Forest Cutting Plan 20-002 Chesterfield Roadt Forest Curtin 9 Plan and Notice of Intent under M.G.L. Chapter 132 – The Forest Cutting Practices Act, 304 CMR 11.00 (Effective Date: 1/1/04) 1 1'�l'Y1,�►�C1 w�iit ► 2�os For DCR Use O nly_ File Number / — M ' f Case No. Date Rec'd 6 S Nat. Hert. ►V o / Earliest Start 717165 Nat. Hert. Imp. River Basin Cwnvn� %c- t Pub. Dr. Wat. c6P 5uP0 o Gen.Obj. ACEC Location Town Northampton/Leeds Road Chesterfield Road Acres 57 Proposed Start Date 7/1/05 Vol. MBF 140 Vol. Cds. 120 Vol. Tons M - @p @ z0 -o02 Plan Prenarer Name Tom Jenkins Address 8 Perry Hill Road Town, State, Zip Westhampton, MA 01027 Phone 413 - 527 -5941 Type of Preparer Mass. Licensed Forester *Mass. Forester License # 354 *Required for land under Ch61, Ch61A or Forest Stewardship Landowner Name John and Diana Clapp Mailing Address 940 Chesterfield Road Town, State, Zip Leeds, MA 01053 Phone 413 -584 -1703 Ch61 ®• Ch61A ❑ Stew ❑ *Case # Est. Stumpage Value Licensed Timber Harvester ** Name ( � sl���ay� C.h r, s I�,rc)W ► '1 Address . Town, State, Zip Phone _ Mass. Lic. Harvester # "This information maybe supplied after the plan is approved, but before work begins. Stream Crossings Indicate location on map SC -1 SC -2 I SC -3 SC -4 Type of Crossing BR '7U Note. LF Existing Structure No 4 SE Seed FR Frozen Type of Bottom Gr �3 hnv TH Lie. Tim. Har Bank Height (ft) lit 'e DR Dry ST Stabilization SE r Timber Buyer FO Wetiand Crossings � �� CF necesscry Indicate location on map WC -1 WC -2 WC -3 WC4 Length of Crossing 40" of Bottom Note. LF Mitigation DRY Culvert SE Seed FR Frozen Stabilization CO /SE Applicant must provide DCR with all relevant information TH Lie. Tim. Har Filter Strips Indicate location on map j+S-.1 FS-2 FS-3 ji �4 Width (50',100', or VA) 50" Indicate location on map HW - 1 HW - 2 g�r_3 HW - 4 Forest Type (see pg 2) RM of Bottom Note. LF Acres to be Harvested 9 Culvert SE Seed FR Frozen Resid. Basal Area >50 0 /0? yes Applicant must provide DCR with all relevant information TH Lie. Tim. Har Service Forester Comments - �X15�� Lrct �S►n� no vc4`01ee Type of Prepare r Type of Crossing Stabilization Miti ag tion Type of Bottom Note. LF Mass. Lie. For. CU Culvert SE Seed FR Frozen LE Ledge Applicant must provide DCR with all relevant information TH Lie. Tim. Har BR Bridge MU Mulch DR Dry ST Stony before plan may be approved and cutting may begin. TB Timber Buyer FO Ford CO Corduroy OT Other MU Mud Some forestry activities, such as prescribed burning and LO Landowner PO Poled ST Stone GR Gravel pesticide or fertilizer application may require additional permits. OT Other OT Other BB Hay BaIes OT Other Consult MA Forestry BMP Manual for further information. Harvesting in Wetlands Products to be H a rv ested* Species - Mbf /Cds ST -2 Mbf /Cds White Pine 105 MBF Red Maple 10 MBF Red Pine Y t re of S ice Forester ector' S Agent Sugar Maple 47 Pitch Pine App/1 Amendment El Red Oak 15 MBF Hemlock LT Black Oak 2 MBF Spruce CT White Oak 1 MBF Other Sftwd. Type of Cut Other Hdwd. SE White Ash 2 MBF Total Mbf t y p Beech SF Spruce/Fir Cordwood (Cds) I Z_O White Birch Selection SW Pulp (Tons) OH B & YBirch 5 MBF HW Pulp (Tons) SA Black Cherry SR Red Spruce Chips (Tons) N Red Oak Cutting Standards Indicate location on map ST -1 ST -2 ST -3 ST -4 Forest Type WH MA Hen Y t re of S ice Forester ector' S Agent Acres 47 9 App/1 Amendment El Dis I App 2 Dis 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ Landowner Objective LT LT LT Leave Tree Designation of Trees CT CT BC Blck Cherry Type of Cut SE SE CC Clear Cut Source of Regeneration SE SE SF Spruce/Fir OT Landowner Signature The most important information on a cutting plan is the Landowner's objective, as this will determine which trees will be harvested and which will remain; this decision will also determine the future condition of the forest for decades to come. After having read the Massachusetts Forest Cutting Plan Information Sheet on page one, indicate your objective by checking the appropriate box below. ® LT — Long -term Forest Management ❑ ST - Short -term Harvest Planned management of the forest to achieve one or more of the Harvest of trees with the main intention of producing following objectives: produce immediate and maximize long -term short-term income with minimal consideration given to income, enhance wildlife habitat, improve recreational opportunities, improving the future forest condition, which often results protect soil and water quality, or produce forest specialty products. in a forest dominated by poor quality and low value specie I (we) have read the Massachusetts Cutting Plan Information Sheet; and am aware of my (our) management options. I (we) hereby certify that I (we) have the legal authority to carry out the operation described above. I (we) certify that I (we) have notified the Conservation Commission in the town in which the operation is to take place and the abutters of record within two hundred feet of the area to be harvested. I (we unders that the volumes and values (Ch61 only) in this plan have not been independently verified by the service forester Iipol will report *values and volumes to the Director or his/her agent if the final figures differ from those reported. �. Y Detern ation and Status d14-1343 /4- 1343'5_ Approved Disapproved Expires Cutting Plan ❑ ��Dlal (� WP White Pine EX Hen Y t re of S ice Forester ector' S Agent 8 1 o Date on 10 Expires Ser. For. Ints. 2❑ App/1 Amendment El Dis I App 2 Dis 2 ❑ ❑ ❑ Date Final Report and Comments I hereby certify that the afore described Forest Cutting Plan and all relevant statutes have been substantially complied with Signature of Service Forester/Director's Agent Date " ® Forest Tunes Designation of Trees Type of cut WP White Pine EX Hen OM Mixed Oak CT Cut Tree SH Shelterwood WK WP/Hem HH Hem/Hdwd RM Red Maple LT Leave Tree ST Seed Tree WH WP/Hdcvd BC Blck Cherry BE Beech SB Stand Boundary CC Clear Cut WO WP /Oak BB Bee/Bir/Map SF Spruce/Fir OT Other SE Selection RP Red Pine OH Oak/Hdtvd SM Sugar Maple Landowner Objective SA Salvage SR Red Spruce OR N Red Oak PP Pitch Pine LT Long -term Mgt. SN Sanitation *Note: Volumes and values indicated in the Plan are as reported by the plan preparer and have not been independently verified by the service forester upon approval. Mbf = thousand board feet. Intermediate Harvests: CT Commercial Thin NT Non Com Thin Non - Standard Systems:" HG Ilighgrade* DL Diameter Limit* Source of Regeneration AD Advanced SE Natural Seed PL Plant CO Coppice DS Direct Seed OT Other n , a Purest Cutting Plan Narrative Page (Effective D ate: 1/1 Use this page to provide further explanation or if Other (OT) was used in any category on pages 3 or 4. Landowner Town File Number 5 Use this Section to provide further explanation or if Other (OT) was used in any category in the Best Management Practices Section on Page 3. • / Pte, \ / C /L.O I c�51 Cwt— — .. c. v CA Use this Section to describe the types of trees to be harvested and/or retained if Other (OT) was used for 'Designation of Trees" in the Stand Treatment Section on page 4. Stand No. Species to be Cut Size of Trees to be Cut Quality of Trees to be Cut % BA/Acre Removed Use this Section to describe how Chapter 132 requirements will be met if a non standard system (HG, DL, or OT. was used for the "Type of Cut" in the Cutting Standards Section on page 4. Stand No. Source of How will Regeneration be obtained/protected? Regeneration If using AD - Describe the species present and how the regeneration will be protected (ex. AD, SE ) If using SE - Describe the source of the seed and the number of seed trees/acre Stand No. Desired Future Condition (D ca co 1�� ti C) LO 0 0 CD C: N M < (D :2 C: 00 cn o a -,d c E a) CU -a CO E a) (n E rf a co 2 00 � U- m . . .. . .. . .. . .. 0996 AAG�S C) C C%4 CL CL - C) co 0 LO < cn .I C) (D 0 lq4- a) -,:) 0) 1 LL 0 0 0 C -1 I 7Z g tq- I gLks -�- 0 0 04 CY) w CN CO 7 a ry R 14 NOisnIOX3 - - -- -- ----------------- -- - - .009Z 3Z CL CL - C) co 0 LO < cn .I C) (D 0 lq4- a) -,:) 0) 1 LL 0 0 0 C -1 I 7Z g tq- I gLks -�- 0 0 '4-iden 'L66L Vvy 'S peal P8 PIGPG}s OV6 ddelo euei(] pue uqor :uo M -,010.it ZZO N .9'6 L oZt7O :u04eOO NN CL f�.rF I�Jiie�i' -�.FI I � f i, f '4 �, jJ 0 544 o I r •. 'y am j i� '� 4.1 Sla a f k T e L k % rl., ct- VI 49 Doo 4 slenba qoul :eleoS 900VW9 :9;eG NOidVYVHISV'3 : M .9L ' � I � jlxVy � +' "'' � 4-� �' I t V ( ti..i" S �I Y r� T f 4.1 Sla a f k T e L k % rl., ct- VI 49 Doo 4 slenba qoul :eleoS 900VW9 :9;eG NOidVYVHISV'3 : M .9L ' � I � jlxVy � +' "'' � 4-� �' V ( ti..i" S �I Y r� T f Commonwealth of Massachusetts '61 Division of w Fisheffies Wildlife Wayne F. MacCallum, Director Carmine L. Angeloni Department of Conservation and Recreation 40 Cold Storage Drive P.O. Box 484 Amherst, MA 01004 Cutting Plan No. 214 - 3560 -8 NHESP Tracking No. 08 -24053 Town Northampton Road Chesterfield Road Landowner Miriam Clapp Preparer Tom Jenkins Date January 31, 2008 Dear Carmine, The Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP) has reviewed Forest Cutting Plan 214 - 3560 -8 (hereinafter "the Plan ") pursuant to the special approval procedures of the Forest Cutting Practices Regulations (304 CMR 11.04(6)). Based on details of the Plan and information in the NHESP database, the NHESP does not expect activities proposed in the Plan to negatively impact Estimated Habitat or result in "Take" (as defined in 321 CMR 10.02) of plant or animal species protected under the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (M.G.L. c. 131A) and its implementing regulations (321 CMR 10.00). Therefore, the NHESP does not require that the Plan be modified at this time. Please copy the NHESP on any amendments to the Plan and on the approved plan for the site. If you have any questions about this letter, please contact Jacob Kubel at (508) 389 -6373. Sincerely, / f J &d Thomas W. French, Ph.D. Assistant Director Cc: Northampton Conservation Commission ! FEB 4 2008 s }F rt T OF PI_RNNfNO NORTliAIVIPTON, MA 01060 www.nhesp.org Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program North Drive, Route 135, Westborough, MA 01581 Tel: (508) 389 -6360 Fax: (508) 389 -7891 : File Number Q Use ' ® It e nly, F orest Cutt Plan n For DC e my - T Case No. �I a and �= S Not f I ntent Date Rec'd Nat. Hert. The Forest Cuttin f� � Earliest Start Nat. Hert. Imp. Practices Act, 304 CMR 11.00 I / ✓'�� /� ' �verBasin G ��! Pub. Dr. Wat. ACEC tit I (Effective Date: 1 /1/04) Location � � � ,� Landovriraer cF Town Northampton /Westhampton Name John Sarafin Road l' .c � F;� /d Ol'i�h ��r' 17�/ S%_ Maihng Address 1051 Chesterfield Road Acres 115 Proposed Start Date Vol. MBF 352 Vol. Cds. 200 Vol. Tons Map to 2o -Qd3 Plan Prenarer Name Tom Jenkins Address _ , Bay State Forestry Service 8 Perry Hill Road Town, State, Zip Westhampton, MA 01027 Phone 413 -537 -5878 Type of Preparer Mass. Licensed Fn s r *Mass. Forester License # 354 *Required for land under Ch61, Ch61A or Forest Stewardship Town, State, Zip Northampton, MAO 1060 Phone 413 - 584 -0959 Ch61 ❑ Ch61A ❑ Stew ❑ *Case # Est. Stumpage Value Licensed Timber Harvester ** Name Address Town, State, Zip Phone Mass. Lic. Harvester # "This information may be supplied after the plan is approved, but before work begins. Stream Crossings Indicate location on map SC -1 SC -2 SC -3 SC4 Type of Crossing FO PO LF Mass. Lie. For. Existing Structure Yes Yes FR Frozen LE Type of Bottom GR GR Lie. Tim. Har BR Bank Height (ft) <1' <1' ST Stony Stabilization SE CO FO Ford Wetland Crossi Indicate location on map WC -1 WC -2 WC -3 I WC -4 Length of Crossing HH OH LF Mass. Lie. For. Mitigation .5 2 FR Frozen LE Stabilization Yes Yes Lie. Tim. Har BR Filter Strips Harvesting in Wetlands Indicate location on map $yp -1 FjW -2 HW -3 HW -4 Forest Type (see pg 2) HH OH LF Mass. Lie. For. Acres to be Harvested .5 2 FR Frozen LE Resid. Basal Area >50 %? Yes Yes Lie. Tim. Har BR Servi Fo Com ments 1 1 —fry `Crf� —' 4. 5fACE :r t $ C�-- Indicate location on map FS-1 FS-2 I FS-3 FS-4 Width (50', 100', or VA) 50' 50' Type ofEmparer Type of Crossing Stabilization Miti ag tion Tvoe of Bottom Note LF Mass. Lie. For. CU Culvert SE Seed FR Frozen LE Ledge Applicant must provide DCR with all relevant information TH Lie. Tim. Har BR Bridge MU Mulch DR Dry ST Stony before plan may be approved and cutting may begin. TB Timber Buyer FO Ford CO Corduroy OT Other MU Mud Some forestry activities, such as prescribed burning and LO OT Landowner Other PO Poled ST Stone GR Gravel pesticide or fertilizer application may require additional permits. OT Other HB Hay Bales OT Other Consult MA Forestry-BMP Manual for further information. Products to be Harvested* Species Mbf/Cds Dis 1 ❑ Mbf/Cds White Pine 117 MBF Red Maple 50 Red Pine OH Sugar Maple 5 Pitch Pine 78 Red Oak 90 Hemlock 55 Black Oak ST Spruce OT White Oak OT Other Sftwd. Type of Cut Other Hdwd. 10 White Ash 20 Total Mbf 352 Beech SE Cordwood (Cds) 200 White Birch 10 SW Pulp (Tons) WH WP/Hdwd B & Y Birch 25 HW Pulp (Tons) SB Black Cherry CC Chips (Tons) NT Non Com Thin Indicate location on map ST -1 Dis 1 ❑ ST - 3 ST - 4 Forest Type WP WH OH Acres 5 78 30 Landowner Objective ST 9SE ST ST Designation of Trees OT OM Mixed Oak OT OT Type of Cut ST Intermediate Harvests: SE SE. Source of Regeneration SE RM Red Maple SE SE (Landowner Si gnature The most important information on a cutting plan is the Landowner's objective, as this will determine which trees will be harvested and which will remain; this decision will also determine the future condition of the forest for decades to come. After having read the Massachusetts Forest Cutting Plan Information Sheet on page one, indicate your objective by checking the appropriate box below. ❑ LT — Long -terra Forest Management ® ST - Short -term Harvest Planned management of the forest to achieve one or more of the Harvest of trees with the main intention of producing following objectives: produce immediate and maximize long -term short-term income with minimal consideration given to income, enhance wildlife habitat, improve recreational opportunities, improving the future forest condition, which often results protect soil and water quality, or produce forest specialty products. in a forest dominated by poor quality and low value specie I (we) have read the Massachusetts Cutting Plan Information Sheet, and am aware of my (our) management options. I (we) hereby certify that I (we) have the legal authority to cant' out the operation described above. I (we) certify that I (we) have notified the Conservation Commission in the town in which the operation is to take place and the abutters of record within two hundred feet of the area to be harvested. I (we) understand that the volumes and values (Ch61 only) in this plan have not been independently verified by the service forester upon approval and will report final values and volumes to the Director or his/her agent if the final figures differ from those reported. Signat of I an Determination and Status oZl'zL �-- - �) R Date Approved_ Disapproved Expires Cutting Plan d/ ❑ Jr L aN D *Note:. Volumes and values indicated in the Plan are as reported by the plan preparer and have not been independently verified by the service forester upon approval. Mbf = thousand board feet. Cutting Standards t Signature Service Foresterctor's Agent 1 Date Expires Ser. For. Ints, Extension 1 ❑ 2❑ Final Report and Comments I hereby certify that the afore described Forest Cutting Plan and all relevant statutes have been substantially complied with Signature of Service Forester/Director's Agent Date Amendment App 1 ❑ Dis 1 ❑ App 2 Dis 2 ❑ ❑ / Forest Types Designation of Trees T of Cut Yk Source of Regeneration WP White Pine HK Hen OM Mixed Oak CT Cut Tree SH Shelterwood Intermediate Harvests: AD Advanced WK WP/Hem HH Hem/Hdwd RM Red Maple LT Leave Tree ST Seed Tree CT Commercial Thin SE Natural Seed WH WP/Hdwd BC Blck Cherry BE Beech SB Stand Boundary CC Clear Cut NT Non Com Thin PL Plant WO WP /Oak BB Bee/Bir/Map SF Spruce/Fir OT Other SE Selection Non - Standard Systems:" CO Coppice RP Red Pine OH Oak/Hdwd SM Sugar Maple Landowner Objective SA Salvage HG Highgrade* DS Direct Seed SR Red Spruce OR NRed Oak PP Pitch Pine LT Long -term Mgt. SN Sanitation DL Diameter Limit* OT Other "Forest Cutting Plan Narrative P age (Effective Date: 1/1/04) Use this page to provide further explanation or if Other (07) was used in any category on pages 3 or 4. Landowner ,L Town �NES�Cwa �'�►T�'f k�� File Number Zt �I uZ Use this Section to provide further explanation or if Other (OT) was used in any category in the Best Management Practices Section on Page 3. See attached cutting standards J �+ y — n ! L K!!� U t47r� 00 rf' r)c (ooh 4� M . rock -� o 1�roi eC� Use this Section to describe the types of trees to be harvested and/or retained if Other (OT) was used for "Designation of Trees" in the Stand Treatment Section on page 4. Stand No. Species to be Cut Size of Trees to be Cut Quality of Trees to be Cut % BA/Acre Removed 1 All 2 All 3 All 4 All See attached rage All '50% see attached page All 40% see attached page see attached page All 40% All 40% Use this Section to describe how Chapter 132 requirements will be met if a non standard system (HG, DL, or OT) was used for the "Type of Cut" in the Cutting Standards Section on page 4. Stand No. Source of How will Regeneration be obtained/protected? Regeneration If using AD - Describe the species present and how the regeneration will be protected (ex- AD, SE) If using SE - Describe the source of the seed and the number of seed trees/acre Stand No. Desired Future Condition Cutting Standards John Sarafin Lot Northampton/We sthampton Stand 1 Is a white pine type. This abandoned field area is primarily composed of poor quality open grown white pine. Those white pines under 18 "DBH that are single stemmed, have minimal crooks or sweep will be left. All other merchantable trees will be harvested. Stand 2 This wetland hemlock hardwood stand will be treated with a selective harvest. Trees of all species will be removed if they are crooked, forked, diseased, suppressed or mature. White pine and red oak will be considered mature at 20" DBH all other species will be considered mature at 16" DBH. Special care will be taken not to exceed 50% basal area removed within wetland areas. Stand 3 This white pine hardwood stand will be treated with a selective harvest. Trees of all species will be removed if they are crooked, forked, diseased, suppressed or mature. White pine and red oak will be considered mature at 20" DBH all other species will be considered mature at 16" DBH. This stand contains large amounts of poor quality hardwoods. These trees may be girdled if not felled and removed. Stand 4 This oak hardwood stand will be treated with a selective harvest. Trees of all species will be removed if they are crooked, forked, diseased, suppressed or mature. White pine and red oak will be considered mature at 20" DBH all other species will be considered mature at 16" DBH. This stand contains large amounts of poor quality hardwoods. These trees may be girdled if not felled and removed. Special care will be taken not to exceed 50% basal area removed within wetland areas. Commonwealth of Massachusetts A ik l Division of Fisheries & Wildlife Wayne F. MacCallum, Director Carmine L. Angeloni Department of Conservation and Recreation 40 Cold Storage Drive P.O. Box 484 Amherst, MA 01004 Cutting Plan No. 214- 3722 -8 NHESP Tracking No. 06- 19285a Town Northampton /Westhampton Road Chesterfield & Montague roads Landowner John Sarafin Prepares Tom Jenkins Date June 11, 2008 Dear Carmine, The Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program ( NHESP) has reviewed Forest Cutting Plan 214 - 3722 -8 (hereinafter "the Plan") pursuant to the special approval procedures of the Forest Cutting Practices Regulations (304 CMR 11.04(6)). Based on details of the Plan, information in the NHESP database, and information acquired during a site visit on 4 June 2008, the NHESP has determined that there is potential for activities proposed in the Plan to result in "Take" (as defined in 321 CMR 10.02) of Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta), a species listed as Special Concern pursuant to the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MESA) (M.G.L. c. 131A) and its implementing regulations (321 CMR 10.00). The NHESP is concerned that harvesting activities conducted at the property will cause direct mortality of individual turtles (e.g., as a result of crushing by motorized vehicles). In particular, the NHESP is concerned about operation of heavy equipment in the vicinity of Roberts Meadow Brook, especially in the old field where the landing is proposed. The old field resembles desirable foraging habitat and, possibly, nesting habitat for this species; therefore, special precautions should be taken to minimize the likelihood of turtles being run -over by heavy equipment in the area. To avoid prohibited Take of Wood Turtle, the NHESP requests that the following language be added to the Plan prior to its approval: The landing shall cover an area as small as possible and, prior to harvesting, be established by brush- hogging all vegetation down to the ground such that (a) the landing is clearly distinguishable from surrounding vegetated areas, and (b) any turtles that enter the landing will not be obscured by vegetation during early stages of the harvest. The landing shall be encircled with sy;nibolic fencing (e.g., snow - fencing) to ensure that the operators(s) do not encroach upon other parts of the field. The fencing shall be staked into the ground such that there is a gap of at least 6 inches between the bottom of the fence and the ground, so that any turtles that happen to enter the landing area may be allowed to exit the area unimpeded. The main skid road from the landing to the harvest area shall be established immediately adjacent to the southern edge of the field as depicted in the Supplemental Map provided by the NHESP. The road shall be kept as narrow as possible and, prior to harvesting, be established by brush - hogging all vegetation down to the ground such that (a) the roadway is clearly distinguishable from vegetated areas to either side, and (b) any turtles that happen to enter the roadway will not be obscured by vegetation during early stages of the harvest. The landing, main skid road, and areas within 10 meters of each shall be searched and cleared of turtles by an approved wildlife biologist immediately prior to the landinz and main skid road beinu brush- hoszsed The wildlife biologist chosen for this "turtle sweep" must apply for and be granted a Scientific Collection Permit by the NHESP prior to the turtle sweep and establishment of the landing and road www. nhesp.org 4):r Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program North Drive, Route 135, Westborough, MA 01581 Tel: (508) 389 -6360 Fax: (508) 389 -7891 -�. � v, C- i% • In Stands 1 and 2, off -road operation of motorized vehicles within 300 feet of Roberts.Meadow Brook shall occur only during the time period beginning November 1 and ending March 31. • In Stands 1 and 2, off-road operation of motorized vehicles in the area 300 -600 feet from Roberts Meadow Brook shall occur only during the time period beginning October 15 and ending May 15. Enclosed with this letter is a partial list of wildlife biologists that may be considered to conduct the turtle sweep described in the third bullet above. Other biologists may be proposed by the landowner, provided that the proposal includes a r6sum6, curriculum vita, or other summary of qualifications pertinent to Wood Turtle inventory work. Brush - hogging of ggy portion of the landing or main skid road should be completed within 20 minutes of the portion being searched and cleared of turtles by the gpproved biologist Also enclosed with this letter is a Supplemental Map depicting the locations of the main skid road to be brush - hogged, the 300 -foot buffer, and the 600 -foot buffer; the property boundary depicted in the map is approximate, based on details provided in the Plan. Where the 300 -foot and 600 -foot buffers coincide with the harvest area the NFIESP requests that the buffer boundaries be marked (e.g with paint or flagging) and inspected prior to ap rp oval of the Plan, except under the following; conditions (1) The 600 -foot boundary need not be marked if off -road operation of motorized vehicles in all parts of Stands 1 and 2 (plus adjacent field) located beyond the 300 -foot boundary shall occur only during the time period October 15 — May 15. (2) Neither boundary need be marked if off -road operation of motorized vehicles in all parts of Stands 1 and 2 (plus adjacent field) shall occur only during the time period November 1 — March 31. Please note that establishment of the landing and main skid road, and operation of motorized vehicles in the landing and on the road, are permitted to occur at any time of year (i.e., they are not subject to seasonal restrictions). Lastly, please encourage the operator(s) to watch for turtles that might enter the landing or main skid road during the harvest, and to avoid advancing with heavy equipment until the turtles move out of harm's way. Please copy the NBESP on any proposed amendments to the Plan and on the approved plan for the site. If you have any questions about this letter, please contact Jacob Kubel at (508) 389 -6373. Sincerely, 7J_r,. 4d Thomas W. French, Ph.D. Assistant Director Cc: Northampton Conservation Commission Westhampton Conservation Commission Enclosures: Partial list of potential "turtle- sweep" biologists (1 page) Supplemental Map — main skid road and buffers (1 page) Examples of Massachusetts Herpetological Specialists Hyla Ecological Services PO Box 1482 Concord, MA 01742 (978) 371 -1222 IMp:// www .hyla- ecological.com/index.html Mike Jones Department of Biology 221 Morrill Science Center University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003 mtj onesQfism.umass. edu Oxbow Associates, Inc. PO Box 971 Acton, MA 01720 (978) 929 -9058 hitp:// www .oxbowassociates.com /index.php Alan Richmond Department of Biology 221 Morrill Science Center University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003 (413) 545 -5386 alanr@bio.umass.edu *The listed biologists and /or consultants are not officially endorsed by the NHESP and do not represent a comprehensive list of qualified individuals; however, they are recognized experts in Wood Turtle ecology and /or have been approved previously by the NHESP to conduct "sweeps" for Wood Turtles during MESA - reviewed projects. Other individuals may be proposed and approved following review of qualifications. �', '� � 4'•i.�rS� .r Q. R ,y: .ti � ht'. �, �' t ti r n - .y' ! I � C E; r, f Y�i . • r }�� .,, rr n . 1 A � � � , Ci F � , .� + P ga � r r 5'9 r 1 r t l i t t o ,, 4, _ 4 . , a. a I "a ; � e ., ; �A Si ��... n A. • *` i ;� t 4 J� } X i � � t � 7„'1 Q ti� r fir. 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S �,� •,}§ i; a j'►a'r' "1v . •+ tps"II.� w'' 'F r ay ts'v< t f f . ..t k �t: fi?x -R .Jv - h,r',.. ?s-. 3.-�' - "i »' Bounda on Chesterfield Road Northampton, MA 01060 old F" , Ire Txf e. Bo V h rrop, /""h 0 4 r e , ti . ------- >-- We t3-i a " a �t Z -x O 3 p �y (D LU cn O 0(�p� �06 D a o p O:C7 O O v 0-) Q C!) — n ► (D ► 0 CD ► I � I Ch �. n 1 - n =r CD CD C �, � � i W i i - - - - - p- C- O O v CD r w (D to m )-�L m CA) `r, ° _� o CO — �I o o Co � p III O O N , Il bC t1 CL 0 FA _• O N Z v o' LA �'. rim ''" n V 1 O rt Ll ° O ° 0 eD (1S ill w S n O � ry � '"' m 2 (D 0 o z , r o -� r � ��_ o „ CL eD o sv = =r p m ll z °; (D n C =r rri LA m =� m ° a eD LA ° �• ° n v � N CA 0. C r., o n m G � �,� v -D N . m v� jo.- ( r+ -n r .M r+ tfl' _ ID N m a r+ (D �� fy r+ O fD C v > > � n °, ° CL 0 0 i eD rD 2) o• rD Commonwealth of Massachusetts Wayne F. MacCallum, Director Carmine L. Angelopi Department,of Conservation -and;; Recreation 40 Cold Storage Driven P.O. Box 4.84 Amhe st, kA 01 -004 Dear Carmine, Cutting Plan No. NHESP Tracking No. Town 214- 3722 -8 06- 19285a Northampton /Westhampton Road Chesterfield & Montague roads Landowner John Sarafin Preparer Tom Jenkins Date June 11, 2008 The Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program ( NHESP) has reviewed Forest Cutting Plan 214- 3722 -8 (hereinafter "the Plan ") pursuant to the special approval procedures of the Forest Cutting Practices Regulations (304 CMR 11.04(6)). Based on details of the Plan, information in the NHESP database, and information acquired during a site visit on 4 June 2008, the NHESP has determined that there is potential for activities proposed in the Plan to result in "Take" (as defined in 321 CMR 10.02) of Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta), a species listed as Special Concern pursuant to the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MESA) (M.G.L. c. 131A) and its implementing regulations (321 CMR 10.00). The NHESP is concerned that harvesting activities conducted at the property will cause direct mortality of individual turtles (e.g., as a result of crushing by motorized vehicles). In particular, the NHESP is concerned about operation of heavy equipment in the vicinity of Roberts Meadow Brook especially in the old field where the landing is proposed. The old field resembles desirable foraging habitat and, possibly, nesting habitat for this species; therefore, special precautions should be taken to minimize the likelihood of turtles being run -over by heavy equipment in the area. To avoid prohibited Take of Wood Turtle, the NHESP requests that the following language be added to the Plan prior to its approval: • The landing shall cover an area as small as possible and, prior to harvesting, be established by brush - hogging all vegetation down to the ground such that (a) the landing is clearly distinguishable from surrounding vegetated areas, and (b) any turtles that enter the landing will not be obscured by vegetation during early stages of the harvest. The landing shall be encircled with symbolic fencing (e.g., snow - fencing) to ensure that the operators(s) do not encroach upon other parts of the field. The fencing shall be staked into the ground such that there is a gap of at least 6 inches between the bottom of the fence and the ground, so that any turtles that happen to enter the landing area may be allowed to exit the area unimpeded. • The main skid road from the landing to the harvest area shall be established immediately adjacent to the southern edge of the field as depicted in the Supplemental Map provided by the NHESP. The road shall be kept as narrow as possible and, prior to harvesting, be established by brush- hogging all vegetation down to the ground such that (a) the roadway is clearly distinguishable from vegetated areas to either side, and (b) any turtles that happen to enter the roadway will not be obscured by vegetation during early stages of the harvest. • The landing, main skid road, and areas within 10 meters of each shall be searched and cleared of turtles by an approved wildlife biologist immediately Prior to' the landing and main skid - road being brush - hogged The wildlife biologist chosen for this "turtle sweep" must apply for and be granted a Scientific Collection Permit by the NHESP prior to the turtle sweep and establishment of the landing and road www.nhesp.org Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program North Drive, Route 135, Westborough, MA 01581 Tel: (508) 389 -6360 Fax- (508) 389 -7891 • In Stands 1 and 2, off -road operation of motorized vehicles within 300 feet of Roberts.Meadow Brook shall occur only during the time period beginning November 1 and ending March 31. • In Stands 1 and 2, off -road operation of motorized vehicles in the area 300 -600 feet from Roberts Meadow Brook shall occur only during the time period beginning October 15 and ending May 15. Enclosed with this letter is a partial list of wildlife biologists that may be considered to conduct the turtle sweep described in the third bullet above. Other biologists may be proposed by the landowner, provided that the proposal includes a resume, curriculum vita, or other summary of qualifications pertinent to Wood Turtle inventory work. Brush - hogging of any portion of the landing or main skid road should be completed within 20 minutes of the portion being searched and cleared of turtles by the approved biologist Also enclosed with this letter is a Supplemental Map depicting the locations of the main skid road to be brush - hogged, the 300 -foot buffer, and the 600 -foot buffer; the property boundary depicted in the map is approximate, based on details provided in the Plan. Where the 300 -foot and 600 -foot buffers coincide with the harvest area, the NHESP requests that the buffer boundaries be marked (e.g., with paint or flagging) and inspected prior to ap rp oval of the Plan, except under the following conditions (1) The 600 -foot boundary need not be marked if off -road operation of motorized vehicles in all parts of Stands 1 and 2 (plus adjacent field) located beyond the 300 -foot boundary shall occur only during the time period October 15 — May 15. (2) Neither boundary need be marked if off -road operation of motorized vehicles in all parts of Stands 1 and 2 (plus adjacent field) shall occur only during the time period November 1 — March 31. Please note that establishment of the landing and main skid road, and operation of motorized vehicles in the landing and on the road, are permitted to occur at any time of year (i.e., they are not subject to seasonal restrictions). Lastly, please encourage the operator(s) to watch for turtles that might enter the landing or main skid road during the harvest, and to avoid advancing with heavy equipment until the turtles move out of harm's way. Please copy the NHESP on any proposed amendments to the Plan and on the approved plan for the site. If you have any questions about this letter, please contact Jacob Kubel at (508) 389 -6373. Sincerely, Thomas W. French, Ph.D. Assistant Director Cc: Northampton Conservation Commission Westhampton Conservation Commission Enclosures: Partial list of potential "turtle- sweep" biologists (1 page) Supplemental Map — main skid road and buffers (1 page) i Examples of Massachusetts Herpetological Specialists Hyla Ecological Services PO Box 1482 Concord, MA 01742 (978) 371 -1222 littp://www.hyla-ecological.com/index.litml Mike Jones Department of Biology 221 Morrill Science Center University of Massachusetts' Amherst, MA 01003 mtjones n,nsm.umass.edu Oxbow Associates, Inc. PO Box 971 Acton, MA 01720 (978) 929 -9058 h.ttp://www.oxbowassociates.com/index.php Alan Richmond Department of Biology 221 Morrill Science Center University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003 (413) 545 -5386 alanr@bia.umass.edu *The listed biologists and /or consultants are not officially endorsed by the NHESP and do not represent a comprehensive list of qualified individuals; however, they are recognized experts in Wood Turtle ecology and /or have been approved previously by the NHESP to conduct "sweeps" for Wood Turtles during MESA - reviewed projects. Other individuals may be proposed and approved following review of qualifications. fd Ak `.�� � ri' ""�r"r'. r "" r �' •', �.� i v c. r A, � `" f - $� P. V4 •`' ' z .;;�+ } � � .. t , ,. 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