Homeownership for Families
Funding CDBG: $135,000
Description Funds will be used to support infrastructure costs for construction of
four affordable single family homes. Habitat for Humanity, was
selected to be the developer through an RFP process initiated by the
City, after the City acquired an undeveloped sub-divison.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
4 first time home buyer households earning 80% AMI or less
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Location Description Glendale Road, Florence, MA
Planned Activities Infrastructure work in preparation for construction of four single family
4 Project Name Housing Rehabilitation Program
Target Area
Goals Supported Housing Rehabilitation
Needs Addressed Housing Rehabilitation Resources
Funding CDBG: $150,209
Description The Pioneer Valley Planning Commission will continue to administer
this program and provide assistance for income eligible owner
occupied single family home owners and focus on remediation of code
violations and lead paint abatement. Prior year funds will be used for
this program along with new year funding ($113,109) and reallocated
funds ($37,100).
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
The plan is to address 3-5 units in this program year.
Location Description City wide
Planned Activities Repairs to heating, plumbing, electrical, roof and structural systems to
remediate code violations. Lead paint abatement will be given high
priority if costs allow. Up to $45,000 will be available per unit in the
form of 15 year deferred payment loans.
5 Project Name Burts Pit Road Farmhouse Demolition / Laurel St Project Delivery
Target Area
Goals Supported Elimination of Slums and Blight
Needs Addressed Elimination of Slums and Blight
Funding :
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Description Demolition of a vacant and deteriorating residential structure and
detached garage on Burt's Pit Road and project delivery costs to create
affordable housing on two properties owned by the Northampton
Housing Authority. The parcels were associated with the former
Northampton State Hospital property which has been abandoned for
more than 20 years. The Housing Authority relinquished development
responsibility to the City two years ago. In the prior program year,
$7,900 of CDBG funds were spent on a property appraisal required by
the Commonwealth's Division of Capital Asset Management and
Maintenance (DCAMM).For a variety of reasons, the legislation
overseeing the conveyance has been delayed and must be
reintroduced. This project will be carried out once final disposition
occurs and if funding allows.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
To be determined when Requests for Proposals are issued and
developer(s) selected.
Location Description 278 Burts Pit Road, Florence MA
23 Laurel Street, Northampton MA
Planned Activities Demolition of vacant residential structure and detached garage on
Burts Pit Road and issuance of RFP for Burts Pit Road and Laurel Street
for future affordable housing development, once the City secures the
ownership from the Northampton Housing Authority.
6 Project Name Micro-Business Assistance Program
Target Area
Goals Supported Economic Development/Income Maximization
Needs Addressed Economic Development
Funding CDBG: $10,000
Description The Valley Community Development Corporation (CDC) will provide
technical assistance to income eligible residents to launch new
businesses and help existing micro-businesses improve revenue and
Target Date 6/30/2019
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
20 individuals and/or micro-businesses will be served.
Location Description Technical assistance is provided at 30 Market Street, Northampton;
workshops are conducted at various locations throughout the City.
Planned Activities Individualized counseling including assisting clients with creating
business plans and marketing strategies, doing financial projections,
making referrals for networking and loan preparation assistance.
Workshops will be held throughout the program year.
7 Project Name Puentes: Bridges for Latinos
Target Area
Goals Supported Economic Development/Income Maximization
Housing Support Services
Addressing Basic Needs
Needs Addressed Economic Development
Housing Support Services
Addressing Basic Needs
Funding CDBG: $10,000
Description Casa Latina, Inc. will provide information and referral services to
Northampton Latinos with low and moderate incomes.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
275 Latino residents will be provided outreach and case management
Location Description 140 Pine Street, Florence
Planned Activities Assistance with translation of applications, medical interpretation;
referrals and information to access MassHealth and other local
benefits; advocacy for Latino elders and outreach to new residents.
8 Project Name Services for Immigrant Economic Independence
Target Area
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Goals Supported Economic Development/Income Maximization
Addressing Basic Needs
Needs Addressed Economic Development
Addressing Basic Needs
Funding CDBG: $9,500
Description The Center for New Americans (CNA) will provide education, job skills
training, career advising, legal and other support services to immigrant
adults in Northampton to facilitate their goals of attaining economic
stability and self-sufficiency.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
55 immigrant individuals with low and moderate incomes will be
Location Description James House Community Learning Center, 42 Gothic Street,
Planned Activities ESOL classes, computer instruction, career pathways classes, career
advising, legal services and referrals to area support services.
9 Project Name Big Brother Big Sisters Mentoring Program
Target Area
Goals Supported Addressing Basic Needs
Needs Addressed Addressing Basic Needs
Funding CDBG: $6,275
Description The Center for Human Development (CHD) Big Brothers Big Sisters
Program will create and support mentoring relationships for children
with multiple risk factors in families with low and moderate incomes in
Northampton. Children are referred by school personnel and other
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
30 at-risk Northampton youth will be served.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Location Description City wide with the major focus being on children who reside at
Florence Heights and Hampshire Heights (both Northampton Housing
Authority properties) and Meadowbrook Apartments in Florence.
Referrals come primarily from Jackson Street Elementary School.
Planned Activities Mentoring relationships using a community or site-based model.
Volunteer mentors and mentees meet for at least one year getting
together for 3-5 hours weekly.
The site-based model is Kids to Campus where mentees are matched
with Smith College students. The program provides transportation for
youth to weekly get togethers on the Smith College Campus.
10 Project Name SRO Outreach Program
Target Area
Goals Supported Housing Support Services
Addressing Basic Needs
Needs Addressed Homelessness Prevention
Housing Support Services
Addressing Basic Needs
Funding CDBG: $10,000
Description The Center for Human Development (CHD) will provide case
management services and support to residents living in single room
occupancy units throughout Northampton in order to prevent
homelessness and food insecurity and achieve housing stability.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
75 Northampton SRO tenants will be served.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Location Description The program office and food pantry is located at 129 Main Street,
Northampton in the First Churches. SRO locations served are:
Go West, 1-3 North Main Street, Florence
The Maples, 16 North Maple Street, Florence
Earle Street Apartments, 180-182 Earle Street, Northampton
King Street SRO, 96-98 King Street, Northampton
The Lorraine, 96 Pleasant Street, Northampton
Bridge Street SRO, 82 Bridge Street, Northampton
Live 155/ 155 Pleasant Street, Northampton
Planned Activities The Case Manager will provide comprehensive outreach and services
to address housing stabilization; including crisis intervention, access to
medical and mental health care, transportation to and from
appointments, assistance establishing community linkages to other
resources and will support the tenants being relocated from the 82
Bridge St. SRO during the renovation project. A food pantry will be
open three days per week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
11 Project Name Youth Employment Readiness
Target Area
Goals Supported Economic Development/Income Maximization
Addressing Basic Needs
Needs Addressed Economic Development
Addressing Basic Needs
Funding CDBG: $7,500
Description Community Action will provide individual career development
assistance, employment readiness training and educational workshops
focused on employment in high-growth sectors for Northampton at-
risk youth ages 14-24.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
50 at-risk Northampton youth with low and moderate incomes will be
served. Referrals come primarily from the Guidance Departments at
the two local high schools; Northampton High School and Smith
Vocational High School.
Location Description The program office is located at 17 New South Street.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Planned Activities Individual assessments for youth to set and achieve training and
employment goals. Youth will complete a 20 hour job readiness
training, will explore jobs, required skills and related training
opportunities through Career Pathways activities focusing on green
jobs, allied health, information technology and human services fields.
Youth will also participate in paid internships in their field of interest.
12 Project Name CLA Tenancy Preservation
Target Area
Goals Supported Housing Support Services
Addressing Basic Needs
Needs Addressed Homelessness Prevention
Housing Support Services
Addressing Basic Needs
Funding CDBG: $7,500
Description Community Legal Aid (CLA) will provide free legal services to
Northampton tenants with low and moderate incomes at risk of
eviction and participants in rental assistance programs, such as Section
8, who are at risk of being terminated from the subsidy.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
20 Northampton households at risk of losing their housing and rental
subsidies will be served.
Location Description 20 Hampton Avenue, Northampton
Planned Activities Working closely with area agencies, the program will provide
individualized legal services to eligible tenant households including
preparation of court pleadings and other legal documents;
representation in mediation, trials and administrative hearings; and
will make linkages with agencies who provide supportive services to
sustain preserved tenancies.
13 Project Name Northampton Nutrition Program
Target Area
Goals Supported Addressing Basic Needs
Needs Addressed Addressing Basic Needs
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Funding CDBG: $4,000
Description Highland Valley Elder Services will provide noontime meals to income
eligible home bound elders in Northampton.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
4 income eligible home bound elders will be served.
Location Description Meals will be delivered to the home locations of those CDBG eligible
Planned Activities Delivery of hot, nutritionally balanced noon-time meals to home bound
elders Monday - Friday.
14 Project Name Passport to Success
Target Area
Goals Supported Economic Development/Income Maximization
Addressing Basic Needs
Needs Addressed Economic Development
Addressing Basic Needs
Funding CDBG: $9,500
Description The Literacy Project, Inc. will provide comprehensive Adult Basic
Education (ABE) services to adults and out-of-school youth age 16 and
over to develop college and career readiness as pathways to economic
opportunity and security.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
30 Northampton residents with low and moderate incomes will be
Location Description James House Community Learning Center, 42 Gothic Street,
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Planned Activities Services will include activities to increase students' readiness for post-
secondary education, employment and training. Adult Basic Education
classes are offered at four levels (basic, intermediate, High School
Equivalency preparation and College readiness) and include
individualized education and career advising to address students'
specific challenges.
15 Project Name Manna Soup Kitchen
Target Area
Goals Supported Addressing Basic Needs
Needs Addressed Addressing Basic Needs
Funding CDBG: $4,000
Description The MANNA Soup Kitchen, Inc. will provide five free meals a week
(Monday - Friday) with a special meal on Thanksgiving Day and
Christmas Day.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
550 Northampton residents with low and moderate incomes will be
served meals.
Location Description Meals are provided at:
St. John's Episcopal Church, 48 Elm Street, Northampton
Edwards Church, 297 Main Street, Northampton
Planned Activities Free meals Monday - Friday year round with a special meal on
Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
16 Project Name Senior Services EARN Program
Target Area
Goals Supported Economic Development/Income Maximization
Addressing Basic Needs
Needs Addressed Economic Development
Addressing Basic Needs
Funding CDBG: $3,500
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Description The Northampton Senior Services Employment After Retirement
Network (EARN) will provide services to connect seniors seeking to find
employment after retirement to local employers.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
200 Northampton elders with low and moderate incomes will benefit
from the program.
Location Description Northampton Senior Services/ Senior Center, 67 Conz Street,
Planned Activities Targeted community outreach to local employers; trainings for seniors
to update job search skills, computer and other necessary job skills;
two employment fairs for seniors with local employers seeking skilled,
experienced workers; development of an email list of senior job
seekers to send email blasts about available jobs and notices about
upcoming events and continuing identification of potential
collaborative community partners.
17 Project Name Grove Street Shelter
Target Area
Goals Supported Support for Emergency Shelter System
Needs Addressed Support for Emergency Shelter
Addressing Basic Needs
Funding CDBG: $10,000
Description ServiceNet, Inc. operates the Grove Street Inn, a 22-bed emergency
shelter serving homeless individuals. Guests may stay up to 90 days.
The Grove Street Inn is open 365 days a year from 5:00 pm - 9:00 am
Monday-Friday and 24 hours per day on Saturday and Sunday.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
100+ homeless individuals will be provided shelter at the Inn during the
Location Description 91 Grove Street, Northampton with case management provided at the
Resource Center, 43 Center Street, Northampton
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Planned Activities Overnight shelter for up to 90 days with intensive case management
focusing on rehabilitation, participant involvement and accountability.
18 Project Name Interfaith Winter Shelter
Target Area
Goals Supported Support for Emergency Shelter System
Needs Addressed Support for Emergency Shelter
Funding CDBG: $10,000
Description ServiceNet, Inc., in collaboration with the Friends of the Hampshire
County Homeless and the City of Northampton will provide a 20 bed
overnight winter emergency shelter for homeless individuals from
November 1 - April 30 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 am.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
200+ homeless individuals will be provided an evening meal, overnight
shelter and breakfast, during the program year.
Location Description 43 Center Street, Northampton
Planned Activities Overnight winter shelter with showers, laundry facilities, clothing, and
two meals daily (breakfast and dinner). Weekly visits from a Health
Care for the Homeless Nurse Practitioner and a Social Worker are
offered along with monthly visits from a Physician. Case management
is provided through the Resource Center at the same address.
19 Project Name Emergency Food Pantry
Target Area
Goals Supported Addressing Basic Needs
Needs Addressed Addressing Basic Needs
Funding CDBG: $11,000
Description The Northampton Survival Center will provide free nutritious food to
residents with low and moderate incomes. Clients can access the
emergency food pantry once per month for a 7-day supply of food for
each member of the family and may return on a weekly basis for fresh
produce and day-old breads and bakery items.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
1,900 residents of Northampton with low and moderate incomes will
be served at the Survival Center site.
Location Description 265 Prospect Street, Northampton
Planned Activities Free monthly food packages, nutritionally-balanced and customized to
individuals dietary needs along with weekly access to fresh bread and
produce, much of it locally grown.
For 10 weeks in the summer, the Kids' Summer Food Program bridges
the nutrition gap by providing extra groceries to families with children
who rely on the schools free and reduced meal programs.
20 Project Name Administration and Planning
Target Area
Goals Supported Planning and Administration
Needs Addressed Homelessness Prevention
Support for Emergency Shelter
Rental Housing for Individuals
Rental Housing for Families
Preservation of Existing Affordable Rental Stock
Housing Rehabilitation Resources
Affordable Homeownership for Families
Housing for At - Risk & Special Needs Populations
Economic Development
Housing Support Services
Addressing Basic Needs
Elimination of Slums and Blight
Public Facilities
Funding CDBG: $135,417
Description Administration of the CDBG grant program, including housing,
community and economic development activities.
Target Date 6/30/2019
Estimate the number
and type of families
that will benefit from
the proposed
Residents of Northampton with low and moderate incomes
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Location Description City wide
Planned Activities Administration of the CDBG Program, community and economic
development planning activities. Of the total City population of 28,549,
14.65% are residents whose incomes are below the poverty level. This
translates to 4,168 who are potentially eligible beneficiaries of CDBG
activities and programming.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
AP-50 Geographic Distribution – 91.220(f)
Description of the geographic areas of the entitlement (including areas of low-income and
minority concentration) where assistance will be directed
Funds were allocated to priority needs as they were identified from citizen participation during the five
year consolidated planning process and the current year action plan public input process. Census tracts
with more than 20% minority population are defined as areas of minority concentration. Using OneCPD
and extensive examination of census and block group data information, no such tracts were identified in
Northampton. There are areas of concentration of minority populations in tracts where the Housing
Authority's public housing developments, Hampshire Heights (79 units) and Florence Heights (49) , are
located. The Meadowbrook Apartments (252 units) and Hathaway Farms (207) also contain racially and
ethnically diverse resident populations. The CDBG Administrator works with the Resident Services
Coordinators at those locations to direct services wherever possible.
Outreach through Casa Latina's Puentes Bridges Program focuses on tenants at the those developments,
particularly the Housing Authority properties. There is now a Resident Services Coordinator working at
the Federally funded Housing Authority properties and they are now hiring someone to work at the
State aided developments. City staff have met with the NHA staff to insure they are aware of local
resources that will facilitate service delivery to their tenants. The Community Housing Support Services
Coordinator works closely with Meadowbrook and the Housing Authority, as the majority of notices to
quit sending people to Housing Court emanate from those two property managers.
Geographic Distribution
Target Area Percentage of Funds
No geographic Priorities Designated 100
Table 8 - Geographic Distribution
Rationale for the priorities for allocating investments geographically
The CDBG funded public services are delivered City-wide. Northampton is a small City, so there is no real
need to prioritize geographic areas. There are targeted outreach strategies employed by the various
agencies, however, to reach their intended participants.
Properties selected for the Housing Rehabilitation Program have been served on a first come first serve
basis. Their locations have been dispersed across the City, but more have come from Laurel Park ( an old
church camp community ) and Ward 6 which is composed of FHA ranch style homes.
If funding allows the Housing Rehab. Program to continue, there may be a time when program
participants are chosen from neighborhood revitalization areas, such as entrance corridors, to coincide
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
with efforts being undertaken by the Office of Planning and Sustainability.
In June of 2018, the City released a Request for Qualifications for a Consultant to update the Analysis of
Impediments to Fair Housing. A portion of that scope of work is to update Census data to the most
recent date available and examine it to identify areas of low income and minority concentrations. Based
on this report, how and where the City allocates its resources may be revised. The work is slated to
begin August 1, 2018 and conclude December 31, 2018. It will be overseen by the Northampton Housing
Partnership and Mayor's Office, with funding from the City Council.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Affordable Housing
AP-55 Affordable Housing – 91.220(g)
One Year Goals for the Number of Households to be Supported
Homeless 300
Non-Homeless 3,390
Special-Needs 40
Total 3,730
Table 9 - One Year Goals for Affordable Housing by Support Requirement
One Year Goals for the Number of Households Supported Through
Rental Assistance 1,780
The Production of New Units 146
Rehab of Existing Units 18
Acquisition of Existing Units 8
Total 1,952
Table 10 - One Year Goals for Affordable Housing by Support Type
It is difficult to get unduplicated counts of numbers of people being served as they sometimes utilize
more than one service at a time. For instance, someone attending MANNA meals could also be living in
an SRO and being assisted by the SRO Outreach Coordinator.
The number of homeless people to be supported is simply the tally of the anticipated annual number to
be sheltered at the Grove Street Inn and the Hampshire County Interfaith Winter Shelter. This number
does not reflect those unsheltered coming in to utilize services at the Resource Center. This does also
not reflect those being served at Safe Passage's emergency shelter because some domestic violence
victims are not considered homeless. The number of non-homeless to be supported is the tally of all
public service grantees annual counts from last year, minus the two shelter counts.
The rental assistance number is the number of VASH vouchers administered by the Northampton
Housing Authority, although in reality, a small percentage of them are being used in Northampton. (285)
The number of vouchers being administered by Wayfinders and utilized in Northampton could not be
obtained. The number of households utilizing Housing Choice Vouchers in Northampton is being
researched by the Housing Authority ( total number is 874) . The number of special needs households to
be supported is an estimate of the number of Department of Mental Health and Department of
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Developmental Services residential program beds in Northampton, which the State will not verify.
The production of new units reflects the renting up currently underway for Live 155 (70), the projected
occupancy date for the LumberYard Apartments in May of 2019 (55), the new SRO units at 82 Bridge
Street (16), the new units on the Dial-Self parcel (4), and the unit being built by Habitat on the final
parcel of the Verona Garfield development (1) . The four new homes Habitat is constructing at the
Glendale Road parcel will probably come on line in the next program year.
Annual Action Plan
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AP-60 Public Housing – 91.220(h)
The City of Northampton continues to work collaboratively with the Northampton Housing Authority.
CDBG funds have been utilized for property improvements at NHA developments over the years. The
Director is in the process of hiring a second Resident Services Coordinator for State aided properties
which includes Hampshire Heights. City staff will meet with that person, as they have with the RSC
working in the Federally assisted properties, to enhance their interaction with local community
resources. The NHA has been working with the Smoking Cessation Program at the Hampshire Council of
Governments to implement no-smoking policies at their developments. The Resident Services
Coordinator based at the Salvo House has been working with the staff at the Senior Center which is
located next door, to increase NHA tenant utilization of the Senior Center and its vast programming
opportunities. Highland Valley Elder Services continues to use the kitchen and cafeteria at the Salvo
House as a meal site for its nutrition program.
Actions planned during the next year to address the needs to public housing
The Northampton Housing Authority plans on undertaking the following projects in the 2018-2019
program year:
Federal Properties
Joseph McDonald House - Replacement of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, masonry repairs to
building exterior
Florence Heights - Replacement of appliances, kitchen cabinets and counter tops
State Properties
Salvo House - installation of security cameras and electric stove replacements
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Hampshire Heights - parking lot repaving
Cahill Apartments - parking lot widening and repaving
State Street apartments - roof replacement
Bridge Street - soffit replacement and parking lot paving and catch basin repairs for water mitigation
Actions to encourage public housing residents to become more involved in management and
participate in homeownership
The Senior Housing Program Manager and the Resident Services Coordinator met with City staff on May
22, 2018. During that session the NHA noted the following activities:
- Discussions with the City's Board of Health regarding Narcan training and sharps disposal safety
- Attendance at a Hoarding Conference, to better address resident and management challenges
- MassHealth benefits assistance to maximize tenant income
- Participation in dissemination of smoking cessation materials and installation of smoking shelters at
- Sponsoring tenant events, producing a newsletter, working with the State's LEAP program for
increasing educational attainment for residents of Hampshire Heights
- Improving language access for applications, leases, case management so non-English speakers can
navigate their process
- Assisted in community effort to locate and offer permanent housing to Puerto Rican families displaced
by Hurricane Maria
- Applying for administration of 25 additional VASH vouchers; already administer 285 for the region
- The Director of the Public Housing Division is from the Springfield Housing Authority which has an
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extensive Family Sufficiency Program
- Hampshire Heights has an active application pending to form a Tenant's Association
- An informal tenant group is advocating for the installation of a playground at Hampshire Heights and
improved sidewalks linking Florence Heights to downtown Florence.
If the PHA is designated as troubled, describe the manner in which financial assistance will be
provided or other assistance
The Northampton Housing Authority is not designated as troubled.
With these new collaborations and new staff, NHA residents will become more engaged in the
management of their housing and seek out and utilize increased resources to achieve enhanced
economic empowerment and self-sufficiency.
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AP-65 Homeless and Other Special Needs Activities – 91.220(i)
Describe the jurisdictions one-year goals and actions for reducing and ending homelessness
Reaching out to homeless persons (especially unsheltered persons) and assessing their
individual needs
The City of Northampton works in close partnership with Eliot Homeless Services. Eliot is the selected
vendor with the Statewide contract from the Department of Mental Health to administer the PATH
Program ( Project for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness ). This grant provides street outreach
clinicians in these Western Mass. communities - Pittsfield, Greenfield, Amherst, Northampton, Holyoke,
Westfield and Springfield. The PATH worker in Northampton has been in the position more than 20
years and knows the population well. The clinician works closely with the Northampton Police
Department, Tapestry Health and ServiceNet, Inc. to link clients with needed services and housing
search. He is part of a group that assembles for case conferencing through HUD's coordinated entry
system and they prioritize chronically homeless people for housing placement and services.
The PATH worker attends the CDBG Administrator's monthly Next Step Collaborative meetings and
provides up to date information on the numbers and locations of people living outside. This helps guide
outreach activities and informs the City about whether the existing shelter capacity will be sufficient for
the season. He visits camps and conducts resource meetings twice a week through the winter. The early
morning meeting allows people to go from the winter shelter when it closes at 7:00 a.m. up the street to
the church for breakfast, networking and case management work. For other times during the day,
unsheltered people can access the Hampshire County Resource Center for additional case management
Dial-Self, the area agency serving homeless unaccompanied youth, provides staff for shelter outreach.
Their workers connect with young people at meal and shelter sites. Hopefully this year, they will become
more active with outreach to the encampments, and support the Eliot Clinician with that work.
The CDBG Administrator is currently facilitating meetings with the City's Department of Public Works,
the Board of Health, the Building Inspection office, the Office of Planning and Sustainabililty and Eliot
Homeless Services to coordinate the response of City departments to the encampments. The number of
unsheltered homeless living outside is increasing and Army Corps lands and conservation restricted
lands are unable to host camps. The Police and EMS personnel sometimes need to access areas that
have been blocked off for conservation purposes. DPW personnel have to go in and clean up abandoned
camps where there may be trash and used drug paraphernalia. The effort here is to have social service
providers engage with campers to inform them if the camp needs to be vacated, so they can access
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services or at least protect their personal items and documents. Another goal is to protect campers and
workers from potentially harmful camp conditions.
Tapestry Health, the regional organization that has a needle exchange program and services in the City,
is also examining how they could conduct street outreach activities as well. They have been an
important voice at the Mayor's Work Group on At-Risk Street Populations, which has now been meeting
over a year to catalog existing services and promote dialog between service providers, the business
community, law enforcement and those engaging in street activity. A report from that effort will be
produced at the end of the summer.
Addressing the emergency shelter and transitional housing needs of homeless persons
ServiceNet, Inc., the adminstrator of the year round Grove Street Inn Emergency Shelter and the
Hampshire Interfaith Winter Shelter ( in partnership with the Friends of Hampshire County Homeless
Individuals) struggles to keep both programs operational. HUD's focus on permanent supported housing
negates the fact that not everyone is ready for permanent housing. There is still a need for emergency
shelters and transitional housing programs, which have also fallen out of favor with HUD. ESG and CDBG
are two of the only sources to fund emergency shelters. ServiceNet has to utilize private donations, and
other agency funds to cover costs.
Transitional housing was a successful model that allowed intensive case management and the time
needed for people to hone the skills needed for long term housing stability. All prior transitional housing
programs funded through the Continuum of Care have been converted to permanent supported housing
units, to conform with HUD's funding priorities. As a result, there are no longer any formal transitional
programs with a 24 month length of stay limit.
Northampton does not have a generic emergency shelter for families, and there are no families living in
encampments. As a result, most of the City's homeless services coordination work is focused on
individuals. There is a need for increased services for women, as there is an increasing number of
women in the shelters and living outside. Most have been traumatized by domestic violence and have
mental health and substance use challenges. The Safe Passage shelter for victims of domestic violence
and their children is always full and the Center for Human Development's Grace House for women in
recovery and their children, is also always at full capacity. There is also a need to accomodate couples in
shelter, which is often difficult. It is virtually impossible however, to encourage an agency to create new
programming to address those needs, due to the insufficient funding sources that exist for emergency
shelter programs.
With the two downtown shelters for individuals in Northampton, and the satellite overflow site
ServiceNet oversees at a church in Easthampton as well as Craig's Doors in Amherst, there are no plans
to increase shelter capacity this coming year. Hopefully we won't need to create beds in a crisis
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situation. During the coldest days this past winter, the City reached out to Holyoke to open some
emergency beds, as our community had people on couches and on the floor. No response was received,
but the Red Cross opened an emergency shelter at Smith Vocational High School in Northampton, as
power outages were expected. Thankfully, it was not needed. People doubled up and couch surfed to
get through the crisis.
A discussion will be held at the Regional Network's Individual Services Committee this fall to develop a
back up plan to have in place this year, if needed. The Worthington Street Shelter in Springfield is always
at or exceeding capacity, the Samaritan Inn in Westfield has strict admission requirements, although
usually full. The numbers of people from Hampden County being sheltered in Hampshire County
increase yearly, so an emergency shelter in Holyoke would be an asset to the region.
Helping homeless persons (especially chronically homeless individuals and families, families
with children, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth) make the transition to
permanent housing and independent living, including shortening the period of time that
individuals and families experience homelessness, facilitating access for homeless individuals
and families to affordable housing units, and preventing individuals and families who were
recently homeless from becoming homeless again
The City utilizes the Hampshire County Resource Center, located at 43 Center Street, administered by
ServiceNet, Inc. as the main entry point for homeless individuals to access services. The Center has case
managers, Health Care for the Homeless nurses and doctors and a benefits specialist. Food, laundry and
showers are available. During the winter months, the space also houses the Hampshire Interfaith Winter
Shelter with capacity for 22 individuals. ServiceNet also manages permanent supported housing units
through the CoC, to which referrals can be made.
As part of the implementation of the new coordinated entry system, there is now a 1-800 number to call
for service referral. The REACH meetings (Regional Engagement and Assessment of Chronically
Homeless people) has now morphed into Coordinated Entry meetings. Relevant service providers meet
weekly and monthly to assess and place chronically homeless people when housing placements exist.
The City's Veterans Agent participates when Veterans are identified in need of assistance. Soldier On has
recently developed 44 units of housing for homeless Veteran men and 16 units of housing for homeless
women Veterans and their children. Dial Self staff participate when someone between the ages of 18-24
present for services. Jessie's House in Amherst addresses the needs of families finding themselves
homeless, through referrals from the Department of Transitional Assistance. Grace House in
Northampton houses women in recovery and their children through a closed referral process from the
Department of Public Health. Safe Passage serves those affected by domestic violence. All of these
programs work with participants to assess their needs and provide case management with the goal of
helping them transition to permanent housing and independent living. The length of stay depends on
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how quickly a participant can address their challenges and if a housing placement is available.
The City is cognizant of the need for housing, in order to facilitate the ability of people to move forward
and out of homelessness. The renovation and expansion of the Sergeant House SRO (82 Bridge Street),
the new construction of Live 155 and the Lumberyard Apartments, the Northampton Teen Housing
Program through Dial Self, and the new rental housing proposed for Village Hill are all developments
that will increase the number of housing opportunities available to those experiencing homelessness.
The CDBG funded public service agencies doing housing stabilization work, ( SRO Outreach, Community
Legal Aid ) the Community Preservation Committee funded Community Housing Support Services
Program and Resident Service Coordinators at the Housing Authority and larger apartment complexes,
all work diligently to prevent people from returning to homelessness.
Helping low-income individuals and families avoid becoming homeless, especially extremely
low-income individuals and families and those who are: being discharged from publicly
funded institutions and systems of care (such as health care facilities, mental health facilities,
foster care and other youth facilities, and corrections programs and institutions); or, receiving
assistance from public or private agencies that address housing, health, social services,
employment, education, or youth needs.
The City will continue to support, with CDBG funding, the SRO Outreach Program and the Community
Legal Aid Homeless Prevention Program, to allow them to work with residents whose tenancies are at
risk. The SRO Outreach Coordinator can help a tenant mediate a dispute with a landlord to avoid
eviction, and the CLA Attorneys conduct advocacy at Housing Court which often results in payment plans
to preserve the tenancy. The City, through the Community Preservation Committee will continue to
support the Community Housing Support Services Program that works with court involved residents
facing eviction. The CPC awarded the program an additional year of funding that expires in 2019. These
programs serve more than 100 households annually and have very high success rates for preserving
Social workers from the Cooley Dickinson Hospital attend the Next Step Collaborative meetings to
network with service providers. They will contact ServiceNet to identify available beds prior to releasing
a patient into homelessness. Soldier On will pick up any Veteran being released from the Hampshire
County House of Corrections, who does not have a place to go identified. The City's Veterans Agent does
extensive case management and works closely with Soldier On and the Northampton Housing Authority
who administers the regions VASH units Program.
The City also advocates for and utilizes the State funded Tenancy Preservation Program that works with
households at risk in the Pioneer Valley. They have developed an expertise around assisting tenants at
risk of eviction due to hoarding issues. Dial Self works closely with the Department of Families and
Children, and the Department of Youth Services to address youth being discharged from the foster care
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system. Dial Self provides housing and support services to this population and will open the first 4 of
their 8 units on Hatfield Street in July 2018. The new building, to be constructed in the fall (2018) and
open in the spring of 2019 will provide 4 additional residential units, as well as a common area and
office space for case management services.
The Franklin Hampshire Career Center, the Center for New Americans, the Northampton School system,
Catholic Charities, the Amherst Family Resource Center and many others had staff that became very
engaged with the 30 families from Puerto Rico displaced by Hurricane Maria who were living at the
Quality Inn in Northampton for 7 months. All families received services those that chose to stay were
assisted with finding permanent housing placements. This community crisis was not anticipated and the
response was led by the School Social Worker and the Amherst Family Resource staffer. They pulled
together many local volunteers and organized food delivery by area restaurants and the MANNA meals
program. Housing search was a challenge, to say the least, but housing was found for all before the
FEMA deadlines. Many people contributed to making this as successful and humane for the families as
possible despite the lack of guidance or resources from MEMA and FEMA.
Most of the public services agencies funded by the City with CDBG directly or indirectly prevent
homelessness. Increasing language competency in order to secure work and economic self-sufficiency,
accessing free food to be better able to afford housing costs, preparing at risk youth for employment
oppportunities and career paths, are some examples. Enhancing self-worth, life skills and educational
attainment for better employment, are all critical components to having stable housing and healthy
CDBG funding will continue to be provided to the City's two shelters for staffing. The CDBG
Administrator participates on the Interfaith Shelter's Management Committee which oversees the
operation of the winter shelter, in conjunction with ServiceNet, Inc. and the Friends of the
Homeless.Collaborative advocacy and support will be provided to Safe Passage for the operation of their
emergency family shelter for victims of domestic violence and to Soldier On for their emergency beds
that serve men and women Veterans. The CDBG Administrator will continue to facilitate monthly
meetings with the City's homeless service providers at the Next Step Collaborative, to insure services are
coordinated and utilized effectively. City updates are provided with regard to the production of new
units, which is the key to successful movement for people working to exit homelessness.
Elders who may be at risk are served by Highland Valley Elder Services, the Northampton Housing
Authority, Northampton's Council on Aging and the Senior Center. Services include home modification
grants/loand to age in place, home delivered meals, public housing and outreach, education and
socialization opportunities. The EARN program, supported by CDBG, provides an opportunity for income
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maximization for elders not able to survive on Social Security or savings alone after retirement.
Households with disabled members are served by Stavros Center for Independent Living, the
Department of Developmental Services and the Mass. Rehabilitation Commission. Households with
members experiences mental health issues are served by ServiceNet, Inc., Community Support Options,
the Department of Mental Health. A newly created and opened Recovery Center located at 2 Gleason
Plaza serves as a day drop in and resource center for those in recovery from substance use and mental
health disorders. DMH and DDS have residential programs that operate in the City, with 24/7 hour
staffing supports.
The Department of Public Health opened a detox facility three years ago in Greenfield, which increases
the bed capacity for those in need of such a facility and treatment. Gandara Mental Health Center
operates Hairston House, the Alliance for Sober Living and the Maple Avenue house in Northampton for
those in recovery from substance use. Victims of domestic violence access Safe Passage for emergency
hot line information and referrals, emergency shelter, legal advocacy and case management services.
People challenged by HIV/Aids can be served by A Positive Place for housing subsidies and support
services which operates out of Cooley Dickinson Hospital in Northampton.
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AP-75 Barriers to affordable housing – 91.220(j)
The City of Northampton continually works to identify and ameliorate barriers to accessing and
maintaining affordable housing.
Actions it planned to remove or ameliorate the negative effects of public policies that serve
as barriers to affordable housing such as land use controls, tax policies affecting land, zoning
ordinances, building codes, fees and charges, growth limitations, and policies affecting the
return on residential investment
The Northampton Housing Partnership which serves as the City's Fair Housing Committee issued a
Request for Qualifications to hire a consultant to update the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing.
Responses are due July 9th (2018). The scope of services includes an examination of private and public
policies that may be hindering access to affordable housing. It will also compile the most current
demographic data available to identify who is living in Northampton and where there may be areas of
concentrated poverty. It will investigate what people are experiencing anectdotally, when trying to rent
or buy in Northampton and the nature of discrimination complaints filed locally or with the State or
HUD. Focus groups will be held with representatives of relevant sub-populations. Northampton's
position in the region, as a community of opportunity in the Pioneer Valley which also sees the highest
degrees of segregation in the country, in Springfield and Holyoke, will also be examined.
The Northampton Housing Partnership also has a Zoning Sub-Committee that works in conjunction to
analyze and revise where necessary, any zoning regulations that may increase costs and or limit
development opportunities to create subsidized affordable or market rate affordable units in the City.
The Committee reports monthly on progress and arranges for members to provide public testimony
during Planning Board and City Council meetings at which zoning revisions are deliberated.
The Sub-Committee is continuing to monitor the implementation of a tax relief program adopted by
nearby Amherst, for developers of affordable housing. Their first project is underway. The Partnership is
also examining HUD's Small Area Fair Market Rent program for applicability here.
The Massachusetts Fair Housing Center will continue to do community education and outreach at
various venues in Northampton, and process discrimination complaints originating in the City. The MFHC
sued the Northampton Housing Authority and 3 other housing authorities in the region for insufficient
language access. The City and the MFHC are monitoring the NHA to insure compliance with the
conditions stipulated in the suit.
The City is still actively pursuing ownership of two parcels for affordable housing development. One on
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Laurel Street and one on Burt's Pit Road were deeded to the Housing Authority through the disposition
of the Northampton State Hospital in the early 1990's. The State's Division of Capital Asset Management
has taken almost three years to process the ownership change, once the Housing Authority agreed they
had no interest in developing them themselves. The pursuit of these parcels to be offered to a developer
for construction of affordable housing is an example of the City's commitment to creating more
opportunities by using public land.
The Housing Partnership, the Mayor's Office, other City Departments and service providers will work
hard to gather critical information and data in order to develop accurate and relevant implementation
recommendations in the Analysis of Impediments. The resultant action plan will be incorporated into
the monthly meetings of the Housing Partnership for tracking and inform funding decisions and action
task priorities for the next 3-5 years.
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AP-85 Other Actions – 91.220(k)
The City can and will play a critical role in facilitating communication and collaboration in the face of
diminishing and insufficient community development resources. It is imperative that our service delivery
system operate as efficiently and effectively as possible to meet the needs of residents. The City will
support people and organizations carrying out public service programming, preserving and creating
affordable housing, increasing peoples economic self-sufficiency and improving public facilities and
infrastructure to improve the quality of life for people that may be underserved, have insufficient
incomes and or face challenges that are hindering them from achieving their life goals.
Actions planned to address obstacles to meeting underserved needs
Specifically, the City will support and participate in the Western Massachusetts Network to End
Homelessness, the Steering Committee for the Network, the Three County Continuum of Care, the Next
Step Collaborative, the Housing Partnership and the committees of the network to stay informed and
proactive. This involvement translates into the local government being an active responsive partner in
addressing obstacles to meeting the needs of the underserved.
Now that housing and services for unaccompanied homeless youth have been created in the City, in
partnership with Dial Self, the next high priority need that has been identified by service providers is for
shelter and support services for women. The numbers of single women in shelter continues to rise.
Women that have experienced domestic violence in their past, but may not be currently, may not
qualify for a shelter placement in a DV shelter. They may find themselves in the mixed population
shelters in close proximity with males. Also, removing people from the geographic area where their
abusers are located, often means they are relocated away from the support systems they are familiar
with. Being able to feel safe in shelter and remain close to their support systems, is a gap in services that
will be examined this program year. The CDBG Administrator will assemble the service providers that
work in this realm, to devise a strategic response, in the fall of 2018.
The Northampton Housing Partnership will select a Consultant to update the Analysis of Impediments to
Fair Housing in July of 2018. Work will begin in August with census data collection and literature review.
Focus groups will be assembled and conducted in the fall. The Partnership and CDBG Administrator will
play a major role in insuring the Consultant interfaces with people who are underserved - residents
living in public housing unable to move out into other housing, First time homebuyers unable to
purchase homes in Northampton, disabled people unable to find housing units to meet their needs,
members of minority populations experiencing discrimination, restaurant workers living in overcrowded
housing situations, and others.
The City will support with CDBG funds, the agencies that provide direct front line services to those
finding themselves most in need in Northampton. The on-going communication with those entities
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through meetings and interactive monitoring sessions facilitates coordinated responses to meeting the
needs of the underserved. All of those agencies depend on a variety of funding sources to do their work.
Having the City as a funder enhances their ability to leverage other critical funds.
Casa Latina, the grass roots organization serving the Latino community in Hampshire County is
undergoing transition. The City will support its Board members and staff (with CDBG funding and
technical assistance) as they work to identify a new configuration for the agency, redefine its mission
and identify new resources to move forward. With the numbers of Hispanic households increasing, it it
imperative that Casa remain strong in its ability to provide information and referral services and
advocacy for people in need of increased access to language, income maximization and education and
employment opportunities.
The City will work with the Northampton Housing Authority Board of Commissioners and administrative
staff, including the Resident Service Coordinators to support their tenants and maximize opportunities
to increase economic empowerment and self-sufficiency.
Actions planned to foster and maintain affordable housing
The inventory of existing formally subsidized housing units is monitored continually by the CDBG
Administrator and Housing Partnership. This year, the Leeds Village Apartments affordabilitly restriction
expired. Work was done with MassHousing, the Holyoke Housing Authority and the owner, Mt. Holyoke
Management, to pursue securing Section 8 Housing Choice vouchers to project base at the 22 unit
building. The rent structures were insufficient to cover operational costs, but some Mass Rental Voucher
Program vouchers were secured. The end result was not optimal, but most residents already have
vouchers that they can continue to use there. There are no other properties coming up in the near
future that have expiring use units, except for Hathaway Farms. The number of units on the inventory
for that development has decreased from 207 to 42 but that number will hold for the next 10 years.
CDBG and Community Preservation Act funding has been allocated to several housing projects in the
past few years. The Valley CDC LumberYard Apartments ( $200,000 for acquisition), Live 155 ($150,000
for tenant relocation), the Friends of the Homeless/Dial-Self Teen Housing Project ($65,000 for
acquisition), the Sergeant House SRO Renovation/Expansion ($150,000 for pre-development costs), and
others. This year, $150,000 is allocated to the Valley CDC/The Community Builders plans for 65 new
units of rental housing at Village Hill (former State Hospital property) and $135,000 is allocated for
infrastructure costs to the Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity's development of 4 affordable homes on
Glendale Road.
Although the Department of Housing and Community Development's Inventory of Subsidized Housing
Units for Northampton indicates a 10.6 % ratio, there are a number of projects not included. Corrections
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of errors on the inventory, and additions of some new units, will increase that percentage.
Actions planned to reduce lead-based paint hazards
The State recently revised (downward) the thresholds for lead paint abatement in structures. The
Northampton Housing Partnership wrote an Op Ed column for the Daily Hampshire Gazette local
newspaper describing the changes. Abatement is also a popular topic at the annual Landlord Workshop
the Housing Partnership sponsors every year. The Mayor sends a letter to every landlord thanking them
for providing housing in our City, includes a list of landlord resources and invites them to the annual
workshop. A local attorney answers questions from the audience which is usually composed of people
owning 3 units or less, which is a large portion of Northampton's rental inventory. Getting out the word
on new lead paint abatement laws and financial resources will continue to be important. It is generally
suspected that not wanting to delead units cause landlords to illegally turn family applicants away.
CDBG funding for the housing rehabilitation program will continue to include lead paint abatement as an
eligible activity. All units participating in the program are having lead tests conducted and remediation
undertaken where necessary. The program design parameters of permitting up to $45,000 to be spent
on a unit was precisely done to allow lead paint abatement if needed. The City's Board of Health created
a data base of all units that have Lead Abatement Certificates. The City BoH staff went through all past
records and painstakingly created the data base which will be updated regularly moving forward.
Actions planned to reduce the number of poverty-level families
The City will fund, through CDBG and work to insure the support for the MANNA Soup Kitchen, the SRO
Food Pantry and the Northampton Survival Center to address food insecurity and free up income for
housing costs. The Literacy Project, The Center for New Americans and Community Action's Youth
Employment Readiness Program will assist residents with economic empowerment. The slight increase
in the CDBG award for the City allowed the Review Committee to slightly increase the CDBG awards for
these programs. Valley CDC's Small Business Assistance Program will help increase household income for
successful entrepreneurs.
The City CPC Program will continue to fund the Community Housing Support Services Program. The
CHSSP Manager works with court involved families facing eviction for non-payment issues. Working
intensively with each family, the goal is to impart information to develop financial budgeting skills, life
skills and maximize earning potential that will move a family out of crisis into housing stability, and
hopefully out of poverty.
The Northampton City Council supports the work of the Living Wage Campaign and publicly
acknowledges employers in the community that pay a living wage. The Pioneer Valley Workers Center
advocates for disenfranchised workers to secure higher pay and safe and respectful work environments.
They do education and outreach to insure employees are aware of their rights and responsibilities and
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strives to improve employer/employee relationships.
Actions planned to develop institutional structure
With regular monthly meetings of the Northampton Housing Partnership, the Next Step Collaborative,
the Chronically Homeless Coordinated Entry meetings and the various committee meetings of the
Western Mass Network to End Homelessness ( individuals, families, youth, Veterans), the CDBG
Administrator stays current on issues. The quarterly meetings of the Valley CDC Property Management
and Service Providers and other regional meetings such as the Pioneer Valley Regional Planning
Commission's Housing Plan Implementation Committee, the Inclusive Communities Advisory Group and
COSA/Council on Social Service agencies; provide additional input.
The Next Step Collaborative meetings are attended by providers working with sheltered and unsheltered
people, Veterans, people with HIV/Aids, and residents of the SRO's, homeless and formerly homeless
consumers. The Housing Partnership is composed of a landlord, a clergy person, a legal aid attorney, a
bank Vice President/CRA Compliance officer, a Housing Authority tenant, a domestic violence
professional, a financial advisor, a Smith College professor, a tenant and interested citizens.
The information about needs and City priorities is fed to the Mayor's Office through all these
interactions. The institutional structure that exists is comprehensive and effective. People work together
and support each other.
Actions planned to enhance coordination between public and private housing and social
service agencies
The City will continue to support the Community Housing Support Services Program which works
primarily with tenants of the Northampton Housing Authority and Meadowbrook Apartments. Close
collaboration with the property managers, resident services coordinators, attorneys and case managers
to accomplish housing stabilization saves money and stress for all parties involved. The Coordinator will
work on budgeting, life skills and income maximization to assist residents with housing stabilization.
Property managers support the CHSSP program, as it results in less eviction cases, legal costs and unit
turnover expenses. It is hoped they will opt to contribute financially to allow the program to continue.
The City will continue to support and attend the sessions between the Valley CDC and Wayfinders as
they meet with social service providers engaged in housing stabilization efforts for their tenants. These
affordable housing developers and property managers strive to support their tenants to prevent
evictions. The CDBG Administrator attends these meetings to identify broader issues that the City can
address through workshops, training and networking collaborations. For example, City staff made the
linkages between Easthampton Savings Bank, Meadowbrook Apartments and the CHSSP Coordinator to
sponsor a financial literacy workshop for Meadowbrook residents.
Wayfinders will be managing the LumberYard Apartments and the Sergeant House for Valley CDC when
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OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
those projects are completed. This is in addition to their own properties - Paradise Pond Apartments,
the Earle Street SRO, Live 155 and the Lorraine SRO at 96 Pleasant Street. Valley utilizes HMR Property
Management for the Maples, Millbank, the King Street SRO and the School Street apartments. HMR is
familiar with social service agencies providing housing stabilization work for tenants and all interface
collaboratively. Valley CDC and Wayfinders also work collaboratively to develop, own and manage
affordable housing for the City and region.
The City will continue to work with the Northampton Housing Authority's Resident Services Coordinators
to insure they are aware of local resources to enhance self sufficiency for their tenants.
The Coordinated Entry meetings have expressed the need to identify more landlords willing to accept
chronically homeless people. The City will participate in adjusting the agenda at the annual landlord
workshops in February to add the Veterans Agent, ServiceNet and other providers who wish to address
this gathering. The City's Veterans agent has presented in the past, to encourage landlords to utilize
VASH vouchers and come forward to house homeless Veterans. The same can be done for other sub-
populations at this venue.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
Program Specific Requirements
AP-90 Program Specific Requirements – 91.220(l)(1,2,4)
Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
Reference 24 CFR 91.220(l)(1)
Projects planned with all CDBG funds expected to be available during the year are identified in the
Projects Table. The following identifies program income that is available for use that is included in
projects to be carried out.
1.The total amount of program income that will have been received before the start of the next
program year and that has not yet been reprogrammed 0
2.The amount of proceeds from section 108 loan guarantees that will be used during the year to
address the priority needs and specific objectives identified in the grantee's strategic plan.0
3.The amount of surplus funds from urban renewal settlements 0
4.The amount of any grant funds returned to the line of credit for which the planned use has not
been included in a prior statement or plan 0
5.The amount of income from float-funded activities 0
Total Program Income:0
Other CDBG Requirements
1.The amount of urgent need activities 0
2.The estimated percentage of CDBG funds that will be used for activities that
benefit persons of low and moderate income.Overall Benefit - A consecutive period
of one, two or three years may be used to determine that a minimum overall
benefit of 70% of CDBG funds is used to benefit persons of low and moderate
income. Specify the years covered that include this Annual Action Plan.90.00%
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)
The Plan details how funds expected from the 2018 grant (B18-MC-25-0027) will be expended including
anticipated income from various loans of $1,252. These loans consist of a 1st time home buyer
repayment of $21.08 per month and a housing development loan payment of $1,000 per year. The
anticipated amount includes additional program income, if any, which is unknown as it is dependent on
whether or not deferred housing rehab and home repair loans are paid off. Over the past several years,
due to the difficult economic situation, the City has seen few repayments. The majority of homeowners
request subordinations. All unanticipated program income received during the prior program year has
been allocated in this year's document.
This plan covers overall benefit for the program years 2016, 2017, 2018.
Annual Action Plan
OMB Control No: 2506-0117 (exp. 06/30/2018)