THISObjecionesMy name is Reyes Lázaro. My home is directly across the construction on 170 Federal Street and Warner Street in Florence. I support the request for a moratorium on all permits for the project, due to the following objections:     1.     Exclusion of the people of Baystate (both abutters and neighbors) from participation in the project of gentrification of our village, through: Not being provided any information about it, and the piecemeal nature of processes such as this meeting (one of the few forums for neighbors to minimally express our concerns). We are only allowed to raise concerns about a driveway, whereas a project as big as this one should be evaluated as a whole, and with site visits.   2.     Committee’s lacks consequential information. The developer told me candidly and directly that he planned to tear down the existing home on 170 Federal and build a new one its place; yet, a member of the Board assured me that the developer plans to remodel the existing home. The difference is enormously consequential: it entails the possibility of constructing an additional fourth big one-family home on a fragile hill. I expect the committee that grants construction permits to be accurately informed about what they approve.     Reyes Lázaro 172 Federal Street