05-068 671 Kennedy Rd PlanningFORM A NORTHAMPTON, MA Jan.25,1989 Date APPLICATION FOR ENDORSEMENT OF PLAN BELIEVED NOT TO REQUIRE APPROVAL File one completed form with the Planning Board and one copy with the City Clerk in accordance with the requirements of Section 3.02. To the Planning Board: The undersigned, believing that the accompanying plan of his /her property in the City of Northampton does not constitute division within the _ meaning of the Subdivision Control Law, herewith submits said plan for a determination and endorsement that Planning Board approval under the Subdivision Control Law is not required. 1. Applicant Christensen - Howard Inc. Print or type name Signat 76 King Street Northampton,MA 01060 586 -7222 Address Phone 2. Owner Christensen- Howard Inc. \_ Print or type name Signature 76 King Street Northampton MA 01060 586 -7222 Address / /� /� Phone 3. Surveyor Pharmer Engineering Corp. 1--v �. , _ ' Print or type name Signature 39 Mt.Tom Ave Holyoke MA 01040 533 -7276 Address Phone 4. Deed or property recorded in Hampshire County Registry, Book 3206 Page 1 5. Location and Description of Property: 12.27 acres more or less on the east side of Kennedy Road Date of Submjssion Febr v 1 8 9 City Cle k Signatures FOR TITLE OF ENCLOSED PERIMETER, SEE BOOK 3206, PAGE 1 , HAMPSHIRE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS. SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL RECORDED OR UNRECORDED RIGHTS —OF —WAY, EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS, AND, /OR ENCUMBRANCES IN FORCE AND APPLICABLE, IF ANY. THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROCEDURAL AND TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR THE PRACTICE OF LAND SURVEYING IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLLY OWNED BY ERIC B. GERVAIS & MARTHA S. GERVAIS THIS PLAN IS SUBJECT TO AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY ON THE GROUND. THIS PLAN HAS BEEN PREPARED FROM DEEDS AND REFERENCE PLANS, AND IS NOT THE RESULT OF AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY BY THIS OFFICE. THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED FROM INFORMAT!01-; SUPPLIED BY OTHERS, "` R Y AND IS NOT THE RESULT OF DEED OR RECORD RESEARCH, NOR A FIELD SURVEY BY THIS OFFICE. FOR REFERENCE, SEE PLAN ENTITLED "PLAN OF LAND IN NORTHAMPTON, MASS. SURVEYED FOR JOSEPH C. DICKINSON" PREPARED BY ALMER HUNTLEY JR. & ASSOC.INC. DATED FEB.25,198 AND RECORDED IN THE HAMPSHIRE COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS ON MARCH 6,1980 IN PLAN BOOK 113 PAGE 81. �J'd w � U � 0�rn � V � Y 0 cl ° � � Y _ p w w Cr Z (n <,O0 �r .n -- cii a� APPROVAL OF THE NORTHAMPTON PLANNING BOARD NOT REQUIRED UNDER THE SUBDIVISION CONTROL LAW. DATE: _ FEB 1 3 1980 FEET 0 25 50 100 150 200 ETERS _y _ 12.5M 25M 37.5M 50M 62.5�VI NORTHAMPTON, MASS. HAMPSHIRE COUNTY PLAN OF LOTS FOR CHRISTENSEN— HOWARD INC. scale PHARMER — jv ENGi ^EERING ` �M of J ob No B ook. No. CORPORATION 2771 603 WILL 3 D. C omp. Code I owtMAEr 2q IBM 44 -11 No y ACAD Code vf�f FG'�SI ER�`Oy` P 1 GENE (� INDICATES SITE OF PERK TEST N0. DESCRIPTION REVISIONS 2771 1/23/89 Dote DATE AUG.8 D rawing No. NO —L -5743 Scanned Digitized Checked HOLYOKE MASSACHUS;-TTS UL) -v(_Q '�_ H ry VVIOVy L KENNEDY ROAD 17g2 HAMPSHIRE COUNT"y