chat16:26:24 From madeleinelombard : Can I please make a comment? 16:37:35 From Benjamin Weil : Note that this relevant bill is being considered in congress today: https://www.agriculture.senate.gov/hearings/legislative-hearing-to-review-s-3894-the-growing-climate-solutions-act-of-2020 16:48:46 From adelefranks : I’d like to make a comment 16:59:56 From Rachel Maiore : Excellent research and doc, Ashley. 17:20:44 From adelefranks : I have a question about other projects 17:27:37 From madeleinelombard : Gordon, Ben can send you his powerpoint. 17:36:54 From Alex Jarrett : And here's the video of our last meeting which includes his presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsrQgpkkv0Y