14-002 Chesterfield Rd. Forest Cutting PlanPlan­ F`O 1' G St C u ' a For DEM Use Only ;: y *� " File.Number:a Ch. 61 ? �- and Notice of Intent General under MASS. Gl LqW_ ' 3 :, Date Rec'd: ^ 'Nat. Her.? b Chapterl 32 the Forest Cutting Practices A`ct Earliest Start Pub. Dr. Wtr.? -r � =s u s of n �s y. _.. _. .o- � Riv �Basi � -ACEC� •r- 1. rn.ii I i • K r f pi(� Location r` ; Landowner > } !cf "4ac� r ' ,�'N, a" 7 ( Town r. &P µ M r... .. 1 ' ` -^ Road C ' Landowner`name J s F� 2 a : r cr C Mailing address /v S C H� rr c d Q�I z Y • Acres 5 60:; : _Proposed, start date. '.. R /94 Vol. MBF �a> :.,. e �[ft� Vol. .Cds_ _ Vo ther Town `State, Zip b ° ri - y� I i a o / �} ,l O a� �cM Phone S '0 9 q a ter 6'F i I�_ Ch y M i P gmt. Plan # • ;; Est_ stumpage page-value-,.. " iPrep of: Plan ` { ' licensed n sedjTimber Person, other: n': Iandownerpreparing plana* { ••a i Firrn name ;� o„ , „ f � r- � -, Firm name Individual name L r i S rc .. ; . Individual name Mailing•addresi" 5 1 MA - Q ,Mailing address: " v ,,, ", r t•. ♦�f y #Town State; Zips t r t tf tM U a 0 Town, State Zip ,� C- '� P ` I I hone 'Phone \ y rn , t, r Zu a a -+ cense �t . R r Op or atlon m y be su hed Ian o royal. y1 ..a : >iv tea. « a„� }w ., P P. PP, Stream Crossing��° H�r� I�rids��� ✓ � �� s:�+w w,±•s...wr+w^ t ,�y».+,,��� 5'^S L.y - !e :.gyp #r� r'+,. y � � , lodicate. location on map ��� Jndicate lacat o on ma ^ �r r SC 1 E - -2 � SC-3 SC -4 .- P HW 1HW 2 ' HW -3 HW 4- +°�" T e of crossing ° Forestt a °•(see a egtwo) * ~ ExistIn structure - " " ' ,: Acres to be hary ested. tl s �� T e " esid`a Basal Are of bottom: R ? a ( >50% ): an Bk'hei ht ft.F; ..; k y; a tabilization. K 10 , { `1Netlad "Crossing s O Aym n . .0►x�ics ,+pro ;x esr n=x+w.wr rw a+, Met s.�y.refirha �av+ri'Wplsw .. . .. , x""mt^ ^ p7' pM�q�ert: �. pyyw�w „ s.a... , .,wasr+w+aw.yn+vzara, r . +1ndicate'focation0 map ':.�� WC-1 WC_2 WC - WC -4 -- V Length of crossing (ft.) �� G Miti ation cis e ' StabJizaUOn � `' e ” G r S l O✓dx ° crc;.t. �' t' !Filter�Stri 7 ps. r 17 In lo on map . ��� . FS -1 FS -try- FS -3 -- FS -4 < �. 9. Width(50',_100' or VAriable) " �n t r Refer to regulations tab'I'2a[6 information regarding variable filter strips., Note:: Type of croeeina: Son- .M't*aatwons - Tvoe of bottom ; sII CUB Culvert ; SE seed FR. Frozen LE . Ledge a x Appf�c�a t ',provlde, wilt iii relevant information • FO Fo Ford *, CO Co ( duroy , QT Qther MU Mud „ before;pJan may be approved, an "1". may begin l PO, Poled ST Stone GR Gravel k Sorl�efforestry achvlGes „sl�ch a5- prescribed bging and ,t , • QT ,Other ”' tie Ha le: 3 stlGdeorfertil¢ era IlcatlOn. v IyNa rl?e pP h�1 41 nal R OT. Othet - d ° _r v permits Consult MA Forestry BP a u for a information A J' F . .ttaches Narrative Page if further'explan tio" is needed or'other " used for any category. I trea St and tre tment (See codes at bottom of page) 1 4" =1 Indicate location on map ­1114 Appointment -of. agent ST-2 ST-3 ST-4 Forest Type 014 'conducting the harvest covered by this Forest Cutting Plan, provide other relevant information can result in the Sugar Maple Acres understand, however, that the statutes, including criminal Pitch Pine Conservation Commission in the municipality in which Cedar Primary objective .6o T . within two-hundred: f eet ; of the area to harvested. Hemlock . Address . Designation of trees cut* ae- 10 L-) ignature(s) of landowner(s) or agent Phone'. Spruce Type of regeneration cut 07- ar _�,,Forest Cutting Plan, -...,.,Final Report F r e 0 S t Approved Disapproved Expires " Source 6f'rege'neration and all relevant statutes have, been substantially complied with Other Oak - OR, Type of intermediate cut If not by marking, describe $pp., size, quality and b.a., tobe cut be low. 16 C) 13 14 - T u be Products to' be harvested Species` _'Units '­�. Vol' d species Units Vol. White Pine Appointment -of. agent egal authority I (we) hereby certify that I (we) have the le Red Maple to carry out the afore-described operation.. Failure to the following person to act as my agent for the purpose of Red Pine 'conducting the harvest covered by this Forest Cutting Plan, provide other relevant information can result in the Sugar Maple voiding of this plan. understand, however, that the statutes, including criminal Pitch Pine Conservation Commission in the municipality in which Cedar Red Oak RP' Red Pine . within two-hundred: f eet ; of the area to harvested. Hemlock . Address SR Red Spruce Black Oak ignature(s) of landowner(s) or agent Phone'. Spruce gna turels) of landowner(sl Spruce/Fir White Oak _�,,Forest Cutting Plan, -...,.,Final Report F r e 0 S t Approved Disapproved Expires Other Softwood and all relevant statutes have, been substantially complied with Other Oak OT Other White Ash - "' Signature, of Service Forester/Oirector's Agent Date Other Hdwd. Service Forester's Comments.---------- -5 Beech Ex tension Hdwd Fuelwd A White Birch' Softwood Pulp B & Y Birch Chips Black Cherry TOTAL Species; Record sawtimber volumes by species. Units ; MBF - 1,000a of Board Feet, CDS = Cords. 1: TON = Tons, CCF =1 00s of Cubic Feet. Volume: Record to the nearest wholiunit (MBF, etc.) MBF COS TON CCFA Landowner Appointment -of. agent egal authority I (we) hereby certify that I (we) have the le wrier of the prope�rty.to be harvested I hereby designate, to carry out the afore-described operation.. Failure to the following person to act as my agent for the purpose of accurately update the material herein required and 'conducting the harvest covered by this Forest Cutting Plan, provide other relevant information can result in the - including executing all forms and documents required by law. I voiding of this plan. understand, however, that the statutes, including criminal I (We) also certify that I (we).have notified the jines,_ continue to apjpIyjo me, as the ow ar,,of.record. Conservation Commission in the municipality in which Cedar the operation is to take place and the abutters of record RP' Red Pine . within two-hundred: f eet ; of the area to harvested. Agent's Name . Address SR Red Spruce Town, State,'Zip ignature(s) of landowner(s) or agent Phone'. PP_ Pitch Pine gna turels) of landowner(sl Spruce/Fir Type of Intermed cute TH Thinning _�,,Forest Cutting Plan, -...,.,Final Report F r e 0 S t Approved Disapproved Expires - T hereby certify, that the afore - descri Forest Cutting Plan and all relevant statutes have, been substantially complied with P1 n Plan Cutting Pla OT Other OT Other - "' Signature, of Service Forester/Oirector's Agent Date Signature of Service Forester/ Director's Agent Date: S nature of Signature Service Forester's Comments.---------- Approved Disapproved Expires Serv. For. I nits. Ex tension A Forest Types WP Pine HK Hemlock, Designation:: CT Cut trees - White WK WP /Hem HH Hem/Hdwd LT - Leave Trees WH - WP/Hdwd TK Tamarack: ST 'Seed Tres' Wo'WP/Oek CD Cedar PL ? 'Plant RP' Red Pine OH' Oak/Hdwd. SR Red Spruce BW White Birch CS Coppice wiStandards PP_ Pitch Pine SF Spruce/Fir Type of Intermed cute TH Thinning PO 'PP/Oak OR N Red Oak OM Mixed Oak RM Red Maple BC Blk Cherry BB Bee/Bir/Maple SM Sugar Maple BM Bir/Red Maple BE Beach , . OT Other_ Designation:: CT Cut trees Type of Repo npriliti Source of Regeneration AD Advance SE" Selection 1' LT - Leave Trees S;T Slielterwood' SE' Natural Seed SS Stand Boundary ST 'Seed Tres' DS'= Direct Seed OT Other CC Clearcut­ PL ? 'Plant SA Salvage - ti CO Coppice CO Coppice 2 OT, Other CS Coppice wiStandards Primary Objective: WP, Wood. Production OT Other Type of Intermed cute TH Thinning IN Shorttermincorne WH � Habitat ,6 RE Release i­lmprovement. AR " Aesth' cs & Rec SA Salvage SW Soil Water Mgmt OT Other OT Other x� � s . ro I x 7 T� C rb �3 $ , C n x a w 6\ 9L 5 ft cr 3 k i o u iV 7 t✓ q/ / \ k1 4) �iN C c ' , Z rlj ► - I �Ica- \ C7 z A ro I x 7 T� C rb p , C n x a w 6\ 9L 5 ft cr ro I x 7 � YC k 7 2 _ �-y ' ' � \ ` +� \�, �� , , ,tip 11, All Q� j ' �� � lT rf /i / ����1�' 0 * 'H8 am Z . lf� j �artg Mtn I I mm 42 72 NAD83 MN\TTN MILE 15 \1 I ODD 200 4000 FEET I IX n , .i 7k,! Ro Mead . . . . . . . . . . 42 ° 1730", 72*42'32" Printed fmm TOPOI ®1998 VR&bvmr Pmdwhors (wwvrIopo.00m)