Mill River Levee System_Geotechnical Data Memo_Comment Log - 12-22-20 - GZA Responses City of Northampton DPW Mill River Levee Geotechnical Memo REVIEW COMMENT FORM Reviewed by:David Veleta, P.E. and Kris Baker, P.E. Project: Northampton Levee DPP Comment Date: 11/17/2020 GZA Response Date: 12/22/2020 Comment No. Chapter Section Figure, Para. #, Page No. Comment GZA Responses 1 Introduction Page 1, paragraph 1 KB: See comments for the CT River system Noted, universal comments from CT River Memo addressed in Mill River Memo. 2 Introduction Page 1, paragraph 1 DV: Replace “will be” with “is” Edit completed 3 Introduction Page 1, paragraph 1 DV: Maximum height of levee of approximately 35-feet seems high. Is it measured from mean water level, so water level+bank+21’ floodwall = 35? Based on record drawings and cross section from USACE, as well as existing as-built information, this has been changed to a max height of 25 feet. The max height section is where the original Mill River location was filled. 4 Background Page 2, paragraph 1 DV: Capitalize “Floodwall” Edit completed 5 Background Page 2 paragraph 1 DV: Add a comma after “The Floodwall” Edit completed 6 Background Page 2 paragraph 1 DV: Add a comma after “construction” Edit completed 7 Background Page 2 paragraph 3 DV: Add “and” after “El 112” Edit completed 8 Scope of Work Page 2, Item 3 DV: Plans indicate Figure 2 as Figure 1 Changed the exploration location plan to “Figure 2” 9 Scope of Work Page 2, Item 4 DV: Change “Performed” to “Perform” and remove capitalization of “Testing” Edit completed 10 2019-2020 GZA Test Borings Page 3 KB: Add a few transitional sentences to describe the information you are required to obtain for the FEMA study to update or fill information gaps in the subsurface from the original construction records. Agreed. Refer to the additional sentences added on page 1 and on page 3, under “GZA 2020 Test Borings”. 10 Soil and Rock Page 4 paragraph 4 DV: Add “Alternated” Edit completed 11 Soil and Rock Page 6, paragraph 3 DV: 1/16-inch to ¼-inch thick lenses of Clayey Silt or fine to medium Sand in varved clay seem pretty thin. Were these actually distinguishable? Yes, the lenses can be measured with a tape or can be visibly seen by naked eye, as the lenses create a clear separation of material. 12 Groundwater Page 6, paragraph 5 DV: Groundwater observations seem very sketchy since most all are above the surrounding ground surface at the adjacent toe of the slope. Consider a stronger caveat that these are not reliable and won’t be used for seepage and stability analysis. Are groundwater elevations needed for analysis? If so, do we need monitoring wells at the toe of slope in select locations? You are correct. We enhanced the language regarding the purpose of the water level readings reported on the logs. We have the existing well water level and will be make conservative assumptions for the groundwater level on the land side toe. So, we do not feel as though we need to install monitoring wells at this time. 13 Email N/A DV: I'm not sure why these need to be separate memos, and I think it may make sense to combine them into one document. As it is, there is a lot of redundancy with 80 pages of the Drilling Work Plan repeated in both memos. As discussed via email on 11/17/20, the memos were kept separate as FEMA will likely want the certification process to be completed separately for the Mill River System and the Connecticut River System. However, to reduce redundancy, we have removed the Drilling Work Plan from the memo appendices and have instead provided a reference to the Work Plan in the memo text. 14 Email N/A DV: There is a lot of inconsistency in page sizes at various points in both memos. Unless there is a compelling reason for other sizes I think limiting it to 8.5x11 and 11x17 makes sense. I don't see that the 24x36 drawings provide so much detailed information that they need to be reproduced a that scale. We have gone through the document and done a QA check to make sure the documents sizes, fonts, etc. are consistent and appropriate for reproducing them.