Letter Pam Hannah From: <phannah@northampton-k12.us> Date: Thu, Oct 30, 2014 at 7:40 PM Subject: JSS Playground Needs CPA Funding To: Downey Meyer <dmeyer@northampton-k12.us> Cc: Gwen Agna <gagna@northampton-k12.us>, slavalley@northamptonma.gov, Jo Comerford <jo.comerford@moveon.org> Dear Downey, I am writing today to lend my support to the Jackson Street School's application to the CPA for funding for the Ms. Agna Playground. It is crucial that the CPA financially support this project, without these funds the playground will not be able to constructed. This play area is a vital community resource, not only for the young people attending the school but for families in close proximity to the school. For our good neighbors in Hampshire Heights, Coachlight and Hathaway Farms, this play area at JSS is often referred to as "the park" as many of these families do not have a car and cannot afford the entrance fee to Look Park. Jackson Street School is one of the most racially, ethnically and class diverse schools in Northampton. Consider these statistics:  For 18% of JSS students, English is not their first language  43.5% of Jackson Street School’s families live in poverty; compared to Northampton as a whole where roughly 13.5% of residents live in poverty.  39.2% of JSS students are children of color; compared to roughly 12.5% at the Northampton city level.  24.5% of JSS students live with disabilities.  41.5% of JSS students receive free lunch.  55.2% of JSS students are considered high need. These students and this community, most vulnerable due to our society's lack of prioritizing the needs of all its citizens, need to see our fine city recognize their importance. One step in this direction would be the financial support from the CPA to build the Ms Agna Playground, to allow the construction of a playground where thousands and thousands of young people will have a safe place to grow, play and explore. I encourage you to do right by our community and ensure that this project is able to get completed. Please feel free to contact me at 413-222-8774 with questions. Thank you for giving this your immediate attention. Sincerely, Pam Hannah Ward 1 School Committee Member