land report Noho CPA final 12 16 c.pdf1 Final Report and Request for Payment Lathrop Communities Invasive Removal Project, Agreement Dated Jan. 5, 2016 Submitted to the Northampton Community Preservation Committee by Barbara Walvoord, Chair, Lathrop Land Conservation Committee (walvoord@nd.edu) Dec. 29, 2016 CPA Grant Project Completed We completed the work described in our CPA proposal--removal of invasive plants along the brooks on both our north campus (11 acres) and east campus (15 acres of Northampton land, joined by other funding that covered work on the adjacent Easthampton land). On both campuses, the CPA-funded work is part of a multi-year contract with Polatin Ecological Services, who were recommended by our consultant Laurie Sanders. We are very pleased with their knowledge and dedication. Request for Payment For our 2016 work, we paid Polatin Ecological Services a total of $13,131, which included the $3,000 CPA grant amount and the matching funds described in our proposal. Please send $3,000 to Lathrop Communities at 100 Bassett Brook Rd., Easthampton, MA 01027, and close out this grant. The Polatin invoices, send as a separate attachment, include details and photo documentation of the work.  Polatin Ecological Services Invoice #033-2016, dated July 14, 2016, in amount $1,000, for work on the north campus (all in Northampton). Paid by Lathrop check #27123, 8/17/16.  Polatin Ecological Services Invoice #060-2016, dated Sept. 20, 2016, in amount $9,066.67, for work on the east campus land in both towns. As Polatin's work record shows, the Polatin team worked on several different days, moving back and forth between the Easthampton and Northampton areas, as dictated by the most efficient use of their time and equipment. We estimate 1/4 - 1/3 of their time was spent in Northampton. Paid by Lathrop check #27378, 9/20/16.  Polatin Ecological Services invoice #106-2016, dated Nov. 14, 2016, in amount $3,065.14. City of Northampton portion of the east campus. Paid by Lathrop check #27604, 11/14/16. Documentation of our Success CPA funds helped with two parts of our larger ongoing invasives removal work at Lathrop.  North Campus: CPA funds paid for Year 2 of a 3-year project to remove invasives from 11 acres of CR land along Pine Brook. Many invasives had been removed by Year 1 work (Figures A, B, C). However, there were some new invasives, and some treated plants had re-sprouted (Figure D). The first invoice listed above, for $1,000, paid Polatin for this follow-up Year 2 work in 2016.  East campus: About 40 acres of forest are already nearly free of invasives, thanks to prior grants, resident donations, and resident volunteer labor (Figure E, green lines). CPA funds helped us start a new "Bassett Brook" project (yellow lines), which is more challenging because of the heavier invasion and the difficulty of accessing the floodplain, especially on the Northampton area, where the brook spreads out into a many-branched, marshy area thick with brush. The last two Polatin invoices listed above describe the invasive species and methods used for removal. Polatin has set up numbered stakes at various points in this area, for future descriptive and photo documentation of the results of our 2016 work. 2 until spring to see the extent of the invasives kill. However, these photos from the north campus along Pine Brook document the success we are seeing in this project. Figures A & B. Progress on the North Campus before CPA-Funded work. Top photo, April 25, 2014 shows invasive Japanese barberry coming in along Pine Brook. A number of other invasives were also present. Bottom: Same spot, two years later, June 20, 2016 shows results of Year 1 work: barberry dead and other plants rising around it. This progress took place before our Year 2 CPA-funded work. Photos by Walvoord. 3 Figure C. Feb. 22, 2016, before CPA-funded second year work. The forest around the brook is largely free of invasives, as a result of Year 1 work. Freed from invasives, the native hepatica, trout lily, and others were free to flourish the following spring. Photo by Walvoord. 4 Figure D. BUT, our inspection on Feb. 22, 2016, showed a number of invasive shrubs, like this winged euonymus, which, after first-year "cut-stump" treatment, had re-sprouted. $1,000 of our CPA funds were used in summer 2016 for this needed follow-up on the north campus. The remainder of the funds and the matching funds were used on the east campus (see Figure E). Photo by Walvoord. 5 N Florence Rd East Campus Work 12/3/16 1 Vegetable Garden Wetland 2a Rose Field 2b Cranberry Wet Meadow 2c Farmer's field 2d Ad's Oak Woods 3 Inn Wetland 4 Inn Woods 5 Mulberry (south) Field 6 Wide-path Woods 7 Mid-Woods Field 8 Bassett Brook Woods 9 Bassett Brook Corridor 10 Florence Road Woods 11North Big Field 12 Northeast Woods 13 Northwest Woods Figure E. East campus. Nearly free of invasives; monitored by residents Being worked on by Polatin and residents. Northampton portion supported by a Northampton CPA grant. Being worked on by residents Proposed future work Bassett Brook 2d 2c City line 6 4 7 8 1 2a 2b 2c 3 5 9 10 11 12 13