2007 planning awards2007 planning awards Kerry Buckley for the HN website, which is so cool.. and launching his historic markers project.... and all the other good work the org. does Fly by Night's new brick addition to their building which they completed last year. I hope that it is not inappropriate for me to tell you that I nominated it for a Historic Preservation Award from the Historical Commission (I'm sure you know I am a member), but the final vote was against giving the addition an award. (Forgive me if Peg has told you any of this long ago.) As you might suspect, the fact that Richard Zafft demolished one building (which I felt was shown NOT to be connected to the canal) to put up his addition was a major factor for those who voted against the award. Peg has told me that the Planning Dept sometimes presents awards to downtown buildings for their contributions to the character of the downtown. So, I'm nominating Fly by Night's addition for such an award (even though it would have been even better if he had demolished the glassed-in part, and he should plant something in front of that ugly green electrical (?) box in his parking area). I think it is admirable that he matched the design, materials, and details of his original brick building so well. Shardool—for hotel and dealing with the process