Florence Rd Drainage Easement PlanOFFICIAL MEET — 1G MINUTES NORTHAMPTON L iSERVATION COMMISSION MAY 19, 1980 PRESENT: B. Shannon, P. Melnik, M. Maronn, R. Carnes, J. Brooks, P. Klejna, P. McNulty, Reporters from the Gazette and WHMP, A. Clemente, Mr. and Mrs. Plaza, W. Girardi, Mr. McGrath, N. Paulsen, the Kubosiaks, J. Watras, R. Stanisewski, the Kosiols, Mr. Svoboda, Mr. Bobulus, and P. Baye. PUBLIC HEARING - City DPW for Drainage Improvements on Florence Road and Scanlon Avenue. The public hearing was officially opened at 7:35 PM, and the public hearing notice was read. Peter McNulty, Assistant City DPW Director, presented the DPW's plans. The Notice of Intent covered two related drainage projects which were a response to local storm water conditions on Scanlon Avenue. On' Florence Road, a catch basin would be installed along with 90 feet of storm line. Two- thirds of an acre of catchment area would be involved, he said. On Scanlon Avenue, two catch basins would be installed and a new storm line would go 85 feet to a line down Bliss Street to an outfall about 320 feet away, at the small stream which passes under a small 'bridge. Immediately downstream is the Plaza property. Mr. McNulty said that the plans were a response to serious problems with ice in the winter time. Mr. Bobulus stated that there were severely inadequate drainage facilities in the general project area. He cited a twelve -inch storm line which had recently failed. Richard Carnes said that oversizing the storm lines might be critical to handle increased flows in the future. He asked if the flows from the proposed catch basins could be ultimately diverted into a future bigger storm line outfalling into the Mill River. Mr. Plaza of Bliss Street stated that as far as the existing Bliss Street/Willow Street storm sewer system went, it was inadequate to handle large storms. He felt that the proposed project would make worse serious flooding on his land. In recent years, the flash flooding from upstream urbanized areas had become progressively worse. He asked that the project not be built as planned. Mr. Svoboda of Bliss Street spoke in favor of the project. He stated that his property, with its recently built house, was periodically inundated by storm water from Florence Road and Scanlon Avenue. Mr. Plaza read a letter from the Commission to the BPW dated Octo- ber 5, 1979, which cited the reasons for denying a previous Notice of Intent, submitted by the City DPW. The letter had stated that problems were just being switched from one area to another; a comprehensive drainage study was needed. Mr. McNulty stated that his department had neither the money nor the manpower to construct major drainage improvements. Mrs. Plaza asked if any drainage calculations had been done for the drainage area of the small brook. Mr. McNulty said no. He also asked if a cost analysis had been done to compare the repair option with the capital investment option. Figures were not available. James Brooks stated that a completely new storm line was needed. He cited a pipe sizing discrepancy. He asked for more precise facts and figures, even though they took some time and effort to produce. He asked for total watershed flow calculations, and requested that no money be invested, except into a large new line which outfalled directly into the Mill River. Mr. Bobulus spoke in opposition to the proposal. One 'blunder" about fifteen years ago had tied a 16 inch line from the Florence Heights Housing into a 12 inch line. He stated that the City DPW had, over time, poorly sequenced a number of incremental projects. Mr. McGrath of Bliss Street stated that increased storm flows into the brook would probably wash out the road around the bridge. He stated that the brook had left a defined, narrow channel and had widened and begun to meander. Mr. Bobulus suggested that the bridge culvert was probably too small in diameter. Mrs. Plaza stated that the DPW should study various types of storms in regard to duration and volume. The hearing was closed at 8:05 PM. REGULAR. I "IEETING The regular meeting was opened at 8:05 PM. Paulsen - Crestview Drive Mason Maronn cited deficiencies in compliance with the Order of Conditions. These included: dirt piles, no swales, sheet erosion. P. Melnik stated that KV Realty had applied for the Order of Conditions but Keddy Builders had owned the title to the property, and that the failure to record in the Registry was tantamount to fraud. To make matters worse, Mr. Paulsen had conveyed all the properties. Mr. Paulsen claimed that the situation was pretty well under control, that he was attempting to comply. A motion was made to drop the matter. It failed 2 - 1. A motion was passed that whoever was now legally responsible for complying with the Order of Conditions must do so. A motion was passed to send notice to past and present property owners that the Order of Conditions had to be complied with by the new owners -of- record. Kubosiak - Coles Meadow Road Mr, Kubosiak appeared and explained that he had demolished a barn on Coles Meadow Road, and that he was going to clean up all debris near the brook and seed the area. Duda - Oxbow Marina It was decided that P. Melnik, B. Shannon and R. Hubley would speak to the City Solicitor about the status of the criminal case against Mr. Duda. Baye - Ventures Field Filling Mr. Baye stated that he was complying with the SCS plans and that he had installed a large drain under Ventures Field Road. Mrs. Watras asked Mr. Baye what was going to become of the loam on his land. Mr. Stanisewski, an abutter, stated that he didn't want new storm water in his property. A motion was passed that the filling of the land be resumed if the new culvert's elevations were checked and approved by the DPW and the SCS. Kosiol - Potash Road - Proposed Filling Ron Kosiol presented plans for filling developed by the SCS. He stated that his family had a hardship case, as the wet farmland had been received in a land - taking settlement. After discussion a motion was passed that in regard to the SCS plans for Kosiol dated 5/15/80, the proposed activity was not siynificant. OTHER BUSINESS The City Lands Manager reported on a proposed shade tree ordinance and other items. Elections Patrick Melnik was elected President and Mason Maronn, Vice President. The meeting was adjourned at 10:13 PM. Patrick J. Melnik, President Byram Shannon Secretary CITY/TOWN Northampton CERTIFIED MAIL NUMBER Hand Delivered Recorded at Registry of Certificate (if registered) REGARDING: of Intent dated - FORM 4 ORDER OF CONDITIONS W E T L A N D S F R O T E C T I O N A C T G.L.C. 131, s. 40 N/A April 28, 1980 . and plans titled and dated Untitled, undated, THIS ORDERIS ISSUED ON(date) June 2, 1980 246 -67 Fi /7 FILE NUMBER 246 -67 TO: NAME The City of Northampton, DPW ADDRESS Locust Street Northampton, Mass. PROJECT LOCATION: Address Florence Road at the Intersection of Scanlon Ave. , Book , Page sheets: 1 " =40 Date of base April 1974. Pursuant to the authority of G.L. c. 131, s. 40, the Northampton Conservation '_C`,ccmrn a i oz has reviewed your Notice of Intent and plans identified above, and has determined that the area on which the proposed work is to be done is significant to one or more of the interests listed in G.L. c. 131, s. 40. ATb Conservation Commission hereby orders that the following conditions are .necessary to protect said interests and all work Shall be performed in strict accordance with them and with the Notice•of Intent and plans identified above except where such " -- plans are modified by said conditions. CONDITIONS 1. Failure to comply with all conditions stated herein,_and with all related statutes and other regulatory measures, shall be deemed cause to revoke or codify this order. 2. .This order does not grant any property rights or any exclusive privileges; it does .not authorize any injury to private property or invasion of private rights. 3. This order does not relieve the permittee or any other person of the necessity of •complying with all other applicable federal, -state or local statutes, ordinances, by -laws and /or regulations. in OF CONDITIONS CONTINUED 11 this oje shall •e cl n -- fi deb is, - in udin;, with t li ting regg um r, is %•, aster wire lath .apex card••ard efriger ors, mo r v hi es or its -f any •f the oreg- ng. No work may be commenced until all appeal periods have elapsed from the order of the Conservation Commission or from a final order by the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering. No work shall be undertaken until the final order, with respect to the proposed project, has been recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the district in which the land is located within the chain of title of the affected property. The Document number indicating such recording shall be submitted on the form at the end of this order to the issuer of this order prior to commencement of work. Further, if the Order of Conditions is not recorded within 7 days after the end of the ten day appeal period, the Conservation Commission will impose a twenty- five dollar ($ 25.00 ) service charge for recording by an agent of the Commission._. A n all e d pp the r aqua fe bi the ity gin eying u er NA - 2 FILE NO. 246 - 67 6 044, Where the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering is requested to make a - determination and to issue a superseding order, the Conservation Commission shall be a party to all agency proceedings and hearings before the Department. x)+'• Ur p n l io of a rk esc , yerei , p ic � 7 sh i 7 s�que , n iti hat C of ate f i ce b t e d - at t woo N IA* b ear i act ily corn et . 77,4/". The work shall conform to the following described plans and additional conditions: Undated, untitled plan on 2 sheets at 1 " =40 °,base is dated April 1974 • by G.E.Q. 8. In regard to the Notice of Intent, 246 -67, the Northampton Conservation Commission does not give approval for the proposed activity to be conducted, as it is felt that the stream into which the additional flows would be introduced is presently overtaxed by the velocities and volumes of stormwater that enter it. The Commission is of the opinion that a more comprehensive analysis of the problems that the Notice of Intent attempted to respond to is in order. The Commission calls attention to the letter dated October 5, 1979 from the Commission to the City Engineer re: 246 -61, Notice of Intent and Order of Conditions for proposed storm drainage improvements on Florence Rd. and Scanlon Ave. The Northampton Conservation Commission finds that there are no reasonable conditions that could be made under this Notice of Intent to prevent -additional flooding from occurring downstream from the prpposed improvements. ,,iOF CONDITIONS CONTINUED The applicant, any person by this order, -any owner of land abutting the land upon Which the proposed work is to be done, or any ten residents of the City or town -in which such land is located, are hereby notified of their right to appeal this to the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering provided the request is made in writing and by certified mail to the Department within ten (10) days from the issuance of this order. — .ISSUED BY p Tr,rtham Can .as ation Commission Jung 2 t 1 9$4. 'Date of Issuance On this . %;,... 11 -- -- day of -LVri_c_ 19° , before me personally appeared A -i..Li_ . n..(1 , _ -r.2 1 i ,e , �- i,�7e / to me known to be the 'erson described in, a nd who executed, the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed. ON (DATE) - My Commission expire 70 (Issuing Authority) PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE ORDER OF CONDITIONS FOR THE-PROJECT AT TILE NUMBER , HAS BEEN RECORDED'AT THE REGISTRY OF Signed P ILE NO. 246 -67 DETACH ON DOTTED LINE AND EMIT TO THE ISSUER OF THIS AMUCK PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK, If recorded land,'the instrument number which identifies this transaction is ,___ .If_ registered land, the document number which identifies this transaction is Applicant 310 CMR 10.99 Form 5 . ___ Commonwealth + = of Massachusetts From To City of Northampton, D.P.W. Address Order of Conditions Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act G.L. C. 131, §40 AND THE NORTHAMPTON WETLANDS PROTECTION ORDINANCE Northampton Conservation Commission (Name of Applicant) (Name of property owner) 125 Locust Street This Orcer is issued and delivered as follows: fi by hand delivery to applicant or representative on �� (date) by certified mail, return receipt requested on (date) This project is located at The property is recorded at the Registry of Address Florence Road, Northampton, MA Northampton, MA Hampshire County Book 1912 & 3046 Page 3046 - page 249 Certificate (if registered) CEP Fib No. I 246- 3 0 (To oe orovaea by DEP) City Town Northampton o f Northampton, , DPW Applicant C? ty City of Northampton 1912 - page 167 4/30/92 (date) . The Notice of Intent for this project was filed on The public hearing was closed on 1 /fi 2- (date) 4 Findings The Northampton ('nnsa--va ti.nn Commission has reviewed the above - referenced Notice of Intent anc plans anc nas neid a puolic hearing on the project. Based on the information availaoie to the Conservation Commission at this time. the Commission has determined that the area on whicn the proposed work is to be done is significant to the following interests in accordance with the Presumptions of Significance set forth in the regulations for each Area Subject to Protection Under the Act (check as appropriate): Public water supply Private water supply Ground water supply Total Filing Fee Submitted City/Town Share C Total Refund Due S 0 Effective 117/0/89 c 4 Flood control ❑ Land containing shellfish le Storm damage prevention fg.. Fisheries Prevention of pollution ❑ Protection of wildlife habitat State Share 62 ( /2 fee in excess cf S25) State Portion S f3 (1/2- total) City/Town Portion S ( /z total) 5 -1 un Plans: TITLE ad/ Rom C0NJ.Wye>a aH /Pc rA{/f' Special Conditions: DATED unaate.d undated' 3/20 SIGNED & STAMPED BY: ON FILE: Cons. Comm. Cons . Comm. Cons. Comm. Cons . Comm. Cons . Comm. 13) All construction areas shall be restored to original condition or better upon completion of the project, including vegetation; 14) No area within the 100 year floodplain, any wetland, or area within 100 feet of a wetland or 40 feet of a 100 year floodplain, as defined in 310 CMR 10, and Chapter 24, shall be permissible disposal sites, unless such areas are specifically approved by the Commission; 15) Excavated material and topsoil stockpiles shall be located and stabilized so as to minimize washing into wetland areas or waterways; 16) Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent erosion and siltation of all disturbed areas, and shall be implemented prior to any construction. Sedimentation and erosion control devices shall be placed according to standards set in the U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service, "Guidelines for Soil and Water Conservation in Urbanizing Areas of Massachusetts ". Placement shall be directed at the site by the project engineer in order to accomplish maximum control of erosion and ensure than no eroded materials will reach wetland resource areas. Hay bales must be staked. Silt fencing must be placed in a dug trench with sufficient porosity to allow detained water to pass while trapping suspended sediments; 17) The areas of construction shall remain in a stable condition at the close of each construction day. Erosion controls shall be inspected at this time, and maintained or reinforced to meet specifications in the plans and this order; 18) This Order of Conditions shall apply to any successor in interest or successor in control; 19) Members and agents of the Conservation Commission shall have the right to enter and inspect the premises to evaluate compliance with the Conditions and to require the submittal of any data deemed necessary for that evaluation; 20) The Applicant shall notify the Commission, in writing, as to the date that work will be commencing on the project. Said notification must be received by the Commission no sooner than ten (10) days and no later than five (5) days prior to the commencement of the approved activity; 21) The owner of the property described in this Order must advise any potential buyer of the property that any construction upon or alteration to said property, including brush clearance, may require action by the Northampton Conservation Commission and any instrument conveying any or all of the owner's interest in said property or any portion 5 -3A Issued By Northampton Signature(s) /1k-rr?--) This Order must be signed by a majority of the Conservation Commission. th On this N day of -�� ' 19 ` before me personally appeared P7 5/` to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowiedged that he/she executed �AYN� Mt FEIDEN NOTARY PUBLIC // 1, / ,C ler POMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. IS. I d the same as his /her free act and aeed. Notary Public The applicant. tne owner. any person aggrieved by this Order, any owner of land abutting the land upon which the proposed work is to be none. or any ten resicents of the city or town in wnich sucn land is located. are nereoy notified of their rignt to request me Department of Environmental Protection to issue a Superseding Omer, providing tne request is maae by cerrlfied mail or hand oelivery to tne Department. with the appropriate filing fee ana Fee Transmittal Form as provided in 310 CMR 10.03(7), witnin ten aays from the pate of issuance of this Determination. A copy of the request snail at the same time be sent by certified mail or hand oelivery to the Conservation Commission ana the applicant. Detach on dotted line and submit to the Northampton Conservation Comm. prior to commencement of work. 7 Northampton Conservation Commission Please oe advised that the Order of Conaitions for tne project at ^;ie Number Nor am tton, 246 309 -as peen recoraed at the Peatstry of amp County 5-4A My commission expires d R o Conservation Commission lcsu:'g Autnor:ty anc has been noteo in the cnain of tale of the aftectea property in accordance with General Concihon 8 on 1 9 If recoraed land. the instrument nurnoer wnicn identifies tats L2nsacnon If registered land. the document numoer wnich identifies this transaction i5 „,,.nat..re ACoucant 310 CMR 10.99 Form 3 Commonwealth of Massachusetts NINE COPIES OF THIS FORM, COMPLETE Notice of Intent WITH PLANS, TO CONS. COItMISSION Under the 2. Project: Type Waterway oEP Flo No. Giyi Town TWO COMPLETE COPIES TO ae an Protection and Application for a Department of the Army Permit & NORTHAMPTON WETLANDS PROTECTION ORDINANCE• Part I: General Information 1. Location: Street Address •Florence Road, Northampton, Lot Numoer ASSESSORS' MAP ID. # 30A 246- 3 09 (roo.00•bmwOen Narthamoton Accocant p ,16) G A/A- Act, G.L. c. 131, §40 AD Construct paved waterway to drain the roadway, and discharge a six (6 inch subdrain into existine catch basin. See attached plan entitled "Sketch Showing Proposed Subdrain Connection on Florence Road " (Plan #4). 3. Registry: County Hampshire , Current Book 1912 & 3046 Certificate (If Registered Land) 4. Applicant Address 5. Property Owner City of Northampton Address 5. Reoresenrative Address 7. a. Have one Consenanon Commission and the Departments Regional Office eacr been sent. ::y certified mail or nano deiivery, 2 =pies of completed Notica ailment. with supporang Plans and doc.:ments? Yes No ; b. Has the fee been sudmtttea? 2 Yes XZ No c. Total Filing Fee Suarrnned . Per 801 CMR Muniri pal A PP 1 ran r d. atyi awn Share of rung Fee . State Share of Filing Fee (sent :o C::vi ownt (1 of fee in excess of S< . sent to O?) e. Is a :ref :tat'nient at - crow incicatIng how the aCO1ic211t calculated ::;e fee? 2 Yes No f. Permit requested under: `lass.. Wetlands Protection :pct (310 10): Northampton Wetlands Protection Ordinance: ., .. ,f. Suec:,ve � , � �� c City of Northampton, D.P.W. 125 Locust Street 3046 Pg. 249 Page 1912 Pg. 167 Tel. 582 -1574 .Tel 582 -1574 Same as applicant ,Tel 582 -1574 N/A 8. Have all aotainabie cermits. variances and approvals reauired by local by-law been obtained? Yes = No Obtained: 3. Locus Plan (see plan #3) (c) Coastal: Land Under the Ocean' Coastal Beacn = Berner Beach = Accxy Intertidal Shore' = Land Uncer Salt Pond' = Fisn Run' • Comc:e *.m.; Notice c: Intent. N/A Appued For Cons. Commission 9. Is any portion of the site subject to a Wetlands Restriction Order pursuant to G.L c. 131, §40A or G.L c. 130.51O5? Yes = No X 10. List all ptans and supporting documents submitted with this Notice of intent. ATTACH LOCUS MAP SHOWING SITE LOCATION C'T.FARTZ MARKED Identifying Numoer /Letter Vie. Date 1. Paved Waterway on Florence Road (see plan #4) 2. Cross brook with 12" Ductile Iron water pipe, in the vicinity of the intersection of Scanlon Avenue & Florence Road. (see Dian #5'& #6) 11. Check those resource areas within which work is proposed: (a) $X Buffer Zone (b) Inland: Bank' ▪ Bordering Vegetated Wetland' ▪ Lana Under Water Boay & Waterway' Land Subject to Flooding, Bordering Isotated = Designated Part Area = Coastal Dune Coastal Bank Salt Marsn • = Lana Containing Shettfisn • 3 -2 Not Aoptieo For: L.;cely :o involve U.S. Arrry C:.rrs of Engineers cor.currentjunscicoon. See General Instructions or 12. Is the wetland resource area to be altered by the proposed work located on the most recent Estimated Habitat Map (if any) of rare. "state - listed" vertearate and invertebrate animal species occurrences provided to the conservation commission by the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program? YES [ J NO Dad If yes. have you completed an Appendix A and a Notice of Intent and filed them. along with supporting documentation with the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program by certified mail or hand aelivery, so that the Program shall have received Appendix A prior to the filing of this Notice of Intent? YES ( j NO [ DEP Western Regional Office State House West, 4th Floor 436 Dwight Street Springfield, NA 01103 Date printed on the Estimated Habitat Map issued (if any) October, 1987 - Mt Holyoke or January 1990 - Easthampton • 3 - 3 Part 11: Site Description Indicate wnich of the following information has teen provided (on a ptan. in narrative descnotioo or caicuia- tions) to clearly, completely and accurately describe existing site conditions. Identifying Number Letter (at plan. narrative or calculations) Other Other Identifying Number /Letter (of plan. narrative or calculations) Man-made Features: cut n :;rnitec ...:,e ctlowmq: 3 -4 Natural Features: Soils Vegetation Tocograohy Open water bodies (including ponds and takes) X Flowing water bodies (including streams and rivers) Public and private surface water and ground water supplies on or within 100 feet of site Maximum annuai ground water elevations with dates and location of test X Bounoanes of resource areas checked under Part ), item 11 above Structures (sucn as buildings. piers. towers and headwalls) Drainage and flood control facilities at the site and immediately off the site. including cuiverts and open channels (with inverts), dams and dikes Subsurface sewage disposal systems X Underground utilities X Roadways and parking areas X Property boundaries. easements and rights-of-way Part 111: Work Description Indicate wnicn of the following information has been provided (on a plan, in narrative description or catcula- tons) to clearly, completely and adv..:rately describe work proposed within each of the resource areas checked in Part t, item 11 above. • Planvi =w and Dross Section of Strut ,:res (such as buiiaincs. piers. towers and heaawafts) X Drainage ane ttoec ccntrot facilities. inciuoing culverts and open cnanneis (with inverts). dams an dikes Subsurface sewage disposal systems & unaerground utilities Filling. dredging ano excavating, indicating volume and camoositien of material Comoensatcry storage areas. where required in accorcarice with Part 111. Section 10:57 t41 of the regthations Wildlife raoitat restoration or replication areas Other ?cart Source Olscr arge es:ht. :con c...naracterstirs -of- discharge -ircm- point- source_iboth_o :csec- and_caen channet)..Nnen co:nt of discharge fails within resource area c. ecxec cancer Parr 1. item 1 a.-o e. as su: :cr:ec cv stance= enc:neenng ca1Cutanons. ^.ata ar.c ::ans. mciuding 1. Defineanon of the aratnage area contributing to the point of discharge: 2. Pre - and post- development peak run -oft from the araainage area. at the point of discharge. for at feast the 1 0-year and 1 00-year frequency stone: 3. Pre - and post - development rate of infiltration cunu l Uuting to the resource area checked under Part 1, item 1 1 above: - 4. Estimated water quality characteristics of pre - and post - development run -off at me point of discharge. Part IV: Mitigating Measures 1. Cearty. completely and accurately d escribe. with reference to supporting plans and calculations where necessary: (a► All measures and designs proposed to meet the performance standards set forth under each re- source area specified in Part II or Part III of the regulations: or (b) why the presumptions set forth under each resource area specified in Part II or Part III of the regula- tions do not apply. = Coastal Resource Area Type: 2 Ind = Coastal Resource Area Type: Iceu+uiymg roomer or letter Inland of sum eats 3 laenntyng nuxnoer or letter at support comments Coastal Resource Area Type. $ Interim 3 -� Iosndryrng nti er or letter at swoon mountains Z. Clearly. completely and a=rately describe. with reference to supporting plans and calculations where necessary: (a) all measures and designs to regulate work within the Buffer Zone so as to ensure that said work does not atter an area specified in Part 1. Section 10.02(1) (a) of these regulations: or . (b) if work it the Buffer Zone will alter such an area.all measures and designs proposed to meet the • performance standards established forthe adjacent resource areaspecified in Part 11 or • • Part 111 of these regulations, Coastal Resource Area Type B r¢erect By 100-Foot Discretionary Zone: iae nd!nng numoer or letter Z Inland at wooers ooairnerm 1.Paved waterway will drain water from the roadway. 2.A six (6) inch subdrain will discharge ground water into existing catch basin. 3. Cross brook with 12" Ductile Iron water pipe in the vicinity of the intersection of Scanlon Avenue and Florence Road. Plan #4 Plan #4 Plan #5 &' #6 4 Part V: Additional information for a Department of the Army Permit 1. COE Application No 2. (to be provided by COEM (Name of waterway) 3. Names and addresses of property owners adjoining your property: 4. Document other project alternatives (i.e.. other locations and/or construction methods. particuiany those that would eliminate the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters or wetlands). E. 8'.4 " x 11 " drawings in planview and cross - section. showing the resource area and: the pracosed activ ity within the resource area. Drawings must be to scale and shouid be clear enough for photocopying. Certification is required from the Division otWater Pollution Control before.the Federal permit can be issued. Certification may beobtained by contacting the Division of Water Pollution Control,1 Winter Street; • Boston, Massachusetts 02108. Where the activity will take place within the area under the Massachusetts approved Coastal Zone Management Program, the applicant certifiesthat his proposed activity complies with anawill be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the approved program. Information provided will be used in evaluating the application for a permit and is made a matter of public record through issuance of a public notice. Disclosure of this information isvoluntary, however, if necessary information is not provided, the appticatiort cannot be processed nor can a permit be issued. I hereby certify under the pains and penalties of perjury that the foregoing Notice of Intent and accompanying plans. acclments and supporting Cam are true and complete. to the best of my knowledce. . ' G �- �o - oft. Signature of Applicant George Andrikidis, P.E. Date Assistant City Engineer Signature of Ac;iicant's Representative Date "tzeetatto■ to ENG Farm 4345 appreeei by HQUSAC!. 6 Ma, 1982'. MED FORM 100 1 MAY az (TEST) " cocaineat - eaatatna • joint Department of the Army and State as Mas.aenusetta .optscauoo for • persist to obtain perm..ason to performs acre,uee a Coates State. etagere. The Office of Mas.a.mat aoi Bsaeet (OM81 has approved theme oseettsss. reeatreo by the (33 Army Corps of Eatttaten. OMB Numoer a702.0036 and ezptrdesoa date a( 30 5eotealeer, :363 appatee" nes statement .111 be .et in o 3oaat type. 7 • MOW AiWAr \\ PLIN * 2 X2 ii V n . m [� ir ADD TO NORTHAMPTON COORDINATE SYSTEM N 469,700 E 264, 000 TO OBTAIN STATE COOR- DINATE SYSTEM A I B C D SHEET NO. 22 1 5 6 7 8 9 10 ^~ 1 I I 12 13 14 15 16"� i �,�\ 1 . 19 20 21 23 , 24 ` 2 26 1 27 28 29 Z 0 (- \ --j \ ` 3y / \32 33 4 34 35 36 37 38 S 39 41 43 44 45 4.7 -42 -46 48 4•. __ 1 52 X2 ii V n . m [� ir ADD TO NORTHAMPTON COORDINATE SYSTEM N 469,700 E 264, 000 TO OBTAIN STATE COOR- DINATE SYSTEM A I B C D SHEET NO. 22 ree0PO - " SUJD;PJJ'c/ C.auAiecr PieaPOS ED 6" 6uaZ,P4)4/ FXI577,G 34.5/A1 AT .570 .8/727/4 /NOci PeopoS2) PAVE .&4 2;RW4 y 5,7J .51-10A)/Ai p,ea po_ 4 /az/PA/xi Flog Ro,4D . LF}USTI^1 G c 5,4 $7�t! .d PE/J zirc / PLq,U �FyGE 6F ROAD • 4 Cary OA /voRTHMPTcA.J ENG/NE R/Ala .Diy/S/o/ti 125206115 RA /VORTY 1AM P77a fr6 o ro o3 V WOO DED • ■••., '''"••••■ • •:22 CONC. D JOHN JR. ‘. ANNA R. OND,PAS BK 9/2 PG 60 pjeclo, 12" 01 wi7E % Giff 714 /24',7 • es • • • • PROPOSED Er GATE WITH GATE BOX PROF: 80 DI. PIPE PROP 34" REDUCER PROR 4Dt, PIPE PROP. 4 COUPLING JO HAI ii/AY 4.7 NA . dRZ/J0 .21( ,'57d . 7= /20 . 77 A-2O°-58` -23 %,-, •-vi l:cf , ).- ,_.0) ---21--- Z -- -- Ile BRUSH --,- ,- SMALL TREES TOO 61.1ED PLO #731 X • sw___,1 _11 illitNi APPRO r---- LOG. EXIST. DARfrtiti 574 . 7375 71 0/a STA . 0 ,‘ CA Nz PROp. 4: ty WITH GATE .S 77 R • • • ' TPV.A. a* I � I I � i I Immo rammurim mimmommummE ®R ffa®iumi®®®momm®miEsum ® ■��11�®®�0�® EMEIMIN 11� MINIE1111111 ®®111 ®11 MENEMEMEMEMEMMEMENIENIMMENIME MILVIMEINIMORNEMEMEMENEMINIMINI MENIMEMPRIMERLEMEEMINEEDIEMEME BEEINIMENUMEMELEINEMEMEMEMINIENI ILIMMENIMMEIMMENEFINEEMEMEMENZEINIENIIr iffINEENIENEKOMENEAMMEMENEffrilliEMLIEME MEMENCOMERSEMEMEnaginadiNEEMPRIMIMEM MERMINENFMEMENELIMENWAREERMEM MEM 11111111111111111EMMLAIELPA MINIMMINIMENEMERVINIMINEIMEMEMMILM 11111111111111111111ffel MIME IMMININIIIMMEIME111 :.. f ::. MEI I - - -Y t -' - -- �- � ! 4L miummuniggions INIIMENEKINIEM NM= 1 ..M111111MINESERIMIBI 135 E 136 EXIT. EXIT.1 137 .k: : : r c City of Northampton, Massachusetts Planning Department Rm. 102, Municipal Office Bldg. • 212 Main St. Northampton, MA 0106C • ;413) 584-0,U4 *Conservation Commission'Hlst — .a: Comrniabion'Pianning BoardsZoning Board of Appeals *Community Development Progr; rr.'Housing Rehabilitation Program •Capital. improvement Program Committee Mr. Francis P. Ryan, City Engineer Department of Public Works 125 Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Mr. Ryan: October 5, 1979 Re: Conservation Commission denial of request to construct catch basin;- on Florence Road. DEQE * 246 -61. The Northampton Conservation Commission has asked that your Department be contacted regarding the recent denial of your application under the Wetlands Act to install one new catch basin and associated storm line and outfall near Scanlon Avenue, on Florence Road. We hope that this denial will not be misinter- preted or in any way disrupt the steadily improving relationship between your Department and the Commission. Over the past eight months a close working relationship has evolved, notably on the new sewer project. We appreciate the timely conuitunications that we have been receiving from various DPW personnel. To alleviate any misunderstandings over why your Wetlands Permit was denied, we offer the following observations: 1) This project, if implemented as shown on your plan sub- mission, would unfairly shift a drainage problem from one residential area to another, namely, the Willow Street Extension neighborhood. 2) The Commission feels that a comprehensive drainage study is needed for the entire watershed of the stream into which new storm water flows would have been directly introduced. Recent urbanization in this area has had unfortunate ramifications in regard to storm water impacts. The Commission felt that by agreeing to the limited measure that your Department proposed, .a more comprehensive engineering solution to problems in the entire watershed area would be postponed. This Commission stands ready to officially support a Board of Public Works request for funding to conduct a drainage study for the area, and in any event, look forward to working with your Department on this matter as you may find necessary in the future.. In summary, we would like to stress that we understand the problem to which you responded, and desire a comprehensive solution which would aid all the residents of the drainage area. Thank you again for your cooperation. cc: Mayor Harry S. Chapman, Jr. Mr. Edwin Warner Sincerely, Joseph Misterka, President Northampton Conservation Commission City /Town Northampton Recorded at the Registry of Certificate (if registered) WETLAND PROTECTION ACT MASSACHUSETTS G.L. C. 131 S: 40 NOTICE OF INTENT 2. The name(s), address and telephone number of owner(s) of the subject land are: Conservation Commission (original) Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, Western Mass. Public Health Center, Amherst, Mass. Ol&03 (2 copies) Division of Waterways, Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, 100 Nashua Street, Boston, Mass. 02114 (1 copy) DATE August 28, 1979 Date 8/31/79 Date 8/31/79 Date 8/31/79 / Se 19]9 ALL PARTS OF THIS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED UNDER THE PAINS AND PENALTY OF PERJURY INCLUDING THE ENVIRONMENTAL DATA FORM ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF OR THE FILING MAY BE CONSIDERED INCOMPLETE 1. Notice is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of G.L. C. 131 S. 40, that the proposed activity as submitted herein falls within the jurisdiction of said statute, and is located in the Florence Road , Book , Page NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. City of Northampton Dept. of Public. Works 125 Locust Street _584 -8585 3. I have filed identical Notices and plans by Certified Mail with the following: 4. Rave all permits, variances and approvals as required by C. 131 S. 40 been obtained? N/A (yes or no). Attach copies to original Notice of Intent. 5. Enclosed is Statutory Filing Fee of $25.00, payable to City or Town. 6. The name, address and telephone number of the owner's representatives (if any) are as follows: Attorney NAME Engineer Peter J. McNulty 125 Locust Street. 584 -8585 _2- ADDRESS TELEPHONE NO. Au•..t 7. The purpose of the project is: (Use additional sheets if necessary) Drainage & Surface Water Runoff on Florence Road will be routed by a proposed storm line.to an existing culvert under Florence Road. 8. Owner's (or agent's signature) 9. Enclosed is locus map showing o�io of pro posed act iy (8 1/2 x 11 section of U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Quadrangle is preferred). I Bn P/PE N t r- ( N T. A 4 ,••■•• ,._;;;;;\ us( 14- 2 = *, •-t ._ 0 _ 4 • , k_ BY G E. Q. • PRO P o' AC. _MN° P P C LASS e400 DATE A PR. 1974 PROP I TA KY 1\1- - 5T:4• 1 35 7 .4 • - _ cqz 1C4 s . 41 1446 " 113°1 - , C 4 -4;• CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASS, CI /TO'R'N Northam- City DPW TO: NAME MAIL NUMBER by messenger PROJECT LOCATION: re88 Florence Road,adjacent to SQanlon Ave. F.mcorded at Registry of Certificate (if registered) WOO. -11•01.0111 REGARDING: -- o Tce of Intent dated and plans titled and dated by G.E.Q. August 28, 1979 THIS ORDER IS ISSUED ON(date) October 2, 1979 Pursuant to the authority of G.L. c. 131, s. 40, the Northampton Conservation Commission _ has reviewed your Notice of Intent and plans identified above, and has determined that the area on which the proposed work is to be doge is significant to one or more of the interests listed in G.L. c. 131, s. 40. The Co ns- •, .o,,' c'.• hereby orders that the following conditions are necessary to protect said interests and all work shall be performed in strict accordance with the and with the Notice of Intent and plane identified above except where such plans are modified by said conditions. CONDITIONS August 28, 1979 Rook FORM 4 ewes OF CONDITIONS WETLANDS PROTECTION ACT G.L. C. 131, s. 40 f - FILE NUMBER --- ADDRESS 125 Locust Street Northampton , Page NM 1. Failure to comply with all conditions stated herein, and with all related statutes and other regulatory measures, shall be deemed cause to revoke or modify this order. 2. .This order does not grant any property rights or any exclusive privileges; it does not authorize any injury to private property or invasion of private rights. 3. This order does not relieve the permittee or any other person of the necessity of complying with all other applicable federal, state or local statutes, ordinances, by -laws and /or regulations. ie", The wo au on her . nde steal be co • leted ithin o e (1) ar f om th • ate of t�Mtia der lest for aint =nce d dging ojec ubj to _tion ng au orit or a• or m a ad onal on ,ee er• •1 app cation o h said uing_. �thor y at ast rty (30) eion. d ya prior the exp Lion to of e or or a ex • C3Mtrs 4; Any fAll usyd in on wi this tojert shall nirsg trait, r se ritbbi or de is, . ipcludinr, withe lim ing a gen alit of the i'o •, ricks p. 3Si , lair £,.1 rift . arlr:,, card " s ♦ Ti's, ashes, /fi :s r erxr,, zsieta. yr ricks, part/ f an f t fo" A °g• No work may he commenced until all appeal periods have elapsed from the order of the Conservation Commission or from a final order by the Department of Environmental 'Quality Engineering. No work shall be undertaken until the final order, with respect to the proposed project, has been recorded in the Registry of Deeds for the district in which the land is locate within the chain of title of the affected property. The Document number indicating such recording shall be submitted on the form at the end of this order to the issuer of this order prior to commencement of work. A si s 1 b disp yed a the s no less hat * s re t or orr n ee _ quer ee sari the ds, " ass se De rtm of iroY ntal , ity gin ring umbe It Where the Department of Environmental Quality Engineering is requested to make a determination and to issue a superseding order, the Conservation Commission shall be a party to all agency proceedings and hearings before the Department. bes Upon om ti of wo des ib ere , th app . ant ha1�/for ise est, V` n ha Cer is of om p nce is d ting/iha th aor s b s sfa oral comp ed. The work shall conform to the following described plans and additional conditions: Plan dated August 28 ,1979 by G.E.Q. 8. In regard to this applicaion only,the Commission does not give approval for the proposed activity to be conducted,as it is felt that the stream into which the adcitional flows would be introduced is presently overtaxed by the velocity and volumes of stormwater that enter.The Conservation Commission finds that there are no reasonable conditions that could be made under the proposed plan to prevent additional flooding from occurring downstream from the proposed outfall. TO FILE NUMBER ON (DATE) l;0ramissl0n tR OT luNDITIONS CONTI The app11: nt, any pereme aggrieved by this order, any owner of lane abo.tming :ass lamd boa slit c~ .be tic is tt+ be do=e, ^S a.:°-_v tee riesidets City Or town in whict Ian is located, are hereby nctified cf their rig to appeal this order to the Department of Environmental Ouaifty Engineering r o - -ided the request is made in writing and by certified mail to the Department within ten (10) days from the issuance of this order. y -- �7_cn ISSUED BY Vic" ' "`r _ ' _ On this hci day of ��f�G 19 7 7� before me personally appeared , / ? to me known to be th pers n described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed. 3 – FILE NO. - - statispads My Commission expires (Issuing Authority) HAS BEEN RECORDED 'AT THE REGISTRY OF Signed Applicant ,F , v 7?n— DETACH ON IbTTED LINE AND SUBMIT TO THE ISSUER OF THIS ORDER PRIOR TO Co CEMENT OF WORK. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE ORDER OF CONDITIONS FOR THE PROJECT AT If recorded land, the instrument number which identifies this transaction is If registered land, the document number which identifies this transaction is