High Meadow Rd Definitive SubdivisionTo: City Clerk The (Attest) cc: NOTICE OF SUBDIVISION APPROVAL OR DISAPPROVAL The Planning Board on November 1, 198/ by 7 -1 ' • Date DIISAP APPROVED MODIFIED AND APPROVED with bonds or surety '(cross with conditions . out one) ENDORSED: "Planning Board approval under Subdivision Control Law not required." following subdivision plan: Name or description High Meadow Road off of Florence Road New street names High Meadow goad submitted by Gerald Jackson address P.O Box 1209 Northamptorj. rIA 01(161 on 9/27/84 pending termination of the (Sec., Planning Board) Eric.: (to City Clerk and applicant only) certified copy of Planning Board .vote if disapproved or modified. Applicant Building Inspector date Board of Public Works Fire Department statutory twenty -day appeal period. 40 with bonds or surety (cross with conditions out one) fried) (Ch., Pi -nning Board Police Department Board of Assessors FORM F 1 of 3 NORTHAMPTON, MASS Date' Registrar of Voters File Conservation — Commission vote Applicant (6) City Engineer (1) Assessors (1) File (1) The conditions are as follows: FORM F 2 of 3 NORTHAMPTON, MASS. 11 -2 -84 Date After twenty (20) days without notice of appeal, endorsed blue- prints, if approved, will be transmitted to: 1. The waiver of the depth requirement of bituminous concrete on the proposed roadway within the subdivision from 5" to 3" is granted. • 2. The waiver of the elimination of sidewalks within the proposed subdivision is granted. 3. The waiver for reduction of road width to 26' is denied. 4. The waiver to decrease minimum lot frontage around the cul -de -sac by 20 percent is granted. 5. The developer can install Cape Cod berms from Station 2 +00 to the end of the cul -de -sac. From Station.0 +00 to Station 2 +00 regular berms shall be used. 6. The waiver of the 60' layout'wi.dth to 50' from Florence Road to a point 150' northeasterly along the proposed roadway is granted. 7. The waiver of total length of cul -de -sac in excess of 500' is granted.. 8. The scale (1' =100') and the lack of contours (see Sheet 1 of 3 of plans) of the Definitive Plans is acceptable due to the small scale of the roadway in relation to the total size of the parcel. 9. Vehicular access to lots 1 through 8.shall only be permitted from High' Meadow Road, 10. Name of street should be put on the plans. 11. Drainage easement shown along westerly side of lot 4 shall be 30' wide. 12. Outlet of culvert at the cul-de -sac should be flared end and swale should be rip- rapped for 50', with energy dissipators.. 13. An extra water gate shall be placed at Station 0 +10. 14. Building restriction areas as shown., on the plans shall become part of the deeds of the respective parcels as deed restrictions. 15. Other land to be retained by ; Gerald Jackson shall be designated as "not _a building lot" on the plans. 16. The developer shall provide two hydrants. One at Station 0 +50 and the other at the far end of the cul -de -sac opposite property line of Lots 4 and 5. 17. The applicant shall provide the City with a Performance. Guarantee, subject to approval of the Planning Board and City Solicitor prior tothe commencemen_t.of construction. Said Performance Guarantee may take the form of either,1) a covenant or 2) a bond, deposit of money or negotiable security or.a letter•of credit in conformance with the provisions of Section 81 -U of Chapter 41, MGL, Should the developer choose -,a bond, deposit of money or negotiable security or letter of credit, then the developer shall . complete all public roads and utilities nine months prior to expiration date of bond -to enable the City to - draw upon bond: if necessary. The monetary value of the bond`sha;ll be agreed upon by the DPW be 100% Of the cost of completion`as o.f "the .date the bona:- expir e FORM F 3 of .3 NORTHAMPTON, MASS, , 11 -2 -84 18. The developer shall notify in writing the DPW and Planning Board five days in advance of the date of commencement on construction, and subsequent phases of construction so that proper inspection can take place. • 19. Add "between street sidelines" so that Note 1 reads "Roadway right -of way between street sidelines to be cleared of all trees and brush." 20. Width . of Florence Road and abutters along Florence Road opposite subdivision should be shown on the plans. 21. All areas within the layout to be foamed and seeded (No rip -rap). 22. The developer shall furnish and install street identification signs according to DPW standards at the intersection. 23. The developer shall construct'the cul -de - sac as shown on the construction plans with the central area of the -de - sac planted with appropriate low - maintenance vegetation to be approved,by the Planning Board. 24. The developer shall provide the materials and the City shall extend the 12" storm main to the rear of the houses on the westerly side of Florence. Road. 25. Eliminate the note "w/waste" under water specifications. 26: The Diemand driveway (334 Florence Road) shall be relocated so that it exits at a right angle to the proposed street at Station 0 +15 +. The Tessier driveway (322 Florence Road) shall be similarly relocated only .with the owner's consent. The developer shall. provide plans for the Planning Board's approval of how th'e above work is to be done and guarantees that all work on private property shall be completed to the owner's satisfaction. 27. High tension wires easement to be shown and designated as such on the plans,. 28. The stone wall along the Diemand's property will be taken down or moved•back onto private property at the developer's expense. 29. The developer shall submit revised Definitive Plans with the above required changes, for the Planning Board's endorsement following the expiration of the statutory Appeal period:(where no.Appeal` has been, filed) and prior to the commencement of construction. �b D) f1 • N fD •' ^ ' trf o `-5 rt e `"• ° � ro N rt G 0 In �P `v N o�a "w , • •0 0 6 • 0 ° C. ',D N ° 7 Fa' D CD p ^C rn 80 4,5* D N y (D 0 g o o ,0 a a ^ ti ° ro r P n „ • G CD w C a. ?D' w SD cw " 1-n o a; � P-oa o o y • o w aro0 p a a' Pi- av 0 .,, g. N CD h N C 9-1 (D fD y a w ` p • h1. -• �*+ N t o ?'. ro 0 N O N ° ° rb �DO r E � -r b o. o , ( gy ryp CD D a Z 0 0 g 0 • 0 RI" to D n 0 co on co CD 0 co O CD Ft CD �p a4 CPQ 5' 5 0 U CD CD co w CD C A.1 0 M co HH F< r V to 0 n H H l� Co H n o Pi En) CD CD co CD N a+ • rt co II-' +o O CD E • L 5 +a I M 4 0 : H n ,c N. cn O CD ro rr CD 5 CD n CD CD CD •O a + 0 rn r H- 4 rt U1 CD CD CD 0 0 H n 0d (!) n co* 0 (D '"-: CD CD CD r n 0 a 0 CD . 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