Everett Letter St. John CantiusCarolyn Misch <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> St. John Cantius Mac Everett <macgeverett@gmail.com>Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 5:16 PM To: cmisch@northamptonma.gov As a longtime resident of Ward 3 I am dismayed at the possible demolition of the St. John Cantius church. It stands as a powerful reminder of the determination of immigrants, particularly but not exclusively Polish, to persevere and establish an enduring place of worship. Unquestionably many sacrifices were made and hard-earned savings went into that building. It then served as the center of a vibrant community for decades, a venue not just for daily or weekly worship but also for providing rituals of birth, marriage and death for its parishioners. In this era when we struggle with all kinds of immigration and diversity issues, it serves as a reminder of important local history. That in itself should justify its preservation. If it does come down I would hope that, in deference to its history, the developers would refrain from adding 5 more luxury units and would consider either a "pocket park" with some fitting memorial to the church, or 5 units of sorely needed. affordable housing. Thank you for listening, Mac Everett 40 Valley St.