ParkletA parklet is defined as a small green space orseating area, usually located in a former parking space. Meant to seem like an extension of the sidewalk, parklets encourage pedestrians to sit and enjoy the space. The materials used to build a parklet are not permanent, and as a result these spaces are fairly inexpensive and easily installed. This parklet was created using funds provided by the Center for Disease Control. The CDC views the project as a way to encourage various forms of exercise, such as walking and biking. This in turn can help prevent diabetes and heart disease, along with other health issues associated with lack of exercise. Parklets have been successfully implemented across many major U.S. cities, such as San Francisco, Philadelphia, and New York City. A Philadelphia non-profit organization performed an extensive study on the city’s parklets and found that some were visited by as many as 150 people a day. This number demonstrates that the replacement of one or two parking spaces with a parklet can prove to be highly worth it. Parklets are public spaces and are meant to serve everyone. Any person walking by can take a seat out of the flow of pedestrian traffic and enjoy the weather, a conversation, or a snack. These small, aesthetically pleasing spots foster a sense of community. Additionally, one study done in San Francisco found that the introduction of a parklet increased people’s sense of neighborhood character in the surrounding area. Businesses, too, benefit from the addition of a parklet nearby, as people have an excuse to stop and linger in the area. The benefits of the parklet extend far beyond its small borders. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/parklet https://www.peoplepoweredmovement.org/site/images/uploads/ParkletDetailedFAQ.pdf https://www.citylab.com/design/2015/03/why-some-parklets-work-better-than-others/387406/