FINAL REPORT RECOMMENDATIONS AND POLICIES Adopted 11.21.11Northampton Farmers Market Subcommittee Subcommittee of the Agricultural Commission Final Report and Recommendations Adopted November 21, 2011 Farmers Market Subcommittee Members: Ben James, Agricultural Commission and Tuesday Farmers Market Maureen Dempsey, Florence Farmers Market John O’Leary, Saturday Northampton Farmers Market Claire Morenon, CISA and Northampton resident Ruth Von Goeler, Northampton resident and subcommittee minute taker Judith Fine, Gazebo and Northampton Chamber of Commerce Downtown Committee Bud Stockwell, Cornucopia Foods and Northampton Chamber of Commerce Downtown Committee Ben Wood, Northampton Health Director Teri Anderson, Northampton Community and Economic Development Director and Committee Chair The Farmers Market Subcommittee met monthly between September 2009 and December 2011 with the following purpose: Understand how existing markets in the City function and the relationship to other outlets for agricultural products including gathering membership/operating rules of existing markets and collecting information from customers, managers, vendors, city officials, local business owners and other relevant constituencies. Investigate the various models for operating markets, and research any state regulations governing markets. Evaluate the success of existing markets in the City and determine how markets can be supported to promote the sustainability of markets, the viability of growers/producers, and the broader economic development goals identified in the Sustainable Northampton Plan. The pertinent Sustainable Northampton Plan goals/strategies include: Ensure vibrant and distinctive downtown, commercial, and village centers. Investigate the feasibility and pursue the development of a year-round public market for agricultural, arts, crafts, and locally made products. Support business development and business practices that enhance the environmental and long-term sustainability of the community including but not limited to agriculture and other land based business… Encourage and support locally owned and operated businesses and “buy local” campaigns. Recommend a City policy for use of City property by farmers/public/open markets. Create a set of recommendations to put before the Agricultural Commission and other appropriate City boards/departments and share the results of this committee with existing and future potential markets. Recommendations: City Policies Regarding Farmers Markets: Develop clear city policies for use of public property by farmers markets including a streamlined licensing process for use of public property by farmers markets and other permits required by farmers markets and vendors considering existing city policies. A recommended policy is attached. Work as needed with Farmers Markets to address security concerns at the markets. Implementation: Adopted by appropriate City boards and Departments (e.g. Mayor, Agricultural Commission, City Property Committee, Department/Board of Public Works, Parking Department, Police Department). Improved marketing and outreach: Enhance marketing and promotion along with cross collaborations such as: Regular email newsletters by Farmers Markets (weekly/monthly) with information about markets, vendors, hours, in season products as they come to market. Also articles/flyers in various organization newsletters and offices (e.g. Council on Aging newsletter, Senior Center, Council on Aging brown bag inserts, Survival Center newsletter and food pick up bag inserts.) Online promotion with information about all the markets in Northampton – perhaps on the City, Chamber, BID, CISA, Hampshire Tourism Council websites and social media sites. Note: The City of Northampton website has been updated to include this information on the About Northampton, Health Department and Economic Development web pages. Post hours of operation and season dates of the markets on Farmers Market websites and at the Farmers Markets. Flyers or kitchen magnets with the market name and hours of operation to post at home or the office as a reminder or cloth bags with market hours of operation printed on the bag. Improve the signage and visibility for farmers markets in accordance with city sign regulations. Joint/cross marketing and promotions with local businesses, the BID, the Chamber, CISA, PV Local First, and the City, e.g. cross links on websites, table tents or post cards at events, sharing/promoting business directories. This outreach could promote one of the top expressed reasons for shopping at markets – the enjoyment of socializing and sense of community. Use special events or new adjunct features (e.g. entertainment, arts/crafts) at or near the markets as a way to grow the customer base and to draw people into downtown Northampton and Florence center. Continue to promote the availability of EBT/SNAP/Food Stamp/Credit card machines at the markets. Assist the markets to be more accessible to diverse cultures/incomes, e.g. bi-lingual signs, special promotions, education/outreach to seniors, various ethnic groups, healthy eating campaigns, satellite markets at public housing complexes. Implementation: Farmers Markets, the Northampton Chamber of Commerce, the Northampton Business Improvement District, the Florence Civic and Business Association, and the City of Northampton. Expanded Market Products, Offerings, and Amenities: Consider increasing the availability of dairy, meat, and prepared foods at all of the markets as a way to increase customers/sales and to respond to customer desires. There is some desire for adjunct amenities and offerings at farmers markets although not the highest priority for consumers including arts/crafts, locally prepared foods ready to eat and for take home, ethnically diverse products, and entertainment. Individual markets could explore which of these might be a good fit for their own markets. Explore ways to expand the demographic profile of the average Farmers Market shopper to include families, ethnic groups, lower income residents, men, seniors, youth, etc. Improve bicycle racks and parking availability for the markets Consider providing seating, gathering space, trash cans and other infrastructure at the markets. Implementation: Farmers Markets, City of Northampton (public infrastructure) Increased Collaboration Between Markets and Businesses: Create opportunities for local businesses to provide prepared foods using locally grown/made products for sale at the markets and at their businesses. Explore collaborations between farmers markets, businesses, and the city especially joint marketing, a year round farmers market, and special events. Consider opportunities that make it easier for businesses to purchase farm products for use or sale in their business and for farmers to sell their products to local businesses, e.g. websites that list product availability at the markets on a weekly basis, business order pickup/deliveries at markets, wholesale agreements between farmers and retailers. Consider promotions that recommend farmers markets and local businesses to each other, e.g. other businesses where vendor products can be purchased in Northampton during non-market hours. Implementation: Farmers Markets, businesses Market Location and Expansion Consider other locations in downtown for the markets that would allow for expansion of the markets as well as encouraging farmers market customers to shop in downtown businesses considering overall downtown vibrancy, visibility/access, and parking needs. In particular, the City and the Saturday market should explore options to provide additional space for the market to relieve congestion and create space for additional vendors if desired by the market managers. Evaluate the feasibility of a permanent pavilion/covered space downtown that can be shared by markets on different days and perhaps year round including the possibility of shared storage space for farmers market equipment/furnishings. Consider shared resources between markets such as tables/umbrellas/tents, EBT transaction processing. Identify and implement infrastructure improvements that might improve the spaces used for farmers markets. Implementation: Farmers Markets, City Training and Technical Assistance Explore options for training and technical assistance for markets (e.g. marketing, customer service, market analysis to help determine optimal number of vendors and markets) beyond the assistance available from CISA, MDAR, etc. Implementation: Farmers Markets, City, Chamber of Commerce, BID