2005 Planning Board minutesThe Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday January 13, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member Staff: 5 Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch ~7:15 7:00 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the joint public hearing between PLANNING BOARD AND CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE COMMITTEE on four proposed zoning ordinances: 1. Revision of dimensional standards for the URA, SR, and RR districts. 2. Amendment to §5.2 Table Of Uses for accessory uses supporting manufacturing motor freight and warehousing. 3. Zoning map change to rezone a parcel (Map ID 32A-91) on the southeast corner of Market Street and Graves Avenue from Central Business to Urban Residential C. 4. Zoning map change to rezone a parcel of land (Map ID 13-38) on North King Street from Suburban Residential to Highway Business. Feiden presented the proposed change to section 5.2, to drop the word “durable” from allowable accessory uses within wholesale and industrial uses. There was no public comment. Upon motion by Michael Bardsley and second by Marianne LaBarge, both boards voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Frandy Johnson, the Planning Board voted unanimously to recommend the zoning change as proposed. Feiden presented the proposed change to section 3.4 to change the parcel on the southeast corner of the Graves/Market Street intersection from CB to URC. Michael Bardsley provided some additional background on the project. There was no public comment. Upon motion by Michael Bardsley and second by Marianne LaBarge, both boards voted unanimously to close the public hearing. . No discussion on item #3. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Paul Diemand the board voted unanimously to approve #3. 1 2 No discussion on item #2. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Paul Diemand the board voted unanimously to closed #2. Wayne Feiden described initiative for making the changes in item #1to RR, SR, URA. Councilor LaBarge spoke about support/reason for sponsoring. Councilor Dostal expressed support of zoning change. Ray LaBarge expressed concerned about front setbacks and that these should stay the same in his neighborhood. George Kohout asked about teardowns. Feiden clarified that heights and open space will remain the same. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to close the hearing on the setback changes. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Diemand the board voted unanimously to approve change to setbacks. Keith Wilson opened hearing for HB change on N. King Street. Wayne Feiden described history of request and the results of the traffic studies which looked at existing problems at intersection of Hatfield and potential for increased intensity. Betsy Powell, president of the Board of the River Valley Market, described their request and intended use. Marc D’Urso of Berkshire Design, Market’s consultant, described the engineering of site and project details. He clarified that this is a rezoning, not a specific end user, but shows maximum extent of the use. Bardsley spoke in favor of rezoning. Labarge spoke in favor of rezoning. Dostal spoke in favor of rezoning. Jason Allison 360 N. King Street, abutter. Spoke against the request. John Skibiski 426 Hatfield St. stated that he is not convinced this is appropriate for business.uses because of traffic safety and the stability of the rock façade. Amy Martin , Florence resident on the Board of the Market, spoke about the Market’s interest in being good neighbor and addressing issues of safety and neighbor concerns. Sara Smith 402 N. King Street, spoke in support but stated a concern about the creep effect of HB uses up North King Street. A resident of 127 Maplewood Terrace, Florence, Member-owner, spoke about mission of Coop. James Burnhard 164 Cooke Ave stated his support of the project. He stated his concern about the traffic but stated that he felt that the proposed mitigation will take care of issues. Frandy Johnson asked about status of retail and his concern about the Hatfield and Bridge Rd. intersection and what if any mitigation is proposed? Wayne Feiden stated that the Coop has offered $150,000 for mitigation based on a ratio of their projected impacts and the cost for design and implementation of mitigation at the North King and Hatfield intersection and traffic calming at Cooke and Hatfield. He explained that the Mayor and city council would appropriate those funds depending on the needs. Paul Voss stated that this project wouldn’t necessarily create more traffic but there might be shifts from traffic that now crosses the Coolidge Bridge to access Hadley stores. Frandy Johnson asked about the sewer issue? Feiden stated that these and other technical requirements will have to be addressed through permitting. Bardsley stated a reluctance to vote tonight and suggested that the Ordinance Committee could schedule a continuance for Feb 8. David Wilensky stated that Planning Board could make a recommendation outside of site issues since the Board will address such items during site plan approval process. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Paul Diemand, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. [Ord committee voted to continue the discussion at 6 pm on Feb. 8 in Council Chambers. David Wilensky stated that the “worst scenario” for uses under the HB zoning would be retail. George Kohout stated his concern about the HB zoning continuing to expand up N. King Street and whether this would set a precedent. Wayne Feiden stated because this is a legislative action that it would not be precedent setting. George Kohout asked about timing of traffic improvements. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by David Wilensky the Board voted 8-1 with one abstention (Paul Diemand) to recommend approval of the zone change. At 8:25 PM the Planning Board suspended their meeting for five minutes to allow the Ordinance Committee to hold a brief meeting. Members Present: Michael Bardsley, Marianne LaBarge, and Marilyn Richards. 1. Upon motion by Michael Bardsley and second by Marilyn Richards, Ordinance Committee voted unanimously to close the public hearing and recommend the proposed Market Street zoning change. 2. Upon motion by Marianne LaBarge and second by Marilyn Richards, Ordinance Committee voted unanimously to close the public hearing and recommend the proposed change to accessory uses in wholesale and industrial areas. 3. Upon motion by Marianne LaBarge and second by Marilyn Richards, Ordinance Committee voted unanimously to close the public hearing and recommend the proposed change to reduce setback requirements in URA, SR and RR zoning districts. 4. Upon motion by Michael Bardsley and second by Marilyn Richards, Ordinance Committee voted unanimously to continue their public hearing on the proposed North King Street zoning change to 2/8/2005 at 6:00 PM in City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton 8:40P.M. Keith Wilson opened Request by Northampton Office of Planning & Development for a Special Permit to create a 2-lot open space residential cluster on Coles Meadow Road, Map IDs 8-41, 42. 3 Wayne Feiden described the project. David Wilensky asked for clarification on the location of the house relative to wetlands. Paul Voss asked for clarification of access to Fitzgerald Lake conservation area. Is there pedestrian access from this site/area? Wayne Feiden stated that access was prohibited because of narrow nature of property, and would entail extensive wetland crossing. He stated that other access points were within ¼ mile south and another access point is located ½ mile north. Further, the property itself connects to the conservation area. David Wilensky asked for clarification of the existing lot 2 and its legal status. Wayne Feiden stated that the structure on lot 2 is pre-war construction. Keith Wilson read Department of Public Works comments. Keith Wilson opened to the discussion to the public. Norma Roche of Laurel Park and Broad Brook Coalition urged the Board to vote in support of the project because of the additional buffer it would provide for Fitzgerald Lake. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to Issue the permit with one condition: Prior to issuance of building permit, deed transfer of property to Northampton Conservation Commission shall be recorded. 8:50 P.M. Request by Hospital Hill Development LLC/MassDevelopment for Site Plan Approval for the southern portion of the Village at Hospital Hill at Earle and Prince St. Map ID 38A-50. Staff described delineation of Tier I vs. Tier II. Gerry Preble of Beals and Thomas, Inc, applicant’s consultant, introduced the development/design team and provided background/history. Dave Lapointe, Beals and Thomas, Inc. described the site plan. Larry Spang, architecture consultant, discussed the building orientation for Prince St. and topographic issues affecting the location of the buildings and architectural feasibility. Ken Jodrie asked about the distance between the buildings along the road. Wayne Feiden stated that 95% of frontage for a length of 200’ from the intersection had to be comprised of building façade. The Board discussed concern about “token” openings along Prince Street. George Andrikidis stated that Rt. 66 is wider than originally designed. Thus, there could be potential for on-street parking on one side. However, he stated that the grades and slopes may be an issue. Marie Frank, 37 Chapel Street, stated that this plan has no “center”. 4 Harriet Diamond, 141 Grove Street. Asked where the sidewalks would be located and asked about the lighting and driveway to the west. Dave Lapointe responded. Lighting will have full cutoffs at the property line. The driveway is meant to be two-way. Teri Anderson, city’s economic development coordinator, thanked all the effort of Board and the applicant on finalizing the site layout. Mike Kurby, 17 Summer Street, stated his disappointment that this is not a village. There was a discussion and clarification of sidewalks and circulation There was discussion of the setback for the three buildings along Prince St. The Board discussed the following conditions: 1. Prior to submission of any Tier II site plan applications for any lots shown on the south campus, the applicant shall submit revised plans to Office of Planning & Development that reflect the conditions herein and comments in the two letters, except as herein noted, dated 1/6/05 addressed to Wayne Feiden and George Andrikidis. 2. Lighting for the site shall not have hot spots greater than 4.5 footcandles. 3. No more than 30% of any one-kind of tree shall be used as shade trees within the site. Tree species shall be selected from the eight (8) trees shown as deciduous trees from the tree list within the approved Design Guidelines for The Village at Hospital Hill. 4. If Earle Street is not under construction within six (6) months of the completion of the multi-use trail, a crosswalk across Earle Street shall be painted where the multi-use trail crossing occurs. 5. Utility plan sheets shall be revised to accommodate the shifted location of the buildings to the street front on lots 5, 9, 10 as necessary. 6. Any disturbance within the recorded easement boundaries of the multi-use trial for construction of lots 11 or 12A shall be approved by the Planning Board. All such disturbed areas must be returned to pre-construction conditions. 7. Street trees required to fulfill the zoning requirements shall be planted 30’ on average and on center and be selected from the eight (8) trees shown as deciduous trees from the tree list within the approved Design Guidelines for The Village at Hospital Hill. 8. Prior to construction of the detention pond 5 on Lot 11, Office of Planning & Development must approve tree protection measures for the specimen tree located on this lot. 9. The applicant shall notify the Department of Public Works of any existing flows that are encountered during demolition and excavation of the site to ensure that drain lines are not tied into sewer lines along Earle Street. 10. Prior to construction of underground detention basin #5 as shown on lot 11, final design and details including clay lining to protect water line shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works to ensure conformance with the stormwater permit. 11. Setbacks shown on plans for lots 1,2,3 along Prince Street shall be maximum allowed. 12. Trees shall be planted on average every 30’ along the multi-use trail at the time that the trail is construction, except where trail is within 50’ of proposed construction of building 12A.& 11 13. Sidewalk links from parking lot sidewalks to bldg 5, continue sidewalk between lot 9 and 8 and between 7 and 8 and 10 and 7. Preferred location of sidewalk from south campus road to lot 5 is on west side of driveway access. Items to be addressed in the Tier II (likely 1 building at a time): 1. Building elevations, including materials, orientation, fenestration and egresses 5 6 2. Number and location of bike racks to serve each building 3. Building landscaping and amenities, walkways for buildings 12A/B 4. Plaza design between lots 1 and 2 5. Spacing/gaps between buildings along Prince Street 6. Masonry wall screen between building lots 2 and 3 7. Sewer and water tie-ins: locations & pipe sizing for each building and all other utility locations. A minimum 18” horizontal separation should be maintained. Where bends in water lines are anticipated, these shall be reinforced by thrust blocks and shown on detail sheets. 8. Illustration that buildings are meeting the 95% coverage for the first 200’ from the intersection of Prince Street and South Campus Drive. 9. Precise tree protection measures appropriate for the species of the specimen tree located on Lot 6 & 11. 10. Final Easements for utility lines that cross private property shal be reviewed and approved. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Frandy Johnson, the board voted unanimously to approve tier I site plan. Other Business: Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously to recommend to Council to accept Ice Pond as a city way. George Andrikidis presented water study issues along Rt. 66. The Board of Public Works will make a decision to use an 8” line instead of a 12”. Upon motion by Paul Diemand second by Bill Letendre, the Board voted unanimously to release the final escrow for Ice Pond. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and David Wilensky 2nd, the Board voted unanimously to recommend street accept for Cloverdale. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by David Wilensky, the Board voted unanimously to release the last lot under covenant on Cloverdale. Minutes (Oct 28, Nov 15, Dec 2, Dec 9) approved unanimously with changes noted by Frandy Johnson Adjourn 11:40. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday January 27, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 8 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Left 8:35 pm 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 8 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Paul Diemand opened a continuation of a Request by Seawink for Site Plan Approval at 52 Maple Street, Florence. Ed Etheredge, applicant’s representative, gave history of the project and described the location of the dumpster on the business zoning end of the project. Terry Reyonlds, of Huntley Associates, the applicant’s engineer, described details of site layout. Ken Jodrie asked about landscaping. Frandy Johnson asked about the location of the bike racks. Paul Diemand opened the hearing to the public. Fred Wellman, 9 W, Center Street stated his concern about the reduction of buffer for dumpster. The buffer and sidewalk widths are issues as is screening for headlights and number of required parking spaces. Loretta Gougeon 15 W. Center St. stated opposition to the project based on concerns about property boundary delineation and size and scale of new structure. Mark Bird 19 W. Center St. addressed a concern about drainage onto his property from this site and about the use of the property. David Hardy, 12 W. Center raised a concern about the senior housing site abutting the property and whether there was adequate fire access to the proposed site 1 2 Staff clarified zoning issues. Jeff Gougeon 15 W. Center St. stated concerns about fire access on the grass strip that doubled as the required buffer. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously to Close the hearing. Ken Jodrie stated that there was not adequate snow storage on site. The area designated in the buffer will destroy the landscaping. He stated that the required walkway should not be in the buffer and the scale of the building was too big for the site. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to to deny site plan because of limitations, buffer, sidewalks, dumpster. The Board acknowledged that if the applicant came forward with a smaller footprint with uses that required less parking, the site would likely accommodate some expanded uses/structures. A smaller or reconfigured expansion that addresses adequate fire/emergency access (that doesn’t require access in the 30’ buffer strip), fully handicap accessible walkways throughout the site, dumpster location out of the buffer, and an adequate snow storage area could meet the criteria in the site plan. Ken Jodrie left. 8:35P.M. Keith Wilson opened a request by Robert Gutowski for Site Plan Approval to add FM antennas to an existing telecommunications tower for property at 448 Florence Rd, Map ID 30C-15. Northampton, MA. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Paul Diemand the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to 7pm February 10 with re-notice to abutters. 8:40 Keith Wilson opened request by Richard Ingersoll for Special Permit for single family house use of an existing structure located at 3 Riverbank Rd, Map ID 25-75, Northampton, MA. Alan Verson, representing applicant, described request. Lisa Willery, 10 Riverbank, stated that she does not contest the use as single family home Concern about utilities for 3 Riverbank Road crossing her on the property. Lyle Haggerty, abutter stated his support. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Frandy Johnson, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Frandy Johnson clarified that it this property was zoned SC. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Paul Diemand the board voted 4-2 (Jennifer Dieringer and Paul Diemand) against the approval. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to 6-1 to continue to the hearing until March 10 at 7 PM to allow issues related to the (Paul Diemand). 9:10 PM Keith Wilson opened continuation of the first plan submitted by Lilly Library for an expansion and opened the newly advertised revised project request by Trustees of Lilly Library for Site Plan Approval for a 5,324 square foot expansion and associated site work and Special Permit for a reduction in parking and for off-site parking for project located at 19 Meadow St., Map ID 17C-278. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by David Wilensky the Board voted unanimously to approval of the withdrawal of original permit. Daren Gray from Doucet & Associates, site engineer, described the project and the request. John Dietrich, Fuss & O’Neill provided a report of the traffic study and detailed survey and expansion demands and staffing levels. Martine Hargreaves director of the library stated that there were no anticipated programming changes. They opted to eliminate the meeting room based on conflict with the Civic Association and stated that they will no longer have to rent from the Association. She stated that the smaller building in this proposed application means that they no longer can hold large crowds. Smaller size will limit the services that were planned (no large meeting space). She stated that they absorbed users of Forbes Library with no problem /strain with existing parking spaces when Forbes was undergoing renovation. Bob Mahar, Lilly Board member, emphasized the work of board to get funding for the project as presented. Jennifer Dieringer stated that the applicant had clearly addressed neighbor concerns. Keith Wilson read the Department of Public Works memo. Jim Dostal, City Councilor, spoke in favor of project. Kitty Calligan, 55 Golden Drive, spoke in favor of project and the City’s need to sustain Florence library and have expanded children’s room. Ray LaBarge, City Councilor, spoke in favor of the project. Jane Hall 86 N. Maple Street spoke in favor of project. Gene Tacy, No. Maple St. spoke in qualified support of project. Pat Melnick, Lilly trustees, asked for clarification from Doucet about the request for parking. Alex Ghiselin, City Councilor, spoke in favor of the project with a full reduction of parking that is requested. Blaise Bisallion, 71 Ridgewood Terrace and Lilly Board member spoke in favor. Gary Doucette Woodland Drive stated that he took a petition from Sandalwood Estates in support of the project. John Modesto, abutter spoke in favor. Elaine Mcguinnes, 64 Audubon Rd. spoke of all the supporters of the library. Al Neal, 35 Spruce Hill Ave, Flo. spoke in favor. John Fitzgibbon, representing that the abutters spoke about client’s concerns. They are opposed to the height. The neighbors met with the trustees, but were not provided any changes. The neighbors wanted the building to be flipped, the 1- story portion to be located on the Lilly Street side. He asked why the HVAC was put on that side of the structure? He further stated the client’s concern about massive façade and parking reduction and questioned the grandfathering for parking. 3 Margaret Malloy, 17 Lilly Street stated her opposition to size and location of 1-story building. Susan Bourque, 13 Lilly Street reiterated Margaret’s issues and stated her opposition to granting the special permit for parking reduction based on traffic pattern of surrounding streets. Pamela Pomeroy, 21 Meadow Street spoke against the project. Henry Lyman, 60 Ward Ave spoke against the project, stated that then needs of the abutters have not been met. Bonnie Burnham, of the building committee, responded to the abutters questions about location of building and orientation. She spoke of the various iterations of design. Trudy Fisher, 21 Meadow street stated her concern about traffic and parking. Blaise Bisallion spoke about the size necessary to meet needs. Lorrie Cahillane, 21 Lilly had a letter read by an audience member about massing on Lilly St. Chris Shelton 13 Lilly St. raised concern about parking. Doug Rosa, 73 Hinkley Street, questioned handicap parking space location. Mark Hiteman, 21 Meadow Street raised concern about the VFW lease agreement and the vegetative screen. Jennifer Dieringer asked if setback and height could be reviewed. John Fitzgibbon read the approval criteria of site plan. Paul Diemand asked about parking requirement. George Kohout asked about zoning. Board discussed legal grounds for approval and setbacks There was a discussion of orientation of 1st floor and 2nd floor. Frandy Johnson asked about the total reduction of parking. Keith Wilson stated that the study addresses the traffic concerns well. George Kohout raised concern about staff parking in Florence Civic lot. Dietrich clarified that these were included. Jennifer Dieringer clarified that there is no direct correlation between size and parking demand. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Paul Diemand the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted unanimously to approve site plan and special permit for 6 more spaces and 20 % reduction. 4 5 11:45 Keith Wilson described Route 10 round-about constraints. He suggested that long term costs should be considered in the analysis before the City/applicant make a decision. Frandy Johnson described Colonial Woods issues meeting for next Thursday. 6 pm. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday February 10, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre Left 10 PM David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Request by Nextel Communications for Site Plan Approval to locate telecommunication panels on the existing tower at 221 Pine St., Florence Map ID 22B-40. Tom Flynn of Nextel presented the application. George Kohout asked about location of equipment sheds. There was a discussion about masking the towers. Paul Voss asked if it could be set back further on the roof. Flynn stated that there would be a structural issue and cable length. George Kohout asked about removal bond. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Bill Letendre the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously to approve with conditions and waiver. 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant most post a financial guarantee in the amount of $40,000, with the Office of Planning & Development, for the cost of removal of the pads and shelter if they cease to be utilized in the future and are not removed by the owner. 2. The antennas and box shall be camouflaged with the existing brick. 1 2 7:20 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the continuation of Gutowski FM Antennas. Robert Gutowski described project. Alex Ghiselin spoke in favor of the applicant. Described the meeting of owner and abutters. Frandy Johnson asked about relationship of owner to license holder. Gutowski stated that he is a member of Radio Free Valley. He stated that the studio will be located elsewhere. Upon Motion by Paul Diemand and second by Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to approve project with the following condition: 1. This permit grants installation of the panels for transmission for an FM radio station located off-site. No radio broadcasting is implicitly granted from this site with this approval. 7:25 P.M. Keith Wilson opened a continuation of a request by John Chakalos for preliminary subdivision. Keith Wilson read the request for withdrawal. Frandy Johnson moved to accept withdrawal with second by Paul Diemand. The board voted unanimously to approve withdrawal. 7:30 P.M. Keith Wilson opened a request by James Harrity for Special Permit for an open space cluster to construct a three-family unit at 408 Bridge Rd, Map ID 17B-10. Terry Reyonolds, Applicant’s consultant, described the project. George Kohout asked about lighting. Reynolds stated lighting would only be included for the stoops. George Kohout asked about the buffer to neighbors. Edward Dzenis, 420 Bridge Rd. stated his concern about the existing hedge on eastern boundary, which he said extends over the property boundary. Eamon Mohan, 400 Bridge Rd( western abutter) stated his concern about loss of privacy. Jim Harrity stated that he was willing to plant larger Arborvitae. Jeff Hutchins 444 Bridge Road, addressed his concern about public access to back land. George Kohout clarified that there would not be any outside dumpster. Upon Motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Paul Diemand the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to approve the special permit with conditions. 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit and in-lieu of providing a sidewalk along the property frontage as offered by the applicant to meet the criteria for attenuation of all traffic impacts, the applicant shall provide $4,000 to the City for the purposes of providing pedestrian improvements in the vicinity along Bridge Road. 2. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, as offered by the applicant, the back land should be deeded to the City Conservation Commission for permanent protection. 3. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, a permanent easement shall be recorded with a copy given to the Office of Planning & Development indicating the right of the public to pass and repass along the access shown on the map. With allowance for a sign indicating public access. 4. If the trees are damaged along the eastern property boundary then the applicant shall construct a 6.5’ stockade fence, in accordance with that allowed by-right within the zoning ordinance. The fence shall be installed for the length of the driveway. 5. The applicant shall plant 8’ tall instead of 5’ tall Arborvitae along with 4 deciduous trees interspersed with these Arborvitae along the western property boundary. 8:10 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the continuation of a request by Sovereign Builders for Definitive Subdivision approval and Special Permit for cluster development on Westhampton Road. Staff gave and update on the status of the project. Mark McCluskey, applicant’s engineer, described the project and changes made since the last hearing. Todd Cellura, applicant, provided additional clarification on changes. Keith Wilson asked McCluskey to describe sight distance deficiencies. McCluskey described current conditions and the proposed sight distance. No public comment. Paul Voss asked about detail of trail network. McCluskey said root barrier could incorporated on the detail sheet, which was agreed should be added as a condition. There was a discussion of granite posts to mark the buffer zone. The Board discussed the separation between each one(every 100’). George Kohout asked for wavier of 25 mph speed. Paul Diemand moved to close. Bill Letendre gave a second. The Board voted unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Bill Letendre, the Board voted 5-1 to approve the subdivision with all the conditions discussed and revised. George Kohout voted against the motion. 8:50 P.M. Keith Wilson opened Request by John Chakalos for Special Permit for a 46 unit open space residential cluster and site plan approval for more than one curb cut at 20 Bridge Rd, Map ID 16B-1. Keith Wilson clarified that this project could not be closed because a Department of Public Works storm water permit had not been applied for. Harley Sachs, introduced the project team and described the changes the applicant wished to make based upon comments from the school department and the recreation department. 3 Mike Liu, project designer, described the parcel. Pat Goggins spoke about the change to “Bear Hill Estates” and stated that he had spoken with recreation department about the community gardens and sledding hill. Ken Jodrie asked what percentage of the anticipated residents would be retired? Goggins stated about 50%. Ken Jodrie stated that they are requesting waiver from a full traffic study. Jennifer Dieringer asked if any would be affordable housing units. Goggins stated no. Keith Wilson read the Department of Public Works comments. Joseph Misterka, Chesterfield Rd. Spoke on behalf of school department and stated that 150 plots are too many for school department to accommodate with parking. But he stated the school’s support for potential educational opportunity if the students could garden in the plots. He further stated his concern about traffic on Bridge Road coming in and out of school property and asked if the hours could be restricted. Ken Jodrie stated his concern about the traffic study. Frandy Johnson asked for better study. Flawed based on “elderly” housing. Doesn’t fit. Paul Diemand asked about reorienting driveway? Is it appropriate? Paul Voss asked that the revised plan consider all potential pedestrian connections. Jennifer Dieringer suggested that the community gardens would be a great asset, but on-site parking should be accommodated for the use. George Kohout concerned about massing and number of units and need for a pedestrian access to the VA Hospital grounds. He gave a pitch for affordable units to be included. Harley Sachs responded to comments. Keith Wilson opened the floor to the public. Ed Etheredge, 64 Gothic St., representing Look Park stated his concern about the impact to the new road configuration at Route 9, to which the Park was contributing. Staff read letter from Ludwiczak. Keith Wilson asked why pedestrian connections had not been made throughout the project and suggested that the private drive could be narrowed from 24’ to 22’ to allow a sidewalk separated from the street. The Board discussed a continuation date. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Bill Letendre, the board voted unanimously to continue hearing to Mar 24th at 7 PM. 10:05 P.M. Keith Wilson opened a request by Todd Cellura/Sovereign Builders for preliminary subdivision approval for property located on Chesterfield Rd, Map ID 15-20. 4 5 Todd Cellura introduced Mike Liu of Berkshire Design Group. He stated in his opinion a request of a waiver from 60’ wide right-of-way made sense. Staff provided feedback from Conservation Commission about the concern over the wetland crossings, habitat fragmentation, vernal pool potential. Jennifer Dieringer asked about impacts to buffer zone and vernal pool impacts. Cellura said the wetland delineation was approved and under the local ordinance and stated that the ordinance specifies that if a wetland is defined and accepted as a “bordering vegetated wetland”, then it is not a vernal pool. Bruce Fogel, representing neighbors provided the following concerns: Wetlands may not be fully flagged; grades and driveways; zoning for lots; threat to wells on abutting properties; safety—for fire flow; Grade- for snow plowing and concern about excessive salt use requirements; He further stated that the alternatives aren’t really alternatives, the plans are deficient because not all required information is shown: No abutters shown on plan. Reduction of frontage should be only given where appropriate, flag lots are not validly drawn, He further questioned whether the wetland map shown was consistent with the one approved? Fogel emphasized that habitat evaluation should be incorporated into the study. Pat Melnick, 311 Chesterfield Rd. had questions about detention of stormwater and off-site drainage going to Chesterfield Road. Mike Liu responded to drainage. Michael Pill, representing applicant, responded to Fogel’s comments. Paul Diemand move to close, Frandy Johnson gave a second. The board voted unanimously to close. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously to deny the request based on comments from Conservation Commission, Board of Health and zoning and subdivision non-compliance. None of the four scenarios shows lots that completely conform to zoning. Though reconfiguration could occur in which lots would conform, this would completely change the total number of lots and the layout. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday February 24, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre 7:30 pm David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Keith Wilson opened a request by Christine and Michael Cahillane for a Special Permit to construct a new house in the Watershed Protection District at 337 Bridge St, Northampton, Map ID 25A- 109. Peter Frothingham, applicant representative, presented the plan. Keith Wilson asked about the front door location. Frothingham stated that the door enters from the side. George Kohout asked about the order of conditions and the fill/excavation for the foundation. George Kohout asked about the trees and if they will remain. George Kohout asked about abutting property to east and its use. Jim Dostal, city councilor, spoke in favor of project. It respects the district and impacts on street. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Kohout the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Kohout the board voted unanimously to approve special permit with waivers. 7:20 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the request by Edwards And Kelcey for a Special Permit and Site Plan Approval to relocate and construct a Big Y Supermarket (on the same property) and associated retail 1 2-24-05 2 2-24-05 space and site work for property located at Cooke Ave (142-188 N. King Street), Northampton, Map ID 18D-001. Keith Wilson read the request for a continuance to March 24. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to 3/24 at 8 p.m. 7:25 P.M. Keith Wilson presented the transportation policy for adoption. There was a discussion about pedestrian amenities. Paul Voss asked about motorized personal assistant vehicles on sidewalks. He voiced a concern about state laws. The board agreed that Item #22 should have language added: “ensure ALL projects” to include single family projects as well. Ken Jodrie asked about sidewalk along Damon Rd. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously to adopt the plan with the change to item 22. The board would like to make a recommendation to Trans Commission to add a policy restricting Segways on sidewalks. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Frandy Johnson, the The Board discussed the request for the reduction of letter of credit for the Dunphy Drive extension subdivision. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously not to reduce letter of credit for Dunphy Drive based on issues that have not been addressed by Department of Public Works. Ken Jodrie raised the issue of sidewalks on Damon road. He stated that the reconstruction should include sidewalks for the entire length. The Board discussed a motion: Board expects that design of Damon Road should include a continuous sidewalk for the length of Damon Road. Motion by Ken Jodrie, second by Frandy Johnson approved unanimously. (Bill Letendre absent). The Board asked this message to be forwarded to the BPW and Transportation Commission and the mayor’s office. George Kohout asked about special meeting with Cons Com. Board would like joint meeting May 12 first discuss cons comm. Issues and then public forum on Meadows plan 8 PM, if possible. Ken Jodrie asked about the status of the open space plan. 8:30 P.M. Keith Wilson opened request by Cooley Dickinson Hospital for Site Plan Approval to add a 95,000+ sf surgical wing with associated site work at 30 Locust St, Map ID 23B-46. Ed Etheredge introduced the project team. Craig Melin, CEO for the hospital, presented the project and described the needs. The main purpose is for surgery. The proposed addition would include eight new operating rooms. The equipment demands for the hospital require larger spaces including sterile processing, lab space, in-patient beds. The hospital will be redistributing beds. (32 patient beds) with 10+ new beds and staffing for operating rooms. TRO, project architect, described the siting and the building. John Furman presented site plan and layout and discussed the traffic mitigation. Juanita Forsythe, project manager, discussed traffic mitigation options in detail. Keith Wilson asked for clarification on the pedestrian phase and curb ramps and asked about investigating crosswalk consolidation. Forsythe stated that more study was necessary because survey work was not completed. John Norton, 39 Winslow Avenue, asked about extension of the bus service from Smith College and stated that it should be accommodated. Michael Chrahbiscz, of Easthampton and former employee of CDH asked about the tree cutting and underground irrigation. Forsythe stated that no cutting was planned and irrigation was planned. Alex Ghiselin, 164 Riverside Dr. stated his support of the project, but relayed a concern about stormwater and traffic. He stated that it wasn’t clear that traffic studies reviewed/addressed impacts at Milton, Riverside and Elm Street intersections. Specifically, there may be conflicts between shift changes relative to High School and he urged transit extension to help address traffic mitigation. Keith Wilson clarified traffic mitigation and Pioneer Valley Transit Association(PVTA) issues. Juanita Forsythe said that the hospital was still working with PVTA and that they were also looking into alternative routes for PVTA if they could not turn around on CDH property. Ken Jodrie asked that if PVTA figured out timing for an extension would they be able to come through the site given the layout. Forsythe said they would, but that PVTA to consider all timing issues. Pablo Yglesias, 409 Prospect Street, asked about the roundabout option. George Kohout asked about the intersection of Milton/Elm. Paul Voss asked about pedestrian connections to all surrounding sides. Forsythe described the redesign of Hospital Rd. with 2’ wide pedestrian striping and connections to Locust Street. George Kohout asked if the power plant expansion would interfere with traffic flows. Staff read Department of Public Works comments. Furman addressed sewer issues. George Kohout asked about lighting and landscaping plan. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously to approve with conditions below: 3 2-24-05 4 2-24-05 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall receive sign off from the Office of Planning & Development that all relevant plan sheets have been amended to incorporate conditions herein as necessary. 2. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall receive sign off from the Department of Public Works that all water lines and gate locations that serve the site have been submitted to the Department of Public Works. 3. Prior to any work on Hospital Road, the applicant shall apply for street discontinuance. 4. As offered by the applicant in a letter from Cooley Dickinson Hospital dated February 23, 2005 the following traffic mitigation shall be performed: a. Improvements to signalized intersection, including installation of a pedestrian phase with associated ADA compliant crossing and striping improvements; b. Improvements to existing mid-block crosswalks on Locust Street. The restriping shall be completed in accordance with detail sheet C109. However, if it is deemed safer, upon review by Department of Public Works, Office of Planning & Development, and the applicant’s consultant, to consolidate the 2 mid-block crossings into one and move the bus shelter this shall be done. c. Two years from the date of issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall hire a traffic engineer to reevaluate traffic impacts on the surrounding intersections, including the Milton, Riverside Drive and Elm Street intersection. The results of this study shall be submitted to the Planning Board for review. Further mitigation in accordance with recommendations of the traffic consultant and upon consultation with the Planning Board may be required to address any deficiencies that have been created due to this project. At this time, the applicant shall also report on the progress or full implementation of the efforts to extend the PVTA (Amherst – Smith route) bus service from Smith Campus through the hospital site. 5. Six water meters shall be installed in accordance with Department of Public Works Water Division and depicted on revised plans. 6. Shut off gates shall be installed in accordance with Department of Public Works Water Division requirements. 7. Water and sewer lines must have a 10’ separation, unless otherwise approved by DPW. 8. New connections to the sewer line on Locust should occur within an existing manhole. 9. No addition sewer connections will be granted until current discharge violations are addressed. 10. A sampling site manhole should be provided. 11. Sewer line should not be constructed under the bus shelter. 12. The 8-DI pipe into the new facility shall be triple gated. 13. All stormwater permit conditions as issued by the Department of Public Works must be met. 14. Sewage treatment and installation of the lift station must be coordinated with the wastewater treatment division and requires permits. 10:10 adjourned The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday March 10, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout Kenneth Jodrie 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 7:15 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 7:10- 7:55 5 Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Keith Wilson opened Continuation of a request by Richard Ingersoll for a special permit for single family house on 3 Riverbank Rd. Staff reported on status from the previous meeting. Alan Verson described the agreement between neighbors that includes installation of a new utility pole on the street to serve 3 Riverbank Rd. Thus there will be no more electric lines located across the abutter’s property. Verson presented a copy of the easement and fax from Mass Electric. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by George Kohout, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by George Kohout the board voted unanimously to grant the special permit based upon accommodation by the applicant to remove the utilities from the abutter’s property. 7:10 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the Joint Public Hearing with the Central Business Architecture Committee (CBAC) on a request by Pioneer Contractors to convert office space to a hotel use at 43 Gothic St. Map ID 31B-309. The project requires a special permit with site plan approval for 1 2 a hotel use and for construction of an addition less than the 30’ height and approval of design by the CBAC. (Susan Well, Bob Walker, and Joe Blumenthal were present from the CBAC.) David Claxton from Pioneer Contractors presented the application for joint hearing. The use is planned to all for extended stay patrons at the hotel. Though originally conceived, the plans no longer include a third floor addition. Susan Well asked for a description of windows. Claxton described the style. Discussion of windows and street front presence. George Kohout asked about fire escapes. Claxton clarified that there are no fire escapes, but there will be a fully enclosed staircase. Claxton stated that the green areas were proposed planting. The sidewalks will be replaced. Paul Diemand asked if the curb cut would be removed and parking reoriented to main hotel? Blumenthal stated that the plan submission was not detailed enough. Keith Wilson opened the hearing to the public. Tom Dyer, 9 Allen Place asked about the addition on the Gothic Street side, stating that the exit door does not present a pleasant street frontage. He stressed that the building is entirely oriented toward the parking lot and the main hotel at the expense of the presence on Gothic. Garrett Stover, asked about phase II and raised a concern about the HVAC system. Keith Wilson asked about the leaning electric pole. Jennifer Dieringer asked for revised plans of the proposed closure of the curb cut. David Wilensky identified other issues to consider: what is the detail of the landscaping? access for patrons? sidewalks/pedestrian access across site to main hotel? number of required spaces? Replacement of light pole should be shown. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to 4/14 at 7 pm. Paul Voss recused himself and left the meeting for subsequent hearing. 8:00 P.M. Keith Wilson opened a request by the O’Leary Company, Inc. for a Site Plan Approval to construct a 11,500 square foot child care center on Smith College property at 28 Lyman Rd, Map ID 38B-35. Ed Etheredge, applicant’s representative, introduced the team and project generally. The applicant is asking for a traffic waiver at this time because it is a replacement of space and use. Ruth Constantine described the needs for the new building. Randy Conklin, O’Leary Company, described the site. There would be no new parking and no increase in use. The actual size has been reduced to 10,850 square feet. Keith Wilson asked about the proposed sidewalks. Bill Newman 61 Lyman road asked about the building size and view from Lyman Rd. Rita Bleiman, ward councilor, raised her concern about the building design/elevation and that it is not appropriate for the neighborhood. Garrett Stover, raised concern of reuse of the Lyman Mansion and its impacts as well as the concern about aesthetics of the buildings and specimen trees on the site. Conklin stated that not all the trees will be removed. A total of 27 trees will be removed. George Kohout asked about the location of the outfall for 100-year storm. There was more discussion about trees. Charlie Conant, Smith Project Manager, stated the trees to be removed are those within building footprint. The school wants to keep as many trees as possible to shade the playground. George Kohout asked about lighting in the rear of the building. Conklin stated just entry light. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Paul Diemand, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by David Wilensky the board voted unanimously to approve plan with 10,840 sf, building with waiver of traffic study and conditions discussed. 9:05 Other Business: Update on subdivision Changes- Wayne April 14 discussion of fire suppression system. West Street Corridor Plan 3 4 Update on Meadows Plan Process Reduction of LOC for Plantations 70K to 35K. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Paul Diemand, the board voted unanimously to reduce letter to $35K. 10:15 adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday March 24, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson William “Bill” Letendre 8:00 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Keith Wilson opened a continuation of a hearing on new open space cluster project at 20 Bridge Road. Harley Sachs, representing the applicant, reviewed changes from the previous submission including driveway locations, sidewalks, additional buffer on the VA property boundary. Additionally, lane striping was added to the Bridge Road design. Sachs stated that no pathway was necessary from the emergency exit driveway to the proposed soccer field because it is level. An associate from Michael Herlands Architects, LLC described the layout and elevations for each unit. He indicated that the units would be 1,300 – 1,600 square feet with second floor build-out options. Berkshire Design presented their calculations for traffic mitigation costs (construction of a sidewalk) at $4,000. Mike Liu, Berkshire Design Group, Inc. described the Bridge Road lane markings. George Kohout asked about the soccer field Keith Wilson asked about the sidewalk along the frontage of JFK Middle School. Mike Liu stated that the applicant did not want to provide one off site on the School property. There was a discussion of the public access to the field and the parking at school lot. Joe Misterka, representing the School Department, spoke and clarified issues of school department parking for soccer events and stated that off-school hours parking is acceptable to the school. 1 2 Ed Etheredge, 64 Gothic Street, stated his continued concern about the pedestrian crossing at the proposed round-about. Steve Beligima, 31 Bridge Rd. raised a concern about traffic flow and aesthetics and particularly the impact on his ability to exit left out of his driveway. Yvonne Bucher, 159 Jackson Street, voiced a concern about pedestrian crossing in this vicinity. Frandy Johnson asked the engineer about impacts to left-turn movements from Beligma property. Berkshire Design clarified that the striping would not provide a barrier to crossing the center line. There was a discussion of when the road widening and lane striping will occur. Ken Jodrie asked about costs of mitigation. Mike Liu responded that costs reflect actual alignment of sidewalk. The Board discussed appropriate conditions. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Paul Voss approve the special permit with waivers and conditions (all in favor except Bill Letendre) 8:30 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the hearing for a special permit with site plan approval for the reconstruction of the Big Y shopping plaza at 138 - 188 N. King Street. Steve Susco, 754 Bridge Road, asked the Board to keep the hearing open because he was unable to stay. Peter Thomas, of Big Y, presented the application. Mike Cassevoy, Architect presented the site and building changes. Rod Emery, Traffic Engineer from Edwards and Kelcey, described the study, which indicated that there would be no changes to the LOS with increased trips due to changes in the driveway. He stated that there were five accidents a year at the entrance to North King (5/10). He stated that a slight increase in traffic would meet warrants for a signal, but they were still updating traffic their assessment. A complete assessment would not be ready for a couple of weeks. Roy Tiano, Edwards and Kelcey, addressed the site design and neighborhood meeting issues. He indicated that there would be a decrease in parking spaces from 540 to 480 in order to conform to the open space and landscaping requirements. All roof drainage would be infiltrated on site. He described the reason for extending the two-way portion of Pine Brook Curve further into the neighborhood. Mike Cassevoy described renderings and the Cooke Ave side. Paul Diemand asked about the sidewalks and the crosswalk across the driveway. Keith Wilson opened the hearing to the public. John Skibiski, 426 Hatfield Street, raised concerns about orientation of the buildings. He expressed concern that the back side of the site faces residential lots and therefore this façade is important. Nelly Rechei at 69 Pine Brooke Curve raised a concern about safety and vehicle lights shining into her house. She also stated her opposition to the 2-way street. Denise Isernhagen of 49 Pine Brook Curve expressed desire for the street to be one-way the entire length. Fred Lima, 33 Pine Brook Curve, said the street should be one-way. Mark Munska 52 Pine Brook spoke about driveway issues. Bill Dwight spoke in favor of the project, but supported neighbors concerns. Jim Dostal spoke in favor of project and buffer for neighborhood. Mark Munska asked the applicant about maintenance times and described noise issues that currently cause problems in the neighborhood related to leaf blowers and snow removal. He asked for sound and sight buffers. Ken Jodrie moved to continue the hearing to April 28 at 7:30 so that buffer and traffic issues could be addressed. The motion was seconded by Paul Diemand and approved unanimously. Traffic mitigation Wayne Feiden at 10:15 how to figure counts The Board held a discussion about the options for rezoning of Ross building and holding preliminary discussions with Florence Residents. The Board held a discussion about the discontinuance of Hospital Rd. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second Bill Letendre the board voted unanimously to approve discontinuance. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Frandy Johnson, the board voted unanimously to release lot 1 from the Covenant on Cardinal Way. Adjourn 10:45 pm 3 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday April 14, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson William “Bill” Letendre David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member 7:20 Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:10-Paul Diemand opened the meeting with a review of the minutes. Changes required: 2/24 change segue to segway. Change motion on page 2 of Feb 24 to “close” hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson the board approved minutes of 2-24 and 3-10 with an addition to 3-10 that Paul Voss left to recuse for Smith College discussion. Discussion of sidewalks on Damon Road. Staff to send a letter to Transportation Committee. 7:20 P.M. Paul Diemand opened the continued Public Hearing for the hotel use at 43 Gothic St. Map ID 31B-309. The project requires a special permit with site plan approval. Mark Tanner, representing the hotel described changes. Pedestrian path, curb cuts and landscaping were added. Paul Diemand asked about the painted path vs. solid green pedestrian path. The Board asked why the curb would not be closed? Tanner stated the need to have equipment enter the site and protect future options. Chuck Wittemer, architect, described the planting. Paul Diemand the opened the hearing to the public. 1 2 Lori Morgan, 49 Gothic Street stated her interest in a buffer fence on property boundary because of a concern about snow plowing against trees. Otherwise she stated that she was comfortable with the proposal. George Kohout asked about lighting. Board discussed benefits of keeping the curb-cut. George Kohout stated interest in keeping open gate for pedestrians. Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by George Kohout the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted 4-1 to approve (Paul Voss). After discussion again. Motion revisited. 5-0 with conditions previously discussed. 8:25 PM Paul Diemand opened the hearing on subdivision changes. Wayne Feiden discussed changes. Board discussed reduction of street lengths and potential outcomes/scenarios. Jim Montgomery /Grove Street, Leeds asked for clarification of extension of streets and length of street. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously to approve all subdivision changes except those standards on fire flow. The board voted to continue the discussion on fire flow at the April 28 meeting. Wayne Feiden opened discussion of discontinuance of South Street. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Frandy Johnson the board voted unanimously to approve a recommendation to city council to discontinue a portion of Old South Street as presented. Wayne Feiden provided update on budget issues relative to proposed fee increases. Another public hearing for fee increase, key/locust plan/ water issues for May should be set. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday April 28, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 William “Bill” Letendre 7:40 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member 7:20 Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:10- The Board voted to set the public hearing for the Meadows Plan for June 9 at 7 p.m. The Board established July 28 and August 25 for permit nights and left the option open to utilize the other Thursdays for work sessions. 7:30 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the continuation (from March 24) of a request by Edwards and Kelcey for a Special Permit and Site Plan Approval to relocate and construct a Big Y Supermarket (on the same property) and associated retail space and site work for property located at Cooke Ave (142-188 N. King Street), Northampton, Map ID 18D-001. John Jendza, from Big Y, opened the project for the applicant describing the conversation with the neighbors. Michael Cassevoy, applicant and Big Y consultant, discussed lighting changes and provided another set of revised plans dated 4/28 showing “no trespassing” signs or overnight parking. Sheet 301 and 401 has been changed. He stated that lights will be turned off at midnight, except for security lighting. Bickfords light will stay on. There was a discussed of the acoustical analysis and the applicant distributed a report by Epsilon Associates. A plan revision to erosion control was distributed. Roy Tiano, consultant, described landscape changes and buffer zones. Frandy Johnson asked about buffer widths. Ken Jodrie asked about the new sheet 201. Rod Emerey, Edwards & Kelcey, described the revised traffic report. There was a discussion of the intersection of Cooke and Hatfield. He stated that the intersection met the warrants for 4-stop under MUTCD. 1 He stated that Big Y would commit installing a 4-way stop. He clarified that the changes at Big Y will increase the need for traffic signal by 3. Thus, they are proposing a 3-lane (center turn lane) layout instead of 4-lanes from Bridge Road to Hatfield Street. The changes are proposed to be created by Big Y. Keith Wilson asked about the wide entry way and treatment of pavement islands. Tiano stated that it would be red stamped pavement. Keith Wilson suggested better definition of travel way with stamped pavement. Tiano said, they would include that in final drawings. Keith Wilson stated that the walk should be adjusted to potentially connect to N. King. He asked why bituminous is proposed for the sidewalk on Pine Brook? Board suggested that it should be concrete. 30’ parking loop will be revised to ensure that consistent. Frank Olbris, 284 N. Farms Road, asked if the stream could be reopened within site. He suggested a permeable pavement, light shields on overhead lights, and provision of access to a future sidewalk coming up North King Street. Roy Martin, 81 Conz Street, expressed concern that, like CVS, a single combined entrance will create more confusion and conflict. Steve Susco 754 Bridge Road stated his concern about “lighted billboards” on Cooke Avenue and the rear access. In particular he suggested the wall pack lighting should have full cut off luminaries, not dropped lens. He suggested HP sodium with cutoffs and voiced a concern about storm drainage. Nellei Rachei asked about 69 Pine brook Curve sidewalk. Denise Isernhagen, of 49 Pine Brook Cruve, asked about acoustical report. Cassevoy said no acoustical barrier is proposed. Truck operations in rear would be eliminated. Bill Dwight stated his concern about maintenance of plantings. Mark Monska 52 Pine Brook Curve stated a concern about lighting. Fred Lima, 33 Pine Brook Curve asked about lighting. Jim Dostal spoke in favor of the project and process. Susco stated concerns about light plan and acoustical plan. Applicant stated its commitment to restriping from Bridge Road to Hatfield. The Board discussed conditions. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Paul Voss and second by Frandy Johnson the Board voted unanimously to unimously approved permit with conditions. 2 3 Staff provided an update on the Teece appeal. The Board stated that it would be appropriate to approve ground floor commercial., dual purpose fire lane, no sidewalk from building 1 to rear building. Sidewalk from street to front building. No dumpster in buffer no snow storage in buffer. 2 buildings not 1. Upon nomination by Paul Diemand and second by Francis Johnson, the Board voted by roll call vote appoint Keith Wilson as Chair. Upon nomination by Paul Diemand and second by George Kohout the Board voted by roll call to appoint Frandy Johnson as Vice-Chair. 10:45 adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday May 5, 2005 Hearing Room 18, Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson Vice Chair, Paul Diemand 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Francis “Frandy” Johnson William “Bill” Letendre David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 5 Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 PM Board discussed letter from wildlife committee as context for meeting with Conservation Commission. Board determined that staff should write letter prior to the May 12 joint meeting with Conservation Commission to ensure that the issues were identified. The Board then discussed cluster regulations and concerns over the complexity. No decisions were made by Board. 1 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT y CITY OF NORTHAMPTON City Hall y 210 Main Street, Room 11 y Northampton, MA 01060-3198 y (413)587-1262 y Fax 587-1264 Wayne Feiden, Director y email: planning@northamptonma.gov y www.northamptonplanning.org The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday May 12, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Stepped out at 7:45, returned at 8:15 Paul Diemand 5 William “Bill” Letendre 9 left 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 9 left 5 Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member 9 left Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 6:00 PM. The Board discussed issues regarding the cluster regulations with the Conservation Commission. 7:30- Frandy Johnson opened request by Jason Bowman for a Special Permit to operate a wholesale bakery in an existing building at 141 Damon Road, Unit F, Map ID 18D-55, Northampton. Staff read letter from the applicant requesting withdrawal. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Jennifer Dieringer the Board voted unanimously to approve withdrawal of the special permit by Jason Bowman. There was a brief discussion recap of the discussion of conservation commission meeting. Conservation analysis- new name what do parks have to do with it. The Board determined that they were not ready to move it forward. Ken Jodrie stepped down to recuse himself from the next hearing. 7:45 Frandy Johnson opened the hearing on a request By Polly Obremski for Site Plan Approval for greater than 15’ driveway curb cut at 5 Fruit Street, Map ID 31D-227, Northampton. Obremski presented the application. There were questions about how many spaces the applicant desired. Frandy Johnson opened the hearing for public comment. No one spoke. 2 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT y CITY OF NORTHAMPTON City Hall y 210 Main Street, Room 11 y Northampton, MA 01060-3198 y (413)587-1262 y Fax 587-1264 Wayne Feiden, Director y email: planning@northamptonma.gov y www.northamptonplanning.org The Board discussed the proposed driveway width. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted 4-2(abstentions David Wilensky and Francis Johnson ). Ken Jodrie returned 8:15 P.M. Francis Johnson opened the request by Lyle Haggerty for a Special Permit with Site Plan Approval for construction of a new single-family house in the SC district at Cross Path Road, Map ID 25- 32 & 33, Northampton. Haggerty presented the application stating that the site was within an existing residential neighborhood. Frandy Johnson asked about the existing use of the property. Frandy Johnson asked about existing driveway and proposed driveway. Haggerty stated that the site has a gravel access drive but a formal driveway will be paved for the house. George Kohout asked about compensatory storage. Jay Vinsky, Berkshire Design described the requirements for construction within the FEMA 100 year flood zone. Rebecca Shear, Engineer 35 Riverbank Rd. helped to explain process. There was further discussion and clarification of compensatory storage requirements. The Board discussed the building and driveway. Open to public. Marilyn Richards, 53 Union Street, spoke in favor of project. Bob Bacon, Airport president voiced support and described the lack of conflict between the residential use and the airport. Frandy Johnson read a letter by Ingersoll, abutter at 3 Riverbank Road. Bernard Nestor, owns property adjacent to project spoke in favor of the project. Gary Haggerty 20 Riverbank Road spoke in favor. Angela Dion 180 Fair St. spoke in favor. Garrett Stover, 55 Ferry Ave, stated a concern that this is the first new house in floodplain in decades and expressed concern about the precedent it would set. 3 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT y CITY OF NORTHAMPTON City Hall y 210 Main Street, Room 11 y Northampton, MA 01060-3198 y (413)587-1262 y Fax 587-1264 Wayne Feiden, Director y email: planning@northamptonma.gov y www.northamptonplanning.org Francis Johnson read letter of support submitted by Steve Rogers of 11 Lincoln Ave. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by David Wilensky the board voted unanimously to approve the special permit for new house because all technical requirements under chapter 13 have been met or will be met if Conservation Commission confirms quantity and location of all comp storage. Further, this property is unique in that it borders the emergency exit fence that can be utilized in the event of a flood. The Board assigned the following conditions: 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall show proof that an easement has been recorded on both the subject parcel and the airport for the location and the amount of comp storage provided for each property as agreed to in the compensatory storage swap submitted by the applicant. 2. FEMA flood certificate shall be submitted to the Building department with the building permit application. 3. Prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, the applicant shall submit stamped as-built plans indicating that all structures have been built at their approved elevations and in accordance with flood standards. As-built should include site elevations table indicating final flood storage areas stamped by an engineer indicating that flood storage requirements have been met in accordance with the plans and approvals. 9:00 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a hearing on the following changes to the Rules and Regulations Regarding Subdivision in Northampton: §5:03 & §6:03 Requiring a Locus Plan and Ortho photos, §7:26(21), Fire Flow Standards, §8:05 -Changes in Fees. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by David Wilensky voted unanimously to close hearing. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to approve locus plan requirements. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to unanimously to approve changes in filing fees. The board discussed requests to site plan by Honda and requested that a formal amendment be made to the Board. The Board adjourned at 9:30. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday May 26, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 8:00 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Paul Diemand 5 William “Bill” Letendre Left at 9 5 David Wilensky 7:15 left at 9:30 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Ken Jodrie opened a request for Site Plan Approval to demolish two buildings and construct a new 16,000 square foot building with associated site work at 21, 25, 27 and 31 State St., Northampton, Map ID 31D- 108, 109, 110, 111. Francis Johnson recused himself because he is an abutter. Eric Forish described the plan, including the 6’ high slatted chain link fence. Forish described Central Business Architecture (CBAC) hearing and concerns about historical significance of the building. He referenced a letter by Almer Huntley regarding assessment of the age of the building. Chris Kennedy , 4 Bradford Ct., stated his belief that this building is the only remnant of a canal structure. He expressed a concern about its demolition if it is historically significant. Richard Zaft, applicant, provided additional information about reuse possibilities of the building. He stated that there are structural issues that would not allow it for retail use. It would take over $500,000 to convert to a single family use. Staff read DPW comments. Paul Voss asked about handicap ramp serving the parking lot and not the sidewalk. 1 2 George Kohout asked about the east elevation- (Masonic Street) wall and fence. George Kohout stated an interest in delaying a decision until CBAC determines the historic significance of the building. Paul Voss asked about flipping the handicap space and ramp to add greenspace and accommodate a sidewalk. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by David Wilensky the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Bill Letendre voted unanimously to approve site plan with conditions discussed: 1. All curbs to be replaced must be installed with curbs that match the existing curbing along State Street. A curb-cut permit will be required from the Department of Public Works. 2. The fence proposed for the rear property line shall not be “chain-link” type. 3. The Sanitary sewer line shall be replaced if necessary in accordance with Department of Public Works standards. 4. A sewer clean-out shall be installed at the property line. 5. A water gate shall be installed at the property line to connect to the main line. 6. Unless otherwise determined by the Water Superintendent, the hydrant shall be relocated to accommodate the new driveway location. 7. The stormdrain shall be designed to remove up to 80% of total suspended solids to the extent feasible. 8. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Compliance, the applicant must provide a stamped plan by a lighting engineer showing that the entry lights do not exceed 5 foot candles. 8:10 P.M. Francis Johnson opened a request by Clarke School for the Deaf for Site Plan Approval to create more than one curb cut and associated parking lots at property located at 47Round Hill Rd. Northampton, Map ID 31B-4, 6, 62, 64, 65. Rick Klein, consultant, described the project. Steve Balicki, Clarke Business Manager, described changes to the programs. Rick Klein described details and that there would be no net gain/loss in parking, just shifted around. George Kohout and Paul Voss asked about on-street parking. There was a discussion about curb cut widths. There was a discussion about DPW comments and traffic study triggers. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Bill Letendre the Board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to June 9 at 6:45 Other Items: Staff discussed West Street Charette (Paul Voss recused.) Staff discussed cluster ordinance and options to simplify it. Staff provided an update on Grants & subdivision standards Subdivision water standards: 10:30 adjourn The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday June 9, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Paul Diemand 5 William “Bill” Letendre 7 PM 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 7:10 PM Jennifer Dieringer, Associate Member Staff: Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 6:50 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the continuation of Clarke School. Rick Klein, Berkshire Design Group (consultant), described and distributed new plan with changes incorporated from the May 26 hearing. He described the stormwater conditions. Upon motion by Paul Diemand and second by Francis Johnson, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Paul Diemand the board voted unanimously to approve permit, (Paul Diemand David Wilensky, Francis Johnson Ken Jodrie ) 7:05 PM Keith Wilson opened the public hearing on the Meadows Land Use Plan. Bob Reckman, Ward 3 Neighborhood Association President, provided an overview on the process. Marilyn Richards, Ward 3 City Councilor, described the intent of the plan. Staff discussed contents of the plan . The Board discussed the details. 1 2 Suzanne Beck, 51 Henshaw Ave and Chamber Director provided comment on the Three-County Fair efforts to conduct a feasibility study and the concern about the language in the plan that might be interpreted in a way that would prevent the Fair from moving forward on improvements. She urged that the plan should be flexible enough to allow the Fair to make improvements, and suggested the Board continue the hearing until the Fair is able to unveil the feasibility study. Bruce Shallcross, General Manager of the Fair asked for maximum flexibility and for the continuation of the hearing so language could be worked out further. Teri Anderson, City Economic Development Coordinator provided the Board with a handout of proposed language changes and read her accompanying memo. She asked the Board to continue the hearing. Rick Feldman, Chair of the Chamber’s Economic Development Committee, asked for a delay for language to be altered to allow flexibility for the Fair. Gerry Budgar, 127 Bridge Street stated that he supported the plan and the compromise that was reached through the plan. He suggested that the Board act soon. Deb Jacobs, 82 Grove Ave, stated her support for the plan as is and requested the Board close the hearing. Michael Bardsley, City Councilor at Large, described the history of the process and the balance the plan represents among the different interests. He criticized the Fair process for being closed to the public and requested the Board take action and adopt the plan without delay. Wayne Thibault, 830 Chesterfield Road, said he owned a farm parcel on Riverbank Road and stated his concern about his future ability to build a house on the parcel. He acknowledged that the parcel gets flooded but stated that there were no zoning changes needed because the existing regulations restrict what a person can do. Paul Wetzl, Conservation Commissioner, stated that he wanted people to remember that this area is a floodplain and there is natural erosion and flooding that occurs which are crucial functions of a river. Joanne Montgomery, 161 Crescent Street, asked that the Board move on the plan and that individual changes requested by the Chamber were inappropriate at this time. Teri Anderson rebutted several of the comments made. She emphasized her concern that the plan might not allow further development of Atwood Drive. The Board discussed the options. Several suggested that re-notification of all participants should be done if significant changes were to be incorporated. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Diemand, the Board voted 5-2 to continue the hearing to June 23 at 7:45 PM. (Francis Johnson and David Wilensky voted against the motion). 9:10 P. M. Keith Wilson opened a request for Site Plan Approval to move a driveway to a side lot line less than 50’ from the intersection with Bridge Road for property at 49/51 Bridge Rd, Northampton, Map ID 16B-17. Robert Brittain 49 Bridge Road presented and discussed the desire to eliminate backing onto Bridge Road and safety of children. Paul Voss asked why it was closer to Bridge Road than 50’? Brittain said he owned a pool in the location, but he stated that he was amenable to changes to 15’ wide and shifting the location 5’ to meet 50’ setback No public comment Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Paul Diemand to approve with conditions. 9:15 P.M. Keith Wilson opened request by Dianne Reil for Site Plan Approval to create a common driveway at 503 Riverside Dr, Northampton, Map ID 23C-27. Diane Reil described project. Pete Ravish, abutting property owner(trustee) at 509 Riverside across which the driveway would be located, raised concerns about the extent of changes to the existing driveway and expressed concern that these changes were not explained by the applicant. Joe Ravish, abutting property owner (trustee) at 509 Riverside also raised concerns about the planned width and extension. The Board felt the plan was unclear and did not adequately show conformance with the zoning ordinance. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to July 28 at 7 PM. Other Business: Minutes for March 24, April 14, April 28, May 12 Upon motion Paul Diemand and second by Paul Voss the Board voted to approve all minutes. Staff presented proposed changes to coop bank and state hospital. 3 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday June 23, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member Left 9:10 , Associate Member Staff: ; Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 PM Keith Wilson opened a Joint Public Hearing with City Council Ordinance Committee on two zoning changes: 1. Zoning Map Change from Suburban Residential to General Industrial for property located at 557 Easthampton Rd, Northampton, Map ID 51-9. 2. Changes to parking requirements within §8.1(1), (3) Table of Off-Street Parking. Wayne Feiden described the changes. Keith Wilson opened the discussion to the public on parking changes. There were no comments. George Kohout asked about temporary unheated spaces. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing on parking. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to recommend to City council changes to parking section. Wayne Feiden described the proposal to rezone the parcel on Easthampton Road from SR to GI . The Board discussed reasons for request. Rick Feldman, 31 Olive St, executive director of HCAC provided background for request. 1 Robert Raymond, 18 Westborough Drive Goshen, representing family holdings on the south side of this property, stated his opinion that it is spot zoning. He requested that his property also be rezoned. Garret Stover, Fairview Avenue, stated opposition to rezoning and presented a map showing stream corridor south of the property. Teri Anderson, Mayor's Office of Economic Development spoke in favor of rezoning. The Board discussed limiting the zoning to lot 1 of 2 of the parcels. Teri Anderson argued that zoning both lots would be appropriate to allow parking expansion that is likely. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by David Wilensky the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. There was Board discussion of what the boundaries for the proposed zoning might be. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Francis Johnson, the Board voted unanimously to recommend that City Council rezone parcel 1 only from SR to GI. 8:00 PM Keith Wilson opened the continuation of the public hearing on the Meadows Land Use Plan. Marilyn Richards provided summary of process. Teri Anderson spoke in favor of changes to plan. Staff read the changes. Maria Tymoscko, 38 Pomeroy Terrace, stated her concern about offsite comp storage banking. She suggested that under the business development section that residents should be consulted in 3rd bullet under policies. Bob Bacon, airport owner, spoke in favor of plan with new language. Suzanne Beck, Chamber rep. stated Chamber’s support for plan. Garret Stover 55 Fairview stated his concern about absence of Cons Comm in the discussion. Alexander Dawson, 2 West Street, Hadley encouraged adoption of plan. 2 Jack Finn, King Street. Spoke in favor of the process and urged the Board to recognize that this is still floodplain. Elizabeth Parker, 21 Cross Path Road voiced her concern about access for emergency vehicles during major events at the Fairgrounds. Cynthia Mello 135 Riverbank Road spoke in favor. Gerry Budgar, 127 Bridge Street urged Board to adopt plan tonight. Ed Hagelstein, 171 Nonotuck Road, in Florence spoke in favor of the plan and stated interest for a plan for the rest of the city. City Councilor Dostal recommended the Board to vote in support of plan changes. Lisa Osepowitz, 23 Golden Drive. Raised concerns about process and the business interests involved. Bruce Hart 13 Meadow Avenue, stated that he no longer supported the plan because the intent has changed to focus on growth. Wayne Thibault, 830 Chesterfield Road raised a concern about not being able to build on his property along Riverbank Road. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Bill Letendre the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. David Wilensky stated his opposition to the changes. Upon motion by Bill Letendre and second by Francis Johnson the Board voted 7-1 (David Wilensky) to adopt the plan with changes to add residents to Business Development Policy. Staff announced the Flood Hazard Grant application. Paul Voss left meeting due to conflict of interest with next applicant. 9:15 PM Keith Wilson opened a request by the Trustees of Smith College for Site Plan Approval to construct a 140,000± square foot engineering building at 100 Green St, Northampton, Map IDs 31D-46, 47, 48, 57, 58, 62, 66, 88. Keith Wilson described public hearing process. Ed Etheredge, began applicant presentation and requested a reduction in required parking. 3 Carol Christ, Smith College President, described the engineering program and its physical space needs. She described the relationship of this program to others on campus. Christine White Ziggler, faculty member, described the need for science and lab space. She identified local and regional impacts of research conducted by students at Smith. Natalie Gentile, project architect, described details of the building and its location to the existing science quadrangle. She described the height of building and interior height space requirements. Mike Gagnon, Fuss & O’Neill Inc, consulting engineers, described utilities and stormwater management and described the planted roof. John Dietrich, Fuss & O’Neill, described traffic study. No tractor trailer truck deliveries would be made to the building. All deliveries are those that are currently being delivered to existing science buildings. Trailers will deliver to Physical plant where smaller trucks would then distribute to appropriate locations. Bill Letendre asked about parking meters and Green Street during construction. Dietrich stated that two meters will need to be removed to add an entrance for the truck “lay down” area. He stated that all 11 meters on Belmont will be permanently removed and parking spots relocated. The college is request that no parking be allowed in the future on Belmont. Bill Letendre asked about all the parking lots that will be removed. Dietrich stated that most spots are used by Smith Central Services which will be moved to new location. Others are associated with uses that will be demolished. Joan Barberet, 200 Federal St., Florence asked for clarification of the status of the application approval. Ken Mitchell, 43 West Street stated his support of the science building project, but questioned the location and the impact of the full buildout. Betsy Siersma, Northampton Housing Partnership, read a letter from the Partnership. She request that waivers not be granted to Smith until plans are in place to replace 26 units with similar size and quality that are lost. Joel Saxe, 2 West Street stated his concern about promises made for $3 Million pledged by Smith. He asked that the Board continue the hearing until commitments for the long term build out are made. Naomi Graychase, resident asked whether the building served a legitimate public municipal purpose? She suggested that the cost to the community is too large and stated her concern about the loss of affordable housing. Perry Kittredge, 28 Green St asked about parking and the low figure for the net increase of 10 people Ellen Dibble 43 West Steet, supports plan, but asks for better communication. She stated a concern about parking lot allocated for existing residents. 4 Suzanne Beck, 51 Henshaw Ave, stated the Greater Northampton Area Chamber’s support of the plan. She advocated for Smith as a major employer in town to have a housing relocation plan. Ed Hagelstein, 179 Nonotuck St suggested the building should be constructed on the state hospital. Jonathan Black, 21 Belmont Ave, supports housing partnership statements. He stated that a viable neighborhood will be demolished with no concrete plans of replacement of the housing units. Mike Kurby, 17 Summer Street, read site plan approval requirements and described how this project doesn’t meet the standards. Missy Wick, 59 Massasoit Street, asked if there were any current protections for affordability on the residential units in the neighborhood. Joseph Prochinski 43 West Street, stated opposition to the project. He voiced his concerned about process and lack of communication and movement toward agreement by Smith. He expressed his opinion that the building is out of scale with the site and neighborhood. He identified issues and zoning requirements that he felt have not been addressed including heights, parking, and site coverage and asked for better explanation of how the project meets these standards. Gretchen Shiner, 32 Bedford Terrace and architecture professor spoke of issues of scale and architecture details and support of project in its context. Daryl LaFleur, South Street, suggested that the existing lack of parking is a concern and the new project will increase this problem. He asked that the Board continue the discussion so these could be addressed. Richard Abuza, Chestnut Street Florence, stated his support for the application. He requested that impacts be minimized particularly as they relate to the construction period. He suggested conditions for hours of construction, parking for contractors, staging delivery areas and timing and addressing the existing parking problem. Susan Voss 89 Ridgewood Terrace, and of Smith’s engineering program stated that there never had been a problem parking. Additionally, she stated that the building represents expanded square footage per faculty member, therefore no need to increase parking. Teri Anderson, Mayor's Office of Economic Development stated that this project was important for Smith and had broad implications for the city and neighborhood. She spoke about design principals and the Goody Clancy report and stated that additional clarification of principals needs to be made. She urged the Board to continue the hearing in order for staff to work with Smith on clarification. Board discussed parking requirements and lot coverage. The Board asked questions of Dietrich on sidewalks. Dietrich described pedestrian signs being added. The Board discussed necessary additional submittals. Keith Wilson asked about mechanical noise. 5 6 Natalie Gentile indicated that all mechanicals are enclosed, except for exhaust fans and that noise would be attenuated. Bill Letendre suggested that Smith hire a highly accountable construction manager for the project. Keith Wilson asked about the planted roof. Natalie Gentile described the roof. George Kohout asked about handicap parking. Gentile stated that it would be located in the Dickinson Lot. George Kohout asked about utility pole removal. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Bill Letendre the board voted unanimously to continue hearing to 8 pm on August 25, 2005. Technical Submittals required one month before hearing continuation: 1. Update on status of development agreement. 2. Further analysis of parking requirements for the building 3. Justification why 20% reduction in parking is warranted. 4. Expanded traffic study for impacts beyond Green Street and Arnold, etc. 5. Proposed mitigation for safe pedestrian access from the parking garage to the new building, including traffic calming on West Street. 6. Assessment of impacts of road discontinuance and proposed easements to the City and how many properties this would effect. 7. Detail showing location of 2-way portion of Belmont and its affect on traffic flows. Signage to implement this. 8. Clarify ability for Smith to accommodate required spaces for construction contractors, showing designated parking areas and truck holding area. 9. Obtain stormwater permit from Department of Public Works. 10. Assessment of downgradient storm drain impacts and determination of whether there are combined storm/sanitary lines into which this building is connecting. Analysis of sewer line beyond manhole at Ahwaga. 11. More detail on utility tunnels required under Green Street meeting minimum cover requirements for Department of Public Works. There is a minimum 5’ cover required, not 4’. 12. Detail location of dumpster. 13. decibel analysis for exhaust fans on roof. Show they meet zoning standards. Other items: NH Coop Bank—note from abutters would suffice for plan change. Dunphy Drive Letter of Credit Release. Ken Jodrie moved deny based on information regarding the tree planting. Jennifer Dieringer second. Unanimous. NH State Hospital Tree Protection Plan - Discussion of Cardinal way release.—staff indicated that it was not ready. The board voted unanimously to approve the May 12 minutes with one minor change to page 2. 12 adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday July 28, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 8 PM Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: ; Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 6:55 PM Jay Girard presented issues with trees at Northampton State Hospital. City required roots to be cut cleanly by Tuesday afternoon or else all trees must be replaced that are effected exposure. There shall be no covenants released until trees have been replaced with like caliper per caliper. 7:20 P.M Keith Wilson opened a request by Jim Boyle Jr, and Ellen Boyle for special permit amendment for a common driveway at 329, 345, 347, 355, 367 Rocky Hill Rd, Florence, Map Id 37-121, 122. Carolyn Misch explained project and reason for amendment. Jim Boyle described amendment. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Kohout, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to approve amendment allowing common driveway to access only lots 1 and 3 and prohibit access to lot 4 from the common driveway. Require the surveyed plans to be stamped by an engineer with a statement that the driveway prior to CO was constructed in accordance with the approved plan. 7:30 P.M Keith Wilson opened a continuation of a request by Dianne Reil for Site Plan Approval to create a common driveway at 503 Riverside Dr, Northampton, Map ID 23C-27. George Kohout clarified that he had missed the previous hearing. There was discussion that the applicant would have to discuss all issues with new plan. Since plan has changed entirely, board agreed that there would be a quorum with George. Jim Harrity presented new plans for common driveway. Charles Ksieniewicz, 241 King St. representing Ravish’s stated opposition to common driveway. 1 2 There was discussion and clarification of fire access. Board asked for information and record of an existing possible 3rd house connected to the driveway. Board suggested that screening should be added to buffer lights on abutting property. New plans with drainage should be submitted showing Reil as applicant and Harrity as owner. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Kohout, the board voted unanimously to Continue to Sept 22 at 7:30 pm. To address: a. Plans should be revised and stamped by an engineer that show driveway meets the requirements in section 5.2 of the Zoning Ordinance and that the driveway is designed to keep all drainage on site, pitched away from street and away from abutting property. (509 Riverside) b. Provide draft easement language for shared maintenance of the driveway. c. Applicant should look at possible landscaping solutions to block impact of headlights. d. Clarify ability for fire access to proposed rear structure. e. Determine status of driveway to 517 Riverside to determine permitting, width ect. f. Amend application with City Clerk to show new applicant/owner status. 8:30 P.M Keith Wilson opened request by Forish Construction Co., Inc for site plan amendment to change the screening and location of the dumpster and the lighting at 293 King St. (Honda), Northampton, Map ID 24B-68. Eric Forish from Forish Construction made the request. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to close hearing. Keith Wilson identified error in plan and requested board approved moving of dumpster and not what’s shown on WHOLE plan. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to approve the dumpster relocation and screening as shown on plans. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to deny lighting amendment. 8:50 P.M. Keith Wilson opened request by Robert Bacon and the Northampton Airport to amend a site plan to add a curb cut at 152 Cross Path Rd, Northampton, Map ID 25-1, 15, 16, 17, 19, 71, 53, 26-1. Tom Jenkins described request. Board discussed the total curb cuts from Cross Path. (total of 4). Lyle Haggerty, 41 Cross Path spoke in favor. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to close hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to approve. This new access will enhance reduce internal site conflicts by providing direct access to the new hangars. Approve amendment to site plan for this addition only. 8:55 P.M Keith Wilson opened request by the Department of Public Works/George Andrikidis, Director for site plan approval to construct a 6,600 square foot salt storage facility at 125 Locust St, Northampton, Map ID 23B-14. George Andrikidis, director of Department of Public Works, described the need. The Department of Public Works has a lead leaching problem. Doug McDonald described stormwater management plans. Henry Kowalski 35 Hatfield Street, stated support for shed location. Alex Ghiselin, Ward Councilor, 164 Riverside Dr. spoke in support of location and project. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to approve the site plan for a 6,600 square foot salt shed. Other: Rezonings- Meadows, Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Kohout the board voted unanimously to co-sponsor the Meadows zonings. Discussion of Central Business heights of 65’. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Kohout the board voted unanimously to sponsor increase in heights. AIA grant- Wayne Feiden spoke about team assessment. Lighting- Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by George Kohout, the Board voted to sponsor the ordinance and suggested it go to EDHLU subcommittee first. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to deny requests to close out Cardinal Way subdivision. Minutes—Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson, the board voted unanimously to approve May 26, June 9, 23 minutes. 10:45 adjourn 3 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday August 25, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer Out William “Bill” Letendre Out David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member 8:40 , Associate Member Staff: ; Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M.( Hearing Room 18, City Hall, 210 Main Street) Keith Wilson and John Body opened a joint public hearing with the Conservation Commission to discuss Open Space and Recreation Plan. The boards determined that they needed more time to review the plan and would set a separate date for review. 7:30 P.M Keith Wilson and Michael Bardsley opened a joint public hearing with City Council Ordinance Committee to amend the Zoning Ordinance §6.8(4) to allow municipally owned water tanks that exceed 20% of the lot and have property setbacks less than the height by Site Plan Approval from the Planning Board. After discussion, the Board voted unanimously to recommed approval of the ordinance. 8:20 P.M. (in Council Chambers 212 Main Street) Keith Wilson opened discussion of the Smith College continuation. Board discussed issues still pending and the concern about an adequate quorum. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the Board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to Sept 22 at 8 PM. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to reduce the letter of credit request as signed off by Ned for The Ridge. The Board discussed Plantation at West Farms Keith Wilson recused himself for discussion of frontage for Northern Avenue parcel. Staff discussed the Northern Avenue project. 1 2 Keith Wilson returned. The Board set the Sept 29th meeting for discussion of the Open Space Plan. The Board briefly discussed the Smith/City development agreement. 9:30 P.M Keith Wilson opened a request by Northampton Community Cooperative Market (River Valley Market) for Special Permit and Site Plan Approval to construct a 15,270+ square foot retail establishment on North King St., Northampton, Map ID 13-38. Andrea Avayzia, co-owner of retail cooperative spoke. Peter Wells, applicant’s consultant, described the plans and showed perspectives with abutting property and shading. Chuck Boumby (Plan B retail), architect, went over LEED silver design. Grant for green building construction. He described the architectural elevations. Tom Duffy, 415 Prospect Street, member owner spoke in favor. Jason Niles, abutter on 360 N. King Street stated support for project but also voiced concern about protection of the ledge. Requested a land swap. Teri Anderson, economic development coordinator spoke in favor of project. Wayne Feiden asked about concrete walk and cart storage, The Board discussed conditions. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to approve special permit and site plan with conditions. 11 P.M adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday September 8, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: ; Planning Director, Wayne Feiden Left 8:20 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 8:20 7:00 P.M. (Opened in Wayne Feiden’s office) Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously to support CPA. 8:30 P.M. Keith Wilson opened Request by James Harrity for Site Plan Approval to create a common driveway to serve 2 lots at 503 Riverside Dr., Northampton, Map ID 23C-27 Jim Harrity described project and plan to eliminate all easements with Ravish. Charles Sienewiz, representing the Ravishes, stated that most of the issues had been resolved. The applicant will plant Arborvitae (6’ upon planting). All drainage will be maintained in perpetuity. Peter Ravish, 65 South Mill River Rd, S.Deerfield Road described concerns Tessy Emm, 541 Riverside Drive, asked about ultimate plan. Robert Tiboitz, Riverside Drive raised concern about the driveway Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by David Wilensky, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to approve permit with conditions. Keith Wilson opened discussion of Street acceptance for Fairway and Autumn Drive Marianne LaBarge provided list of streets in her ward. 1 2 Tony Patillo, resident of Autumn Drive described the request. Jim Zura 22 Autumn Drive spoke in favor. Edward Judge 30 Autumn Drive spoke in favor. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by David Wilensky the Board voted unanimously to recommend street acceptance for Fairway and Autumn. The Board discussed CDH stormwater changes and the Big Y roundabout. 9:45 adjourn The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday September 22, 2005 First Churches 129 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer 5 William “Bill” Letendre Left 7:45 5 David Wilensky 8:10 PM 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member Left 8:50 PM , Associate Member Staff: ; Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:10 P.M. Keith Wilson opened Joint Hearing (Bardsley, LaBarge, Richards) on Zoning Amendments to Implement the Meadows Land Use Plan Marilyn Richards gave statement of introduction and overview of the process and proposed changes. Bob Reckman, President of Ward 3 Neighborhood Association spoke in support. Carolyn Misch went over specifics of the proposed zoning changes. Keith Wilson opened the hearing to public. Dimensional changes – Wayne Thibault, 830 Chesterfied Rd. stated his concern about the restriction on no new houses/uses. He also stated a concern about the “loss of right” to build. Joe Wilhelm, representing Bill Blizniak stated concern change from SR to SC is a concern. Teri Anderson, Mayor's Office of Economic Development, distributed memo from Mayor based on recommendation by EDHLU committee regarding public process envisioned for any changes that might be proposed to zoning/plan in future. Maria Tymoscko, 28 Pomeroy Terrace stated that the SR area is mostly farms and disputed Wilhelm’s comments. She raised questions about §6.2. Lyle Haggerty, Cross Path Road stated concern about eliminating lots for development. Teri Anderson stated that Fair is giving up development. Bill Blizniak, neighbor to Fair asked to be excluded from zone change. 1 2 Gerry Budgar, 27 Bridge Street clarified impact of I-91 in reducing flood storage capacity and spoke in favor of proposed changes. Lisa Woolery, 10 Riverbank spoke in favor. George Kohout asked about changes and effect outside the meadows. Carolyn Misch described other changes to the Watershed Protection district. Marianne LaBarge voiced concern about property being “taken”. Tymoscko clarified her concerns. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Ordinance Committee voted to close official hearing. There was a board discussion about issues raised by public about “rights” Ordinance Committee announced their October 11 meeting. Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the package. David Wilensky abstained. 8:47 P.M. Keith Wilson opened a continuation of a request by Dianne Reil/Jim Harrity for common driveway at 503 Riverside Dr., Northampton, MA. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to allow withdrawal without prejudice. 8:50 P.M. Keith Wilson opened a request by Kerry C. Homstead for a Special Permit to construct within 3' of seasonal high ground water at 412 North Farms Rd., Northampton, MA, Map ID 7-67. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to Oct 27 at 7 PM. 8:55 P.M Keith Wilson opened the Smith College continuation and discussed issues from the June hearing. Ed Etheredge, representing Smith College spoke to technical requirements and gave an overview. Mike Gagnon, Fuss & O’Neill, described sanitary and storm drainage. Charlie Wyola, construction consultant, discussed phasing of construction. Staff summarized letter from Alan Seewald. Ed Etheredge spoke to the issue of deeded easement and action in land court. Richard Abuzza 245 Chestnut Street stated concern about procedure of letter submitted. Chris Kennedy, Bratton Ct. stated concern about development agreement and about the procedure to approve the agreement. Mostly he voiced an issue about the zoning overlay and densities identified. Mayor Clare Higgins, clarified the reason for the development agreement and summarized the agreement. Naomi Graychase, 5 Orchard Street, read letter into the record in opposition to engineering building and its bulk. She requested that the Board deny the project and reject Dover. Joan Barbiech, Federal Street, spoke against Arnold Avenue discontinuance, as well as other aspects of project. Leslie Fraedstern, 22 Calvin Terrace spoke against the project and took issue with the Board’s ability to deliberate objectively. Ellen Dibble, 43 West St. Apt 9. voiced concern about “affordable housing” replacement. Joel Saxe, 2 West St, disputed city’s stance relative to the project and argued that the Board and the City should deny the project and require better project from Smith. Jacqueline Misa 95 West Street raised issues about inconsistencies in statements made by Smith regarding traffic impacts and number of faculty and staff. She read a letter written to the city council regarding impacts of the development agreement on the City and neighborhoods. Michelle Letendre, 100 Hinkley St, Florence stated her opposition to the plan and concern about relationship between Smith and the Neighborhood. She voiced concern about the loss of affordable rental units. Emily Powers Talbot House stated disappointment at Smith’s lack of communication with students. Ken Mitchell 43 West Street spoke in opposition. Burg, 85 Market Street, voiced her concern about the relationship between the Mayor and Smith, and stated that the voice of students has not been heard. Daryl Lafleur 244 South Street, read letter regarding Dover requirements and quoted Vision 2020 and Downtown plan recommendations. Joseph Krucynski 43 West Street. Submitted graphics for the record. He argued that the project does not meet site plan approval criteria. He suggested the Board should delay approval until more information is provided. Richard Abuzza, 245 Chestnut Street, argued that board should not close the hearing until the issue of the easement is resolved. John Black 21 Belmont #2, read a letter into record. Chris Kennedy 21 Bratton Ct. stated that the board should not rule on a development agreement at this phase. Perry Kittredge , asked for clarification on parking calculations and the required analysis. He raised issues about pedestrian safety on Arnold and loss of parking on Belmont as well as vehicle impacts in 2- way section of Belmont. He asked that consideration be given to impacts for Green St. Café during demolition. Mike Kirby 17 Summer St, spoke in opposition. Megan Mcrobert Smith student spoke against. Tris Metcalf 142 Main St, Northampton. Suggested relocation of 66. 3 4 Jackie Misa reiterated Smith’s statement at ZBA. Elsa Vitols, Federal St. and owner of 16 Arnold Ave requested the board continue the hearing until easement issue is resolved. David Wilensky asked if Vitols currently has access to Belmont? Vitols said pedestrian access is available. Diane Riddle- stated concern about impacts of science lab materials on air quality. John Black stated that easement next to Vitols is used by neighborhood residents. Adam Shaw, spoke in opposition to project. Trisha Ness 22 Belmont, asked why buildings were necessary to demolish. Leslie Fraedstern, urged the board to deny the project. Ken Mitchell, asked why Smith couldn’t build a 2 story building with a larger footprint? David Wilensky stated concern about separating parking out from this permit. There was a discussion of procedure. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. 12:45- Board discussed request to sign off Plantation at West Farms. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to approve sign off except sewage, signs, buffer. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday September 29, 2005 Hearing Room 18, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer William “Bill” Letendre 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member Left 9:45 PM , Associate Member Staff: ; Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:00 P.M. Keith Wilson opened meeting and discussion of the open space plan. Wayne Feiden provided update on Conservation Commission vote. George Kohout stressed support for plan but stated a concern about resources necessary to implement the plan. Wayne Feiden described the data inputs for the plan. Paul Voss commented on need to address non-vehicular connection within sustainability plan that is not emphasized in the open space plan. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by David Wilensky the Board voted unanimously to adopt the open space plan. Wayne Feiden provided update on the AIA October agenda. 7:15 P.M. Keith Wilson opened request by Douglas Kohl for Subdivision Amendment to the "Oaks", Amendment to a cluster Special Permit and request for Special Permit with Site Plan to add two flag lots with a common driveway and reduction in lot size for land dedication for property at 286 and 288 Burts Pit Rd., Map ID 36-68, Florence, MA. Doug Kohl described the requested changes. The end results would be 1 more lot with 5 fewer units and a slightly greater area designated for open space. Kohl asked for a waiver from the requirement of clearing 60’ wide right of way. The request stems from narrowing a tree belt to limit wetland buffer impact. The area would be from station 32+00 32+50 for tree/wetland buffer area. 1 1 David Wilensky asked why there is a reduction in duplex lots? Kohl stated that duplex lots are larger and making them single family allowed redistribution of lot areas. Francis Johnson asked about total number of lots. Discussion of school bus bench location. Staff clarified. Lissa Lampron, 584 Burts Pitt Road spoke in favor of changes and read letter from Councilor LaBarge(in support). Ron Hall, 30 Diamond Court, asked about layout and size of new flag lots. Concerned about proximity to lots. Lampron asked about relocating the school bus stop. George Kohout asked about the duplex houses and loss of units that may have implication of affordability. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to close hearing. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to approve the changes with conditions: Approve waiver for clearing right of way between stated stations. Applicant may substitute existing tree cover for required planting in accordance with the rules. 1. All amended plans and permits shall be recorded prior to alteration of roadway alignment. 2. Signs indicating “permanent easement”/potential paved future bike/ped trail” with final language shall be approved by Office of Planning and Development shall be posted prior to the first lot sale or issuance of the first building permit. The permanent signs shall be maintained permanently by the homeowner’s association. The homeowner’s association documents shall be revised and recorded to include this requirement. The trail alignment shall be blazed across the driveway. 3. Easements for the public to pass and repass in the designated open space and along the future trail access shall be granted and recorded prior to issuance of first building permit. 4. Prior to issuance of the first building permit, the location of the school bus shelter shall be confirmed on a revised plan submitted to the Office of Planning and Development. The location shall only change if the Northampton School Department finds that the relocation is appropriate. 5. Prior to sale of any lots or issuance of any building permits, the CR language for the open space shall be approved by the city and recorded at the Registry. 8:05 P.M. Keith Wilson opened request by Steve Raso for Site Plan Approval to create additional curb cuts at 737 Bridge Rd, Map ID 18C-48, Northampton, MA. Mark McCluskey of Huntley Associates, applicant’s consultant provided a project overview. The applicant requested a waiver from submission of lighting plan. Ken Jodrie asked about the number of employees, parking areas and visitor parking. Staff asked about lighting changes. Steve Susco 754 Bridge Rd. stated concerns about defects in notice of hearing. Not noticed with 14 days. He stated his concerns about the specificity of the legal ad. He raised other issues relating to the status of the board and previous permit issued. 2 2 He asked for a buffer on Bridge Road frontage of the property similar to other property boundaries and stated concern about light trespass and views of the parking lot. McCluskey clarified proposed stormwater system with reductions in 10+ year event. Paul Voss stated desires for changes to site plan that would be more sensitive to the neighborhood with a bike path or sidewalk connection to Prospect Street. The applicant should look at demand management as well. Keith Wilson stated that the left turn into the westerly drive was not appropriate. Ken Jodrie stated a concern about double curb cuts on Bridge Road. He stated that only one should result in the relocation. Paul Voss stated concerns about changes as drawn on plan submission. David Wilensky raised concern about the number of desired new parking spaces (60) spaces. Keith Wilson clarified with the applicant the need for a number of parking spaces corresponding with the number of employees working when the facility is operating at capacity. Raso described the Nursing Home’s needs. Susco provided suggestions. Joel Saxe, 2 West Street, stated desire for planning for public transit to minimize need for additional parking. Paul Voss asked for curbs to be redesigned to require slower access to site in order to minimize conflicts to sidewalk. Keith Wilson described the issues with plan. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson to continue to Oct 27 at 7:30 in Council Chambers. 9:50 P.M. Keith Wilson opened a request by Fuss & O'Neill, Inc. for a special permit to construct a dormitory (Ada Comstock) on Prospect St., Map ID 31B-223, Northampton, MA. Ed Etheredge, provided overview. Gary Hartwell described the apartment units/dorm for Adas with children and a common area. Mike Gagnon, Fuss & O’Neill (consultants) detailed the site development and changes. Tom Douglas, applicant’s architect, described the layout of individual rooms. He Described the “green” elements that will qualify for Energy Star including insulation and window insulations. Jonathan Black 21 Belmont Avenue asked about the size of building. Douglas responded that it would be 13,000 (including mechanical) and 10 units. (750 square feet per unit.) Chris Kennedy 21 Bratton Ct. stated support for the building including scale and height. Ellen Dibble 43 West Street, asked about solar panels. George Kohout asked about drainage and mitigation of sheet flow to playground. 3 3 4 4 Gagnon stated collection of flow would occur through downspouts to the playground, which will attenuate up to the 25 year peak flows. Board discussed the number of trees to be removed vs. the ones to be saved. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second David Wilensky the board voted unanimously to approve the permit with conditions. 10:45 PM The Board deliberated about the Smith Engineering School and discussed Smith College Engineering approval criteria with conditions. Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to approve site plan as discussed. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday October 27, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: ; Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 7:40 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:10 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the continuation of a request by Kerry Homstead for a special permit at 412 N. Farms Rd. . Staff read request for continuance. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to continue the hearing to Jan 12 at 7 PM. 7:15 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the request by Todd Marchefka for a special permit for an existing lodging house and to add a multi-family unit at 74 Bridge St., Map ID 32A-177, Northampton, MA. Staff gave overview. Marchefka described the project. Staff discussed conditions. 1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the applicant must submit revised plans showing a) accurate location of relocated detached garage at a 15’ side setback and 20’ rear setback; b) interior floor plans with bath and kitchen space eliminated from the “office and storage” units; c) plans labeled that show 7 lodging units in the main building and 1 apartment unit in the garage. d) Water and sewer plans need to be approved by Department of Public Works. e) 2. “office and storage” may only be associated with existing uses on premises. 1 2 Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Paul Voss the board voted unanimously to approve with conditions discussed and with waivers. 7:30 PM Keith Wilson opened continuation of a request by Steve Raso for Site Plan Approval to create additional curb cuts at Northampton Nursing Home, 737 Bridge Rd, Map ID 18C-48, Northampton, MA. Staff read issues from previous meeting. Mark McClusky, representing the applicant, described the site and changes. He described justification for two access points and safety issues. Board discussed traffic movements. Curt Thomas, neighbor asked about installation of a traffic signal and raised concern about widening and traffic speeds. Millian Kahn, neighbor stated a concern about the widening of Bridge Road and read a letter from Vivian Crock, neighbor. Steve Susco presented concerns. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie, the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Paul Voss the board denied the motion for site plan approval. (Keith Wilson voted in favor). There was a discussion of Cardinal Way. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to recommend street acceptance. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to approve the minor amendment to Hockanum Road to allow a 4’ wide path, moved to Railroad side. The Board stated need to keep the Kary Street connection. There was a discussion of the sustainable plan process. Staff presented the Gantt chart for the process and set Nov 14 at 6 pm as a special meeting. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday November 10, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann 5 David Wilensky Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: ; Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch City Council Ordinance Committee: ; Michael Bardsley 5 Marianne LaBarge 5 Marilyn Richards 7:05 P.M. Keith Wilson opened joint public hearing with Council Ordinance Committee an amendment to the Northampton Zoning Ordinance to create an Educational Use Overlay District generally bordered by Elm St, West St, Kensington Ave, Round Hill Rd, State St, and the Mill River. Changes require a zoning map amendment in §3.3 and an amendment to §§5.2 and 6.2 for uses and dimensional requirements. Wayne Feiden described proposed zoning changes. Bardsley asked for clarification of zoning package. Mayor Higgins spoke about process and interest in creating development agreement. Janet Sheppard, City Solicitor, spoke about legal issues. Boards asked questions of Sheppard. Naomi Graychase, asked about design standards. Joan Barberich, asked about number of cases related to Dover. Chris Kennedy contested Sheppard’s interpretation. Jaqueline Misa asked Sheppard to rebut. Joseph Krusyncki asked Sheppard questions. Mike Kirby spoke against zoning. 1 2 Ellen Dibble spoke. Edward Etheredge, spoke about process. Joel Saxe spoke against. Pat Goggins spoke in favor. Sedonia Dalby spoke in favor Jack Fortier spoke in favor of change Rob Assberg spoke in favor. Dorrie Weinberger spoke in favor. Naomi Gray chase Jackie Misa Ken Mitchell spoke against. Richard Abuzza read a statement from the Housing Partnership. Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to close the hearing. The Board voted unanimously to adjourn. The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Monday November 14, 2005 Hearing Room 18, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 George Kohout 5 Kenneth Jodrie 7:15 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann 5 David Wilensky 5 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: ; Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:10 P.M. Keith Wilson opened the discussion on the site plan changes for The Community builders at the State Hospital for the renovation of the two buildings. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Paul Voss, the board voted unanimously to allow a portion of the planned sidewalks to be constructed in stone dust with full concrete construction to occur within five years backed by a bond. The board discussed the sustainable planning process and the series of meetings for the early spring. The Board adjourned at 8:20 PM. 1 The Northampton Planning Board Minutes of Meeting Thursday December 8, 2005 Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members Present: Time 5 Chair, Keith Wilson 5 Vice Chair, Francis “Frandy” Johnson 5 George Kohout Kenneth Jodrie 5 Jennifer Dieringer 5 Fran Volkmann 5 David Wilensky 7:10 Paul Voss, Associate Member , Associate Member Staff: ; Planning Director, Wayne Feiden 5 Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch 7:05 P.M. Keith Wilson opened Request by Beals and Thomas, Inc. for Amendment to Phase I Definitive Subdivision at Village at Hospital Hill, Prince Street, Northampton, Map 38A-001. Dave LaPointe, Beals and Thomas presented changes. There was a discussion of preservation of historic buildings on the campus. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Fran Volkmann, the Board voted unanimously to close the hearing. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Fran Volkmann, the Board voted unanimously to amend the Subdivision with a condition that a letter, stamped by a Professional Engineer, indicating that the change in stormwater in negligible. _____________ Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted unanimously to reduce the “Ridge” letter of credit. To $248,888. _____________ Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Francis Johnson the board voted unanimously to release all letters for Plantation and sign off of subdivision. _____________ Upon motion by David Wilensky and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted unanimously to reduce White Oak Woods letter from $50,000 to $5,000 until spring trees come up. _____________ Wayne Feiden discussed housing partnership. Board recommended Fran Volkmann to be planning Board rep on housing partnership. Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by David Wilensky, the board voted unanimously to appoint George Kohout to be PVPC rep. The Board discussed sustainable plan questions. Board deferred minutes to next meeting. Discussion of public hearing procedures. 1