2007 Conservation Commission Minutes Northampton Conservation Commission Minutes for January 11, 2007 Members present: Paul Wetzel, Leslie King, Mike Vito, Reuven Goldstein Staff Present: Bruce Young Mike moved to approve minutes for 11/09/2006 Reuven seconded the motion All in favor 5:30 PM Request for Determination of Applicability filed by the Massachusetts Highway Department to determine whether the installation of an Intelligent Transportation System and related site work on Interstate 91 in the City of Northampton is subject to the Wetlands Protection Act. Timothy Meyer and Merrill Mandell presented from MassHighway Mike moved to close hearing Leslie seconded the motion All in favor Leslie moved to issue a negative determination with General Conditions Reuven seconded the motion All in favor 6:13 PM Request for Certificate of Compliance filed by the Berkshire Gas Company c/o Richard Nasman for Order of Conditions-DEP File # 246-577. Mike motioned to approve the Certificate of Compliance Leslie seconded the motion All in favor 6:15 PM Continuation of a request by the Northampton Department of Public Works to trap beavers in the Barrett Street Marsh Conservation Area Paul explained to the Commission the current beaver situation in the Barrett Street Marsh Ned Huntley and Paulette Kuzdeba from the DPW explained their worries about flooding Mike motioned to approve the installation of a Beaver Deceiver downstream of the detention basin, give permission to remove the dam upstream of the detention basin and allow a gate to be installed over the upstream culvert opening under the bike path. Leslie seconded the motion All in favor 7:00 PM Wayne Feiden requested that the Commission sell conservation property along Hockanum Road to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for permanent protection as part of the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge. Mike motioned to sell the property to USFWS Leslie seconded the motion All in favor Other Business: Ratification of a Wetlands Protection Act Emergency Certification Form issued on December 14, 2006 for the repair of a septic system at 131 Riverbank Road. Ratification of a Wetlands Protection Act Emergency Certification Form issued on December 16,2006 for the removal of the top of a beaver dam and installation of a beaver deceiver system at the Barrett Street Marsh by the Northampton Conservation Commission and Skip Lisle of Beaver Deceivers International. Northampton Conservation Commission Minutes for January 25, 2007 Members present: John Body, Paul Wetzel, Susan Carbin, Leslie King, Mike Vito, Reuven Goldstein Staff Present: Bruce Young Paul Wetzel opened the meeting at 5:30 PM 5:30 PM Notice of Intent filed by James Harrity for the construction of 88 residential condominium units. Work will take place in the buffer zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands. Project location is 360 North King Street, Map ID 13-36. 5:30 PM Jim Harrity and Aharon Scharf presented the plans The applicants stated that the plans have been revised to remove the detention basin in the buffer zone and replaced with a bioretention area outside of buffer zone. Mike moved to close the hearing Sue seconded the motion All in favor Mason moved to issue general conditions 1-32 Sue seconded the motion All in favor 6:00 PM Informal meeting with Dan Nitzsche of Baystate Environmental Consultants, Inc. to discuss potential development options and constraints on three parcels located on Rocky Hill Road (Route 66) owned by John, Edward and Timothy Zielinski. 6:00PM 6:28 PM Meeting with Wayne Feiden Wayne asked for approval to move forward on property northwest of route 66 property at an offer of $2000/acre. Wayne asked for approval to move forward on property off of Route 10 near the Old Polish Club at an offer of ~$1000/acre John motioned to allow OPD to move forward on the two properties Sue seconded the motion All in favor 7:30 PM Mike nominated Mason to the Community Preservation Committee Sue seconded the motion All in favor 7:45 PM Meeting adjourned Northampton Conservation Commission Minutes for February 08, 2007 Members present: John Body, Paul Wetzel, Leslie King, Mike Vito, Reuven Goldstein Staff Present: Bruce Young 5:30 PM Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Lyle LaBarge to determine whether the installation of a deck is subject to the Wetlands Protection Act and/or the Northampton Wetlands Ordinance. Project location is 17 Old Ferry Road, Map ID 25C- 247. John moved to close the hearing Leslie seconded the motion All in favor John moved to issue a negative determination checking box #2 with condition that the applicant provides the conservation commission with receipts for the compensatory storage Leslie seconded the motion All in favor 5:45 PM Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Rochelle Griffin to determine whether the installation of a porch is subject to the Wetlands Protection Act and/or the Northampton Wetlands Ordinance. Project location is 498 Spring Street, Map ID 16A- 009. Jim Ross of JDR Builders PO Box 66 Whatley,MA 01093 presented the plans John moved to close the hearing Reuven seconded the motion All in favor Reuven moved to issue negative determination box 2 John seconded the motion All in favor 6:00 PM Request by Beals and Thomas, Inc. to Amend Order of Conditions for the Earle Street Reconstruction Project-DEP file # 246-587. John moved to continue to February 22, 2007 in the Hearing Room of City Hall Reuven seconded the motion All in favor John moved to give the Office of Planning and Development support for the Riverways Grant Leslie seconded the motion All in favor Mike motioned to invite a staff member of the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP) to a Conservation Commission meeting for a general discussion on NHESP policies and procedures John seconded the motion All in favor 7:05 PM meeting adjourned Conservation Commission Meeting February 22, 2007 Members present: Sue, Mike, Reuven, Paul Staff present: Bruce Young 5:30 PM Jeff Barnes from Environmental Consulting Services presented on behalf of the State Police Jeff explained that the proposed 4” diameter PVC injection wells will be drilled to a depth 20’-25’ Sue moved to close the hearing Mike seconded the motion All in favor Sue moved to issue negative determination checking box 2 Mike seconded the motion All in favor 5:59 PM Sue moved to adjourn Mike seconded the motion All in favor Northampton Conservation Commission on March 8, 2007 Members present: Paul, Mike, Sue, Mason, Reuven, John, Leslie Staff Present: Bruce Young 5:30 PM 5:31 PM Executive Session John moved to go into executive session for purpose of land acquisition Mike seconded All in favor Roll call-Paul, Mike, Sue, Mason, Reuven, John, Leslie Wayne Feiden presented potential purchase of a 58-acre parcel on Chesterfield Road John motioned to support the Office of Planning and Development to purchases the entire parcel at $1000 acre, in fee, with limited logging rights or to support the Office of Planning and Development to purchase a Conservation Restriction for $900 an acre with logging rights Sue seconded the motion All in favor Sue moved to come out of Executive Session Mike seconded the motion All in favor Roll call-Paul, Mike, Sue, Mason, Reuven, John, Leslie The members of the public were informed that the Commission was in Executive Session only to discuss land acquisition in Northampton 5:42 PM Alan Verson Alan explained to the Commission that he would like to amend his Order of Conditions to replace the Coir matting that is required in the Order of Conditions with hydroseeding. Alan stated that the hydroseeding would stabilize the soil on the slope adjacent to the Mill River. The Commission felt that if Alan would like to move forward an amendment to the Order of Conditions, he should submit a formal request to the Commission. The Commission also stated that he should be able to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the new plan would stabilize the slope and protect the river from sedimentation and potential hazardous material contamination. The proof of the new stabilization methods would need to be approved by a Licensed Site Professional and show that the slopes would not erode during typical storm events. 6:21 PM Paul Wetzel presented a short slide show of the Connecticut River in the Pioneer Valley during the 1984 flood event. 6:49 PM Bruce presented a letter to be sent to residents of the Cardinal Way Subdivision. Sue motioned to send the letter Mason seconded the motion All in favor John nominated Paul as Chair Mike seconded the motion All in favor Mike nominated Reuven as Vice Chair John seconded the motion All in favor Sue nominated Reuven for Channel Marker Committee member John seconded the motion All in favor Reuven nominated Sue for Tree Committee member John seconded the motion All in favor John motioned to have a working meeting on March 29, 2007 at 5:30 PM in the Hearing Room of City Hall to work on improving the wetlands ordinance Reuven seconded 7:15 PM Educational Session with Mark Stinson, Circuit Rider for the Department of Environmental Protection 8:41PM Sue motioned to adjourn Mike seconded All in favor Northampton Conservation Commission Minutes for March 29, 2007 Members present: Mason Maronn, Paul Wetzel, Susan Carbin, Mike Vito, Reuven Goldstein Staff Present: Bruce Young Paul opened the meeting at 5:30 Mason moved to go into executive session for land acquisition purposes Sue seconded the motion All in favor Mason, Sue, Mike Reuven, Paul Wayne Feiden introduced a change in a Conservation Restriction (CR) at Smith College allowing parking by the new apartments and providing a new CR along the Mill River to connect to the State Hospital land. Mike motioned to support the change in CR for an additional CR Sue seconded the motion All in favor Sue moved to come out of executive session Mason seconded the motion All in favor Mason, Sue, Mike, Reuven, Paul 5:43 PM Wayne Feiden Clarke School offering a Conservation Restriction of 1500 square feet between 32-38 Round Hill Road small grove of trees for frontage of infirmary building Sue moved to accept Conservation Restriction on Round Hill Road Mike seconded the motion All in favor 5:47 PM The Commission signed the new page of the Conservation Restriction for the Beaver Brook Estates. 5:48 PM Ratification of Enforcement Order for Cooley Dickinson Hospital 5:55 PM John Body arrived 5:57 PM Mike motioned to submit only the wetlands section of the proposed wetlands ordinance to the Ordinance Committee. Mason seconded the motion Mason, Mike, Reuven and Paul voted in favor John and Sue voted against Final vote in favor 4-2 Meeting adjourned Northampton Conservation Commission Minutes for April 12, 2007 Members present: Mason Maronn, Paul Wetzel, Susan Carbin, Leslie King, Mike Vito, Reuven Goldstein Staff Present: Bruce Young Paul opened the meeting at 5:30 pm 5:30 PM Don Willard introduced himself to the Commission Leslie moved to take field trip to the jeep eater parcel with the Commission and Don Willard Sue seconded the motion All in favor Zukman@aol.com Don’s email for notification of site visit time and date 5:47 PM Training session on the Massachusetts Forest Cutting Practices Act with Carmine Angeloni, Service Forester, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Carmine Angeloni District Service Forester 6:38 PM Notice of Intent filed by James Harrity to construct and perform site work for two single homes. Work will take place in the buffer zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands and an intermittent stream. Project location is 61 Meadow Street, Map ID 22B-12. 6:38 pm Jim Harrity presented the plans Mason moved to close the hearing Reuven seconded the motion All in favor Sue moved to issue general conditions, accept staff recommendations with 100-pound boulders placed 5 feet from the top of slope, and raingardens shall be built for the existing home and the proposed home. Mason seconded the motion All in favor 7:00 PM Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Alan Vogel to construct a staircase and platform foundation. Work will take place in Riverfront Area. Project location is 119 Arch Street, Map ID 10D-25. Alan Vogel presented the plans Sue motioned to close the hearing Leslie seconded the motion All in favor Sue moved to issue negative determination checking box two John seconded the motion All in favor 7:10 PM Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Lucas Development to remove three vegetation piles and remove shrubs less than 2” in diameter. Work will take place in the buffer zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands. Project location is Rocky Hill Road, Map ID 44-110, 101, & 102. Mason moved to close the hearing Leslie seconded the motion All in favor Mason moved for negative determination checking box 2 John motioned to issue staff recommendations, sedimentation control barriers must be stabilized and hydroseeded with a conservation mix, and all materials to be removed must be marked and approved by the commission before removal Leslie seconded the motion All in favor 7:20 PM Certificate of Compliance filed by Donna Cushing for Order of Conditions DEP File #246-395 John moved to issue the Certificate of Compliance Mike seconded the motion All in favor Discussion on Wetlands Ordinance Mason moved to accept the Mineral Hills Conservation Area License for Agricultural Use Leslie seconded the motion All in favor Meeting adjourned Northampton Conservation Commission Minutes for April 26, 2007 Members present: Mason Maronn, Paul Wetzel, Susan Carbin, Leslie King, Reuven Goldstein Staff Present: Bruce Young Paul Wetzel opened the meeting at 5:30 PM 5:30 PM Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Tom Bacis to determine whether parcel #3 on the Wetland Delineation Plan prepared by Heritage Surveys is subject to the Wetlands Protection Act and/or the Northampton Wetlands Ordinance. Project Location is Route 66, Map ID 41-74, Parcel #3 on the plan. Mason moved to close the hearing Sue seconded the motion All in favor Sue moved to issue a negative determination Leslie seconded the motion All in favor Discussion on Beaver Brook Subdivision Recommendation from the Conservation Commission Public Comment: Deb Jacobs 32 Grove Ave-stated that she is disappointed with the quality of forest management on the site Rick Hart 68 Leonard Street- stated that upland habitat is important and the Commission could remind to Planning Board of the importance of the upland habitat at this site George Kohout- stated that he would like to see large boulders placed along the property lines and the conservation area Lora Sandhusan 32 East Center Street-stated that she would like the Commission to ask the Planning Board to deny all waivers. Amy Bookbinder 88 Grove Avenue-stated that she would like a recommendation to deny waivers. Jim Montgomery- stated that he would like the Commission to request that the forest cutting permit be denied Emily Woodward 44 Evergreen- asked the Commission what compromises they made to be able to accept the current plan Sue moved to not change the current recommendations by the Conservation Commission Mason seconded the motion All in favor 8:02 PM Cooley Dickenson Hospital Enforcement Order Dave Pickart and John Furman from VHB presented a restoration plan Dave stated that the current disturbance could allow invasive species to take over area and that all invasives will be removed from the site Sue moved to accept the restoration plan Meeting adjourned Northampton Conservation Commission Minutes for May 10, 2007 Members present: Paul Wetzel, Susan Carbin, Leslie King, Mike Vito, Reuven Goldstein Staff Present: Bruce Young Paul Wetzel opened the public hearing 5:30 PM Notice of Intent filed by Microcal, LLC to construct an addition to a building and an addition to the parking lot. Work is proposed to take place in Bordering Vegetated Wetlands. Project location is 22 Industrial Drive, Map ID 19-22. Rick Brown-MicroCal, Mike Lui-The Berkshire Design Group, Mickey Marcus-NEE, Inc. presented the plans Reuven motioned to continue until May 24, 2007 at 6:00 pm in Hearing Room of City Hall Sue seconded the motion All in favor Wetlands Ordinance Discussion Paul informed the public of the ordinance process and provided background information on the current proposal Norma Roche 42 Laurel Park-asked if 100 ft around a resource area is protected or if work is allowed within 100 ft with a permit Michael Pill-37 Leverett Road Shutesbury Representative of Bob Raymond stated that the Commission should withdraw the vernal pool section Henry Lyman- asked what is happening in Wildlife Corridor Joel Russell- stated that the City currently does not own the Business Park, but they would have public input for development and he would like the Commission to move forward with ordinance as it is proposed Mary Shanley Koeber- Massachusetts Audubon-stated that there has been an amazing amount of restoration of species and habitat in Audubon/wildlife corridor area and she would like to see additional protection to the Route 10 corridor. She stated that she would like the vernal pool section added to wetlands ordinance. Bob Bissell-Maynard Road-President of Broad Brook Coalition-stated that the vernal pool section was removed after negotiations on the entire ordinance and should be restored. He also stated that there is no evidence that property values will be reduced for land with resource areas and vernal pools. He would like additional protection for the Route 10 wildlife corridor. Downey Meyer-urged the commission to take stand and not negotiate any further on the proposed ordinance. Irresponsible development costs all citizens money. He would like the vernal pool section restored. Mary Goettiner- requested that the conservation commission put the vernal pool section back into ordinance does not want reduced buffer for Business Park. Brandon Abbott- Easthampton- stated that he would like to look into wildlife corridor protection and has some information-would like to see vernal pools reinserted into the wetlands ordinance Rose Goldstein-would like to see vernal pools reattached with the wetlands section Janet Bissell- would like vernal pool section joined with wetlands section Ellie Shelburne Route 10 business owner supports protecting wetlands and vernal pools Eilene Hirsh-Same as above- Keith Davis-Florence-Would like to see more protection for wetlands and vernal pools and vernal pools reattached Virginia Shulden- supports vernal pool protection and reattachment Michael Pill-stated that attaching the vernal pool section will sink the entire ordinance Downey Meyer-stated that vernal pools section should be in ordinance and City Council has been hiding behind the Commission and they should make a recommendation and move it to the entire City Council Frank Olbris- stated that the Ordinance committee should pass the ordinance to protect all resource areas Alexander Janko-stated that he feels the Commission has been placed in a tough position because the ordinance committee is making the commission split the ordinance without providing funds for a vernal pool education campaign. Commission discussion on wetlands ordinance Reuven motioned to submit an op-ed piece to clarify the intent of the wetlands ordinance Sue seconded the motion All in favor Reuven motioned to submit the wetlands ordinance section (as is)/vernal pool section as one ordinance to ordinance committee John seconded votes Sue-Yes John-Yes Mike-No Reuven-Yes Leslie-Yes Paul-No Motion carried Mike motioned to adjourn Leslie seconded All in favor Northampton Conservation Commission Minutes for May 24, 2007 Members present: Paul Wetzel, Susan Carbin, Leslie King, Mike Vito, Reuven Goldstein Staff Present: Bruce Young 5:30 PM Paul opened the public hearing Reuven moved to go into executive session to discuss land acquisition with Wayne Feiden Mike seconded All in favor Role call-Leslie, Sue, Reuven, Mike, Paul, Wayne, Bruce Discussion on Doug Kohl’s property on Turkey Hill Road Mike motioned support the Office of Planning and Development in purchasing Doug Kohl’s property with or without a limited development project or without purchasing the section north of the existing trail easement. Sue seconded the motion All in favor Role call-Leslie, Sue, Reuven, Mike, Paul, Wayne, Bruce 6:10 PM Continuation of Notice of Intent filed by Microcal, LLC to construct an addition to a building and an addition to the parking lot. Work is proposed to take place in Bordering Vegetated Wetlands. Project location is 22 Industrial Drive, Map ID 19-22. Mickey Marcus, Mike Lui and Bob Bartlett presented the plans-revision date 5-24-07 Mickey stated that there are underground utilities in the parking lot next to the site and the replication area could not be placed in this area MicroCal representatives (Don and Ed) stated that the neighboring building does not have space available for expansion of parking Paul would like to see if there are other potential areas for mitigation Mickey suggested working on improving City easements on all paved drainage areas The Commission stated that the proposed plan plus additional mitigation within the watershed area would be acceptable. The Commission advised the applicant to work with Teri Anderson, Economic Development Coordinator, and the Office of Planning and Development to develop a mitigation plan. Mike motioned to continue to 5:30 PM on June 14th in Hearing Room Sue seconded the motion All in favor 6:36 PM Request to amend Order of Conditions DEP File # 246-593 filed by Alan Verson Alan Verson presented the plans to the Commission Alan stated that he would like to use an Eco Blanket instead of Coir Matting except on areas of slope at 1:1 or steeper Alan stated that all items on the plan will be completed by the end of summer, including: fencing, coir matting, orange fencing, rock wall extension Applicant agreed to plant woody vegetation at base of slopes and coir matting along toe of slope Applicant agreed to place boulders and stones in all areas that have been scoured Nelson Shiflett, owner of firehouse realty stated that he is concerned about his property becoming damaged/eroded by flooding in future Reuven motioned to amend DEP File 246-593 with addition of conditions to use Eco Blanket except on areas steeper than 1:1, stone on heavy scoured area along the river bank, heavy coir matting along steep areas of the slope, coir matting and straw along less steep areas (as shown on plans) and all items on the plan will be completed by the end of summer, including: fencing, coir matting, orange fencing, rock wall extension. Revised plans are to be submitted before work begins. Sue seconded the motion All in favor Discussion on the proposed changes to the Northampton Wetlands Ordinance Micheal Pill representing Route 10 landowners submitted a document (grandfathering clause) to the Commission and is against reinserting the vernal pool section into the ordinance. Bob Bissell submitted paragraph to Commission that he would like to see inserted into the wetlands ordinance. Mike motioned to add the paragraph into section 24-13 of the wetlands ordinance Reuven seconded the motion All in favor The Commission decided to write an Op/Ed piece to explain why the commission reattached the Vernal Pools section The Commission determined that they should send the wetlands section and vernal pool section as one ordinance but two separate sections because it is easier to understand as two separate sections. Presentation on Barrett Street Marsh Task Force recommendations by Paul Wetzel. Mike motioned to ask DPW/Mayors Office to endorse idea of having Smith College contribute funds to the City for a new streetsweeper. Reuven seconded the motion All in favor Discussion on MassHighway road construction at Earle/Grove Streets Reuven motioned to accept MassDevelopment letter. Sue seconded the motion All in favor Meeting adjourned Northampton Conservation Commission Minutes for June 14, 2007 Members present: Mason Maronn, Paul Wetzel, Susan Carbin, Leslie King, Mike Vito, Reuven Goldstein Staff Present: Bruce Young Paul opened the meeting for MicroCal 5:30 PM Continuation of Notice of Intent filed by Microcal, LLC to construct an addition to a building and an addition to the parking lot. Work is proposed to take place in Bordering Vegetated Wetlands. Project location is 22 Industrial Drive, Map ID 19-22. Andy Bone, NEE, Inc. and Mike Lui, Berkshire Design, presented for the applicants Microcal offered $15,000 for offsite replication to meet the City of Northampton Wetlands Ordinance requirements for replication and they placed the 1:1 state required wetland on the property but are willing to work with the city to find a place to replace the wetlands Mike moved to close the hearing Leslie seconded the motion All in favor Reuven moved to approve with general conditions and that MicroCal provide a $15,000 contribution for wetlands mitigation and that the wetland replacement shown on the plan will be completed as shown or will be created offsite at the same size or monetary value as shown on the plan. Leslie seconded the motion All in favor Mason and John abstained 6:07 PM Continuation of a Notice of Intent filed by Smith College for the Paradise Pond Management Plan. The plan covers ongoing routine maintenance activities including, operation and maintenance of the dam, removal of floating debris, protection and maintenance of the pond shoreline and vegetation, maintenance of the dock and boathouses, maintenance of the campus irrigation system, and removal of debris downstream of the dam. Work will take place in Bank, Bordering Vegetated Wetlands, Land Under Waterbodies and Waterways, Bordering Land Subject to Flooding and Riverfront Area. Project location is Smith College Paradise Pond Area, Map ID 31A- 257,260,324; 31B-289,290,292,293; 31C-013,014,015; 31D-008-011,020,238,999. Tom Jenkins, Nat Arai, Gary Hartwell presented for Smith College The Commission approved sluice gate operation in accordance with NHESP recommendations. Tom stated that turbidity monitoring and water samples for TSS will occur during operation of the gates. Paul recommended that Smith should look into the feasibility of an aquatic wildlife corridor (fish ladder, etc.) John motioned to close hearing Leslie seconded the motion All in favor John motioned to accept management plan as filed with NHESP conditions and that Smith College investigate the feasibility of an aquatic wildlife corridor that shall be reported to the Northampton Conservation Commission within two years. Mike seconded the motion All in favor 6:30 PM Notice of Intent filed by Smith College for hydraulic dredging of Paradise Pond. Work will take place in Land Under Water, Riverfront Area and Bordering Land Subject to Flooding. Project location is Smith College Paradise Pond Area, Map ID 31A- 257,260,324; 31B-289,290,292,293; 31C-013,014,015; 31D-008-011,020,238,999 Tom Jenkins, Nat Arai, Gary Hartwell presented for Smith College The applicant requested changing the NOI from 10,000 Cubic Yards of removal to 20,000 Cubic Yards of removal Applicant would like to start in early fall after receiving a Water Quality Certification from DEP Applicant stated that Operations will occur on Monday through Friday during regular work hours Mike motioned to close hearing Leslie seconded All in favor Mason moved to recommend staff recommendations with weekly reports reports pending the issuance of Water Quality Certification John seconded the motion All in favor 7:30 PM Notice of Intent filed by James Graham/Yankee Hill Machine Company, Inc. for construction of a metal recycling bins containment structure, paving and stormwater improvements to a commercial loading dock ramp and turn around area. Work will take place in Riverfront Area. Project location is 20 Ladd Avenue, Map ID 30B-84. Terry Reynolds presented for the applicant Mike moved to close hearing Mason seconded All in favor Mike motioned for the applicant to submit a snow removal plan, standard maintenance reports with inspection of outlets by October 15 of each year, and to issue general conditions 1-32, and the applicant must use natural river rock in place of rip-rap. Leslie seconded the motion All in favor 7:58 PM Notice of Intent filed by John Ewing for construction of three single-family houses. Work will take place in the buffer zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands. Project location is 297 Old Wilson Road, Map ID 44-116. Matt Nowak represented the applicant Mason moved to close the hearing Leslie seconded All in favor John motioned to deny lot 5 Reuven seconded In favor John and Reuven Against Leslie, Paul, Mason, Sue Motion denied Mason moved to issue an order of conditions with conditions of 2’ x 2’ 100-Pound boulders be placed along the limit of disturbance/silt fence line, general conditions 1-32, a no disturb zone beyond boulders/limit of disturbance/silt fence line be placed on the deed of each property so that the wetland can return to its natural state. Leslie seconded the motion All in favor John motioned to provide David Lamere with a temporary permit to use the land until October 31, 2007. Mason seconded the motion All in favor Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM Northampton Conservation Commission Minutes for June 28, 2007 Members present: Susan Carbin, Leslie King, Mike Vito, Reuven Goldstein Staff Present: Bruce Young 5:30 PM Request for Determination of Applicability filed by Todd Cellura to determine if the construction of three single family homes on three separate lots in an existing subdivision is subject to the Wetlands Protection Act and/or the Northampton Wetlands Ordinance. Project location is 29, 39 and 49 Ridgeview Road, Map ID 4-57, 41-58, and 41-59. Alec Macleod presented for the applicant Mike suggested asking the applicant to place a detention basin/raingarden at the end of the driveway via letter from the commission. Sue motioned to issue a negative determination checking box 1 and a letter requesting raingarden/detention basin Leslie seconded the motion All in favor 5:45 PM Request to amend Order of Conditions DEP File #246-516 by Lane Floyd. Project location is 264 Riverside Drive, Map ID 30B-124. Lane requested three changes as depicted in the letter submitted on 5-10-07 Sue moved to amend the order of conditions including an extra foot on the house, entry and step and authorizing Bruce to review and approve the trees to be trimmed. Leslie seconded the motion All in favor Sue moved to allow transfer of $5000 from the Valley Land Fund to the Conservation Commission for use on rail trail soft costs Mike seconded the motion All in favor Mike motioned to allow the Northampton DPW to take down the beaver dam on the north side of Barrett Street Sue seconded the motion All in favor Reuven motioned to adjourn 6:40 PM Northampton Conservation Commission Minutes for July 12, 2007 Members present: Mason Maronn, Paul Wetzel, Mike Vito, Reuven Goldstein Staff Present: Bruce Young Paul opened the meeting at 5:30 PM 5:30 PM Request for Determination of Applicability filed by the Northampton Department of Public Works to determine whether removing the top four inches of pavement and replacing it with four inches of new pavement is subject to the Wetlands Protection Act and/or the Northampton Wetlands Ordinance. Work will take place in Riverfront Area. Project location is River Road in Leeds. Mason moved to close the hearing Reuven seconded the motion All in favor Mason moved to issue negative determination checking box 2 Reuven seconded the motion All in favor 5:45 PM Notice of Intent filed by Andrew and Shelley Zimbalist for an addition to a single-family house. Work will take place in Riverfront Area. Project location is 65 Ward Avenue, Map ID 30B-118. Hearing continued until July 26, 2007 at 5:30 PM in the Hearing Room of City Hall 6:00 PM Notice of Intent filed by Thomas Kegelman for TCB Hospital Hill, LLC for the construction of a drainage outfall. Work will take place in buffer zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands. Project location is Burts Pit Road, Map ID 38A-88. Hearing continued until July 26, 2007 at 5:45 PM in the Hearing Room of City Hall. Meeting adjourned 6:01 PM Northampton Conservation Commission Minutes for July 26, 2007 Members Present: Paul Wetzel, Sue Carbin, Mason Maronn, Michael Vito Staff Present: Bruce Young, Land Use and Conservation Planner Paul Wetzel opened the public hearing at 5:30 PM 5:30 PM Notice of Intent filed by Andrew and Shelley Zimbalist for an addition to a single-family house. Work will take place in Riverfront Area. Project location is 65 Ward Avenue, Map ID 30B-118. Karo Frost from New England Environmental, Inc. presented on behalf of the applicant Paul Wetzel asked where the additional roof drainage would be directed The applicant stated that roof drainage would sheet flow across the grass in the yard Mike Vito moved to close the hearing Mason Maronn seconded the motion Henry Lyman-Neighbor from 60 Ward Ave spoke in favor of the project All in favor Sue Carbin moved to issue generic conditions #1-32 Mason Maronn seconded the motion All in favor 5:50 PM Notice of Intent filed by Thomas Kegelman for TCB Hospital Hill, LLC for the construction of a drainage outfall. Work will take place in buffer zone to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands. Project location is Burts Pit Road, Map ID 38A-88. Marc Durso from The Berkshire Design Group presented on behalf of the applicant. Marc Durso presented an updated set of plans to the Commission. Paul Wetzel explained to the Commission that there is potential to place the proposed drainage outlet in an area that would require less disturbance. Paul explained that the applicant would need to get a drainage easement from the Department of Agriculture (DAR). Elizabeth Murphy from MassDevelopment stated that they are pursuing the option to get an easement on DAR property. Paul Wetzel asked the applicant if a smart growth overlay district were approved for this project, would the added residential density have an effect on the proposed stormwater system and outlet flows. Marc Durso stated that the system was designed to accommodate the additional density of a buildout under a smart growth overlay. Paul Wetzel asked if the City of Northampton will be required to maintain system the stormwater system. Marc Durso stated that the stormwater system would be maintained by a homeowners association. Paul Wetzel stated that he would feel more comfortable continuing the meeting until MassDevelopment received an answer from DAR about moving the outlet onto DAR property. Paul Wetzel asked about building the outlet on the other side of the stream in the relatively flat wetland area. Marc explained that they do not want to impact wetlands and that it would require a large exposed drainage pipe with bend in it. Paul Wetzel asked about the cistern at the top of the slope. Paul asked whether the applicant should do anything with the cistern while the area is under construction for the outlet. Alan Delaney of MassDevelopment stated that they are working with the Mayor and City departments on the cistern project. Paul Wetzel stated that he would feel more comfortable continuing the meeting until MassDevelopment received an answer from DAR about moving the outlet onto DAR property. Mike Sweet, attorney for MassDevelopment requested that the commission to approve the project with a condition that the applicant must get a positive or negative response from DAR before MassDevelopment could begin the project. Alan Delaney stated that MassDevelopment is willing to initiate process within 30 days and keep the Conservation Commission involved in the negotiations. Mike Vito moved to close the hearing Mason Maronn seconded the motion All in favor The Commission discussed the following conditions: General conditions #1-32 The applicant use 50-year gabion baskets The Commission reviews and approves a copy of the DAR proposal from MassDevelopment before the proposal is sent to DAR. MassDevelopment cannot begin the project until they receive an answer from DAR Mason moved to issue an Order of Conditions with aforementioned conditions Sue Carbin seconded the motion All in favor Other Business Informal discussion on the ordinance committee decision with Suzanne Beck from the Chamber of Commerce 7:30 PM Mason Maronn moved to adjourn Mike Vito seconded the motion All in favor