Northampton One Trail.pdf 1 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION COMBINED SMALL GRANT ELIGIBILITY AND APPLICATION FORM Project Title: Northampton ONE Trail Branding and Signage Project location, including address and parcel number: City Conservation and recreational parcels and multi-use trails Project Sponsor/Organization: Northampton Conservation Commission and Office of Planning & Sustainability Contact Name: Wayne Feiden, Director of Planning and Sustainability Property Owner, if applicable: City of Northampton c/o its Conservation Commission Mailing Address: 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton MA 01060 Daytime phone #: 413-587-1265 Fax #: 413-587-1264 E-mail address: wfeiden@northamptonma.gov CPA Program Area (check those that apply): X Open Space Historic Preservation Community Housing X Recreation Project Purpose (check those that apply) : Preservation X Rehabilitation/Restoration Applicant’s Signature: Date Submitted: January 24, 2019 For CPC Use Eligible: _____ Not Eligible: _____ Date: __________ Reviewer: ____________________ Appropriate for Small Grant Process_____ Referred to Traditional Funding Round______ 2 Total Project Budget (not to exceed $6,000.00): $6,000 CPA Funding Request (not to exceed $3,000.00): $3,000 Funding from other sources: $3,000 labor match List any in-kind donations of labor or materials: The Office of Planning and Sustainability commits to providing $3,000 in-kind match for project oversight and installation labor. The larger project to create the full trail will include many thousands of dollars in additional match. CPA Request as % of Total Budget: 50% Budget Summary: Please specify how CPA funds will be spent. Itemize all projected expenditures. If budget is based on a quote, please attach it. List any additional funding sources or donations of in-kind service. These funds must be secured at the time of application, as evidenced by a signed commitment letter referencing the content of the application, and including any restriction on the use of funds. Estimated budget: CPA Funds: Logo Professional Design, Creation, Production $3,000 Matching funds: The Office of Planning and Sustainability commits staff time to oversee professional creation of a logo for the Northampton One Trail, including project management and working with stakeholders and partners on review of the logo, design compelling signage, work with a sign company to print the signs, and finally, install all signage when complete. 1) Please provide a brief description of the project. The Conservation Commission currently owns more than three thousand acres of permanently protected open spaces in greenways and corridors around the City. There are also many miles of developed multi-use paths . These areas provide a wide variety of recreational opportunities, are utilized by many types of visitors throughout the year, and provide opportunities for alternative transportation. Trails within conservation areas are used by hikers, dog-walkers, bicyclists, and, where allowed, ATVs and snowmobiles. Each conservation area and greenway has varying levels of trail development, different amenities and access for people of different abilities, and unique trail marking systems. A trail connection around the entire City would increase awareness of the City’s open space and trail opportunities, increase use of local trails by residents who currently travel outside the City to other area trails, and help bring outside visitors to Northampton. 3 One of the identified priorities of the newly-updated Open Space, Recreation and Multi-Use Trail Plan was to “Develop a ONE Northampton Trail that encircles the City, building on existing trails, adding trails where there are gaps, with a good treadway, consistent signing, One Northampton should be an easily identifiable trail and attract more people. The ONE trail is planned to utilize existing trails and connections, including some of the most scenic trails, multi-use paths and unique parcels, connect the downtown with Florence, Leeds and Baystate Village, as well as the Mill and Connecticut Rivers. The Office of Planning and Sustainability has already begun discussions with local land use partner organizations and stakeholders to work on creation of a route, identification of gaps, challenges in road and river crossings, and key areas and trails that should be highlighted in the final ONE trail. There is a lot of work to be done before the trail is finalized, but we would like to begin by establishing the ultimate loop route along existing trails within currently protected areas, along multi-use trails, and where it is projected to follow safe roadways for short distances. CPA funds are sought to allow us to create a professional logo that we can use to brand the trail and generate interest. While much of the possible route is City-owned, there are gaps that are privately owned or for which public access does not currently exist, and awareness and excitement about a Citywide loop will make it easier to fill those gaps. There are relatively few municipal loop trails in existence, and a professional logo and brand that we can use for both trail marking and publicity is a necessary first step to ensure that Northampton ONE is a success. 2) What Community Preservation criteria – both general and program-area specific – does this project meet? General Criteria: The Conservation Area Signage Project meets several of the CPC general evaluation criteria: Contributes to the preservation of Northampton’s unique character, boosts the vitality of the community, and enhances the quality of life for its residents. Northampton’s open spaces and trails are often cited as Addresses recommendations contained in the Sustainable Northampton comprehensive plan, Open Space, Recreation, and Mixed Use Trail Plan or is consistent with other city-wide planning efforts that have received broad-based scrutiny and input and can demonstrate wide community support. Receives endorsement by community groups, municipal boards and/or departments The application is supported by the Conservation Commission, Kestrel Land Trust, and, while still very early in the process, . Contributes to the preservation of Northampton’s unique character, boosts the vitality of the community, and enhances the quality of life for its residents 4 The project also meets many of the criteria for both Open Space and Recreation Open Space and Recreation Criteria: Supports passive and recreational opportunities by providing information about areas and encouraging further exploration Serves many residents and visitors Is accessible to all ages and abilities Enhances appreciation of existing conservation areas Contributes to public health by encouraging walking and hiking Maximizes utility of city owned land Promotes a creative use of connecting corridors 3) What community need(s) does this project serve? If the project serves multiple needs and populations, please describe them. If the project serves a population that is currently underserved, please describe. The project will promote use of conservation areas and trails by all residents and visitors. By connecting population centers with multi-use paths and wooded trails of varying types and difficulties, there will be opportunities for everyone, including environmental justice populations, elderly and school-aged residents, and people with disabilities. 4) What specific guarantees will assure the long-term preservation of the project? At this point, CPA funds will only be used to create a logo and install markers and signage along existing protected routes. 5) What community support does the project have? Explain the nature and level of the support. The project is supported by the Conservation Commission, Kestrel Land Trust, and the Office of Planning and Sustainability. It is very early in the process, but we anticipate support by a wide variety of partners and recreation groups. 6) How will the success of this project be measured? Success of the project will be measured by creation of a logo that begins to elicit excitement about the ONE trail. Although this initial stage will be limited, it is a springboard to success of the larger trail. We hope to receive positive feedback and comments about the trail. 7) Is ongoing maintenance and upkeep required? If yes, please explain how this will be accomplished. Any maintenance and/or repair to the signage and trail markers will be conducted by Office of Planning and Sustainability staff and trail volunteers as-needed. 5 8) Explain the various steps of the project and when they will be completed Creation of the Trail will be an ongoing effort, but we are ready to begin working on a logo and signing initial established routes as soon as CPA funding is available. 9) Provide any additional information you think would be useful in considering your project. The Northampton One will intersect with our shared use network, which already serves 65% of the City's population and will eventually connect to Boston and New Haven. This provides a unique opportunity to promote walking, exercise, and a Northampton brand regionally E012345Miles Northampton 1 shared path Permanent Open Space Document Path: N:\GIS_Projects\Projects\Public\MXD\Northampton_One_20181220.mxd This map is not to be used for boundary determination, conveyances, or accurate measurement purposes.It contains errors and omissions. Individuals requiring an authoritative property boundary or other location must retain the services of a professional land surveyor. red