teghtsoonian comment, 61 Warner St11/23/2020 City of Northampton Mail - request to demolish 16 Warner St https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=fec0f72d97&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1683265107912850082%7Cmsg-f%3A16832651079128…1/1 Sarah LaValley <slavalley@northamptonma.gov> request to demolish 16 Warner St 1 message Mimi Teghtsoonian <mteghtso@smith.edu>Fri, Nov 13, 2020 at 11:58 AM To: slavalley@northamptonma.gov Cc: dbercuvitz <dbercuvitz@comcast.net> Dear Ms. LaValley, I have heard, from Debra Bercuvitz, of John Handzel's request to demolish 61 Warner St. This is terrible news from an architectural and historical perspective. Bay State boasts a fine collection of houses from many eras and in many styles, which gives it great charm as well as allowing one to trace the changes in vernacular houses over at least a century. If there is anything I can do to facilitate a denial of this request (and others like it), please let me know. Sincerely yours, Martha Teghtsoonian 201 Warner St., Florence (413) 285-5004