CRRP-Northampton NeighborsCity of Northampton Mail - Message for the Energy andSustainability...https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=b9d2eb11a2&view=pt&search=all... Chris Mason <cmason@northamptonma.gov> Message for the Energy and Sustainability Commission 1 messageKatharineBaker<bakerkg@comcast.net>Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 1:46 PM To:cmason@northamptonma.gov To Chris Mason and the Energy and Sustainability Commission: I understand that you will be discussing the City’s draft climate plan at your upcoming meeting. As I am unable to attend, I wish to submit this writtencomment: In looking at the plan, I notice that Northampton Neighbors is listed as a community partner. I am also surprised to see Northampton Neighbors identified on page 78 of the draft plan, Human Experience 1A, Engaged Communities, Launch a Strong and Healthy Neighborhoods Program, as an organization whose members will “assess what it takes to enhance the resilience of particularneighborhoods.”Wearealsoexpectedto“identifyspecificactions”toimplementthiscomponentoftheplan. I believe that a City-wide Climate Resiliency plan, including action steps, is an excellent idea, and the City certainly needs one. However Northampton Neighbors and its Board of Directors will need to be involved in planning any tasks our organization may be expected to implement. Currently we are a two-year-old non-profit, with a small annual budget, and just one part-time Administrator, so we will need funding to expand her hours or hire an additional employee who can create, manage, and coordinate the Neighborhood Teams described on page 78 of the draftplan. At this time I request that the draft plan be rewritten in a way that does not include expectations for Northampton Neighbors which we may not be able to fulfill without considerable consultation with the City. Katharine Baker, President, Board of Directors Northampton Neighbors1of111/12/2019, 9:29AM