NOI WPA3 Nov 2020 Filing Cover Letter 371 Prospect Street, Northampton, MA 01060 * (413) 626-1797 www.timseney.com * Better Business Bureau AAA Rating * timseney@gmail.com November 9, 2020 Ms. Sarah LaValley Conservation and Preservation Planner Northampton Office of Planning and Sustainability City Hall, 210 Main Street, 2nd Floor Northampton, MA 01060 Delivered by Hand at Municipal Drop Box Re: 1087 Westhampton Road, Permit Application/Wetlands NOI MassDEP File Number: WE246-0735 Dear Ms. LaValley, Enclosed please find 2 sets of the following documents related to the above captioned matter: • Permit Application hard copy of application submitted online 11/9/20 • NOI Permit Application Narrative • WPA Form 3 – Notice of Intent • NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form • Confirmation Number 20201108667894 for $225 payment of City portion only, per your email of 11/6/20 (copy also included here) • The full Stormwater Report for 1087 Westhampton Road (Lot 4) prepared by James E. Gracia, PE, revised and resubmitted to Doug Macdonald of Northampton DPW on October 28, 2020 Finally, per your email of 11/6/20 above, abutter notices will go out concurrently with the application filing. You will receive proof of mailing under separate cover from my attorney, Tom Miranda. In the interim, please let me know if there is anything you need. Sincerely, Ginetta E.B. Candelario, Ph.D. Project Manager cc: Tim Seney Tom Miranda, Esq. James E. Gracia, PE