Comment regarding proposal to allow bow hunting on Rocky Hill Greenway.pdf10/12/21, 5:27 PM City of Northampton Mail - Comment regarding proposal to allow bow hunting on Rocky Hill Greenway https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=fec0f72d97&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1713349334742129292%7Cmsg-f%3A17133493347421…1/1 Sarah LaValley <slavalley@northamptonma.gov> Comment regarding proposal to allow bow hunting on Rocky Hill Greenway 1 message John Ciavarella <johnwciavarella@gmail.com>Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 2:34 PM To: SLaValley@northamptonma.gov Dear Ms LaValley, We're writing to express our strong disapproval with the Northampton's Conservation Commission proposal to permit bow hunting on the Rocky Hill Greenway (formerly the Pine Grove Golf Course). As residents of Old Wilson Road -- which directly abuts the area being contemplated for hunting -- we're regular users of the city's new green oasis, along with many other hikers, runners, dog walkers, birders and other naturalists, and artists and photographers. Because of its predominant use by such users, and its overall purpose as a protected habitat for wild birds, the site is inappropriate as a hunting ground, and such activity could potentially pose dangers to site users and surrounding properties. Frankly, I was shocked when I learned of your scheduled Thursday meeting to discuss the approval of hunting from a passing runner on the Greenway trail today. Why didn't the city post a meeting notice on the new information board area the city built at the Greenway? I hope you aren't trying to keep the neighbors in the dark about your plans because that would be incredibly disturbing. We're in an area literally surrounded by thousands of acres of woodland better suited to bow hunting than a new bird preserve used for passive and active recreation within feet of homes. I hope the Commission exercises a little common sense and disallows bow hunting at the Greenway. Thank you, John Ciavarella and Caren Hyde 6 Old Wilson Road Florence, MA 01062