Wakin Comment.pdf7/29/2019 City of Northampton Mail - EXERCISE PARCOURSES INSTEAD OF PICKLE BALL COURT FOR ROUND HILL ROAD https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0?ik=fec0f72d97&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1640432130987548516%7Cmsg-f%3A16404321309875…1/1 EXERCISE PARCOURSES INSTEAD OF PICKLE BALL COURT FOR ROUND HILL ROAD 1 message Eleanor . <eleanorwakin@gmail.com>Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:06 PM To: Round Hill <round-hill@googlegroups.com>, slavalley@northamptonma.gov Dear Sarah, While awaiting the rescheduled date of the meeting re a proposed Pickle Ball Court on Round Hill Road, I want to share these thoughts with you: • Over the past many months, and continuing, still, the Round Hill neighborhood has suffered through endless construction noise and the damaging of neighborhood streets by construction equipment. • I find the proposal to install a court on Round Hill Road for playing Pickle Ball, a noisy game, is not consistent with or appropriate for the primarily residential and visually historic nature of our neighborhood. • Instead, I suggest that the developers install an EXERCISE PAR COURSE on the proposed site. This kind of course, popular in parks around the world, provides users with simple, permanently-installed equipment, and posted instructions for its use, by which anyone on the course, alone or in groups, and of varying abilities, can get plenty of healthful exercise. Best of all, the exercise promoted is SILENT! not a source of unwelcome noise in the neighborhood! • I hope that this suggestion receives serious consideration by the 40-54 Round Hill Road developers and that, when they construct the EXERCISE PAR COURSE, they also welcome its use by Round Hill neighbors, during certain (or all) hours during the work week and weekends. Thank you for considering my suggestion and, in advance, for forwarding it to the developers of the 40-54 Round Hill Road site. Sincerely, Eleanor Wakin Crescent Street Resident/Abutting Neighbor