05-049 623 Kennedy Rd. con compermits, variances and ?rovals as recur ired by C.131 =_.90 been S. Have all (yes or no). �ca-h c � opies to o.-ie_inal Notice of Intent. obtained' „ +:) . 5 .,cY e6f e o5�i re= 25.00, paya to Citv of tort }.anntos. UtorV ❑C $ 5rt11a K ) 5 Enclosed is Stat bH yr r'S (pl „ „;S pbor'�c =oer of thei renresentat'_ve- 6. The name, address and te)e (if any) are as follows: NAN_F Attorney {y Ena�neer� F Ho- „ � � "i 7 m,re DU �DCSe C: � ADDR p55 �4 -7YY7 t4 �. 7 TS G.L. C.1'.' s_4 C �J "�0 ND'"')CF OF .._. :... �- t CU< E.7i.D UjaDER THE .p i,]_ F. P_-NA=Y G' .;-BT6 OF THIS FOR!{ SH 4LL $E :'i FCRid ATTACFED HERETO 77-'.D .LD Fc-( Or A PF RT ° Or 1WCI.UD SNC THE EN VIkGN �< -NTAL DF.TA � F :G MRy BD CONE,IDF2FD // —3e DATE Cc, oZE J5 r /� "::I:' rovlai ontain 1. Notice is hereby cactnvin`ayco jdbnietE�thereirp the jur'3cicticcn that the propose_ and is located in the �� O'_ said statute, I C'tV/To Book Face — 1 Recorded at the Recistry of C =rt;ficace (i`_ reci st er Ed) te lephone number of OWner(s) o_ the subject 2. The name (s), address and land are: F.DD ?_E ° S 1P r'II 1 JCS - r 2 �� KS !^ i G X + -'ed ' "_led Notice= and y�ECy" Tr �. tine dth 3. I have . iden:.ical 1-E G �J [�L foiio.ai nc. Date o na1 ) -atio NOV 1 6 W6 I V E � ' Con serF 016.1 C iy' zl I, ortrr an.?tor 1 F.ass DeDartment 0; Envirom: :. C'- }�} ° �i2 ar�ry6 ^e _IITAL pate 111 ?� Mass. St., Boston \� ccp_ F1 „i;TV MGNE �t J'. 100 Cambridge C "JI OF w. -4N7r D] Si,n of Wat9clay Tate (1 copy) 100 T7ashU6 St., BOSLOn permits, variances and ?rovals as recur ired by C.131 =_.90 been S. Have all (yes or no). �ca-h c � opies to o.-ie_inal Notice of Intent. obtained' „ +:) . 5 .,cY e6f e o5�i re= 25.00, paya to Citv of tort }.anntos. UtorV ❑C $ 5rt11a K ) 5 Enclosed is Stat bH yr r'S (pl „ „;S pbor'�c =oer of thei renresentat'_ve- 6. The name, address and te)e (if any) are as follows: NAN_F Attorney {y Ena�neer� F Ho- „ � � "i 7 m,re DU �DCSe C: � ADDR p55 �4 -7YY7 t4 C. =. 40 �1Y'T �<''D r I MASS- C4Uc1' °TS G.l� - 1.,7y� WETLAND PROTECTION ACT ENVIR6SKEIdTAL DATA FORM I. All parts of this form are to be filled out by the applicant o his agent under the provisions of G.L. CH.131 s.40. 2. Where a section is not relevant to the application in question, the words "Not applicable" should be entered on the appropriate line. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS OF APPLICANT MUNICIPALITIES WHERE ACTIVITY IS PROPOSED AND NOTICE IS FILED. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY INVOLVED IN APPLICATION (includine the dimensions of any existing buildings, decks marinas, existino_ cesspools) 19r' f DESCRIPTION OF MODIFICATIONS PROPOSED �Ir ON THE SITE, includinc grading, dredoing.d- c // ^" .� +� mf G,r G ,. . removal of vegetation, etc. Se Pfrc Tr -.k, A. SOILS 1. United State=_ De_cartment of Agriculture Soil Types (chew on map) 2. Permeability of soil on the site. (Dates of testing) 3. Rate of percolation of water through the soil. (Dates of testing) . q L 1.3 ., B. SJRFACE WATERS 1. Distance of site from nearest surface water (Late of measure_,t) njrv..! S. J1 _ ♦ :J_el -lee' �t. f�l 2. Sources of runoff wate- 3- Rate of runoff f.om the site S. Destination of runoff water 5. Chemical additives to ` 5 "' , water on the site C. GROUND COVER 1. Extent of existing impervious ground cover on the site 2. Extent of proposed impervious ground cover on the site acct k �x -2 y 3. Extent of existing vegetative cover on the site S. Extent of proposed vegetative _ cover on the site p r- s, 2 D. TOPDGRF.PrIY 1. Maximum existing elevation on site 3'.23' i' cr1 5r n c r k 2. Minimum existing elevation of site _ y 73 1 3. Maximum proposed elevation of site _. L -I.. -, r S. Minimum proposed elevation of site S. Description of proposed change in topooraphv E. GROUND WATER I. Minimum depth to water table on site (at time of filing) S�.7 P�9L 2. Maximum depth to water table on site (at time of filing) 3. Seasonal maximum around water elevation F. WATER SUPPLY 1. The source of the water to be provided to the site C, C II - 1 t r { g f ,J 2. The e>:pected water re�J rements (g.p.d.) for the site 3. The 1. <'s to which watt- will be put K - 3 - SEWAGE DISPOSA 1. Sewage disposal system (description and location on the site, of system) -. c. _. I c' .4 c 1 p, k / Per s i -i L 1, f e n d- ice 2. Expected content of the sewage effluents (human waste, pesticides, detergents, oils, heavy metals, other chemicals) N„..,.,r W:.s 3. Expected daily volumes of seI age nl 1 fry � H. SOLID HASTE 1. Estimated quantity of solid waste - to be developed on the site 2. Method for disposal of solid waste 3. Plans for recvcling of solid waste I. BOAT YARDS, DOCKS, MARINAS 1. Capacity of marina (numo =r of y boats, running feet) rV 2. Description of docks and floats (site, dimensions) 3. De=scription of sew•ae_e pumpout facilities (type of waste disposal) 4, Description of fuelling facilities and fuel storage tanks 5. Description of fuel spill prevention measures and ecuipment J. IMPACT OF PROPOSED ACTION APPLIED FOR 1. Effects on plant species (upland and marine) 2. Eff( or. marines =p^cee f in ish) - 4 _ 3. Effects on drainage and runoff 1 1 to '1 1 , - r »�c+i s6�. to us. I he nbr. �-e rl 4. Effects on siltation of surface waters 5. Effects on groundwater quality 6. Effects on surface water quality K. ALTSRKATIVES TO PROPOSED ACTION 1. Describe alternatives to the rECUCCted action 2. Describe the benefits of the requested action over the alternatives r s. +. . -n 1 . Hr �f� {�rl�� e. o� Lt�IG C: e.I�. /�I) �t w.'1/ �r re .•.v. w[[K and ,elr k'rl 1 4, Yn ,'n3 Cr v..: .,; �: :�� �; �1, lAy �a /[S r ,. 5're 1c� y ..,[ > 7 AS y[. aJe , O f 1tr 7 L JZ:' �J.:ii JF.,C' -ji 'IS L MA WETLAND PROTYC'PION ACT G.L.c.131 s.4 � 01 FILE NUM3ER: 246 -38 PROJECT LOCATION: Kennedy Road L MA TO: Joseph C. Dickinson et al CERT. MAIL NO: 864385 Audubon Road, Leeds, MA RE: NOTICE OF INTENT AND PLANS DAmFD 9/22/77 DATE OF RECEIPT BY DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: 10/3/77 CONSERVATION CO'1 continued to 10/17/77 Sept. 22, 1977. Pursuant to the authority of G.L. c.131 5.40, the 1 ?TON CONSERVXI'ICN CON_dISSION has considered your notice of intent and plans submitted therewith, and has determined that the area on which the proposed work is to be done is significant to one or more of the interests described in the said act. The NORTHAMPTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION hereby orders that the following conditions are necessary and all work must be performed in strict conformance therewith: CONDITIONS I. Failure to comply with all conditions stated herein, and with all related statutes and other regulatory measures, shall be deemed cause to revoke or modify this order. 2. This order does not grant any property rights or any exclusive privileges; it does not authorize any injury to private property or invasion of private rights. 3. '' order does not relieve the permittee or any other person of the necessity of complying with all other applicable federal, state, or local statutes, ordinances, by -laws and /or regulations. - 4. The work authorized hereunder shall be completed within one (1) year from the date of this order. The order may be extended by the issuing authority for one or more additional one -year periods upon application to the said issuing authority at least thirty days prior to the expiration date of the order or its extension. 5. Any fill used in connection with this project shall be clean fill, containing no trash, refuse, rubbish or debris, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, lumber, bricks, plaster, wire, lath, paper, cardboard, pipe, .tires, ashes, refrigerators, motor vehicles or parts of any of the foregoing. 6. No work may be commenced until all appeal periods have elapsed from the order of the Conservation Commission or from a final order by th De art-cut of - r:_ronmental quality 2 =�Lr - : -38 1 , r „ _ I C _ to the proposed project, has b, =n recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the district in ti:hi cii Lhe land is located. Copy to h'° FL lished to issuer of Lhis G;d er siho..ing book a_nd page. S. Upon co,7 of the work. described herein, the applicant h <a11 f_yt -hwith recu cs t, in wri, i - ,n, f -h _t at r rti:ieate of C,- ,,plil- ee be issued s - .trng th jt the work has been satisfactorily completed. 9. A sits shall be di, =_played at the site not less than two square _ ^et or more than tht - e.^ 5o1are feet nearing the words, "Massachusetts Department of Environ;nental Q Fnoinaerim, File 10. - r;ere _ --Dr. ox 1, or al y = - n ;s req•,: -seed to -_ke a c. ter,nlnation and to is to a s_ m ro� -ng c-der, the Conservation CCVL nission shall be a party to all ag c e eny procedings and hearings before the Department of Zi vire- en'tal C.:al y - nlineering, 11. The work shall conform to the following described plans and a6ditional. conditions: 12. All work to be done shall be in accordance with the plan prepared by Huntley and Associates, dated 9/17/77 and revised 10/17/77. 13. It shall be recorded with deed and transmitted with deed that the wetland in the front yard is under the jurisdiction of Ch. 131, section 40 and any alteration is subject to review by the Northampton Conservation Commission. 14. No work or activity, other than that indicated on the above mentioned plans, shall take place; and in no event shall any construction activity take place within20 feet of the border of the wetland area (other than work on the driveway). 15. The setback of the septic system from the wetland shall comply with the City of Northampton Board of Health regulations, but in no event shall the septic system be less than 50 feet from the wetland, according to standards set by the State. PAGE 3 r TI,E No. = H. The applicant, any person aggrieved by this order, any owner of land abutting the land upon which the proposed work is to be done„ or : y ken residents of the city or town in which such land is located, -re here -by aOti zed of their richt to appeal this order to the Dept. of r Q -zhty Engineering, provided the request is made in writing and by certi`ied mail to the -J-0t, of E ^�_rorne ,tal Q'�ality Engineering wit`' -ln ten (10) days from the issv�nce of this order. ISSSD 3Y - - - ---- October 17 1977 Date of Issuance c. of 197d, before me personally 6n -his �'F�'� _ - ed - to ) k pwn to�be ale per on da-' i °, in - nd who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act ..._,d deed. ��- :y ccrni ssion er_ ires: as aq 5 FILE N p1 =cBp 246 -3m TO: Joseph Dickinson 7 A 7 �ddub 5 on Road RE: '38' IC I r'I 8t' S SN'rr:NT nEr.,;:.ND RoI crrics AcT G.L.c.131 s -40 PROJECT ],[_ hennedy Road iJOrthe mpcon, is CERT. M A TL NO: AND PLANS DATED:10 /26 /76 DATE OF RECEIPT 3y I0/29/76 DATE OF PUBLIC H_:ARINC: 11/15/76 CONSERVATION COMidISSION: Pu su nt ro the authority of G -b e.]31 s 90, COiiI�1I:i3 the as hc sv your notice of intent and plc's amitted tnerewitn, and has determined proposed work 'Lot the area on which the is to be done ie s5cnificant to one or more of inicre__ =_te descr d bea in he sai act. The IdOHTId - EPTCN MT C hereny qra-_ .at the fo1]owi ne GhiNiI�th e conditions are necse.ary and mu si be per :`ormed in e strict conformance therewith: all work COND TT O - - Failure to co;nply with all conditions stated herein, and with all relate " 117 _ �� otner reoul�tory mce st;r es, to Tcvo e o ➢O fv this order. r flall be deemed 2 . This o�d.ar does net oran? any :- cn�rty niivileces,- -u does not - f i c'"s or any exclt!siye n vesi cr, c- nriva -e rights ilo` =zL anV iniury to nriczte vrooerty o_ 3. This order does not relieve the oenr,ittee or any o'Lher person o the necessaty of eomnlying with all other aopI icable £c- deral, state or Ideal statutes, ordinances, by -lzws and /or reau?ati on s. 4. The work al;thorized hereunder shall be co- joleted wi thy❑ one (1) yr -ar issuin ut from the date D£ this order - The order n�,ay be cstended by the :- horitv for one or more ,ddit;on it one -year periods upon t o th e t'on to the said issnino oi, , ;,Ofity at Icaa -et thirty days to the ezoiration cite of the order o r Y -s cxt...s anon. S- Any �i11 used in connection with this project shall be clean _`ill, contci r, i_n❑ no trz sn, refuse, rubbish or debris, including, withon llmitino he oenelaliry or the -c eoojn wire, 1 tr 1ner, caidsoard, e, g n -i rc - i r. M vehicles or parts of any o - h� �r -oc „� -- o o:s - E- No work may be cc -�cea until aa� �pca oeri ods . r the orde of th Corory S Co r a ve r'�n5ed om on the cr Deo- >>on o mom a final o�der by ��a_aa Re =ouac .as - .11 - +ed- m - 10 - COliu'Ti0_: C0%71 :1 /'V GAGE 2 F7� NO. 7. No .,ork shall be and ertai:en : - ,til a.e final Order, with res,>act to the progosed oroject, has been recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the district in which the land is located. Copy to be furnished to is =uer of this Order showing book and page. 8. Upon completion of the work described herein, the applicant - shall forthwith req'acst, in writing, that a Certificate of Compliance be issued stating that the work has been satisfactorily completed. - 9. A sign shall be disp'ayed at the site not less than two square feet or more than three square feet bearing the words, "Massachusetts Department of Natural Resources, File Number 9401 10. Where the Department of Natural Resources is requested to make a determination and to issue a superseding order, the Conservation Commission shall be a parry to all agency proceedings and hearings before the Department -of .Natural Resources -.__ 11. The work shall conform to the following described plans and additional. conditions: 12. The applicant shall conform to the distances as set forth on the plan filed with the application in regard to distance of the dwelling from the road, distance of the dwelling to the brook, distance of t3 i6+' � g the leach field to the brook shall be at least 100 feet as shown on the plan. - 31 - COFfJ 1'_ IJ [ S CON'rTNVED PPG[, FILE No. ,6_ The applicant, any person aggrieved by this order, any owner of :and abutting the land noon which the proposed work is to be done, or any ten resiuents of the city or town in - which such land is located, are hereby notified of their riant to appeal this order to the Dept. of r7,viron,e tai Cuality Engineering, provided the request is made in writing and by certified mail to the Dept. o' Esvirocr,antal Q' -ality :gineerng 'Natein ten (10) says :rpm the issuance of this order. is,-unD By Northampton Conservation Commission On this _ - �' I _� _ day of be( , 1976, before me personally to me known to be the *,person describ °d in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledo_ed that he executed the same as his `nee act and deed. � � ::�:que�;r,D AY: ___._Joe Di ^nin LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: DATE: 5L8 7 __ OBSERVER: CT, T. Groundwate- none Perc Pate 4_011.3 min /in _ 1 ' Groundwater Perc Rat' I OTS S .. i I silty sand I3'0" I 8' 0" Imedium l and sand - -I1' 0" ( medium to fine sand i3'7" some stones Groundwater none_ 3.67 Perc Rate 7 .30 mi n /in G- our,dvater Perc P.3re * Overnight Test ALMER HUNTLEY, JR., U ASSMATFS, INC. S[�dVEYOAS LNGINEERS - PLI.CNERS OTS 5" silty sand 2'6" 8 modium gravel with sand 1'3" medium to find sand 3'10" J I L J Groundwate- none Perc Pate 4_011.3 min /in _ 1 ' Groundwater Perc Rat' I OTS S .. i I silty sand I3'0" I 8' 0" Imedium l and sand - -I1' 0" ( medium to fine sand i3'7" some stones Groundwater none_ 3.67 Perc Rate 7 .30 mi n /in G- our,dvater Perc P.3re * Overnight Test ALMER HUNTLEY, JR., U ASSMATFS, INC. S[�dVEYOAS LNGINEERS - PLI.CNERS Ig ° MIN a-O" y.Gu MGJC. O. C. L(M,1T5 I -1�� 1 �s?tl�vri�ry �r_x To F�- ,NOti C'NC LAID LEVEL C2 AT _:=q5T %N: =_ LrNoTf� uF OF A.k'f•4 G,J ll�''FII l J l � , "K CS PL AINJ VIEW ,LOAM & SEcD WASLIE7D S ?'jK` ?14 "ro Nz` ,N:.SUEDS1ouE ��' ovea j 10 "MIN• � _`LZ� ` - ?" HIN 0 � 1 c X15T'tNG t. ° o i S sl�E vIEW ,LOAM & SEcD WASLIE7D S ?'jK` ?14 "ro Nz` ,N:.SUEDS1ouE ��' ovea j 10 "MIN• � _`LZ� ` - ?" HIN 0 duo t. ° o i X_ �EcT�oN NOTES ALL V4RK TC Pb DC!�'E IN ACCOrCnNCE WITH 57A'E Y, ,, . 5 5 CI'?! _..a I CCY 1 1T 1P z i (L t U Si:'i'i'S q.1.. C. "I �a.40 C }.i PI<I('A'f 1. OF F CITY OF N vr1' ON ,A ,P. C' iu 1 l 7 S •: ; - .] 7 Cr 'P - N i dv 1, 11 3� r a )A'PF, ,fu1v 11 l9,? j 0 It is i:cn-'oy certified that the work rnaulated t:y nn Orcer of row s1 t i�_ns natod - _ - =1- �ag the i :ru cx_ ng 7 -car �0� -nt of c,Y "I :alioy A censer vaticn C >. c:.. sio❑ �� r has been satisfactorily ccmoleted. 'Phis Certificate shall be recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the district in which the land is located. 'Lhe order was orioirally recorded on in 1 967 57 _ (date — (boo-k page) Signature On t}�is_ x - day of S 19_�IZ, beVore me ncrsonally appea v to me known to be the person described in and who ezecvted t - .he foregoing instri;tncnt and ac_'moW}nlged that he execiOcd the some as his free act and deed acy piibl is c cp res Fl -34–