2009 Planning Board minutes The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting January 8, 2009 City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson  Vice Chair, Stephen Gilson  Keith Wilson  Kenneth Jodrie  Jennifer Dieringer  George Kohout  Katharine Baker  Marilyn Richards, Associate Member  Mark Sullivan, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opned the request by Mansour Ghalibaf/Hotel Northampton for Site Plan Approval to allow decorative, unshielded lights to illuminate a sculpture at 36 King St, Northampton, Map ID 32A-255. Steve Smith, designer of lighting system presented the application. He stated that the beam spread does not spread beyond diameter of ball. The ball is to sparkle for 30 seconds and 5 seconds to mark the hour. Less than 100 watts for LED. Lynn Reynolds, 62 E. Taylor hill Rd Montague, owner of 12 Allen Place stated concern about lights shining in bedrooms. Board discussed issues. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Jennifer Dieringer the Board voted to unanimously approve a 6-month permit. 7:30 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Lee Goss for a special permit for frontage reduction under 350.6.3 to create a single family house lot at 40-42 High St., Florence, Map ID 17C-167. 2 Ed Etheredge, representing applicant, described compliance with zoning and planning objectives for infill in town. The Board reviewed the plan for common driveway as well. Donners at 52 and 50 High Street stated concerns about water runoff onto their property. Julie Kling, High Street stated that there are not a water issue on that side and spoke in favor of the application. She raised a concern about design and asked about single family home restrictions on the site. There was a request for trees. Dave Reckhow, 45 High Street stated support of the project, but raised concern about its appearance. Gary Warden, 91 Chestnut St spoke in opposition to the project. The Board discussed conditions. Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Keith Wilson, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Keith Wilson, the Board voted unanimously to approve permit with conditions. 8:20 P.M. Francis Johnson opend the joint public hearing with City Council Ordinance Committee on zoning ordinance amendments. (Bardsely, Reckman, Narkiewicz sitting as Ordinance Committee) Discussed items and public comment: 1.Improve parking and driveway standards to allow residential driveway access over side lot lines and allow new technologies for parking lot surfaces. Correct scriveners error in table. 2.Simplify Zero Lot Line Development to eliminate fences, reduce 30’ side setback to 15’, and allow lots next to non-zero lot projects. 3.Amend site plan submission requirements to specify traffic mitigation payment-in-lieu of standards and require construction materials for sites to be comparable to those required in subdivisions. 4.Zoning Map change for the parcel at 296 Nonotuck St., Map ID 22B-43 from General Industrial to Special Industrial. Jerry Budger, 127 Bridge St stated concern about notifying everyone in the city about zoning decisions. Adam Cohen spoke about need for design criteria before changing zoning. 3 Teri Anderson, sent comments and concerns about the fees for traffic mitigation. Doug Kohl stated a concern about the vagueness of the site plan standards change relative to subdivision standards. He requested clarification. The Board discussed traffic impact standards. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by George Kohout, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing on section 8 ordinances and scriveners error in the Parking table., Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the Board voted unanimously to Recommend to council changes. Upon motion and withdrawal by George Kohout --- Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Katharine Baker the Board voted unanimously to continue the hearing on items 2 and 3 (zero th lot line and traffic mitigation) to Mar 26 at 7 PM. The Board suggested more public outreach should be undertaken before the continuation date. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing on the zoning map change to SI. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the Board voted unanimously to recommend to council the changes on the SI district. 10.10 P.M. Request by EBD, Corp for Site Plan Approval to convert a single family house to a museum and add 3 live-work spaces at 225 Nonotuck St, Florence, Map ID 23A-281. Jim harrity presented application. Board discussed continuation based on requirements of setback from wetland and conservation continuance. George Kohout asked about snow removal. Amy Bookbinder, Grove Ave, Leeds spoke in favor of project. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Jennifer Dieringer board voted unanimously to to continue to Jan 22 at 7:45 PM. 11:20 Adjourn The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting January 22, 2009 City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson  Vice Chair, Stephen Gilson Keith Wilson  Kenneth Jodrie  Jennifer Dieringer Left 8:45  George Kohout  Katharine Baker  Marilyn Richards, Associate Member  Mark Sullivan, Associate Member Staff:  Planning Director, Wayne Feiden  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the informal discussion withMassDevelopment on upcoming changes. Beth Murphy described changes. Larry Sprang, representing MassDevelopment presented the graphical changes/conceptual changes. Board discussed conceptual changes. Craig Brown described the changes that would be forthcoming with respect to permitting. 8:05 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation on the request by EBD, Corp for Site Plan Approval to convert a single family house to a museum and add 3 live-work spaces at 225 Nonotuck St, Florence, Map ID 23A-281. Staff provided update on Conservation permit and Department of Public Works review. Jim Harrity described changes to parking lot. The Board discussed conditions. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Stephen Gilson, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Stephen Gilson the Board voted unanimously to approve the permit with conditions. 2 8:25- Stephen Gilson gave update on ZRC There was more discussion on design guidelines at the state hospital. The Board discussed their interest in keeping the design guidelines as approved. MassDevelopment should come with proposal for guidelines to be implemented and identify which ones don’t work vs. the ones that they want to have waived. Board discussed minutes from 12/11 and 9/16. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Stephen Gilson, the Board approved the minutes. Jennifer Dieringer left. 8:50 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the continuation of a hearing on the request by Tofino Associates/Northern Ave. Homes for a special permit to construct a 25-unit Townhouse project with associated site plan including driveway access from North and Northern Ave at 8 View Ave, Northampton, Map ID 25C-12 & 17. Doug Kohl presented the application. Board had questions regarding pedestrian links through the site, materials, location, bike path connector and timing. Kohl stated that there were only porch lights and trash would be removed by private vendor with no dumpsters on site. He stated they plan to build to LEED standard but may not go after certification. George Kohout asked about sidewalks. Tom McCurry, North Street asked about the traffic study and raised a concern about congestion. Alan Seewald, representing North St Association, spoke against the project based on concerns of congestion and density. Kohl responded by describing existing densities in surrounding neighborhood (greater than proposed). Adam Cohen spoke against project based on lack of sustainability. Flora Crocker, Orchard street stated concerns of traffic. Paige Bridgens, 12 Northern Ave. raised concerns about tree clearing. Heather McGluphlin, corner of North and Elizabeth Streets stated the site was effectively a buffer for the neighborhood against lights on King St. 3 Dennis Helmus, North Street, spoke against project. Raised issue about legal access on View Ave. Steven Hathaway, Northern Ave spoke against project. Lisa Maloney, North St, spoke against project. Renee Denefield, 25 Northern Ave, spoke against project . Lawrence Tatro- Bridge St, voiced concern about water in basements. Paige Bridgens mentioned that Conservation Commission might hire a hydrologist. Tom Mccurry asked about snow storage areas. Marie Hirshkowitz, Northern Ave, spoke against project. Doug Kohl clarified that he owns the View Ave access in fee simple ownership not easement. There was more discussion about high ground water and traffic. Board discussed continuing to 3/26 at 8 PM so the applicant could address a snow removal plan, alternative layouts. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted unanimously to continue to 3/26 at 8. Planning Board Minutes - 2/26/2009 CAROLYN: TECHNICAL PROBLEMS 1. People presenting off PDF instead of PPT. 2.Connection problems Members Present: Frandy Johnson, Ken Jodrie, Steve Gilson, Mark Sullivan, Keith Wilson, Marilyn Richards Staff Present: Wayne Feiden Frandy Johnson opened the Planning Board meeting at 7:05 PM. 7:06 PM Public Hearing on Pocket Communication’s request for equipment on an existing tower at 327 King Street, Map ID 24B-38. Frandy Johnson opened the public hearing on all three cell tower requests by reading the legal notice. Brian Adam, representing Pocket Communications presented the public hearing. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Marilyn Richards, the Planning Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Steve Gilson, the Planning Board voted unanimously to issue the requested Special Permit. 7:25 PM Public Hearing on Pocket Communication’s request for equipment on an existing tower at Atwood Drive, Map ID 39-60. Brian Adam, representing Pocket Communication, presented the application. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Steve Gilson, the Planning Board voted unanimously to closes the public hearing. Upon motion by Steve Gilson and second by Ken Jodrie, the Planning Board voted unanimously to issue the requested Special Permit to install Pocket Communications equipment at or around 132’ msl with the following conditions: 1. Pocket Communications equipment shall not be installed on the tower until the City ownership issues of the tower are addressed to the City’s satisfaction and approved by the City in writing, allowing Crown to provide evidence that they have the ownership rights necessary to install the tower and the City, as easement holder, agrees to all of the terms. 2.Revised full scaled and engineer stamped plans showing the correct location at or around 132’ msl are provided to the city along with an engineer’s certification that the tower is built to withstand the loads from all existing equipment, the City’s equipment, and Pocket Communication’s equipment. 3.Documentation that the Pocket Communications equipment will not create radio interference with the City’s planned equipment or that Pocket or Crown Castle will correct any interference to the satisfaction of the City. 7:36 PM Public Hearing on Pocket Communication’s request for equipment on an existing tower at Glendale Road, Map ID 42-79. Brian Adam, representing Pocket Communication, presented the application with the equipment at 135’ msl. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Marilyn Richards, the Planning Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie, the Planning Board voted unanimously to issue the requested Special Permit based on the revised February 13, 2009 plan set. 1.Documentation that the Pocket Communications equipment will not create radio interference with the City’s planned equipment or that Pocket will correct any interference to the satisfaction of the City. 2.Revised full scaled and engineer stamped plans showing the correct location at or around 135’ msl are provided to the city along with an engineer’s certification that the tower is built to withstand the loads from all existing equipment, the City’s equipment, and Pocket Communication’s equipment. 7:41 PM Public hearing on the request by Hospital Hill LLC for Special Permit Amendment, Subdivision Amendment, Site Plan Amendment to modify the south campus of the Village at Hospital Hill, Map IDs 38A-50, 58, 87, and 31C-17. Beth Murphy and Craig Brown presented the application. Wayne Feiden reviewed the proposed staff permit conditions. The board had extensive discussion about design guidelines with staff, Beth Murphy, and Craig Brown. Frandy Johnson then opened the public hearing for public comment. Barbara Blumenthal, Chapel Street, expressed concern about design details, materials, lighting, site security, and fencing. She said that she understands that it is an industrial building, but it is within a neighborhood and needs to work with the neighborhood. Benjamin Spencer, Rust Avenue, expressed concern that the building must work with and respect the neighborhood and shield parking lots from the street, possibly with other buildings along Route 66. Jonathan Wright, Beacon Street (one of the residential developers of the north campus), urged that any building be designed to take advantage of solar access for the building and its employees. He stressed that MassDevelopment’s design review is already very extensive, that will apply as well as anything that the Planning Board does. Harriet Diamond, Grove Street, urged a focus not only on Route 66 but also on Laurel and Grove, even with the new use as manufacturing. Scott Rimnek, Laurel Street, expressed concern about the change from mixed use to single manufacturing use on the south campus, and said it would lead to his moving. He was critical of the VCA building on Earle Street (pre-structured). Joel Spiro, Bixby Court, suggested that instead of Kollmorgen simply coming to the Planning Board once the design is complete they might want to work with the board on earlier draft designs to get board input before they get too far along. The Planning Board had extensive discussion about conditions. Upon motion by Steve Gilson and second by Keith Wilson, the Planning Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Steve Gilson and second by Keith Wilson, the Planning Board voted 5-1 (members and alternatives) to approve the issue a new replacement Special Permit and master Site Plan (but NOT the final Site Plans required for each lot) with the conditions outlined in the permit attached hereto by reference and 3-1 (members only) to issue a new replacement South Campus Subdivision Approval and Partial Release of Restrictive Covenants with the conditions outlined in the permit attached hereto by reference. 10:10 PM Discussion of Possible Zoning Change Wayne Feiden distributed a possible zoning change to clarify the intent of allowable Planned Village uses within the Planned Village District. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Marilyn Richards, the Planning Board voted unanimously to sponsor zoning change. Upon motion by Keith Wilson and second by Ken Jodrie, the Planning Board voted unanimously to adjourn at 10:15 PM. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting May 14, 2009 City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, Stephen Gilson Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer  Francis “Frandy” Johnson  Marilyn Richards  Kenneth Jodrie  George Kohout  Katharine Baker  Mark Sullivan, Associate Member Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Stephen Gilson opened the meeting and described change in agenda due to Conservation Commission hearings. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson, the Board voted unanimously to continue the Kohl hearing originally scheduled for 7:00 PM to 8:15. 7:00 P.M .Stephen Gilson opened the request by City of Northampton for Special Permit for reduction in frontage at 95 Jackson St, Northampton, Map ID 24A-55. Staff described application and Conservation Commission comments. Yvonne Boucher 159 Jackson Street spoke in opposition to the 10’ width of sidewalk. Dan Polacheck, property owner confirmed the plan for widening the sidewalk to 10’. Upon motion by Katherine Baker and second by George Kohout, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Katharine Baker and second by George Kohout, the Board voted unanimously to approve the application. 7:20 P.M. Stephen Gilson opened the request by David McCutcheon for Site Plan Amendment at 1015 Ryan Rd, Florence, MapID 35-304 and 35-305. Dave McCutcheon described the project changes. 2 Ted Towne Jr, 21 Loudville Rd, Easthampton stated he was available for questions since he was the contract purchaser and builder for the site. He stated that they had made no determination of tree species in front. The Board discussed conditions as suggested in staff memo. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted unanimously to approve the amendment with conditions discussed. 8:10 P.M. Stephen Gilson opened the request by Open & Shut LLC (Raynor Door) for Site Plan Approval to construct a 5,000+ square foot sales building at 309 Easthampton Rd, Northampton, Map ID 44-27. Board discussed Department of Public Works comments. Board discussed issues and proposed conditions. There were no public comments. Upon motion by Katharine Baker and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted 6-1(Katharine Baker abstained) to approve the application with conditions 9:00 P.M. Stephen Gilsonopened thecontinuation of North Street condominiums by Kohl Construction. Doug Kohl described the changes and the fire department review of the new access way. He presented a density comparison to the neighborhood, impervious surface evaluation and comparison and described the rain gardens and infiltration areas. Kohl presented a revised set of elevations. George Kohout asked about the long term maintenance and/or replacement requirement for the drywells. Marilyn Richards asked about refuse storage and interior space. Alan Seewald, representing North Street neighbors, reiterated the opposition he raised at previous hearings related to lack of garages, snow storage, density, crime, garbage. Dennis Helmus, North Street, spoke in opposition. Michael Bardsley, City Councilor, spoke against the project based on the density. 3 Lisa Maloney, 168 North St, spoke against the project for its lack of integration into the neighborhood. Adam Cohen, 134 North Street, spoke against the project. Gloria Parker, Orchard Street, raised the concern about traffic. Tim Parshall, 76 North St, spoke against the project and concerns about crosswalks and traffic. Lawrence Tatro, 155 Bridge St repeated concerns about density. Marie Hirshkowitz, 32 Northern Ave, spoke against project and asked about vegetation instead of fencing. The Board discussed issues. George Kohout asked about onsite circulation and the total number of units. Mark Sullivan asked for clarification about ownership, snow removal. George Kohout emphasized need for additional snow storage areas. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Katharine Baker continue to 6-25 at 7 pm Other Business: Jackson St. street acceptance: Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted unanimously to recommend street acceptance for the strip along Jackson Street. The Board discussed the summer schedule as follows: July 23 and August 13. The Board discussed special employee status for Zoning Revisions Committee. Upon motion by Katharine Baker and second by Marilyn Richards the Board voted unanimously to send a recommendation to City Council to classify ZRC as special employee. Kollmorgen site visit was set for Sunday at 4PM The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting May 28, 2009 City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, Stephen Gilson Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer  Francis “Frandy” Johnson Marilyn Richards  Kenneth Jodrie  George Kohout  Katharine Baker  Mark Sullivan, Associate Member Associate Member Staff:  Planning Director, Wayne Feiden  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7: 00 PM Stephen Gilson opened the meeting and described the process and recording of meeting for absent members to review. Stephen Gilson opened the discussion of the bike path alignment through the state hospital as required by the special permit amendment issued to MassDevelopment. (Planning Board required to sign off on final alignment) Dave Loring, Tighe & Bond , representing MassDevelopment described the proposed bikepath alignment from Manhan Railtrail to the North Campus. He described the proposal to break up the existing walk up the sledding hill, raise its elevation, and widen with bituminous. George Kohout asked about alignment off of Lot 2 and width and grade of trail on Smith Campus. Scott Remick 52 Laurel Street noted that he uses the street commuting. Barbara Weene, 18 Laurel Street, noted that she uses the street for commuting. Benjamin Spencer, 8 Rust Avenue, stated his support for the path through south campus. Barbara Blumenthal, Chapel St commented on the alignment. The Board discussed the location issues. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Katharine Baker the Board voted unanimously to close the discussion. 2 Board discussed additional conditions that would improve upon the proposed bike path alignment. 1. First segment—triangular city-owned parcel adjacent to the new Manhan Rail Trail. The trail width shall be 10 feet, and asphalt. The trail should be as far to the north side of the triangular property as possible. To minimize the impacts on the property owner to the north, there should be a six foot privacy fence on that property boundary unless there is some reason this is unfeasible. 2. Second segment- Earle Street crosswalk—use thermoplastic crosswalks. 3. Third segment—Earle Street sidewalk Trail (sidewalk) width shall be 10 feet and concrete to match sidewalks. Department of Public Works has a preference that this be added to the existing contract for better coordination, although DPW didn’t rule out MassDevelopment building it afterwards. Two signs, one on each end shall be installed to indicate that it is a shared bike/ped path and bikes must yield to peds. 4. Fourth segment- Route 66 crosswalk shall be located where the eventual signalized crosswalk will be located and shall be thermoplastic. 5. Fifth segment—Smith College walkway: a. A certified arborist shall evaluate the health of the trees on the east side of the existing sidewalk going up the hill and submitted to Office of Planning and Development. b. Based on this assessment, the trail width on the uphill side should be widened to 8’ unless arborist determines that will negatively affect the tree roots. Other widths can be approved by staff including neckdowns in certain sections of the trail to accommodate roots. Trees on the uphill side maybe removed. Footprint can be moved to the uphill side. c. The existing mature trees along the east side of the walkway should be pruned by a certified arborist to remove all dead limbs to prevent hazards below. d. Signage shall be located at the base of the hill at the Route 66 crossing indicating the sidewalk crossing. A bollard shall be placed in the center of trail at bottom of the hill. e. MassDevelopment shall remove the “no trespass” sign at top of the hill. f. Final design and alignment of this segment shall be submitted to Planning Board for review and sign-off prior to construction. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Mark Sullivan the Board voted 6-1 to approve alignment (George Kohout against) 8:10 P.M . Stephen Gilson opened the request by Kollmorgen Electro Optical for Site Plan Approval to build at 140,000 square foot building at Prince Street (South Campus of Village Hill) Northampton Map ID 38A-50. Ed Etheredge presented overview for the applicant. David Graves, Kollmorgen, described needs of the company. Francesca Maltese, O’Connell Development, described conformance of the development plan to the spirit of the amendments. Carolyn Hendrie, architect, described the site design and building layout and design. Jean, Carol Johnson Associates Landscape Architects, described landscape plan including changes from submission to pocket park, and “bermed” landscape along 66. Harriet Diamond, Grove Street asked for clearer explanation of buffering, loading dock and how the building presents to Laurel /Grove Streets. Hendrie stated that the west side would be invisible and showed south elevation. Joe Blumenthal asked about siting and spoke in support of the project. Barbara Weene, Laurel Street, raised concern about truck noise and night sky lighting. Francesca Maltese responded to the issues. 3 Barbara Blumenthal suggested condition about lighting. Bob Bacon, Hawthorne Terrace Florence, spoke in favor of project. Scott Renick, Laurel Street, reiterated interest in seeing rendering from Laurel /Grove. Stephen Gilson read letter from Mayor. Joe Blumenthal asked about sound buffer on loading dock side. Spencer, 8 Rust, reiterated interest in bike path connection on south campus and suggested parking garage construction. Maltese responded and described TDM measures. Francis Johnson asked about number of parking spaces. Board discussed layout and outparcels. Stephen Gilson asked about signs and lighting. Katharine Baker asked about bike storage Maltese responded that there would be 25 bike capacity shelter. George Kohout asked about timing of traffic signal installation. Wayne Feiden clarified that it was a MassDevelopment responsibility. Stephen Gilson asked about the signal. Dave Loring stated that the signal being designed will be optimized for Kollmorgen. Discussion of curb widths being narrowed from existing. George Kohout asked about updating for TDM. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously to continue to June 11 at 7:20. 10:55 Board adjourned. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting June 11, 2009 City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, Stephen Gilson Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer  Francis “Frandy” Johnson  Marilyn Richards  Kenneth Jodrie Arrive 7:20  George Kohout Left 9:30, returned 10 Katharine Baker  Mark Sullivan, Associate Member Associate Member Staff:  Planning Director, Wayne Feiden  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 PMTHE PLANNING BOARD AND Stephen Gilson opened the joint public hearing on CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE COMMITTEE will hold a joint public hearing in Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA: Amend Zoning Ordinance §350-11.4 Expedited Permitting Process for Renewable/Alternative Energy Facility Bob Reckman, David Narkewicz, Michael Bardsley present for Ordinance Committee. Wayne Feiden described ordinance. There was no public comment. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Mark Sullivan the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted unanimously to recommend approval to city council. Ordinance Committee voted to continue discussion to room 10 City Hall. 7:20 PM r StephenGilson opened the continuation of theequest by Kollmorgen Electro Optical for Site Plan Approval to build at 140,000 square foot building at Prince Street (South Campus of Village Hill) Northampton Map ID 38A-50. Ed Etheredge, representing Kollmorgen gave overview 2 Francesca Maltese described issues for the continuation. She distributed updated packet and plan. Clarified that stormwater permit prohibits snow storage within the bioswales. She described light levels and plan for illumination. Benjamin Spencer, Rust Ave, voiced his opposition to the relocation of the bikepath off the south campus drive and spoke against Kollmorgen project. John Norton, Winslow Ave, spoke. Mark Rossler, South St resident raised concern about traffic mitigated obligations. Jackie Duda, 35 Laurel Street spoke out about alignment of bike path and safety issues. Barbara Blumenthal, Chapel Street asked for clarification. Gary Warden, Chestnut St, asked about the contractor. Amy Wolf, Olander Rd stated concern about traffic impacts of Kollmorgen. John Lyons asked about bids. Barry Jesu, 20 Hampton Ave, stated concern about pollution. Maggie Leonard, Rust Ave, voiced concerns. Martha Ebner, Rust Avenue requested the decision of the bike path alignment be revoked. Wilson Milano, 20 Black Birch Trail asked for reconsideration of the trail. Teri Anderson, economic development coordinator for city spoke in favor and clarified master plan. Craig Della Pena, spoke against bike path location. David Paine, Rust Ave, spoke against design of building. Board discussed conditions. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Francis Johnson the Board voted 5-1 to approve site plans and conditions described. Marilyn Richards noted for the record that she had reviewed recording of the previous hearing. 3 George Kohout stepped down to recuse himself from the next hearing. 9:30 PM Stephen Gilson opened theRequest by Patrick Melnik, Trustee for Special Permit Amendment to create an additional property boundary line for project off Chestnut Ave, Leeds, Map Ids 5-6,7, 12; 6-19, 20, 21, 58, 61; 11A-3. Pat Melnik Jr. described reasons for changes and clarified that there would be 2 separate associations for lots. Jim Montgomery, Grove Ave, asked about legality of request. Deb Jacobs, Grove Ave noted error in legal ad. Deb Orgera Evergreen voiced concern about construction process. Board discussed conditions. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Mark Sullivan the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the Board voted unanimously to approve with conditions. Other Business: The Board discussed request for clarification about traffic mitigation for Chestnut Ave project. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson, the Board determined that mitigation should be dedicated prior to issuance of first residential building unit for mitigation. The Board discussed Village Hill street acceptance and request that tree replacement be waived based on efforts to preserve additional trees on site. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Francis Johnson the Board voted unanimously to recommend street acceptance to council for the reasons stated in memo about work done to date to protect trees. 10:25 Board adjourned. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting June 25, 2009 City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, Stephen Gilson Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer  Francis “Frandy” Johnson  Marilyn Richards  Kenneth Jodrie  George Kohout  Katharine Baker  Mark Sullivan, Associate Member Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 PM Stephen Gilson opened the continuation of a hearing on the request by Tofino Associates/Northern Ave. Homes for a special permit to construct a 25-unit Townhouse project with associated site plan including driveway access from North and Northern Ave at 8 View Ave, Northampton, Map ID 25C-12 & 17. Doug Kohl presented changes to plan. He indicated that there would be extra parking spaces as result of elimination of the 3 units. Five of the extra 8 spaces would be used for winter snow storage. Kohl described the units and how the designs had changed. The Board discussed unit types and the designs. Adam Cohen, North Street, submitted a letter from Beverly Pickering which stated her views against the project. Adam Cohen, North Street, spoke against project. Alan Seewald representing the North Street Neighbors argued that Board has to approve a condition regarding land court decision. Heather McLaughlin, North Street spoke against project. Joyce Devine, View Ave/North Street stated concern about snow plowing. 2 Laurence Tatro, Bridge Street, stated concerns about parking overflow. Stephen Hathaway, Northern Ave stated the project was still too dense. Board discussed conditions and whether land court issues should be addressed in conditions. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Katharine Baker the Board voted unanimously to approve special permit. 9:15 PM Board discussed Driveway standards. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson, the Board voted unanimously to sponsor the driveway amendments. WP changes discussed. Upon motion by Katharine Baker and second by Marilyn Richards the board voted 6-1 to move WP district changes forward sponsored by Board (Francis Johnson against because all WP should be changed) Board voted unanimously to have a letter of support written for grant for heritage landscapes. Discussion of Harvard Design for villages. Adjourn 10:10 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting July 23, 2009 City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, Stephen Gilson Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer  Francis “Frandy” Johnson  Marilyn Richards Kenneth Jodrie  George Kohout  Katharine Baker  Mark Sullivan, Associate Member Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:55 P.M Stephen Gilson opened the joint public hearing with Central Business Architecture . Committee on a request by Pioneer Valley Hotel Group for Amendment of Central Business Permit and Amendment of Site Plan to add windows and rooms on Hilton Garden Hotel at 260 Main St., Northampton, Map ID 31D-167. Joe Blumenthal, Bob Walker, & Bruce Kriviskey sitting for CBAC. Stephen Gilson discussed procedure and introduced boards. Mark Darnold, project designer, described proposed changes to elevations. Kriviskey asked what would be inside and whether it would be lighted at night. Shardool Parmar, applicant, stated that no lighting will be installed and described plants. Bob Walker asked if it was public for hotel patrons? Parmar stated that it was not accessible to the public. Kriviskey asked if color scheme would remain the same with windows of greenhouse. Parmar affirmed. Joanne Campbell, representing the residential building on Old South Street confirmed reason for . greenhouse 2 Upon motion by Joe Blumenthal and second by Bob Walker, the CBAC voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Joe Blumenthal and second by Bob Walker, CBAC voted unanimously approve changes as presented. CBAC adjourned at 8:15. Darnold continued with Planning Board issues related to redesign of interior layout of parking garage. George Kohout asked about reducing the footprint of garage versus creating new spaces. Parmar described the standard parking garage footprints that can’t change and reconfiguration of the striping on the inside. Marilyn Richards asked how many handicap spaces would be in the garage and outside. Stephen Gilson raised issue of phasing of construction. Darnold described the revised interim parking plan of 152 spaces total for Phase I. Phase I would be 2 year maximum from the time the hotel opens until construction begins on the parking garage. The phasing is required because financing for both projects simultaneously is not viable. During interim, there will be no dedicated parking for any user. Mark Sullivan asked about timing of construction. Parmar stated that goal is to construct garage during hotel off-season November to March. Francis Johnson asked about construction impacts for the hotel. Board discussed parking layout and timing. Deb Jacobs 82 Grove Ave, Leeds asked about the timing of when trees will be replaced. Debra J Anthony, representing the Academy of Music stated a concern about parking spaces loss/impact for Academy. Tris Metcalf, 142 Main St, mentioned interest in redesigning landscaping in front of the hotel. Michael Hasberg, High Street raised concern about parking during construction phases. Michael Kusik, 76 Center St, stated concern about parking and impact on retailers. 3 Hiram McKinley, 57 Hinckley St, Florence stated concern about impact on parking. Joanne Campbell, Valley CDC raised concern about two construction phases. Jackie Misa, 95 West Street, raised concerns about project. Francis Johnson read letter from Greater Springfield Chamber. Jonathan Wright 43 Beacon Street, clarified construction timing. Jenna Wickler, 25 South Street, spoke against the hotel. The Board discussed issues related to phasing. Ben Spencer, 8 Rust Avenue, asked for clarification of parking spaces in garage. Upon motion by Mark Sullivan and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. The Board discussed conditions. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted 5-1 (George Kohout against) to approve amendment with conditions. 9:50 P.M. Stephen Gilson opened the request by Joseph Blumenthal/J-BARC, Inc. for Planning Board Special Permit to construct an egress and storage addition lower than 30’ on the rear of 21, 23, 25 & 27 Pleasant St., Northampton, Map IDs 32C-20 & 21. Tim Washburn 8 Crafts Ave representing J-Barc described need for fire escape. George Kohout asked for clarification of remaining escapes vs. those being removed. Peter LaPointe, architect, described changes. Stephen Gilson asked about parking shown on the plan. Blumenthal stated site conditions. Board asked about lighting. James Thompson 29 Pleasant St, stated concern about ownership identified on the plan. He also stated a concern about the chain link and hardie plank and suggested alternative materials. Washburn described land issues and back taxes. Stephen Gilson clarified that CBAC had jurisdiction over the materials. Staff read Department of Public Works comments. 4 Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. George Kohout asked about materials and jurisdiction. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted unanimously to approve special permit and to send a recommendation to CBAC that chain link alternatives should be considered. 10:35 Stephen Gilson opened the request by City of Northampton for Special Permit for a two lot open space residential cluster and Site Plan for common driveway at 360 N. King St, Northampton, Map ID 13-36. Bruce Young, Office of Planning and Development, presented application. Board discussed traffic mitigation issues. There was no public comment. Upon motion by Mark Sullivan and second by Katharine Baker the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Katharine Baker and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted unanimously to approve permit with conditions discussed. 1 SR TAFF EPORT TO: Planning Board & CBAC FROM: Carolyn Misch APPROVED: Wayne Feiden RE: July 23, 2009 Planning Board Meeting DATE: July 16, 2009 7:30 PM NOTE: JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH CBAC BEGINS 1. Special Permit/Site Plan AMENDMENT CBAC AMENDMENT: Hilton Garden Hotel Project Address: 260 Main St. Zoning Central Business Adjacent Uses: Mixed commercial/residential The project is returning to both boards based on minor modifications of the rear and side exterior resulting from settlements from the original appeal and the addition of rooms at a mezzanine level at the rear facing the parking garage. There is a minor reduction in footprint based on the redesign of exterior egresses below the new “greenhouse”. Otherwise not other footprint changes are proposed. CBAC Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance Issues for Planning Board and CBAC: Addition of “greenhouse” to west elevation is modification to site plan and to exterior approval by CBAC. Addition of windows replacing brick façade of lower rear is modification to site plan and CBAC plan approval. Greenhouse: This is proposed for the area above the ground floor which would have originally been rooftop nd stepped back to brick. The greenhouse adds a 2 floor and is located there based upon terms of the settlement with the South Street Apartments. There will be no floors above the greenhouse, the building will step back in this corner as shown on the site plan. This element adds an expanse of glazing to an otherwise brick façade. The glazing is broken into lights that are consistent with pattern of the window lights for the openings already approved for the west façade.Guideline 6- Building Articulation within the CBAC guidelines specifies: • New buildings or additions may be articulated by means of bays, turrets, recesses, columns, large arched openings, etc., designed in a stylistically consistent manner. Such articulations should be designed to be compatible with other downtown historic buildings, especially those which are adjacent or nearby. Windows: These windows replace what would have been brick facing and are in alignment with windows on the floors above, thus continue the rhythm of openings on the rear façade which were already approved by both boards. Zoning Issues for Planning Board: The addition of 11 rooms and the subsequent change in required parking to accommodate those rooms. Phasing for the construction of the public/private parking garage is also requested. Parking Calculation : The original plan required 125 parking spaces for hotel and restaurant use. There were a total of 339 spaces provided (1 more than required to maintain existing parking lot spaces plus new hotel).The addition of 11 rooms increases the required parking to 136. They are providing a total of 355 spaces (6 more than required to maintain existing plus new hotel). The 16 additional spaces have been created within the existing footprint of the garage after more accurately calculating and allocating the spaces. Parking Garage Phasing: The applicant requests a delay to build the garage aspect of the plan. The “Interim” site plan shows a parking lot layout that can accommodate 160 spaces (24 more than required for the hotel). Though this phasing request and 2 interim site plan will not compensate for the public parking spaces temporarily lost due to construction, there is no requirement in the zoning for applicants to replace existing public surface parking spaces provide spaces. Ultimately, the garage must be built because it is part of the approved plan, but it will be phased. The applicant is also obligated under the P&S signed with the City to build the garage. The applicant will be providing the following during this interim phase before the garage is built: Finally, there is a $4M performance guarantee within the mortgage (subordinated to bank) for garage construction and the applicant is providing an “intelligent” parking program to Parking Division that will automate the monitoring of available parking spaces throughout downtown. Staff Recommendation: Approve both changes to the façade as they are minor additions to the rear exterior of the building that is consistent with the overall approved design of the structure. Parking is created for the additional rooms even though a payment in lieu of parking is an option in the Central Business District. Phasing of the garage is backed by guarantees to build the garage and the required parking will be created simultaneously with the construction of the hotel. 2. Special Permit: Addition to rear of building Project Address: 21-27 Pleasant St. Zoning Central Business Adjacent Uses: Mixed commercial/residential Conformance with Sustainable NH: Minor expansion in CB--NA The applicant seeks to add a storage space and secondary egrees to the rear of the building. Under Attachment 2 of the Zoning Ordinance, the Board must approve special permits for structures that are less than 30’. The Planning Board may grant a special permit to allow a building to be set farther back or to a lower height if it finds that a greater setback or lower height is necessary to preserve historic buildings or character, allow for urban pedestrian malls that encourage street-level activity, or that proposed construction is a minor addition to an existing building. (See diagram.) Landscaping and pedestrian malls or plazas shall be constructed between the building and the front lot line, and no parking is permitted in this area. In the CBD, these mall and plaza areas qualify as open space Height: This is a minor addition to the rear of the building and therefore qualifies under this provision. Design Issues: The applicant proposes a chain link enclosure of the rear emergency egress. This is not consistent with other rear egresses within CBAC and detracts from the integrity of the building. The Board could explore with the applicant other options to secure this access. Note: This also requires a CBAC permit which will be heard at a later date relative to the materials and window openings chosen for the storage area. Staff Recommendation: Approve addition that is lower than the required 30’ height as it is a minor addition that appears to meet the intent of the ordinance, with any conditions the Board feels appropriate relative to the security fencing/wall/glazing for the ground level entry to the rear egress. 3. Special Permit: 2 lot cluster open space Project Address: 360 N. King St. Zoning SR/RI overlay Adjacent Uses: commercial/residential : Conformance with Sustainable NH Preservation of open space while creating options for housing in close proximity to services. This is an application by Office of Planning and Development for a 2-lot cluster on the land that the Board previously approved for an 88 unit cluster. The City has entered into an option to purchase the bulk of the land for open space as show in the plans. Final plans for common driveway and buildout would come back to the Board for 3 approval in a site plan amendment at the time of planned construction. The end user is seeking credit for the open space dedication to count toward the final cluster buildout. The applicant would also like it to be clarified that the internal line between the existing single family house and the proposed new lot could be altered through an ANR (provided it still meets the criteria for zoning under the cluster provision) if necessary without coming back for amendment. The applicant is offering to build a trail from King St to the existing woods road to enable cross-country access between Pines Edge and the River Valley Coop in lieu of paying $2,000 traffic mitigation for the one additional unit that would not be allowed through ANR. The trail would not be maintained in the winter and it may be an unrealistically long haul to think that residents on Cooke Ave would consistently walk through the woods to access the market. Staff Recommendation: The buildout of this site is far less intense than previously approved. Staff recommends approval of the 2 lot cluster with the following conditions: 1. Prior to any site work, the applicant must return to amend the site plan showing the location of the common driveway, layout and design of the driveway and building elevations and location of the new structure. 2. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the first new unit, a payment in lieu of traffic mitigation of $2,000 must be made to the City of Northampton. 3. The internal property boundary between Lot 2 and 3 may be changed, as deemed desirable by the applicant, through the ANR process so long as neither lot drops below the minimum lot size required for cluster lots in 350 Attachment 2. NORTHAMPTON PUBLIC MEETING/ Legal Ad /Agenda FOR Thursday Aug 13, 2009 THE PLANNING BOARD meets at 7:00 P.M. in Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA for public hearings: 7:00 P.M. Request by Marge Curello for Special Permit/Site Plan Amendment to change the house plans/elevations for the single family house at 44 High St, Florence, Map ID 17C-167. 7:20 P.M. Request by Jerome Szawlowski for Special Permit for frontage reduction to create a new single family house lot at 25 Henry St, Northampton, Map ID 32C-311. 7:50 P.M. Request by Forish Construction, Inc. for Site Plan Approval to construct a 5,836 square foot auto dealership(Lia Kia) at 263 King St, Northampton, Map Id 24B-67. Other Business: Board discussion about proposed zoning amendment regarding special permits for heavy public use options. Publish : July 30 and Aug 6, 2009 Bill: Office of Planning & Development 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Account # 71350 8/7/2009 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting August 13, 2009 City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, Stephen Gilson  Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer  Francis “Frandy” Johnson  Marilyn Richards  Kenneth Jodrie  George Kohout  Katharine Baker  Mark Sullivan, Associate Member Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Stephen Gilson opened the request by Marge Curello for Special Permit/Site Plan Amendment to change the house plans/elevations for the single family house at 44 High St, Florence, Map ID 17C-167. Craig Della Pena introduced project changes. Marge Curello spoke about the application and interest in the proposed design. Staff clarified permit request. Dave Reckhow, 45 High Street spoke in favor the elevation changes. He raised a concern about the setback in front and concern about detached garage possibly being located in front in the future. Board discussed changing original condition to address detached or attached garages. Jim Harrity, applicant’s builder, stated that applicant is willing to go along with condition. Stephen Gilson noted the letter of support from Julie Kling. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. 2 Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the Board voted unanimously to approve with condition about detached garage. 7:25 P.M. Stephen Gilson opened the request by Jerome Szawlowski for Special Permit for frontage reduction to create a new single family house lot at 25 Henry St, Northampton, Map ID 32C-311. Jerome Szawloski described the project. Board discussed lot size reduction and significant setback proposed. The applicant stated that setback was specifically for solar access. Charlie Glowatski, 35 Henry Street, spoke in favor of single family house construction. Jim Nash 18 Montview spoke in favor of project as consistent with character of neighborhood. But raised a concern about the depth of setback. The Board discussed conditions. Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Mark Sullivan the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Francis Johnson the Board voted unanimously to approve the special permit. 8:05 P.M. Stephen Gilson opened the request by Forish Construction, Inc. for Site Plan Approval to construct a 5,836 square foot auto dealership(Lia Kia) at 263 King St, Northampton, Map Id 24B-67. George Kohout asked about procedure given the two issues still unresolved. Board discussed merits of opening the hearing vs. continuing. Eric Forish argued the point of non-compliance and requested to be heard. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to September 10 at 8:30. Other Business: Board discussed updated email addresses. Stephen Gilson gave an update on ZRC. Board discussed zoning amendment regarding special permits for heavy public use options. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Mark Sullivan the Board voted 8-2 to sponsor ordinance change: (Francis Johnson and Marilyn Richards abstained). Adjourn at 9:10. 1 SR TAFF EPORT TO: Planning Board FROM: Carolyn Misch APPROVED: Wayne Feiden RE: Aug 13, 2009 Planning Board Meeting DATE: Aug 6, 2009 1. Special Permit/Site Plan AMENDMENT: Reduction in frontage for new house Project Address: 44 High St. Zoning Urban Residential B Adjacent Uses: Residential This is an amendment for the site plan elevations only. The buyer of the property does not wish to build a house that is substantially similar to the designs presented for approval by the Board. Therefore, the new design must be approved by the Board according to the original condition. Staff asked applicant to meet with neighbors ahead of time to discuss any potential concerns. Applicable Special Permit Criteria (§10.1(c)): 3-The requested use will promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to the natural landscape, existing buildings and other community assets in the area; and 6- The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience or welfare. The use will not unduly impair the integrity of character of the district or adjoining zones, nor be detrimental to the health, morals, or general welfare. The use shall be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the ordinance; Staff Recommendation: If Board feels that proposed design is consistent with neighborhood character and continues to meet the special permit criteria as listed above and there are no neighborhood issues, approve amendment. 2. Special Permit: Frontage Reduction Project Address: 25 Henry St. Zoning Urban Residential C Adjacent Uses: Residential/Agricultural Conformance with Sustainable NH: This is an in-town location on an oversized lot, where infill is encouraged. The applicant seeks a reduction in frontage for 2 residential lots. The existing lot contains one 3 family structure on a lot with 159’ of frontage and 1.96 acres (85,378 sq ft). The proposed is to carve off a lot for one single family house, while maintaining the 3 family. The applicant shows that 60’ of frontage is the median in the neighborhood. Current lots size requirements in URC - single family: 75’ of frontage and 6,000 sf. Zero Lot Line single family: 65’ and 6,000 sf 3-family= 100’ of frontage and 18,000 sf Proposed- Single family: 64’ frontage and 63,000 3-family: 95’ frontage and 18,000 sf 2 Issue: the application shows creation of a second parking area for the 3-family that will remain. Applicant is aware of the violation in curb cuts that this will create and intends to eliminate the 30x30 parking pad shown. This will leave 2 conforming 12’ wide driveways to serve the 2 lots individually. 350-10.1(C) states that the Board must find the following: (1) The requested use protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses. Staff Comment: Could relate to surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers and preservation of views, light, and air; The proposed is a single family unit on a large lot within a neighborhood that contains a mix of lot sizes and densities close to downtown. (2) The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets, minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area. If applicable, this shall include considering the location of driveway openings in relation to traffic and adjacent streets, access by emergency vehicles, the arrangement of parking and loading spaces, and provisions for persons with disabilities; and. Staff Comment: Single family home would not significantly add to traffic concerns. BY ordinance, the applicant must offset impacts and may do so with a payment in-lieu of worth $1,000. (3) The requested use will promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to the natural landscape, existing buildings and other community assets in the area; Staff Comment: The lots sizes will remain conforming and maintain a large lot for the single family structure abutting farm land. and (4) The requested use will not overload, and will mitigate adverse impacts on, the City's resources including the effect on the City's water supply and distribution system, sanitary and storm sewage collection and treatment systems, fire protection, streets and schools Staff Comment: There is capacity in the system; and (5) The requested use meets any special regulations set forth in this chapter (6.3-B)= (1) The new dimensional requirements must be at least as stringent as the median of that dimension for all lots where any portion of those lots is within 300 feet of the subject parcel and within the same zoning district as the subject parcel; and (2) The requested special permit will provide infill development, open space for public use, or affordable units; and (3) A list of all applicable dimensional measurements for lots within 300 (as calculated above) must be filed with the special permit application as described in the Planning Board's bylaws; and. (6) The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience or welfare. The use will not unduly impair the integrity of character of the district or adjoining zones, nor be detrimental to the health, morals, or general welfare. The use shall be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the ordinance; and (7) If applicable, the requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will not adversely effect those objectives, as defined in City master or study plans adopted under MGL c. 41, § 81C and 81D. Staff Recommendation: Approve special permit for reduction with requirement that prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant make a payment in lieu of traffic mitigation of $1,000. 3 3. Site Plan: LIA KIA Project Address: 263 King St Zoning HB Adjacent Uses: Commercial : Conformance with Sustainable NH Use of existing sites in commercial areas. The project entails construction of a 5,880 auto dealership in the parking site now used to warehouse cars for Lia Honda (old Agway lot). Issues:  Non-Compliance with original stormwater permit from 3 years ago on site: 1) Stamped As-Built Plans of the stormwater system for 263 King Street was never submitted. 2) Description and dates of maintenance tasks completed for the stormwater management system since the installation of the system have not been sent. They required annual maintenance for including pavement sweeping, catch basin sumps cleaned out, and CDS and Vortech units pumped out and cleaned according to manufacturers requirements. The DPW requires proof that these tasks have been completed.  The applicant has not used the zoning ordinance standard for trip generation and the peak hour trips shown are lower. The zoning is the standard. In addition, the applicant claims credit for the Kia moving from across King Street to this location. The zoning only allows credit for reuse at the site itself and is not transferrable to other sites. Furthermore, Toyota “absorbed” the mitigation credit for all the dealerships on that site when that new building was constructed. The credit cannot be used twice. Planning Board should not close the hearing until traffic mitigation requirements in 11.6 have been met: B.The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets, minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area. If applicable, this shall include considering the location of driveway openings in relation to traffic and adjacent streets, access by public safety vehicles, the arrangement of parking and loading spaces, and provisions for persons with disabilities; and (1) The Planning Board may allow reduced parking requirements in accordance with § 350-8.6, Shared parking. (2) The project, including any concurrent road improvements, will not decrease the level of service (LOS) of all area city and state roads or intersections affected by the project below the existing conditions when the project is proposed and shall consider the incremental nature of development and cumulative impacts on the LOS. The project proponent must demonstrate that all cumulative and incremental traffic impacts have been mitigated. If those impacts are not mitigated , the Planning Board shall require in-lieu-of payments to fund a project's proportional share of necessary improvements to mitigate off-site traffic impacts, including provision of public transit and pedestrian or bicycle paths, in lieu of requiring off-site improvements, with such payments as setforth in the table below Generally, very large master planned projects, including planned village and planned business park, are expected to provide overall project mitigation so that individual end users and lot purchasers do not have to provide mitigation on a lot by lot basis. The Board may exempt residential projects whose traffic impacts are no greater than if they were developed as an as-of-right development without site plan approval and subdivision approval. Project Location Peak Hour trips* CB, GB, GI, and SI zoning districts, PV district except for medical No mitigation and dental offices, and NB districts except for uses with gas pumps. M, URC, URB zoning districts $1,000 per peak trip HB zoning district, PV district for project for medical and dental offices, $2,000 per peak trip NB districts for uses with gas pumps, BP districts with non-exempt uses and BP, SR, URA, SC and RR zoning districts for sites: 1. Within 500 feet of a transit stop; or 2. Within 500 feet of an asphalt or concrete city off-road rail trail or bicycle path; or 3. Abutting a sidewalk that extends without a break from the project to either downtown Northampton or downtown Florence Any other site in SR, URA, SC, RR zoning districts and any other BP $3,000 per peak trip residential use. *Peak trips are the number of one-way trips into or out of the project during the project’s peak traffic demand, typically but not always weekday afternoon “rush hour”. Peak hour trips are calculated based on the table below or, if (and only if) the table does not address a project, the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) trip generation data. The Planning Board retains the ability to use 4 alternative calculations if clear evidence to the contrary is provided (for example, considering lower traffic generation from pass-by trips, late night shift changes, and mixed-use projects) Project TypePeak Hour Trips Residential 1/dwelling unit Congregate and assisted living 0.6/dwelling unit Grocery, personal services, and retail and auto sales 12/1,000 sq. ft. Restaurants and bars 20/1,000 sq. ft. Gas, convenience stores, fast foods restaurants 100/1,000 sq. ft. Medical and dental office 5/1,000 sq. ft. Other office 2/1,000 sq. ft. Industrial, manufacturing, tradesman, professional (but not medical and dental) Exempt (0) sq. ft. offices, and municipal uses Warehouse 0.6/1,000 sq. ft Schools, daycare, churches, library etc. 10/1,000 sq. ft. Hotel/motel 0.5/per room D. The requested use will not overload, and will mitigate adverse impacts on, the City's resources including the effect on the City's water supply and distribution system, sanitary and storm sewage collection and treatment systems, fire protection, streets and schools. The construction materials and methods for water lines, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, fire protection, sidewalks, private roads, and other infrastructure shall be that set forth in the Northampton subdivision regulations (even for projects that are not part of a subdivision) unless the Planning Board finds that a different standard is more appropriate.  The plans call for cutting and discarding trees that were planted a few years ago when Lia Honda expanded its parking area to this location. Trees should be relocated if they are healthy. Since this is building construction on an existing parking lot that already received site plan approval, all other issues have been addressed except for those noted above. Staff Recommendation: If the applicant does not address the stormwater requirements under the original permit OR the 12 trips per 1,000 sf of floor area then continue the hearing to September 10 or later. If the applicant has addressed these issues, close the hearing with the following conditions: 1. All site trees that must be moved shall be relocated on site. 2. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy the applicant shall pay $69,600 in traffic mitigation to the City. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting September 10, 2009 City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, Stephen Gilson  Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer  Francis “Frandy” Johnson  Marilyn Richards  Kenneth Jodrie  George Kohout  Katharine Baker  Mark Sullivan, Associate Member Associate Member Staff:  Planning Director, Wayne Feiden Left 9:40  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Stephen Gilson opened the joint public hearing between City Council Ordinance and Planning Board on the following ordinances with items 1 and 2 discussed jointly. D. Narkewicz, B Reckman, M. Bardsley sitting for Ordinance. 1.Amend Zoning Ordinance §350-5.2 & 10.7 Heavy Public Use (includes landfills) Ordinance – Sponsored by Narkewicz 2.Amend City Ordinance §272 Solid Waste Management and Zoning Ordinance §350-5.2 & 10.7 Heavy Public Use(includes landfills) -- Sponsored by the Planning Board Board members asked for clarification about difference between approvals by Council and through special permit by a board. Would it be reviewed like zoning? Does this pass legal test? Boards discussed roles under each scenario. Alex Ghiselin, Riverside Drive recalled reason for current voting requirements to clarify. Mimi Odgers 97 Glendale Rd. stated that decision should be with council as written. Adam Cohen 134 North Street, stated concern about legislative appeals. Roy Martin, 81 Conz St, suggested recommendation from attorney general. Bob Aronson, 71 Sylvester Rd, raised other issues that should be decided by council. Staff asked for clarification regarding questions of referendum and the means to overturn legislative decision. 2 Councilor LaBarge compared it to permit for quarrying. There was discussion of addressing in another ordinance a change to the order of review of special permit and site plan. Deb Jacobs, Grove Ave, spoke in favor of Council having conversation with constituents. Straw poll on ordinances- Marilyn Richards- Narkewicz Katharine Baker-Narkewicz Mark Sullivan-Planning Board Francis Johnson-Narkewicz Ken Jodrie-Planning Board George Kohout – New option Planning Board Site Plan Jennifer Dieringer –Planning Board Stephen Gilson-Planning Board Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Katharine Baker and second by Marilyn Richards, the board voted 3-4 (Katharine Baker, Marilyn Richards, Francis Johnson for) to recommend Narkewicz. [Failed.] Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted for the Planning Board sponsored version of the ordinance with an amendment that includes CMR site assignments. Ken Jodrie, George Kohout , Stephen Gilson, Jennifer Dieringer for ; Katharine Baker, Marilyn Richards, Francis Johnson against. The Boards opened the hearing on 3.Amend Zoning Ordinance §350-8.8 Individual Private Driveways not to exceed slopes of 10%-12%. Duane Nichols spoke about concerns with existing apparatus accessing remote sites on steep driveways. George Kohout asked about outreach for the ordinance. Staff described. Stephen Gilson indicated that ZRC did discuss the proposal. Bob Reckman asked if Department of Public Works had seen it. Staff confirmed. Doug Kohl, 59 Summer Street, spoke against maximum grades being included and suggested greater grades would be appropriate in some circumstances. Board discussed adding ”No portion” of any individual driveway. However, Planning Board may allow steeper grades by special permit. 3 There was discussion about merits of site visit and ultimate caps. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing on driveways. Amend with No portion plus EDHLU changes. Upon motion by Katharine Baker and second by Francis Johnson the board voted 6-1 (George Kohout against) to recommend amendment with proposed modifications from EDHLU and “no portion” language with special permit provision. 9:40 P.M . Stephen Gilson opened the continuation of a request by Forish Construction for site plan approval to build a new 5,836+ s.f. dealership (Lia Kia) at 263 King Street. Eric Forish presented application and addressed tree planting and welfare of trees on site. He offered the traffic mitigation. Staff read latest traffic memo from applicant indicating 20 peak hour trips. Staff described zoning and traffic mitigation requirements. The Board discussed merits of mitigation reduction. Ken Jodrie gave the report from the tree committee. Trees were mislabeled on the plan as Maples when they are Oak and Ash. He provided the committee’s recommendation that all trees be replaced and that Ash not be planted due to borers. George Kohout noted that sidewalk connector path should be located in relation to existing benches and landscaping. Stephen Gilson noted light spillover on south side of the property and that the as-built should show no spillover at property boundary with cutoffs. George Kohout asked about curb cut signage (change from existing conditions) and striping of driveway crossing. Board discussed continuation to the 9-24 hearing to address issues. Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by George Kohout, the Board voted unanimously to continue to 9-24 at 7 PM. Other Business:  Northampton Housing Authority Comprehensive Permit—for recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals. Board recommended unanimously approval of the plans as presented.  Letter of Credit reduction -Village Hill  Upcoming planning projects: open space and multi-use trail plan.  Board approved Minutes- 8/13, 7/23 1 SR TAFF EPORT TO: Planning Board FROM: Carolyn Misch APPROVED: Wayne Feiden RE: Sept 10, 2009 Planning Board Meeting DATE: Sept 4, 2009 1. Joint Meeting with Ordinance for 3 proposed zoning changes. 2. Site Plan: LIA KIA (continued without opening from 8-13) Project Address: 263 King St Zoning HB Adjacent Uses: Commercial : Conformance with Sustainable NH Use of existing sites in commercial areas. The project entails construction of a 5,836 square foot auto dealership in the parking site now used to warehouse cars for Lia Honda. Issues from Continuation:  Non-Compliance with original stormwater permit from 3 years ago on site: Catch basins have been cleaned and as-builts submitted. Staff is waiting for stormwater permit to be issued.  Applicant is submitting a revised traffic mitigation offer. Planning Board should not close the hearing until traffic mitigation requirements in 11.6 have been met: B.The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets, minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area. ……..; and (2) . Project Location Peak Hour trips* HB zoning district, PV district for project for medical and dental offices, $2,000 per peak trip NB districts for uses with gas pumps, BP districts with non-exempt uses and BP, SR, URA, SC and RR zoning districts for sites: 1. Within 500 feet of a transit stop; or 2. Within 500 feet of an asphalt or concrete city off-road rail trail or bicycle path; or 3. Abutting a sidewalk that extends without a break from the project to either downtown Northampton or downtown Florence *Peak trips are the number of one-way trips into or out of the project during the project’s peak traffic demand, typically but not always weekday afternoon “rush hour”. Peak hour trips are calculated based on the table below or, if (and only if) the table does not address a project, the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) trip generation data. The Planning Board retains the ability to use alternative calculations if clear evidence to the contrary is provided (for example, considering lower traffic generation from pass-by trips, late night shift changes, and mixed-use projects) Project TypePeak Hour Trips Grocery, personal services, and retail and auto sales 12/1,000 sq. ft. Based on this calculation, the new use would generate 70 new peak hour trips, which is $140,000 of mitigation. The space is absorbing a portion of the Lia Honda inventory, so it might be valid to subtract the square footage for the area being eliminated for “warehouse” storage for Honda. Footprint= 11,200 sf/1000= 11.2 X .6(peak hour figure 2 for warehouse space) trips =6.7 peak hour trips for warehouse space. Thus, the calculation could be reduced as follows: 70-6.7= 63.3 peak hour trips.= $127,000. Note: peak hour trips are generally 4-6PM during the weekday which includes trips for sales, servicing of vehicles, picking up service vehicles, shuttle service vehicles and all the employees that have shift changes between these hours.  The plans call for cutting and discarding trees that were planted a few years ago when Lia Honda expanded its parking area to this location. Trees should be relocated if they are healthy. Since this is building construction is on an existing parking lot that already received site plan approval, all other issues have been addressed except for those noted above. Staff Recommendation: If the applicant has addressed these issues, close the hearing with the following conditions: 1. All viable, existing site trees that must be removed for the building or other changes to the site shall be relocated on site. If they are damaged during relocation, they shall be replaced. 2. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy the applicant shall pay traffic mitigation offered or whatever is determined by review by the Planning Board in traffic mitigation to the City. 3. Recommendation on Comprehensive Permit: Northampton Housing Authority Project Address: Burts Pit Road Zoning SR Adjacent Uses: Commercial The Housing Authority is developing one of the outlying parcels of the State Hospital Land for Mass Department of Mental Retardation clients. The Housing Authority was allocated this parcel by the Commonwealth for the purpose of developing special needs /affordable units. Because it is in the SR district, where lodging units are not allowed, the only permit mechanism for approval is through a Comprehensive Permit. By state statute Comprehensive Permits are issued by the Zoning Board of Appeals and entail one permit that covers all required local permits. The Zoning Board of Appeals has the jurisdiction to waive all local ordinances in order to accommodate affordable projects. By ordinance, the Planning Board reviews all such permit applications to provide recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Issues: Traffic mitigation waiver requested. Please see attachment. Waiver request for parking location and setbacks in SR. See attached. Staff Recommendation: Recommend approval to Zoning Board of Appeals with requested waivers. 1 SR TAFF EPORT TO: Planning Board FROM: Carolyn Misch APPROVED: Wayne Feiden RE: Sept 10, 2009 Planning Board Meeting DATE: Sept 4, 2009 1. Joint Meeting with Ordinance for 3 proposed zoning changes. 2. Site Plan: LIA KIA (continued without opening from 8-13) Project Address: 263 King St Zoning HB Adjacent Uses: Commercial : Conformance with Sustainable NH Use of existing sites in commercial areas. The project entails construction of a 5,836 square foot auto dealership in the parking site now used to warehouse cars for Lia Honda. Issues from Continuation:  Non-Compliance with original stormwater permit from 3 years ago on site: Catch basins have been cleaned and as-builts submitted. Staff is waiting for stormwater permit to be issued.  Applicant is submitting a revised traffic mitigation offer. Planning Board should not close the hearing until traffic mitigation requirements in 11.6 have been met: B.The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets, minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area. ……..; and (2) . Project Location Peak Hour trips* HB zoning district, PV district for project for medical and dental offices, $2,000 per peak trip NB districts for uses with gas pumps, BP districts with non-exempt uses and BP, SR, URA, SC and RR zoning districts for sites: 1. Within 500 feet of a transit stop; or 2. Within 500 feet of an asphalt or concrete city off-road rail trail or bicycle path; or 3. Abutting a sidewalk that extends without a break from the project to either downtown Northampton or downtown Florence *Peak trips are the number of one-way trips into or out of the project during the project’s peak traffic demand, typically but not always weekday afternoon “rush hour”. Peak hour trips are calculated based on the table below or, if (and only if) the table does not address a project, the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) trip generation data. The Planning Board retains the ability to use alternative calculations if clear evidence to the contrary is provided (for example, considering lower traffic generation from pass-by trips, late night shift changes, and mixed-use projects) Project TypePeak Hour Trips Grocery, personal services, and retail and auto sales 12/1,000 sq. ft. Based on this calculation, the new use would generate 70 new peak hour trips, which is $140,000 of mitigation. The space is absorbing a portion of the Lia Honda inventory, so it might be valid to subtract the square footage for the area being eliminated for “warehouse” storage for Honda. Footprint= 11,200 sf/1000= 11.2 X .6(peak hour figure 2 for warehouse space) trips =6.7 peak hour trips for warehouse space. Thus, the calculation could be reduced as follows: 70-6.7= 63.3 peak hour trips.= $127,000. Note: peak hour trips are generally 4-6PM during the weekday which includes trips for sales, servicing of vehicles, picking up service vehicles, shuttle service vehicles and all the employees that have shift changes between these hours.  The plans call for cutting and discarding trees that were planted a few years ago when Lia Honda expanded its parking area to this location. Trees should be relocated if they are healthy. Since this is building construction is on an existing parking lot that already received site plan approval, all other issues have been addressed except for those noted above. Staff Recommendation: If the applicant has addressed these issues, close the hearing with the following conditions: 1. All viable, existing site trees that must be removed for the building or other changes to the site shall be relocated on site. If they are damaged during relocation, they shall be replaced. 2. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy the applicant shall pay traffic mitigation offered or whatever is determined by review by the Planning Board in traffic mitigation to the City. 3. Recommendation on Comprehensive Permit: Northampton Housing Authority Project Address: Burts Pit Road Zoning SR Adjacent Uses: Commercial The Housing Authority is developing one of the outlying parcels of the State Hospital Land for Mass Department of Mental Retardation clients. The Housing Authority was allocated this parcel by the Commonwealth for the purpose of developing special needs /affordable units. Because it is in the SR district, where lodging units are not allowed, the only permit mechanism for approval is through a Comprehensive Permit. By state statute Comprehensive Permits are issued by the Zoning Board of Appeals and entail one permit that covers all required local permits. The Zoning Board of Appeals has the jurisdiction to waive all local ordinances in order to accommodate affordable projects. By ordinance, the Planning Board reviews all such permit applications to provide recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Issues: Traffic mitigation waiver requested. Please see attachment. Waiver request for parking location and setbacks in SR. See attached. Staff Recommendation: Recommend approval to Zoning Board of Appeals with requested waivers. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting September 24, 2009 City of Northampton Hearing Room 18, 210 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, Stephen Gilson  Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer  Francis “Frandy” Johnson  Marilyn Richards  Kenneth Jodrie George Kohout Katharine Baker  Mark Sullivan, Associate Member Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Stephen Gilson opened the continuation of the request by Forish Construction, Inc. for Site Plan Approval to construct a 5,836 square foot auto dealership(Lia Kia) at 263 King St, Northampton, Map Id 24B-67. Eric Forish addressed items for continuation from 9-10 hearing. He stated that the Pear tree will be replaced from restaurant side of the building Steve Savaria, Fuss & O’Neill traffic consultant, presented analysis of trip generation. Deb Jacobs, Grove Ave, noted that the recommendation is that Ash not be planted. She noted further that stone mulch should be moved away from tree trunk. Board discussed traffic generation information and possible conditions for the permit. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously to approved plan. Board discussed minutes from 9-10 and modification to change address of Lia to 263 King St. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted unanimously to approve minutes with correction. Board discussed possibility of changes to special permit and site plan order in zoning. 1 SR TAFF EPORT TO: Planning Board FROM: Carolyn Misch APPROVED: Wayne Feiden RE: Sept 24, 2009 Planning Board Meeting DATE: Sept 18, 2009 NOTE CHANGE IN VENUE: Meeting will be in HEARING ROOM 18 1. Site Plan: LIA KIA (continued from 9-10) Project Address: 263 King St Zoning HB Adjacent Uses: Commercial : Conformance with Sustainable NH Use of existing sites in commercial areas. The project entails construction of a 5,836 square foot auto dealership in the parking site now used to warehouse cars for Lia Honda. Issues from Continuation:  Still waiting for information on the justification for a reduced peak hour trips. The Planning Board is not obligated to use a number different from zoning but may do so with clear evidence to the contrary. ITE figures are NOT considered in this evaluation.  B.The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement within the site and on adjacent streets, minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area. ……..; and (2) . Project Location Peak Hour trips* HB zoning district, PV district for project for medical and dental offices, $2,000 per peak trip NB districts for uses with gas pumps, BP districts with non-exempt uses and BP, SR, URA, SC and RR zoning districts for sites: 1. Within 500 feet of a transit stop; or 2. Within 500 feet of an asphalt or concrete city off-road rail trail or bicycle path; or 3. Abutting a sidewalk that extends without a break from the project to either downtown Northampton or downtown Florence *Peak trips are the number of one-way trips into or out of the project during the project’s peak traffic demand, typically but not always weekday afternoon “rush hour”. Peak hour trips are calculated based on the table below or, if (and only if) the table does not address a project, the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) trip generation data. The Planning Board retains the ability to use alternative calculations if clear evidence to the contrary is provided (for example, considering lower traffic generation from pass-by trips, late night shift changes, and mixed-use projects) Project TypePeak Hour Trips Grocery, personal services, and retail and auto sales 12/1,000 sq. ft. Based on this calculation, the new use would generate 70 new peak hour trips, which is $140,000 of mitigation. The space is absorbing a portion of the Lia Honda inventory, so it might be valid to subtract the square footage for the area being eliminated for “warehouse” storage for Honda. Footprint= 11,200 sf/1000= 11.2 X .6(peak hour figure 2 for warehouse space) trips =6.7 peak hour trips for warehouse space. Thus, the calculation could be reduced as follows: 70-6.7= 63.3 peak hour trips.= $127,000. Note: peak hour trips are generally 4-6PM during the weekday which includes trips for sales, servicing of vehicles, picking up service vehicles, shuttle service vehicles and all the employees that have shift changes between these hours.  Trees Staff Recommendation: If the applicant has addressed these issues, close the hearing with the following conditions: 1. All failing trees on site shall be replaced with 3” caliper trees. 2. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy the applicant shall pay traffic mitigation of $127,000 to meet the criteria in the zoning less the amount reduced by some amount to account for the Honda use. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting October 8, 2009 City of Northampton Hearing Room 18, 210 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, Stephen Gilson  Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer  Francis “Frandy” Johnson  Marilyn Richards Kenneth Jodrie  George Kohout  Katharine Baker  Mark Sullivan, Associate Member Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Stephen Gilson opened the Request by James Laing for Special Permit Amendment for parking reduction at 40 Green Street, Northampton, Map ID 31D-50. Tom Douglas, representing Laing, described project and location and context. Jim Laing described plan further. John Sielski, Green Street Café, argued against granting the reduction. Kevin Shapiro, East Heaven Hot tubs, stated support for new business. Board discussed issues around reduction of parking. Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Katharine Baker the Board voted unanimously to approve the permit. 2 7:45 P.M . Stephen Gilson opened the request by Timothy Stokes/Northampton Soccer Club for Special Permit/Site Plan Amendment at Oxbow Marina, Northampton, Map ID 45-58. Stephen Gilson clarified the issue for the special permit. Tim Stokes presented the application. A letter of support from Mary Pelis to remove parking lot was read. The Board discussed data points from traffic counts and discussed option offered by the Building Commissioner. Cathy Sargent, 115 and 121 Island Rd, emphasized the original intent of the offer of the auxiliary parking lot and proposed benefits to neighborhood. Peter Sarafino, Ladyslipper Lane, Florence and coach described problem of using lot and efforts of coaches to carpool from offsite. Jennifer Remillard, 178 Island Rd, provided handouts, argued that traffic reduction on Island Road still an issue. Steven Butler, Vernon Street, coach stated that carpooling from home is better than going to lot. Katherine Zukowski, 99 Island Rd stated that traffic counts are down particularly after Zoning Board of Appeals appeal. Board discussed and clarified that NSC can more easily carpool than Western United because they are coming from further away. George Kohout asked for clarification about number of games rescheduled by Western United away from Oxbow. Stokes gave data. Phil Sullivan, 96 Island Rd, argued that more counts should be evaluated and parking lot requirement should remain until in compliance. He submitted written statement for record. Karen Simon 91Island Rd. stated that limiting trips at site seemed appropriate. Cathy Sargent rebutted points and added comments to urge Board to maintain parking lot requirement. Jennifer Remillard, rebutted points made by clubs. 3 Board discussed items needed to further evaluate and the need for a continuation: more traffic counts for fall; schedule for Spring and number of games and practices for the Oxbow and offsite. WU coach reiterated attempts to move games offsite and confirmed that website did encourage players to be dropped off and he would take care of that issue. Board reiterated that the website should be altered to clarify the intent of the Board’s condition. Discussion of decision versus continuation to collect more information. The Board voted to 6-1 (Dieringer against) to continue to January 14 7 PM to review of spring schedule and traffic data from fall. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting October 22, 2009 City of Northampton Hearing Room 18, 210 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, Stephen Gilson  Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer  Francis “Frandy” Johnson  Marilyn Richards  Kenneth Jodrie  George Kohout  Katharine Baker  Mark Sullivan, Associate Member Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Stephen Gilson opened the meeting with discussion of ZRC report card. Discussed subcommittee meetings. Discussed joint meeting scheduled for Nov 12. Questions for ZRC/Northampton Design Forum/West Street Goals/Charge Active, recent Products-timing/accomplishments Membership? Next steps/Coordination Discussion of site plan and special permit. Board decided to look at language for special permit criteria while staff look at submittal criteria for conceptual site plan with special permit. Continue discussion to Dec 10 meeting. 9 PM Adjourn The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting November 12, 2009 City of Northampton Hearing Room 18, 210 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, Stephen Gilson  Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer 7:10  Francis “Frandy” Johnson  Marilyn Richards  Kenneth Jodrie  George Kohout  Katharine Baker  Mark Sullivan, Associate Member Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Stephen Gilson opened the request by John Averill for a Site Plan Application to create a second curb cut at 118 Nonotuck St., Florence Map Id 23A-305. John Averill presented application. Stephen Gilson read zoning requirements. Staff read Department of Public Works comments. Ken Jodrie asked reasons for request. George Kohout asked if the applicant understands the reason behind the ordinance and Department of Public Works comments. Helen O’Grady, 90 Nonotuck Street spoke in favor of application. Gus O’Grady 90 Nonotuck asked question about legality of existing driveway and spoke in favor of the application. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Mark Sullivan, the board voted 7-1 (Francis Johnson abstained) to continue to 1-14-10 at 7 PM . 7:40 P.M. – Stephen Gilson opened the hearing by Pocket Communications for Site Plan Approval to install telecommunications pads at 30 Locust St, Northampton Map ID 23B-46. 2 A representative for Pocket presented the application and stated that the panels would be no taller than roof and power would come from the hospital basement. The panels would be painted to match the building. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted unanimously to approve the site plan. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to to approve the packet of minutes(George Kohout abstained). Planning Board discussed letter of credit reduction for the Ridge. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted 7-1 to approve reduction to $135K (Jennifer Dieringer voted against reduction). Based on letter from homeowner and need to complete project as required. 8:00 P.M. Discussion about design issues with: West Street Design Committee, Northampton Design Forum, Zoning Revisions Committee. Introduction of members for committees.  Goals/Charge for each group  Active, recent products /accomplishments -timing  Membership  Next steps/Coordination Next steps—Visualization Public presentation (ZRC- Feb) The group agreed that it would be beneficial to have another meeting in the spring ( May). Adjourn: 9:40