Response to commentsCarolyn Misch <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> 2 Bratton Court Scott Keiter <skeiter@keiterbuilders.com>Sun, Jun 20, 2021 at 10:07 AM To: Carolyn Misch <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> Cc: Jonathan Flagg <jflagg@northamptonma.gov>, Sarah LaValley <slavalley@northamptonma.gov>, Brynn Grant <bgrant@keiterbuilders.com> Hi Carolyn, Please find my responses in blue below: Hi Scott, I just saw the filing for the 2 family structure at 2 Bratton Court. I guess I wasn't clear that you had modified your plan from rehab to demo of the existing building in order to build a brand new 2 family? In order to move forward with the application to ZBA, we'll need some additional information: 1) site layout of existing parking area and size/number of spaces. Please find the attached PDF named "Plans Revised 06.20.21". We have drawn-in two off street parking spaces. 2) proposed layout of existing parking area and size/number of spaces. Please find the attached PDF named "Plans Revised 06.20.21". We have drawn-in two off street parking spaces. 3) As we mentioned before, our survey of Main Street shows the front building on this parcel as encroaching by 2+' onto Main Street. The lot boundary that you are showing on the plans you submitted appears to be a survey but there is no reference to the surveyor or when this was completed. If this is in fact a surveyed plan, could you please submit the official survey since it conflicts with what our 2020 survey shows. Please find the attached PDF named "Bratton Court Survey-1". This document is a stamped survey drawing created by Dan Werner on October 30, 2020. 4) Please provide the date of construction of the single family home. If it is older than 1945, you will need to work with Sarah LaValley in our office to determine if this needs an Historical Commission hearing before demolition can take place. Please find the attached PDF named "Assessor Doc" showing a construction date of 1960 Thanks, as soon as we get this information we can schedule the public hearing. The summer schedule means the Boards are only meeting 1x per month. We just past the July hearing deadline, so this will likely be on the August 12 agenda. Sounds good. Thank you. P.S. Per your request, please find a document named "Photos" showing a few pictures of the existing structure. On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 10:02 AM Carolyn Misch <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> wrote: [Quoted text hidden] -- Scott Keiter | President Keiter Corporation | 35 Main Street | Florence, MA 01062 O 413.586.8600 | C 413.320.9035 | F 413.280.0124 www.Keiter.com | Facebook 4 attachments Plans Revised 06.20.21.pdf 6224K Bratton Court survey-1.pdf 117K Assessor Doc.pdf 102K Photos.pdf 793K