Lia Honda Amendment for Lia Kia 09102009STORMWAI'ER MANAGEMENT PERNIIT Amendment to Permit City of Northampton Department of Public Work.., Project I Site Name: -=-_;;;__c=-=::..;:"-G'-:.:::__;_;;_-=.....:.....;;___=..;:.;;_=.:~------------­ Project Street or Location I Assessor ID: 263 King Street I Map 248, Parcel 067 Applicant Name: Forish Construction Co. Inc. Applicant Address/Phone: P.O. Box 358, Westfield, MA 01086 I 413-568-8624 Owner Owner Address/Phone: P.O. Box 5789, Albany, NY 12205 I 518-489-2111 Amendment Submission THE FOLLOWING ACTION BY THE NORTHAMP'fON DEPARTMENT 011" PUBLIC WORKS HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT OF AN ACTIVE PERMIT BASED ON INJ1"0RMATION PRESENTED: __ Approval of the Stormwater Management Permit Amendment. X Approval of the Stormwater Management Permit Amendment subject to any conditions, modifications or restrictions required by the Department of Public Works (see below) __ Disapproval of the Stormwater Management Permit Amendment based upon a determination that the proposed plan, as submitted, does not meet the purposes set forth in the Northampton Stormwater Management. Standard Permit Conditions: 1. All clearing, grading, drainage, construction, and development of the proposed Lia Kia Showroom sha11 be conducted in strict accordance with the following plans and information submitted with the application and as amended hy any conditions attached to this permit amendment. a. Lia Kia Site Plan at 263 King Street, Sheets 1-8, dated 7/16/2009, prepared and stamped by Mark A. McClusky, P.E. Huntley Associates, P.C. 2. All clearing, grading, drainage, construction, and development of the 263 King Street Lia Honda Vehicle Storage shall he conducted in strict accordance with the plans, information, and conditions specified in the Stormwalcr Management Permit Approval M:\Stormwatcr Pcrmils\Pcrmits_Activc\King Strcct\02(>3 Ki11g_Lia Hnnc.la\02(13 King St -Lia Honda_Amendmcnt I.doc Page l of 2 dated 4/27/06, revised plans and calculations dated l 0/ 17/2006 and as amended by the above referenced plans and information and as amended by conditions attached to this permit amendment. Specific Permit Conditions: 1. The Lia Kia Site Plan must be revised to reflect the approved As-Built Plan: Lia Honda: Additional Parking As-Built Plan, Sheet 1, dated 8/ 13/2009, stamped by Mark A. McClusky, P.E., Huntley Associates, P.C. 2. Based on the Lia Honda: Additional Parking As-Built Plan, Sheet 1, dated 8/13/2009, stamped by Mark A. McClusky, P.E., Huntley Associates, P.C., the south swale, east swalc, and final grading of the paved areas were not constructed according to the approved plans. Also, through inspection of the site by the DPW, it was discovered that the landscape islands were constructed with a crushed stone surface, instead of grass as specified in the approved drainage calculations. A letter and drainage calculations were submitted to the DPW on 9/9/2009 and 9/10/2009 by Mark McClusky, P.E. stating that ·'the overall stormwater management system for the Lia Honda Additional Parking area was constructed according to the original design plan (with field adjustments), and more importantly that post construction peak flows are less than original pre-construction conditions peak flows." The drainage calculations that were submitted on 9/10/2009 are not consistent with the As-Built Plan and therefore do not verify that the existing stormwater management system is functioning according lo the approved design to meet the requirements of the Northampton Stormwater Management Ordinance. Prior to issuance of a Building Permit for the proposed Lia Kia Showroom, the applicant shall submit drainage calculations of the stormwater system for the 2, 10, and 100 year design storm based on existing conditions of the site including actual inverts, actual volume of the east and south swales, and actual finish material in the islands. These drainage calculations shall be reviewed to the satisfaction or the DPW. If peak drainage flows for existing conditions are found to be increased to the 1 T private drain line or overall in comparison to the pre-construction peak llows, the applicant shall propose solutions to bring the drainage system into compliance with the Northampton Stormwater Management Ordinance. Final design and specifications of the stormwater management system and proposed development shall be approved by the DPW. 3. Lia Kia and Lia Honda must comply with aJI future operation, maintenance, inspection, and reporting requirements of the approved stormwater management systems or face notice(s) of violation and fines r non-compliance. cc. Planning Board c/o Office of Planning and Development Building Department Conservation Commission c/o Office or Planning and Development M:\Stormwatcr Pcrmits\Pcrmits_ Activc\King Stn.:ct\0261 King_ Lia Page 2 of 2 Honda Amendment I .doc