Rocky Hill Trails.pdfRocky Hill Universal Trails 1 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION PROJECT APPLICATION COVER SHEET I: Project Information Project Title: Rocky Hill Greenway Accessible Trails Project Summary: CPA Funding is sought to create a universally accessible trail network at the Pine Grove Section of the Rocky Hill Greenway. A Small Grant was awarded in 2020 that allowed for connection of the rough trail system to Old Wilson Road. Using a state grant as a match, we would like to expand this work to create trails for everyone on what is quickly becoming a very popular area for walking and nature watching. Estimated start and completion date: 2022 CPA Program Area (check all that apply):  Open Space � Historic Preservation � Community Housing  Recreation II: Applicant/Developer Information Contact Person and or/primary applicant: Wayne Feiden Property Owner (if applicable): Northampton Conservation Commission Organization (if applicable): Northampton Conservation Commission and Office of Planning and Sustainability Mailing Address: City Hall, 210 Main Street, Second Floor Daytime phone #: 413-587-1265 Fax #: 413-587-1264 E-mail address: wfeiden@northamptonma.gov III: Budget Summary Total budget for project: $120,000 CPA funding request: $100,000 CPA request as percentage of total budget: 83% Applicant’s Signature: Date Submitted: September 17, 2021_______________________ Rocky Hill Universal Trails 2 Parcel Information Pine Grove Section, Rocky Hill Greenway, Old Wilson Road Narrative Over the past several years, in multiple transactions, the City of Northampton in partnership with Mass Audubon has created the Rocky Hill Greenway, a 200+ acre wildlife corridor that is part of an impressive network of open space extending from the Connecticut River Oxbow and Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary, through Northampton west to forested hills and the Berkshire highlands beyond. The Greenway represents a series of conservation victories, as for many years the site was zoned for a business park. The Rocky Hill Greenway is ecologically rich and diverse. The main topographic feature of the Greenway is a drumlin that some 15,000 to 12,000 years ago would have been an island in the early stages of Glacial Lake Hitchcock, and formed part of its western shore at later stages. The varied sediments left behind as a result of this landscape position, combined with land use history, give rise to several distinct forest vegetation zones, including wetlands, mesic forests, and relatively dry forest, which in turn influence the wildlife usage of the area. The Greenway hosts several vernal pools, including a prime example in a saddle near the top of the drumlin. The Pine Grove segment of the Greenway is a 105-acre former 18-hole golf course that was protected by the City in early 2020 using a Local Acquisitions for Natural Diversity Grant matched by Community Preservation Act funds. The clubhouse and associated infrastructure and improvements were retained by the seller in order to make the conservation purchase feasible, and were not included in the open space acquisition. With state grant assistance, The City of Northampton has already implemented a first phase of restoration on the site. The site has also been designated a Priority Ecological Restoration Project by the state Department of Ecological Restoration, and work to restore the stream and remove dams will be ongoing. Initial work included demolition of drainage structures, demolition of small stream crossings, removal of miscellaneous concrete debris, modification of the concrete pond outlet structure to allow for additional pond level control, mechanical scarification, aeration and seeding of existing fields, construction of deer fencing and extensive tree planting. Permits were obtained by Planning and Sustainability staff. Next phases of work are identified in the Restoration Master Plan, which was developed by GZA Environmental with extensive comment and input from the City and partners, fieldwork, site evaluation and technical analysis. The full plan includes the complete assessment of all recommended goals and objectives. One of these major goals, for which CPA funding was provided in 2020 and implemented in 2021 was Site Access: Extend existing pathways to create connections throughout the Site. Use existing cart paths and stream crossings and extend to form looped paths throughout the Site to provide walking access for the public and for maintenance. The Master Plan presents three (3) smaller looped paths that each are roughly ¾ of a mile. Combining the loops together, the larger main path which Rocky Hill Universal Trails 3 encircles the Site is approximately 1.5 miles. A short dead-end spur off the main path provides access to a unique stone feature. This important first step allowed gaps to be connected from the road past that first green to intercepting the gravel trail, and for boardwalks by the wettest area near the stream downstream from the dam. This created public access to the property where it was now eliminated due to the seller retaining the driveway and clubhouse, and has continued excitement and momentum about Pine Grove and the broader Rocky Hill Greenway. As the area begins to get more use, one of the recurring requests we have heard is a need for trails that are universally accessible for users of all needs and abilities but are soft surface and feel more “natural.” All multi-use paths are accessible, but natural- feeling universal conservation trails, such as those as the DAR in Goshen or the Conte Nature Trail in Hadley, provide a different experience and are a need that is found onlyt in a few spots in Northampton. Creating a natural accessible trail system is an environmental and cost challenge at most Greenways, where wetlands and steep slopes impose difficult complications. At the Rocky Hill Greenway however, a relatively flat, previously disturbed site create ideal conditions. The trail will be created by laying down a geogrid material; pavers will be unrolled and secured, and voids filled with soil and/or gravel. The reinforced grid will secure the fill material to limit mobilization, clearly delineate trails, and provide a more stable surface both for users in wheelchairs and users of all abilities. The project meets several Community Preservation general criteria: General Criteria: The Pine Grove Trail meets several of the CPC general evaluation criteria: Contributes to the preservation of Northampton’s unique character, boosts the vitality of the community, and enhances the quality of life for its residents. Northampton’s open spaces and trails are often cited as one of the major contributions to the City’s sense of place. Pine Grove is a unique addition to the new Rocky Hill Greenway that saw a great deal of pubic use even before it was permanently protected, and is a recreational gem. Addresses recommendations contained in the Sustainable Northampton comprehensive plan, Open Space, Recreation, and Mixed Use Trail Plan or is consistent with other city- wide planning efforts that have received broad-based scrutiny and input and can demonstrate wide community support. Receives endorsement by community groups, municipal boards and/or departments The application is supported by the Conservation Commission, Massachusetts Audubon Society, and Friends of Northampton Trails and Greenways. Contributes to the preservation of Northampton’s unique character, boosts the vitality of the community, and enhances the quality of life for its residents The project also meets many of the criteria for both Open Space and Recreation Rocky Hill Universal Trails 4 Open Space and Recreation Criteria: Supports passive and recreational opportunities by providing information about areas and encouraging further exploration Serves many residents and visitors Is accessible to all ages and abilities Enhances appreciation of existing conservation areas Contributes to public health by encouraging walking and hiking Maximizes utility of city owned land Promotes a creative use of connecting corridors 3) What community need(s) does this project serve? If the project serves multiple needs and populations, please describe them. If the project serves a population that is currently underserved, please describe. The project will promote use of conservation areas and trails by all residents and visitors. By continuing work to connect population centers with multi-use paths and wooded trails of varying types and difficulties, there will be opportunities for everyone, including environmental justice populations, elderly and school-aged residents, and people with disabilities. 4) What specific guarantees will assure the long-term preservation of the project? Once the trails are created, they are not anticipated to require maintenance for many years. A Friends of Rocky Hill Greenway group, which is in the process of being created, and which this project will help to do, will work on longer-term maintenance and expansion. 5) What community support does the project have? Explain the nature and level of the support. The project is supported by the Conservation Commission, Disabilities Commission, and the Office of Planning and Sustainability. 6) How will the success of this project be measured? Success of the project will be measured by creation of an accessible trail network that connects the interior network to the roadway, and that continues to elicit excitement about the expanding Rocky Hill Greenway and the new Pine Grove protection and restoration efforts. 7) Is ongoing maintenance and upkeep required? If yes, please explain how this will be accomplished. Any ongoing maintenance to the trail system, including further development of future phases, will be led by Office of Planning and Sustainability staff, and conducted by volunteers. Rocky Hill Universal Trails 5 Community Need/Protections/Project Feasibility and Success The project will fill a largely unmet need for accessible conservation area trails in Northampton. While the City does have more universal access trails than most communities our size, because of our paved shared use paths, we have very little natural looking and feeling trails. Project Budget: Item CPA Match Design and preparation (Layout trail, plan, design, clear vegetation, clear rocks and debris, bid, oversee project) $5,000 (in-kind) Materials (geocells) $15,000 Contractor (labor, grading, gravel, additional geocells) $100,000 TOTALS $100,000 $20,000 ATTACHMENTS: Master Plan Trail Map Trail Photos Example Trail Surface Additional Support Letters to Follow as Received Rocky Hill Trails, Pine Grove Section. September, 2021