2012 CPA Report #30 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 413-587-1570 Fax 413-587-1576 Edward S. Huntley, P.E. Director Pg.1/2, M:\Stormwater Program\Grant Proposals\2009 CPA Application\DPW CPA Project_Memo 20130206.doc Memorandum To: Downey Meyer, Chair, Community Preservation Committee From: Douglas McDonald, Environmental Planner Date: February 6, 2013 Re: DPW Water Protection CPA Project-Request for Reprogramming The Northampton Department of Public Works (DPW) secured a grant award from Northampton Community Preservation Committee in 2010 for the DPW Open Space Preservation Project. The project consists of providing signage and labels at river crossings and stormwater conveyances throughout the City. The DPW would like to request the reprogramming of funds for the project to focus 100% of the funds on the purchase and installation of a greater number of higher durability storm drain markers and the elimination of the proposed signage at river and brook crossings. The reasons for requesting this change are a result of problems in the quality and durability of the plastic storm drain markers that had originally been proposed as well as an increase over the estimated cost for the actual design and fabrication of the proposed river crossing signs. As a result, the DPW feels that it is prudent and more efficient to focus the funding under this project on higher quality storm drain markers alone. Most of the plastic markers that had been installed earlier in downtown Northampton (prior to this grant) have either been completely peeled off or the design scraped off. The higher quality markers would be stainless steel and secured with adhesive as well as with a rivet where possible. The stainless steel markers cost $3.15 to $3.50 each compared to $1.51 for the plastic markers originally proposed. We feel that the stainless steel markers will stay secured with a legible message much longer than the plastic markers. The original proposal included the purchase and installation of 800 storm drain labels and 30 river crossing signs. This request for reprogramming would include the purchase and installation of 1,200 stainless steel storm drain labels (please see attached cost table). The DPW is planning to purchase and install the storm drain labels and complete the project this spring. We appreciate consideration by the CPC of this request for reprogramming and look forward to the completion of this important project. Please let me know if you or the CPC have any questions or need additional information regarding this request. Pg.2/2 Northampton DPW Storm Drain Marker Cost Quantity Cost Per Unit Cost Materials: Stainless Steel Storm Drain Marker 950 $3.15 $2,992.50 Stainless Steel Storm Drain Marker w/Hole 250 $3.50 $875.00 Adhesive (tube) 79 $8.75 $691.25 Rivets 250 $0.25 $62.50 Shipping (approx) $100.00 Total Materials $4,721.25 Labor & Equipment 1200 $3.13 $3,750.00 Total $8,471.25