11 12 09 minutes Conservation CommissionMinutes Northampton Conservation Commission Hearing Room 18, City Hall, Northampton, Mass. Nov. 12, 2009 Members Present Time Kevin Lake, Chair x Lisa Fusco x Mason Maronn Susan Carbin x Downey Meyer x Valerie Vignaux x Staff Present Time Wayne Feiden x Aleta DeLisle x Meeting Opened At: By: 5:08 p.m. Kevin Lake Order of Business: 5:00 PM Request by Three County Fairgounds for a Wetlands Order of Conditions for a complete redevelopment of the site, with five major new buildings created, with compensatory storage met by the demolition of most of the existing buildings. Jeff Squire, Berkshire Design presented the project. Jeff gave a presentation discussing the master plan and overview of the project. Jeff noted that currently they are going through the stormwater application process and need conservation commission review as well as planning board review. Jeff noted which buildings will be removed, buildings that will remain and proposed new buildings. Jeff provided compensatory flood storage calculations and noted that they are increasing flood storage by 511,000 cubic feet. Jeff discussed water flow, infiltration systems, and location of detention basins. Teri Anderson, Economic Coordinator stated that the City is looking into improving the Williams Street brook. Jeff stated that they are working with DPW to assure that the drainage path is maintained. Maria Tymoczko, Pomeroy Terrace, stated her concerns about water holding capacities and standing water. Maria questioned ownership of a drainage swale that she believes to be on her property and doesn’t want any improvements done on the swale without her input. Teri Anderson stated that the City is a partner with the project along with the Chamber of Commerce and the Fair Association and described the economic benefit to the City along with creating new jobs. Teri stated that she will look into questions had by Maria Tymoczko. Downey Meyer recommended continuing the meeting due to ownership issues of the swale; what the proposed improvements will be and until the stormwater report is received. Upon motion by Downey Meyer and second by Sue Carbin the Commission voted all in favor to continue the hearing until December 10, 2009 @ 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall Hearing Room 18. 5:45 PM Request by Massachusetts Highway Department for a Wetlands Determination of Applicability for a wildflower bed in the median of I-91 in Northampton. Timothy Meyer, MA Highway described the project. Tim noted that they would be using two seed mixes and won’t be using any herbicides. The Commission discussed the seed mixes. Upon motion by Downey Meyer and second by Sue the Commission voted all in favor to close the hearing. Upon motion by Downey and second by Sue the Commission voted all in favor to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability by checking Box 3. Other Items: Acquisition of Bean property on Spring Street: Wayne Feiden gave a powerpoint presentation regarding the acquisition of the Bean property on Spring Street. Wayne discussed the potential for recreation, agricultural and conservation uses of the site. Wayne reviewed the history of the site, existing infrastructure and proposed time schedule and process in acquiring the site. Kevin noted that the Agricultural Commission would like the Commission’s support for agricultural use on the site and opened the hearing for public comment. Richard Jaescke, Agricultural Commission discussed the type of soil on the property and which crops would do well there. Richard stated his support for agricultural use on the site. Susan Lance, member, local food group, stated her support for agricultural use on the site. She later stated her support for the Agricultural Commission to be included in the CPC application. A member of the public stated her support for agricultural use of the property and would like the Conservation Commission to work in conjunction with the Agricultural Commission in pursuing CPC funds together with the Recreation Commission. A member of the public stated concern with traffic on Florence Road if the property were to be developed for recreational use. Members of the Commission stated their support to acquire the project, to include the Agricultural Commission as a project partner, and their support to apply for Community Preservation Act funding. Barrett Street Marsh beaver activities and actions: Downey stated that he’s been notching the dam noting that the water level is down and is no higher then it’s been in the last six months. Downey stated that an emergency certification is required to continue notching the dam and to install a beaver deceiver pipe through the dam. Maureen Carney asked about creating a backup plan in maintaining the water level of the dam and if volunteer citizens could help in that effort. The Commission discussed hiring a professional to install the device further upstream. Upon motion by Sue Carbin and second by Lisa Fusco the Commission voted all in favor to issue an emergency certification order. Beaver Brook/Broad Brook Headwaters Land Acquisition: Wayne stated that state funding has been received for the Beaver Brook property on Haydenville Road. Downey stated that CPC comments were favorable for the project. Open Space and Recreation Plan early activities: Wayne stated that the State has changed their process to now requiring an open space/recreation plan every 7 years from every 5 years and discussed whether to submit the current plan for two extra years. The Commission will take into consideration the possibility of keeping the current plan with light public outreach and minor changes. Support for Agriculture Preservation Grant Application and Activities: Upon motion by Sue Carbin and second by Lisa Fusco the Commission voted all in favor to send a letter of support for the Agriculture Preservation Grant Application and Activities. Wayne stated that National Grid didn’t require the City to provide a final as-built plan for the bike path which was a condition of the Order of Conditions and requested to amend that condition. The Commission requested Wayne to file an amended Order of Conditions. Meeting Adjourned: Motion By: Second By: Unanimous: 7:45 p.m. Sue Carbin Lisa Fusco all in favor