May 9, 2013 Minutes The Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals Zoning Board Minutes of Meeting May 9, 2013 City of Northampton Council Chambers, 212 Main St., Northampton, MA Members Present: Time  Chair, David Bloomberg  Vice Chair, Malcolm B. “Barry” Smith  Sara Northrup  Bob Riddle, Assoc. Member  Elizabeth Silver, Associate Member Staff:  Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5:30 PM. David Bloomberg opened the request by Special permit for more than one sign at KIA-263 King St, Northampton Map ID 24B-67. Voting members: Malcolm Smith, Bob Riddle, Sara Northrup Ron Leveque presented the application for Kia presented the application. He noted that there were two additional signs being requested. Sara Northrup asked for clarification and review of the 11 sf service sign. David Bloomberg noted that the application indicated it was internally illuminated. Malcolm Smith asked why the rear sign was necessary.. Sara Northrup asked about the LED module sign setup and the lumens? Leveque was unsure. Upon motion by Malcolm Smith and second by Bob Riddle, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Sara Northrup stated an interest in putting the sign lights on a timer. Boar discussed possible condition. Upon motion by Malcolm Smith and second by Bob Riddle, the board voted unanimously to approve the sign with a condition that the sign lights be turned off one hour after closing and may be turned on at opening. 5:50 PM David Bloomberg opened the hearing on the request for a Commercial Finding Amendment 375 South St, Northampton Map ID 38C-20. Emily Baillergan, of Douglas Architect, representing the applicant gave an overview of the project for CrossFit Elizabeth Silver and David Bloomberg asked for clarification about how this permit fits with the previuos approval. Betty Duprey, owner, indicated that this was just a request to change the use allowed from office to membership health club and all other conditions would remain the same. Perry Hendrick, Owner of CrossFit described the class schedule, including Saturdays and Sundays (fewer on weekends than weekdays) Elizabeth Silver asked for hours of operation. Hendrick noted that they would open at 6 AM and have the last class end at 7 PM. Silver asked about music. Hendrick noted that music is played but not continuously. Kathy Borowski, member of Crossfit, spoke in favor of the application. Brian Lombardi, Northampton, spoke in favor and noted that the music played is not the blaring type. Mike Kusick, Pleasant Street spoke in favor of th epoject. Resident of 72 Musante Drive spoke in favor. Member, and owner of Shellburne Falls Roasters spoke in favor of the application. Betty Duprey noted that the neighborhood is in favor of the use. Baillergen noted that there was ample parking on site to accommodate members. Elizabeth Silver asked about sound buffers? Baillergen described the construction and that windows don’t open on the sides. The overhead door is the only opening to the space. The Board discussed the hours of operation and whether the approval should be associated with current owner. Upon motion by Bob Riddle and second by Malcolm Smith, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Bob Riddle and second by Sara Northrup the Board voted unanimously to approve the amendment to the Finding with condition that hours be from 5:30 a.m. to 8 PM and the permit was valid for the current applicant/ownership structure. The Board discussed minutes of 3-28. Upon motion by Bob Riddle and second by Sara Northrup the board voted unanimously to accept the minutes. Adjourn 6:30 PM .