Teghtsoonian LetterCarolyn Misch <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> Planning Board hearing on shared driveway permit Mimi Teghtsoonian <mteghtso@smith.edu>Wed, Dec 9, 2020 at 12:53 PM To: cmisch@northamptonma.gov Cc: ajarrett@northamptonma.gov, wfeiden@northamptonma.gov, dnarkewicz@northamptonma.gov Dear Caroline, I am writing to you as chairperson of the Planning Board regarding John Handzel's request for a shared driveway permit for 170 Federal St. I am asking the PB to postpone a decision on the request until a number of important questions can be answered. These include: 1. There seem to be numerous irregularities in the granting of various permits for the project at 170 Federal St. These have been detailed by other residents in Bay State Village and communicated to you. Will the PB review these irregularities and explain how they came about? 2. The 170 Federal St. project has apparently never been reviewed in its entirety by the PB or any other concerned City Department. For a project of this scale and impact on the neighborhood, this is astounding and seems like dereliction of duty by the City government. 3. A glance at the buildings at 170 Federal would convince anyone that they do not meet the zoning code requirement that a residential building should be on a scale and of a style commensurate with other such buildings on a street. How could a building permit possibly have been issued for the 170 Federal buildings? I request that a full review of this project, by the Planning Board, the Zoning Commission, City Council, and the Mayor's Office, as well as any other governmental agencies involved in development be carried out, and that the request for a driveway permit be postponed until this is done. Sincerely yours, Martha Teghtsoonian 201 Warner St. Florence (413) 285-5004