08-017 Pettition to BOAppeals..OW city of Nortbampton Mao0atbuorttO BOARD OF APPEALS � 0 Room 15 City Hall Notice:—This petition must be filled out in ink or typewritten, filed in triplicate and accompanied by 3 sets of plans of the affected premises showing location, dimensions and area of the lot, and the locations, dimen- sions and the distance from the boundary lines of all structures erected and to be erected. It shall be filed at the office of the Board of Appeals and shall be accompanied by a Ming fee of $10.00. PETITION TO BOARD OF APPEALS and Aced L-_mtjt­jqmjL_ Petitioner(s) Bl C 3Z ty Northam ton "Utsea usett. ......... ....... ........ ........ ............. . ....... . ....... ........... ........................... ......... . .... . 6 1 are % ------ o I f The petitioner $ : the owneP, the premises affected by =80tatu" , this petition. (Cross out inapplicable wor s. n applicable to petitions for review). from We I Petition is hereby made for a i Variation in Ngements of Redidence B 44 Section of C. A of the City Ordinances of the City of Northampton. The Premises affected are situate on the North--..--.-- South—.---. East---- West _x a ide o£ North King �- 3168 _11atfield ROGA and North King Stre ­ . ....... feet distant from the corner of Street and are known as No. (no number)North Kin —Streef Description of Proposed Building EffismW 1. Size of building: front fed deep. a tory* Height - ------ -- ­-feet. from finished grade. 2. Occupancy or use: (of each floor) Callaxmaoxmal ham Use upon which subject petition is based (see paragraph 6 below); Main . ............ uze"w ........... .. ... . .. . ............ ..... .. 3. Zone District Date of erection (only if already existing) 5. Has there been a previous petition concerning the affected premises? . ............... 6. Description of proposed work and use: It is proposed that the cellar of the residential dwelling be used as a ....... &rjff fff f1.xtT­-­­...­.;f& iri -- tr6M7 plau 6 b'a6'fh'd'6ia f6f this The ing an 655ya ol mol-ox Xgh;kqj.0 ..... uphaiztexy..* ..' . ... ... ... .... upholstery and covers and cloth automobile tops as an accessory use* ..... ... .. I ....................... . .......... ........ . ......................... . ............. . ........................................... . ............................. .. ....................... . ....... . .......... . ....... .................... ...... 7. The reasons upon which I base my petition are as follows: The p UQ It _&main UsURI n business thoroughfare, situated in an area already beinglevoted to certain of higb from a chicken farm on opposite aide of highway, and approximAtely 1300 from a YY odQr.a.* 4ther--haz-ard.---and-1.s--pr.J mar y manval and light in nature. The building to be erected will have the appearance o f Ircuue wh­1 tre a me" set back at least 30f from _the highway. - ­ ­­ - ---- ------ ----- a.-..—.-/-- - -- ­ - - ---------- March 8, 1954 . ......... Date Signature Of owner or . ...... . ................ ........ ....... .. ......... ........ ................ ..... .. . ................................................................................................................ . ........................ . ............. �-� �. �,. I%mw • ,✓ m "d`:. scanned 1 _ digitized checked ____ _.. V N OAPTAl' KiivG rToQEE T e-41 C e r�� � the rG or�� owr�ea� G� Toh s3 AP'' 7� m N.� BO'NILO OF Jxrl CITY Or xORnwrmst mi*330 4pril ", 1954 Deolsion an Poution 0 u uA4 Yrarsoos K# Clo 1 WMAd It to out desislon thwt the varloAmee from She fftuiremonu of ri =, 73=� eau smary oom p a uml l wvied an ftir protts %W It "61.4sn't 000upwto vd%b the 4,00 %b*A %vo empl"s v *as %WW w1 jr J. Lo ordered 64404" $44 6009"d lb 00 Ve`*"Uft be &" oribed ab►Vos This is U0% 4 Ulfto ;*MIS* A, bl4g yer.-Alt mast be obw vd A04 from the I As p of J$IAJ;so *a's city Clerk Bids* luspo rialming Board 71OUtioner zNWOW 04 4ashust R# PALO JAV011"s *"soap scanned--; digitized -----.-- checked In *%no 1 -. O / S ATEIIENT OF Fii.CTS Petition of John Frank Cysz and Frances R. Cysz. Mr. Berate: I will read the notice that appeared in the paper. `then we will hear those in favor this petition. Toe Hoard of Appeals rt1l h62d 8 �Q Fr b�ea 'tiBr Is' � T43aR AXV, 15, ThTt §dytyr5 ` Ro(*n 15, City fDall. Th9s hearing is to be Held fUIP , pilr pose of a Variatlbn frown the 3t. of Section 12, C. 44 tIf thhe'E'Rl+s ,r the City of Nort K.Rtarle§.hE��e ��, As there seems to be no one else interested in this petition, we will hear the petitioner or his representative. Mr. Bowen: qty name A s Kenneth Bowen, attorney -at -law and 1 representaMr. Cysz in this matter. The proposed structure and land is Residence "B" on North King Street on the left hand side of the street. Westerly side of North King Street approximately 5/10 mile from the town line of Hatfield and the city line of Northampton, and are on the same side of the street down about 2 or 300 from a restuarant which used to be a clock repair shop. on the easterly side of the street a little bit south of the restuarant is a chicken farm. Further north, almost to the town line is a filling station, Labbee's filling station. All of these have been operating in this area, 5/10 mile away out from the city, in this area classified as Residence "B" all are developing along business lines. The purpose of this petition is to secure a variance from the zoning ordinances as it now stands. The petitioner wishes to use the basement of his home which he now owns and has secured a building permit, to conduct a small business which he is engaged in, at the r scanned digitiz checked 1 % . 1.0-� 2 - mr. Bowen (Contd.) present time and is known as the Custom Auto Shop the repairing of auto up- holstering and the repair and manufacture of cloth tops for convertibles. A shop which is nearly manual in nature and he has some small machines, stitiching machines. Stapling operations and these small stitching machines will make no noise at all. He He has to have the basement in his house anyway and wants to have permission to use this basement as his work operation. The building will be set back about 30 or if nor. Cysz says it is required he can set it back further than that. Set back 54 from the traveled service of the road. Minimize to an annulity to eliminate traffic hazard. Ample road to go way back into the house which is going to be his garage and basement as well. Now the house to all intents and purposes is going to look the some as anyother house. (The Board is shown pictures of the house which mr. Cysz plans to build). Mr. Tarshus: if phis work is on cars, you will natur- ally going to have them in the building. how big is this bab6mbnt to bay t0.r. Cysz: 46 x 26 as shown in the plan. i only work on one car at a time. if i have to keep a customer car over -night i will use the garage otherwise 1 will use it for my own purpose. Par `xar shu s : You won't have cars hanging around the place t nor. Bowen: Your work is such, that you oniy take care of one car at a time. scanned mr. Cysz: Yes, sir. digitized rsr. Bowen: &r. Cysz's work is such that you can't leave your car there and come back and pick up in a few hours. His work is by appoint- ment only. This is mainly slip covers work on upholstery You are fitted with slip covers or a new top for your car. There are only 3 parties in anyway than can be called abutters who live 200 on bath lines. #5, 43, and 2 all owned at the present time by Carl and Laura G. Schneider, and surrounding land owned by Ambrose and 0rvie Boyer. dw 'N .4 - 3 - Mr. Bowen(Contd.) Would you tell the gentlemen - :of the Board about this, please Mr. Cysz. Mr. Cysz. I talked with an agent for tars. Schneider and they would approve this project and at the same time I talked with mr. Boyer and atked him he if could be against my operating a small business and he would not be against it. mr. Tarshus: If you had to many cars there could you put them in the back of the buiidiag. tvIr Cysz; No sir. I have to have a large yard for my children. As a safety measure I would like them to have it in the back of the house and not have them anywhkre in front of the building. mr. Bowen: As stated in the Zoning Ordinances, under definitions, paragraph 11 23 ". " A customary home occupation" is an oc- oupation which customarily performed by the occupant in the normal course of his or her home duties such as sewing, cooking, washing clothee:j" Now it does say sewing and that it is why we have come to this Board in the proper way to request a variance. It also states in Rewidence " A" that "Customary home occupations carried on for profit by a resident occupant, wit# the assistance of not more than two employees regularly engaged therein. ter. Tarshus: How about signs? Cdr. Cysz: I would like to have a small sign. Mr. Berube: Any questions, gentlemen, if not. the Board will notify you gentlemen. scanned tip' u' dlgltl� ;� checked