Levine LetterCarolyn Misch <cmisch@northamptonma.gov> Re 170 Federal Street Hearing Robin E. Levine <relevine2@gmail.com>Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 6:12 PM To: cmisch@northamptonma.gov To the Northampton Planning Board, I am unable to attend the Planning Board hearing on this development scheduled for 12/10. Thus, I am emailing to urge you to deny permission for a common drive for the purpose of putting a 4th house at the development at 170 Federal St. There are already plans for 3 single family, very high priced, towering homes for this property, and include large tree removal due to a loophole in the Significant Tree Ordinance. This was not the intent of the "infill" zoning regulation (to allow for more affordable and sustainable housing in Northampton, to promote designs that fit into neighborhoods, to assist homeowners in allowing family to live nearby etc). This development meets none of those intentions, but rather is eliminating affordable housing and destroying the historic and design character of Baystate, which has always offered affordable housing in Northampton, dating to mill worker times. I also urge the Planning Board to revisit the "infill" development regulations and put a pause on further "infill" development until these regulations can be strengthened so that they indeed meet the stated goals and not be taken advantage of by developers with none of those interests in mind. Thank you for considering these matters. Robin Levine Hinckley Street Baystate Village