accessible trail at Rocky Hill.docxNovember 10, 2021 To the Community Preservation Committee: My family and I recently moved to Northampton and we are thrilled to now be a part of this vibrant and thoughtful community. Despite being new arrivals and getting involved late with the effort, I hope you will include my voice with the collection of others in support of building accessible unpaved trails in the Pine Grove Section of the Rocky Hill Greenway. Having a walking disability myself and loving to be in nature, I was excited to learn about the proposed project at Rocky Hill and enthusiastic about sending a letter in support. After reading the proposal I am only more so in support of the project. Restoring a brook and wetlands, promoting reforestation, monitoring invasives, preserving a white oak (a keystone species with enormous impact on caterpillars and birds), all while expanding the biking trails and putting in accessible walking paths- it doesn’t get more impactful than that! The habitat improvements sound like much needed restoration to the area, but I will focus on the accessible paths since that may not be a universally apparent need. I do believe it is. Being surrounded by nature brings great joy and ease to us humans and having areas where everyone can access that experience is critical for all of us. When I access a trail in my off-road wheelchair I feel unencumbered, my walking limitations suspended by being able to access that trail, by being in nature amongst the trees. Those with a seeing-impairment, a stroller to push, balance difficulties, or in a wheelchair will be able to access nature that is currently inaccessible. This brings profound changes to one’s life: a sense of openness rather than being locked in. That spirit of openness inevitably spills over into the rest of life. It’s not just a walk; it’s the agency of doing and being in the world in a way that energizes. It contributes to a life well lived. It is profound. People of all abilities can access trails built to be accessible. While currently able-bodied people hope to remain as such, none of us are exempt from life and what it may bring. These trails are for all of us: friends, family, and neighbors who need them now and for all of our future selves. While there is concerted effort involved in building natural unpaved accessible trails, the returns are many-fold for the people in the community. The success of this proposed project, if funded, will be measured qualitatively by the many people who use the trails and bike paths, both able-bodied and not, in whatever form our bodies are on that day. Thank you for your consideration in funding the restorations and accessible natural trails at Rocky Hill Greenway. Sincerely, Amy Sugihara