Sober Housing Request for Expedited Review COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION FORM The purpose of this form is to make sure that all project applications applying for Community Preservation Act funding are eligible for funding. Please refer to Appendix-E in the Community Preservation Plan when filling out this form. This form must be approved in order for an application to be accepted. Project Title”Housing First” for Individuals Recovering from Chronic Substance Abuse Project Sponsor/Organization: Friends of Hampshire County Homeless Individuals Contact Name: Yvonne Freccero Property Owner, if applicable: Mailing Address:602 N. Farms Rd, Florence, MA 010612 Daytime phone #: 413 586 2354 Fax #: E-mail address:yfreccero602@Comcast.net CPA Program Area (check those that apply): � Open Space � Historic Preservation x Community Housing � Recreation Project Purpose (check those that apply): x� Acquisition � Creation � Preservation � Support � Rehabilitation/Restoration Project Summary: Please provide a brief description of the project. HCFHI is seeking additional funds to complete the purchase and renovation of a duplex on Maple Avenue in Northampton that will provide up to 6 units of permanent supported housing for homeless individuals with a history of chronic substance abuse. A purchase offer and down payment of $16,000 has been accepted for a purchase price of $320,000 (Several additional provisions include replacing water heater, removing abandoned oil tanks, encapsulating asbestos pipe insulation, and repairing damaged storm door). The duplex is situated in a rental area, within easy walking distance of downtown. In addition to the grant of $120,000 already approved by CPC, an additional $30,000 may be needed to complete the purchase and provide a new roof. The Friends are awaiting the results of two other grant applications. We have also initiated a Recovery Fund to solicit community donations in support of the project. A successful benefit concert on Sunday, February 23 raised $3,000. We will need to provide proof of funds available by the end of February. It is for this purpose we are seeking an expedited additional grant. Should other funds meanwhile become available, we would of course withdraw our request. As noted in the original application, our partner in this project is Gandara, the organization that owns and operates Hairston House, and is committed to maintaining the property on Maple Avenue and providing supportive services to the residents. For CPC Use Eligible: _____ Not Eligible: _____ Date: __________ Reviewer: ____________________